From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 135 Ye Fei points out the future of blockchain

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, it was on the top floor of the 42nd floor of W Hotel on the Shanghai Bund!

The entire top floor is a large private room.

At this time, tens of thousands of people were sitting in the splendid large private room.

Against the wall opposite the door is a podium with a large display screen hung on the wall.

Many staff are debugging the machine in an orderly manner.

Ye Fei, Nan Guodong, and Cheng Jian sat together.

Mochizuki Shinichi did not sit with Ye Fei and the others, he sat in the front row.

As a master of blockchain, Mochizuki Shinichi’s status in the blockchain field is very high.

And in academia, status means position.

Nan Guodong looked at Ye Fei and asked, "Ye Fei, how are you preparing? No problem!"

Ye Fei said confidently: "Don't worry, there will be no problem."

During this period, Ye Fei and Mochizuki Shinichi talked about a lot of blockchain knowledge, and yesterday they also talked about blockchain with many people.

At this time, Ye Fei’s mind was filled with many inspirations about blockchain.

In addition, Ye Fei will not take the stage immediately today and will have to wait four days for his turn.

Ye Fei can use these four days to absorb more blockchain inspiration.

When Ye Fei takes the stage, he will be more prepared for his academic report.

The Global Blockchain Academic Conference will be held for a week. According to the order, Ye Fei was on the afternoon of the fourth day.

Nan Guodong nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Are you confident?"

He was still very satisfied with Ye Fei. Since Ye Fei said he was confident, he naturally had confidence.

Ye Fei smiled and said: "I have been studying cryptography for so long, and I also have in-depth research on blockchain."

"Besides, with my ability, even if I can't attract everyone's attention, at least I won't lower my style."

Nan Guodong smiled and said, "As long as you have confidence."

Cheng Jian said: "What aspects of the future development direction of blockchain do you want to talk about?"

Ye Feidao: "Research on the future of blockchain!"

"Future research?" Cheng Jian was surprised: "This is the most difficult of all future directions to talk about. You actually talk about this?"

The future is full of unknowns, and the unknown is the hardest thing to know.

It would be easier to say how much blockchain will change the world in the future.

Talking about the future research of blockchain is the most difficult part to predict the future development of blockchain.

Moreover, most of the people present are scholars studying blockchain and are professionals in blockchain.

If you tell it well, it's okay, but if you tell it poorly, it's like listening to a fairy tale, and it feels like a fantasy.

Nan Guodong also looked at Ye Fei in surprise: "Your theme is difficult, why don't you change the theme!"

Ye Fei shook his head: "No, I think this is pretty good."

Nan Guodong said: "Then take care."

Nan Guodong couldn't say anything. After all, the relationship between him and Ye Fei was more of a superior-subordinate relationship rather than a teacher-student relationship.

Moreover, the academic report is Ye Fei's personal matter, and others have no right to interfere too much.

Maybe there was too much interference and it disturbed Ye Fei's academic report.

Time passed quietly, half past eight!

The director of Modu Shutu Blockchain Research Institute took the speech script and took the stage to give a speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Magic City..."

After more than half an hour, his speech ended, and then the first person, Li Xiaolai from Xia State, took the stage to give a speech.

Nan Guodong introduced from the side: "The person who holds the most Bitcoins in Xia Guo is this one. He calls himself the richest man in Bitcoin in Xia Guo."

Ye Fei asked without turning his head: "How many Bitcoins does he have?"

"He once went on CCTV and said he had six figures in Bitcoin."

Ye Fei was surprised: "So much? Then you must make a lot of money!"

"13.5 billion!"

"I'll go..." Ye Fei was shocked: "This is too profitable!"

"Yes!" Nan Guodong nodded: "He also has a title, the first person to cut leeks in Xia Kingdom."

"He called retail investors leeks, and he also published a book on how to cut leeks."

Ye Fei asked: "What is his job?"

"He was an English teacher at New Oriental. Later he made money by speculating in currencies and became a financial lecturer, specializing in how to cut leeks."

Ye Fei shook his head in a funny way: "Sometimes I really admire these people. They are not professionals, but they can do better than professionals."

Ye Fei said doubtfully again: "This person is not a scientific researcher, how come he is allowed to be the first to go on stage to give an academic report?"

Nan Guodong said: "What he gave was not an academic report, it was just an opening statement. I don't know what methods he used to get into this position."

Ye Fei nodded and continued to listen to the speech.

