From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 138 Cryptozoology research is completed and enters the final testing stage

After Ye Fei obtained Tian Yong's authorization, he could view all blockchain documents in the Mathematical Society's library online.

Documents in the Mathematical Society can be viewed at different levels according to the status of members of the Mathematical Society.

The higher the status, the more important the documents that can be read.

Mathematics will divide documents into four grades: A, B, C, and D.

Group members can be rated as D-level, individual members can be rated as C-level, honorary members can be rated as B-level, and positions above the vice chairman can be rated as A-level.

There are four levels of blockchain literature, with D being the most and A being the least.

In the society, the higher the position, not only the greater status and power, but also the access to more important documents and contact with more powerful bosses.

Because of this, everyone wants to climb up.

In the following time, Ye Fei would read literature whenever he had free time.

Time flies by quietly, the Spring Festival has passed in a blink of an eye, and it’s mid-February!

Zhonghu University, Number Theory Group Office!

Ye Fei looked at his team members and smiled: "Everyone, how has your research been going in the past half month?

Last month, Ye Fei returned to Zhonghu University. Members of his number theory team were on the verge of proving Serre's conjecture in modular form.

Sometimes, Ye Fei himself laments that it is really important for the number theory group to have him or not.

Look, the modular form has been studied for more than half a year. His cryptography research is almost over, but the members of the number theory team have not yet proven the modular form.

If he were here, it might take three or four months to prove all the problems with the model.

Of course, Ye Fei would not blame the people in the number theory group. Ye Fei knew his situation.

He is a systematic person, and naturally others cannot compare with him.

In fact, Ye Fei may have always done research very quickly, so he didn't understand the sufferings of the world.

It is normal to study a mathematical problem for several years.

The model form has only been studied for half a year, and more than half of it has been proved, which is already very fast.

Amata said: "The verification of the correctness of the projective representation was just completed yesterday."

According to the research direction given by Ye Fei, Serre conjecture is studied in four parts, namely Serre series, Serre weight, correctness verification of linear representation and correctness verification of projective representation.

Ye Feidao: "So you have completed Serre's conjecture?"

"Yeah!" Amata nodded: "Yes."

Ye Feidao: "Come, tell me about the entire research on Serre's conjecture. I'll see if there are any problems in your research. If there are any problems, I can help you correct them."

"Han Dong, tell me."

"Okay!" Han Dong said.

After speaking, Han Dong walked to the whiteboard, picked up a pen and wrote on the whiteboard, explaining Serre's conjecture to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei's brain was running along with his explanation, and he pointed out some mistakes from time to time.

After a long time, Ye Fei said: "There are almost no big mistakes. There are just some small flaws in these places. You guys can correct them."

"Okay, team leader!" everyone said.

Ye Feidao: "You can write the Serre conjecture as a paper and try to publish it in some top journals."

"Top journal?" members of the number theory team were surprised.

They have more or less published papers to top journals before.

But that was just a fantasy, I thought maybe I could get through it!

Not surprisingly, they all failed.

The four top journals in mathematics are Annual Review of Mathematics, New Advances in Mathematics, Journal of Mathematics, and Journal of the Beili National Mathematical Society.

The difficulty of passing the review is very high, and it is difficult for ordinary people to pass.

At Zhonghu University, only a handful of professors have papers published in top journals.

Even looking at the country, there are very few, maybe only seven or eight papers that can enter the new advances in mathematics every year.

Sometimes there are not even seven or eight articles.

You know, from the end of the last century to the present, Xia Guo has only had hundreds of papers included in New Advances in Mathematics.

But as long as it is included, it will arouse the envy of many people, and the school will hang up the banner for a month to show off.

People who publish papers also have very beautiful experiences on their resumes.

Someone asked: "Team leader, can we succeed?"

Ye Feidao: "You write the paper, and then I will help you polish it. It will pass the review of new advances in mathematics. There is no problem at all."

"New progress in mathematics!" Everyone was excited.

New Advances in Mathematics is the most difficult journal among the four top journals, except for the Annual Journal of Mathematics.

It can be said that among all journals in the field of mathematics, New Advances in Mathematics ranks second in difficulty.

At the same time, most of the papers published by Xia Guo mathematicians in top journals were on new advances in mathematics.

Therefore, New Advances in Mathematics is the sacred place in the hearts of those who study mathematics in Xia Guo. Many people in the field of mathematics dream of having their papers included in New Advances in Mathematics.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Don't be so excited. In fact, it's not as difficult as you think."

Everyone looked at Ye Fei speechlessly. Isn't it difficult to top the magazine?

Yes, it's not difficult for you.

But it is very difficult for us.

Ye Feidao: "In order to give each of you a chance, you can divide the work and work together to write the paper. Everyone has to write, and then everyone will be the same author."

A work can be one person or multiple people.

