A moment later, in a small conference room!

Sitting there were Mr. Yang and Manager Xu.

Mr. Yang connected his mobile phone to the projector, so that the other party's lens in the video could be enlarged through the projector.

Mr. Yang said: "You will soon meet the creator of the offensive mechanism that just defeated you. If you have any questions, you can ask him."

"Okay!" Manager Xu was looking forward to it and asked, "Mr. Yang, do you know who the other party is?"

"Probably a mid-level researcher!"

Intermediate researchers correspond to the third-level professor level.

What Mr. Yang thinks is that creating such a good offensive mechanism requires at least the strength of an intermediate researcher.

Manager Xu nodded, he thought so too.

If his programmers enter a university or a research laboratory, they will reach the level of junior researchers.

The attack mechanism that can make their researchers helpless, at least mid-level researchers.

At this time, a video call came up on Mr. Yang's mobile phone, and he connected.

In an instant, Ye Fei and his three figures appeared on the projector screen.

They were also sitting in a conference room.

Nan Guodong said: "Hello, Mr. Yang!"

"Hello, Academician Nan!" Mr. Yang smiled and said, "Let me introduce to you. This is Manager Xu of the technical team of our company's Damo Academy. He was the one who just led his programmers to test your system."

Nan Guodong nodded: "Hello, Manager Xu, I just wanted to trouble you."

Manager Xu smiled and said, "It's no trouble. It's just a piece of cake for us."

Nan Guodong said: "Let me introduce to you, this is Ye Fei. The offensive mechanism you are talking about was developed by him."

"Is it him?" Mr. Yang and the two were surprised. Ye Fei was only in his twenties.

He was able to develop such a powerful offensive mechanism at such a young age.

"Don't underestimate him." Nan Guodong said with a smile: "Ye Fei plays a big role in the entire system. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be able to develop such a good system."

Mr. Yang and the two were surprised. It seemed that Ye Fei was very capable!

"He studies mathematics, I guess you know ABC!"

"Of course I know that." Mr. Yang said with a smile: "Although I don't usually pay attention to mathematics, I also studied mathematics when I was in school, so I naturally know the ABC conjecture."

Nan Guodong said: "The ABC conjecture has been proven successful."

"Proved it to be successful?" Mr. Yang said in shock: "Who proved it?"

If you can successfully prove the ABC conjecture, you are an expert in mathematics and the world's top mathematician.

Nan Guodong said: "Far away in the horizon, close in front of you, it's Ye Fei."

"Him?" Mr. Yang looked at Ye Fei in shock, then shook his head and said, "It's not simple, it's amazing."

At this moment, he valued Ye Fei very much.

Being able to prove the ABC conjecture proves that Ye Fei is very capable in the field of mathematics.

Mathematics plays a very important role in the computer field.

Computer science is derived from mathematics. Computers were originally created to study mathematics.

Therefore, mathematics is more important to computers than other subjects.

For example, mathematical models, discrete mathematics, combinatorial mathematics and number theory.

They all play a big role in computers.

Ye Fei is strong in mathematics, which will be of great use to any Internet company.

If at the beginning, he only valued the offensive mechanism created by Ye Fei, then now he values ​​Ye Fei as a person.

There is an essential difference between the two.

Paying attention to his offensive mechanism means attaching importance to his ability to develop offensive mechanisms. He may only be good at offensive mechanisms.

What matters to Ye Fei is that Ye Fei is good at many fields.

The degree of emphasis between the two is also different, with the latter paying more attention than the former.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "You're flattered. Strictly speaking, although I proved the ABC conjecture, I only filled in the last piece of the ABC conjecture. 99% of the previous pieces were researched by predecessors."

Mr. Yang smiled and said: "Although I don't understand mathematics, I also know why others can't do the last piece of territory, but you are the only one who can do it. This proves that you are very capable in mathematics."

"So, you don't have to be humble."

Nan Guodong smiled and said: "You don't have to brag about each other's business. Let me introduce the last person, Cheng Jian, a returning professor of cryptography at Stanford University. His mentor is Keith Devlin. He is the defense mechanism of your just attack. the creator of.”