Li Xiaolai talked for more than ten minutes, and Ye Fei shook his head.

As expected, this person is not a professional. Most of what he talks about is Bitcoin, and a small part is about other digital currencies.

There is almost no coverage of professional issues of blockchain.

After Li Xiao came and went, he was followed by a native of Beili.

Nan Guodong introduced from the side: "His name is Nick Szabo. He is the proposer of Bitcoin Gold and is also known as the father of smart contracts. He is a real bigwig in the field of blockchain. He was one of the participants in the creation of Bitcoin. one……"

After Nick Szabo, there is Canadian Anthony Di Iorio, co-founder of Ethereum and founder of Jaxx.

Bitcoin evangelist and author of Mastering Bitcoin, Greek and English dual national Andreas Antonopoulos…

Anyway, there are great gods from all walks of life, competing on stage to compete for beauty, and everyone who listens is elated.

Of course, only those who can understand.

People who don't understand it are very anxious and want to learn some experience or business opportunities from it.

Ye Fei listened to the speeches for four consecutive days, from 8 am to 6 pm, and rested from 12 noon to 2 pm. In the evening, he also discussed blockchain with many people.

This allowed Ye Fei to absorb a lot of knowledge and generate a lot of inspiration.

In the meantime, Ye Fei also continued to revise his academic report speech.

Four days later, three o'clock in the afternoon!

A voice sounded on the radio: "Next, Professor Ye Fei from Zhonghu University!"

Nan Guodong and Cheng Jian looked at Ye Fei and said: "Come on!"

Ye Fei stood up and turned to look at the two of them, smiling: "Don't worry!"

After saying that, he took a deep breath and strode towards the stage.

Sitting next to Mochizuki Shinichi is a square-faced white man wearing black-rimmed glasses, his name is Gavin Andresen.

He is the chief scientist of the Bitcoin Foundation and the chief developer of Bitcoin Core, and is also a good friend of Mochizuki Shinichi.

Gavin smiled and said: "Is he the young mathematician from Xia you mentioned?"

"Yeah!" Mochi Yuexin nodded and followed Ye Fei's figure with his eyes: "It's him."

"There's nothing special about him. Is he really as powerful as you say?"

Mochizuki Shinichi turned to look at him and said: "How about we make a bet, a small bet, ten million US dollars, if he can make remarks that will have a big impact on the blockchain field at this meeting, You give me 10 million US dollars, and on the contrary, I will give you 10 million US dollars."

Both of them are worth tens of billions, and ten million US dollars is just a small amount of money to them.

Maybe in a short nap, their net worth increased by hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they earned more than ten million dollars in a few days.

If Bitcoin rises sharply, their value may skyrocket by hundreds of millions of dollars within a week.

Mochizuki Shinichi firmly believed that people like Ye Fei would not be able to give a plain speech at this meeting.

The more talented a person is, the more forward-looking he is for the future.

And their predictions can often set off a small storm in a certain field.

"Are you so confident in him?" Gavin glanced at Ye Fei, then looked at Mochizuki Shinichi suspiciously.

“I’ve had full confidence in him since I’ve known him.”

Gavin said: "Okay, I'll make a bet with you. I still don't believe that he is a young man and a person who has almost never been exposed to the blockchain. How can he make comments that have an impact on the blockchain."

Gavin doesn't care about ten million US dollars. Even if he loses, he will only make less money these days.

A $10 million bet was just a fun thing for him to do.

Ma Dong asked the assistant beside him: "Is he that Ye Fei?"

The assistant nodded and said: "It's him, but, Chairman Ma, we have investigated and it seems that Ye Fei doesn't have much research on blockchain. Wouldn't it make him laugh when he went on stage to give an academic report?"

Chairman Ma said: "Is our investigation 100% correct?"

"And for people like Ye Fei, since he has studied cryptography and blockchain, it is normal!"

"I'm looking forward to his speech on the blockchain field."

On the podium!

Ye Feidao: "Hello everyone, the topic of my speech today is the future research of blockchain."

"Ugh..." Many people present exclaimed. This topic is difficult to talk about. Generally, few people will talk about this topic.

Ye Fei ignored the crowd's exclamations and said: "I divided the blockchain into six latitudes."

"Huh?" Everyone was confused, this seemed to be a little different.

This is the first time they heard that blockchain has six dimensions.

Ye Feidao: "Information systems, accounting, accounts, asset transactions, organizational behavior and economics, etc."

"Blockchain technology is a brand new database technology..."