However, if there are multiple authors working together, when the paper is published, it will be marked as the joint first author and the first author has equal contribution, or has the same contribution, or similar words.

"Okay!" Everyone said enthusiastically.

Ye Feidao: "Han Dong, please follow up on this matter. After you finish writing it, send it to my email address."

"Okay!" Han Dong said.

Ye Feidao: "Also, you can take this paper and try to apply for the award. After all, this is just a guess, maybe you can win the award!"

Someone asked: "Team leader, what award is appropriate to apply for? We have no experience in this area. You often win awards and have experience. Please tell us!"

"Yes, team leader, tell us!"

Ye Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Don't you usually study awards?"

Someone said: "If you don't study it, it's useless. Anyway, you won't win any prizes. What's the point of studying that thing?"

99% of mathematicians in the mathematics world will never win a prize in their lifetime.

One is that Xia Guo has few awards.

Second, the mathematics world is too complicated.

Third, it is very difficult to win the award.

Fourth, mathematics is very difficult, and it is even more difficult to win awards through mathematics.

"Okay!" Ye Feidao: "Then let me tell you."

"As we all know, the awards in each subject are divided into foreign awards and domestic awards."

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded.

"Foreign awards are divided into local awards and international awards in each country."

“The local awards of each country are awarded only to scholars from their own country, while the international awards are awarded to scholars from all countries around the world.”

“But it’s too difficult to win an international award, so don’t even think about foreign awards.”

"We just have to keep our eyes on the domestic prize."

"The domestic awards are divided into three types of awards."

"They are the Xia Guo Award, the Xia Guo International Award and the Chinese Award."

"The Xia Guo Award is awarded to the people of Xia Guo. The Xia Guo International Award was established by Xia Guo and is awarded to people from all countries in the world. The Chinese Award is awarded to Chinese people all over the world."

"Both the Xia Guo International Award and the Chinese Award are very difficult to win, so we only need to focus on the Xia Guo Award."

"The Xia Guo Prize is classified according to mathematics. There are many awards. In the field of number theory, the one that can win is the National Science and Technology Award."

"The National Science and Technology Award is divided into the National Highest Science and Technology Award, the National Natural Science Award, the National Technological Invention Award, the National Science and Technology Progress Award and the Xia Guo International Science and Technology Cooperation Award."

“In addition to the National Science and Technology Award, there are also the Hua Luogeng Award, the Chan Sing-shen Award and the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award.”

"Of these awards, only the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award is suitable for you. Don't even think about the other awards. There is no chance."

There are not many mathematics awards established by Xia Guo, and the few awards established are very difficult to win.

For the five awards in the National Science and Technology Awards, only those who have made significant contributions can win the award.

Take the National Natural Science Award for example. The first winner of this award was Hua Luogeng, who won the award for proving the function theory of multivariable complex variables in typical fields.

Someone else invented fully synthetic bovine insulin.

Someone has achieved significant results in the study of Goldbach's conjecture, which is helpful to the study of Goldbach's conjecture.

The National Natural Science Award is one of the five major awards of the National Science and Technology Award. The difficulty of winning the other four major awards is similar to that of the National Natural Science Award.

As you can imagine, it is very difficult to win the National Science and Technology Award.

"Only this one?" Everyone asked in surprise.

Ye Feidao: "Yes."

Everyone was helpless. With only this award, it would be much more difficult to win.

Some people lamented: "No wonder many people never win a prize in their lifetime. It turns out that winning a prize is so difficult."

"It's really amazing that the team leader can win an award. He has won five or six awards now!"

"No one else has won one, but he has won five or six awards at such a young age."

"Moreover, most of them were won in the past two years. He didn't apply for any awards in the past two years, so he didn't win."

"If you apply, you can definitely get some awards."

Ye Feidao: "It doesn't matter if you can't win a prize. Most people in the field of mathematics have not won a prize. Look at our college, how many teachers have won the prize?"

"There is no need to pursue awards too much. As long as you have the ability, it doesn't matter if you don't win."

"Awards are all fictitious, strength is king."

Everyone was speechless. You stood up and talked without hurting your back. You actually won several awards, but we didn't win a single award.

Of course, they also knew that Ye Fei was comforting them.

But this comfort is worse than no comfort at all. It’s really heartbreaking.

Ye Fei saw that his comfort didn't seem to work, and he felt helpless. He was really not suitable for comforting people.

Ye Feidao: "Okay, let me talk about the next research."

"The next step is the reduction reconstruction method of modular form and Galois representation calculation, which is also the final study of modular form."

"This part is divided into calculating the Ramanujan τ function and calculating the τk function."

"The first is the Ramanujan τ function..."

Ye Fei spent more than an hour explaining the research direction.

After a long time, Ye Fei said: "Okay, that's it. Do you have any questions?"