"Keith Devlin?" Mr. Yang looked at Cheng Jian in surprise.

He may not know about others, but he knows about Keith Devlin.

Keith Devlin is one of the creators of cloud computing and is very famous in the computer field.

Most people in Internet companies know this person.

Especially in Alibaba, because of the existence of Alibaba Cloud, Alibaba has the largest number of people studying cloud computing in the country.

So, everyone in Arine knows Keith Devlin.

Mr. Yang smiled and said: "Professor Nan, you have so many talented people. If anyone comes to our company, our company will treat him like a Bodhisattva."

"You two, have you considered coming to our company?"

Nan Guodong smiled and said: "Mr. Yang, you are poaching me in front of me. Isn't that bad?"

"Haha..." Mr. Yang laughed.

"Haha..." Nan Guodong also laughed.

The other three people on the side always felt that the smiles of these two people were fake.

After a moment, the two stopped smiling, and Nan Guodong said: "Ye Fei, tell Mr. Yang how you use your attack mechanism?"

"Okay!" Ye Feidao said: "My attack mechanism is to combine SM4 with quantum computing. At first, I thought of using only SM4. Later, Professor Cheng gave me a hint and asked me to add quantum computing to it."

"After adding quantum computing, the offensive mechanism capability of the cryptographic algorithm I developed has been greatly improved, especially after adding Shor's algorithm..."

Ye Fei briefly talked about his research methods without going into too much detail.

After all, their research belongs to the state, and revealing too much would be considered a leak.

Mr. Yang nodded slightly: "It's a very good idea. Only people with strong math skills like you can create such a good security system. Our company cannot create it."

The cryptographic algorithm created by Ye Fei and others seems relatively novel to outsiders.

But when I say it, everyone knows this idea.

But just knowing is useless, you also need to have the strength to create it.

Afterwards, Cheng Jian also talked about his defense mechanism.

After a long time, they ended their conversation.

Information Resources Research Center of Chang'an University of Electronic Science and Technology!

Nan Guodong looked at Ye Fei and said, "You should be careful recently. Someone from Ali may be looking for you."

Ye Fei said in surprise: "Ali wants to poach us?"

"Yeah!" Nan Guodong nodded: "I have cooperated with Ali many times, and I know their thoughts very well. They will use various means to dig out talents."

"After they see your abilities, they will definitely come to poach you."

"Boss Ma is very fond of talents. There are very few people he likes that he can't poach."

Ye Fei smiled and said: "It's not that exaggerated. If he could poach anyone, his company would have surpassed Tencent long ago."

When starting a company, talent is the most important thing.

Only with talented people can we have good products.

Only when you have good products can you sell them and make money.

Nan Guodong said: "Although Boss Ma has a certain family background, he only has a little financial help."

"Technically, he doesn't know anything and doesn't have much money."

"But just by relying on his sharp tongue, he deceived many talents and developed the company into one of the three giants of the Xiaguo Internet today."

Ye Fei said funnyly: "This is so amazing!"

Nan Guodong shook his head and said, "You haven't had any contact with him, so you don't know his eloquence."

"To describe it in one sentence, he can make living people sound dead and dead people sound alive."

Ye Fei still didn't believe it, he had never seen such a godly person.

He said: "Even if they come to poach me, I will not go to Alibaba. I have research here and classes at Zhonghu University."

"Should I give up my official position and go to work in a private company?"

"I would have thought this unless my brain was broken."

Cheng Jian said: "I will never go. I am returning to China just for the construction of the country. I will never go to a private enterprise."

Nan Guodong said: "I hope you can keep your heart."

"But my advice to you is that if you want to go far in the field of scientific research, it is best not to go to private companies."

"It's better to stay at school or enter a national research laboratory with peace of mind."

"Of course, private companies also have research laboratories, but private companies' research laboratories have many disadvantages."

"For example, the job is unstable and the funds are not strong."

"As a scientific researcher, the first thing is not to be short of money and have a stable life, so that you can do scientific research with more peace of mind."