Mochizuki Shinichi's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he said in surprise: "I didn't expect that you can analyze the blockchain in this way."

He looked at Gavin beside him and said, "Ye Fei is right!"

Gavin nodded and said: “It’s indeed good, but there is still a certain distance before it can have an impact on the blockchain.

Mochizuki Shinichi smiled and said, "You will see if you wait a little longer."

Huawei CEO Dong Ren looked at the company's chief blockchain scientist and asked: "Mr. Lu, what did he say?"

Mr. Lu said: "The lecture is very good. It uses six dimensions to analyze the blockchain. In this way, all the research directions of the blockchain can be clearly explained without missing any direction."

"Some of our previous research directions have been missed. If we had known this method earlier, we could have completed all research directions."

"This will make our blockchain more complete and more advantageous in competing with other companies."

Director Ren smiled and said, "What is this young man's name?"

"Ye Fei!" Mr. Lu said: "Ye Fei from Zhonghu University."

Director Ren smiled and said: "He is a nice young man. You can talk to him later."

"Okay!" Mr. Lu nodded.

Ye Feidao: "Blockchain has the advantages of being difficult to tamper with, free and open, highly trustworthy in data, and highly fault-tolerant."

“But there are also shortcomings, performance issues, privacy protection, security issues, lack of governance and interoperability issues.”

“So, I predict eight major research directions for blockchain in the future.”

Everyone listened attentively when they heard this!

They felt that Ye Fei’s previous speech was very good, and he explained the advantages and current difficulties of blockchain.

We also analyze the blockchain from a six-dimensional perspective.

"Consensus mechanism and performance, cross-chain, governance mechanism, identity management, privacy protection, digital wallet, smart contract and self-organizing business model and integration with other technologies."

"Huh?" Everyone was confused.

They understood the name, but they didn't understand what it meant.

There were also some words in it that were unfamiliar to them.

For example, cross-chain, what chain?

Digital wallet, this is a new word, it is the first time they have heard it.

"The so-called consensus mechanism and performance..."

"Cross-chain, now there are various chains, public chain, alliance chain and private chain."

“The public chain serves the public, the alliance chain is limited to one alliance, and the private chain only serves a certain private institution.”

“From private chain, alliance chain to public chain, it is a process of decentralization.”

“And from public chain, alliance chain to private chain, it is a centralized process.”

"In this process..."

"So, there are two solutions now..."

Many researchers were surprised and said: "So this is how it was solved."

Public chain, alliance chain and private chain, they all know

Many companies are also researching, but they never know the research direction.

And now Ye Fei pointed out the direction for them.

They are all scientific researchers who have studied blockchain for many years and have experienced countless blockchain research failures.

They could easily tell whether what Ye Fei said was correct.

After all, they have a lot of experience in the blockchain field.

Maybe they didn't succeed, but just missed a fulcrum.

But now that Ye Fei pointed out the fulcrum for them, they instantly thought of the next research direction.

"This man is really awesome..." They marveled in their hearts.

Buterin was surprised: "This man looks to be five or six years younger than me. He has actually predicted the future research direction of blockchain and pointed out how to study it."

“This guy is definitely a genius in the blockchain field.”

He asked doubtfully again: "Ye Fei? Why haven't you heard his name before?"

"I have never heard of him not only in the blockchain circle, but also in the currency circle."

"Shouldn't someone who can make such remarks not be famous in the blockchain circle?"

Ye Feidao: "Digital wallet is a transition from a simple wallet service to an ecological entrance to digital assets..."

"The future development of digital wallets will focus on three aspects..."

"Research on digital wallets can use keyless cryptographic algorithms, white-box solutions for standard algorithms or the design of new white-box cryptographic algorithms, as well as code obfuscation technology to prevent adversaries from extracting core cryptographic algorithms and key information."

“Or use encryption algorithms based on authentication factors such as passwords, identities, biometrics, etc. to cryptographically store keys.”

"In terms of hardware, it can be based on TEF or SE security modules, assisted by technical solutions for customized terminal equipment."

Nan Guodong was surprised: "Ye Fei has used the cryptography technology we have been studying in the development of digital wallets."

"Yes!" Cheng Jian nodded: "According to Ye Fei, the research in our laboratory is the core technology of digital wallets."

Nan Guodong exclaimed: "It's really amazing. He has mastered the encryption algorithm."

"Originally, this was used to create information security software, but now he is using it to create digital wallets."