Many people raised their hands to ask questions, and Ye Fei answered them one by one.

After more than an hour, Ye Fei said: "Okay, I'm leaving."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Ye Fei stayed at Zhonghu University for one day and left the next morning.

Because cryptography research has reached the final stage, and the final stage is the busiest, he needs to go back as soon as possible and cannot stay at Zhonghu University for too long.

Chang'an University of Electronic Science and Technology Information Resources Research Center, Office!

Ye Fei, Nan Guodong and Cheng Jian were sitting in the office.

Nan Guodong said: "Our cryptography research has been almost completed, and now we are entering the testing phase."

"As long as there are no problems with the test, then the research is complete."

Ye Fei and Cheng Jian both nodded.

Ye Fei asked: "Academician Nan, how are you going to test this time? Should we ask other companies to test it?"

Nan Guodong shook his head and said: "I won't look for you this time, I will do it for real this time."

"Huh?" Ye Fei and Ye Fei were stunned for a moment and looked at Nan Guodong in confusion.

Nan Guodong said: "What do we study cryptography for? It is to protect the security of network information."

"I discussed it with my superiors, and they decided to let computer experts from around the world invade and test our security system."

Ye Fei said in confusion: "Let experts from all over the world invade? How to invade? Who has nothing to do to invade the country's website? Even the invasion is done with a purpose, and each time it is invaded by a small number of people."

"Of course I know that." Nan Guodong smiled and said: "The higher-ups have already thought of a way. People are only interested in profit, so the higher-ups are offering one million US dollars to whoever breaks the website first."

"Although this money may not seem like much, it is still quite a lot. After all, no one will dislike having more money."

Ye Fei's eyes lit up, he gave a thumbs up and said: "This trick only cost one million US dollars and attracted the invasion of computer masters from all over the world."

"If we spend money to invite them here, 100 million won't be enough."

Think about it, there are at least hundreds of thousands of computer masters in the world. If you want to hire them, the appearance fee will be tens of thousands of yuan per time, and even hundreds of thousands for those with strong skills.

And now one million dollars has lured them all.

"Yes!" Nan Guodong said with a smile: "Sometimes I really admire these people, they can always think of some simple and practical methods."

"Although I am an academician, I really can't think of this method."

Ye Fei smiled and said: "It's hard for me to think that this is called specialization in the arts. Others have things that others are good at, and we have things that we are good at."

"We may not be able to do what others do, and others may not do what we do."

"Yeah!" Nan Guodong nodded.

Cheng Jian asked: "What if they break through?"

"Uh..." Ye Fei and the two looked at him blankly.

Ye Feidao: "We have been researching for so long and using so many talents, so we shouldn't be able to break it!"

Cheng Jian said: "What if it is breached? After all, there are too many computer masters in the world, and no one can say anything about this!"

Ye Feidao: "How can it be broken? Our security system uses the supercomputer of the National Supercomputing Center, and the calculation is very fast. In addition, we have spent so much energy, time and talent to specialize in researching safer security systems."

"And those who invaded probably won't use supercomputers to attack!"

"Even if they use supercomputers to attack, can their supercomputer still be stronger than the supercomputer of the National Supercomputing Center?"

"This is clearly impossible."

"So, it's almost impossible for them to break into our security system."

Cheng Jian said: "But..."

Nan Guodong waved his hand to stop it: "Okay, stop arguing. Let me tell you. If it is breached, it will prove that all our previous plans are wrong, and the project will have to start again."

Cheng Jian asked: "If we start over, will all our previous efforts be in vain?"

"Yes!" Nan Guodong nodded: "So, just pray not to fail!"

Ye Fei smiled and said: "It is impossible to fail. I am very confident in this aspect."

Cheng Jian glanced at Ye Fei: "Who can guarantee this? Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens."

Ye Feidao: "Lao Cheng, you are suffering from delusions of being persecuted. We should have confidence in ourselves and not be timid before fighting."

Cheng Jian said unconvinced: "This is an extra consideration. Besides, my idea is right. Can you guarantee 100% that it will not fail?"

"I can guarantee it!" Ye Feidao said: "With the security system we have built with the strength of one country by gathering cryptography talents from across the country, if it fails, we can just find a piece of tofu and kill it."

"Isn't it an international joke that something developed by a country's talents failed in the end?"

"Okay!" Nan Guodong said with a headache: "Can you guys calm down for a while?"

Nan Guodong looked at Cheng Jian and said, "Although your idea is correct, you are too worried."

"As Ye Fei said, the probability of being breached is very low."

Nan Guodong looked at Ye Fei again and said: "Ye Fei, everything is unexpected. Maybe our research fails. As Cheng Jian said, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality. What if it really fails!"

"So, we have to be prepared to fail."

Ye Feidao: "I understand, Academician Nan."

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