"He's really good at playing. I don't know how he came up with the idea."

Director Ma of Ali said with shining eyes: "Digital wallets are very important to our company. If our company develops a digital wallet, our company will still be the strongest in Xia Guo in the future payment field, and maybe we can go abroad and compete with PayPal."

The security of digital wallets is very high. If developed, it will be the most secure payment platform in the world.

Now it is not safe to put money in the bank, and you have to worry about whether you will run out of money.

But don’t worry if you put it in a digital wallet, no one can steal money from a digital wallet.

Director Ma said excitedly to his assistant: "I think we have all underestimated Ye Fei. He is not a technical talent, but a pioneering talent. He does not only understand security software. In the field of blockchain, he Maybe even more powerful.”

"Such a talent can be compared with Tencent's Zhang Xiaolong."

"And he's still so young, so the possibilities for his future are endless."

"Such talents must come to Alibaba."

"If Ye Fei doesn't come to Ali, it's not Ye Fei's loss, but Ali's loss."

"P11 is far from being able to satisfy such a talent, and he should be invited as p12."

P12 is the senior vice president level in Alibaba, which is the highest position besides the company's CEO and founder.

At this level, you have to enter the Alibaba board of directors and become one of the directors, and your net worth will exceed one billion in an instant.

Li Xiaolai's eyes lit up and he said: "This will definitely become a hot topic in the future. Whichever company develops it will make a fortune."

His eyes dimmed again and he said, "Unfortunately, I don't have the technology or money to research and develop it."

If you want to develop a digital wallet, you need to invest at least 5 billion.

Although Li Xiaolai had tens of billions, most of the money was invested by him, and even less than 100 million was left in his account.

And it is difficult for him to cash out the money he invested in a short time.

And by the time he cashes out, the storm may have passed.

"Otherwise I have to develop it."

"Hey..." Li Xiaolai sighed helplessly: "What a pity. The opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of you, but you can't do anything about it!"

Both Ma Dong and Li Xiaolai saw it, and so did many people present.

Some were shocked, some were surprised, and some were regretful.

I was shocked that Ye Fei could make such far-sighted remarks.

Surprise to find the outlet of the future payment field.

It’s a pity that I don’t have the ability to develop a digital wallet.

Gavin exclaimed: "Amazing, really amazing."

He looked at Mochizuki Shinichi and said, "Mochizuki Shinichi, your eyes are indeed poisonous. This person named Ye Fei is really powerful."

Mochizuki Shinichi stared at Ye Fei blankly. He didn't expect Ye Fei to make such far-sighted remarks.

He thought Ye Fei would predict the future development direction of blockchain, but he did not expect that the content of his prediction would completely point out the direction of future blockchain research.

People who listen to the former will feel confused, while people who listen to the latter will see the future of blockchain clearly and know how to study it.

The impact of the former and the latter on the blockchain is different.

The former has an influence of 1 and the latter has an influence of 10.

Afterwards, everyone heard Ye Fei explain how to integrate existing technology with blockchain.

For example, cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence are integrated with blockchain.

In the end, Ye Feidao said: "Their integration with the blockchain is nothing more than the embodiment of algorithms plus data."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they thought: "That's true. No matter what technology is integrated with the blockchain, it is a reflection of the integration of algorithms and data."

“These seven words summarize the concept of integrating all technologies with blockchain.”

Ye Feidao: "Therefore, integrating blockchain technology with distributed file systems, big data analysis, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies is an important direction for future development."

"My speech is over!"

"Bah bang bang..." Everyone stood up and gave thunderous applause.

They believe that Ye Fei’s speech today will be of great significance to the future development of blockchain.

In the past, research on blockchain was all about crossing the river by feeling the stones.

And now Ye Fei is pointing the way for them, letting them see the road ahead of the blockchain, and letting them know how to study the blockchain in the future.

Many scientific researchers seemed to be inspired at this time and knew their own research direction and how to do it.

But many company bosses are eyeing Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is only in his twenties, but he can point out the research direction of blockchain.

This proves that Ye Fei has extraordinary abilities and talents in the field of blockchain.

If he studies blockchain, I believe he will be able to achieve dazzling results in a very short time.

This is a genius in the blockchain field!

Many people know the research direction of blockchain and have gained a big treasure.

But Ye Fei is an even greater treasure.

This is like the research direction of blockchain is the fruit on the tree.

But Ye Fei is a fruit tree that keeps growing fruits.

In terms of value, Ye Fei is the best.

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