"Yeah!" Ye Fei and the other two nodded in agreement with Academician Nan's statement.

"Of course, if the other party's conditions are good, you can work as a consultant."

"The only thing you can't do is work full-time in the private sector."


Hangzhou, Ali!

Office of the Chairman!

At this moment, a short, middle-aged man with a strange appearance was sitting behind the desk.

At this time, Mr. Yang pushed the door in with a tablet and said, "Dr. Ma, look at this."

Ma Dong put down his pen, looked up, and said doubtfully: "What?"

Mr. Yang opened the tablet and displayed a video of the cryptography system round test process more than an hour ago.

He placed the tablet in front of Ma Dong.

Ma Dong looked at the green numbers and a few red numbers on the tablet in confusion.

He looked up at Mr. Yang and asked, "What is this?"

"This is a security system with defensive and offensive mechanisms. Green represents the territory that has not been breached, and red represents the territory that has been breached."

"Our company's more than 20 programmers couldn't hack this security system for half an hour."

"It didn't take half an hour?" Ma Dong said in shock: "Our company's programmers are strictly selected from all over the country. Their skills should be quite strong!"

"Even so, can't you defeat this security system?"

"Yes!" Mr. Yang nodded: "Yes, they were repelled as soon as they attacked. This happened more than ten times in a row, each time in less than ten seconds."

"Amazing..." Ma Dong exclaimed: "The attack mechanism of this system is quite powerful, and it actually makes our programmers so miserable."

"Since this group of people can't do it, let the people from Bodhidharma Academy come in and let them take action. They will definitely be able to deal with it."

Mr. Yang shook his head and said, "Dr. Ma, those programmers are from Bodhidharma Academy."

"What?" Ma Dong widened his eyes in surprise: "Have all the programmers at Bodhidharma Academy been repulsed?"

"Yes!" Mr. Yang nodded: "Yes!"

Chairman Ma asked: "The people who created this system are talents. Who is the person who created this system?"

"It was created by Academician Nan's team. This system is what you asked us to test for Academician Nan."

"Oh!" Ma Dong said, "Academician Nan, I know."

"It would be understandable if it was Academician Nan. It's no surprise that the security system he created is so strong."

Mr. Yang said: "Dr. Ma, this offensive mechanism and defense mechanism were not created by Academician Nan, but by someone else."

"Is there someone else?" Ma Dong said: "Which senior researcher?"

"One of them is named Ye Fei. He created the offensive mechanism and he plays a big role in the entire system."

"Ye Fei?" Ma Dong said in surprise: "Are you talking about Ye Fei who proved the ABC conjecture?"

"Yes!" Mr. Yang nodded and said doubtfully: "Dr. Ma, do you know him?"

"I know!" Ma Dong said: "The first time I heard his name was before he graduated with his Ph.D., but I didn't care at the time. The second time I heard his name, it was he who proved the ABC conjecture. .”

"I was still feeling that this person was progressing so fast. He was simply a mathematical genius."

"I always wanted to invite him to our company, but then something happened and I forgot about it."

"What you said today made me think of him."

Mr. Yang said: "We must recruit him. The offensive mechanism he created is very strong. If we recruit him, we can improve our company's security system capabilities even higher."

"Moreover, he also proved the ABC conjecture, which proves that he has deep attainments in the field of mathematics."

"Perhaps, he is not only strong in the offensive mechanism of the safety system, but also strong in other areas."

"After all, people who have profound knowledge in the field of mathematics are very capable in many fields of scientific research."

"People with this kind of ability can play a big role in our company."

"Yes!" Director Ma nodded: "You are right, such talents should indeed be recruited to our company."

"There is another person." Mr. Yang said: "He is also worth digging. Although he is worse than Ye Fei, he is not much worse. This person is called Cheng Jian. He is a student of Keith Devlin and is now in Academician Nan's team. , and the defense mechanism in this test was created by him, and the defense mechanism is also very strong. It took our company's programmers more than ten minutes to break in a little bit."

Director Ma smiled and said: "The Nan Academician team is full of talents, including these two great generals."

"That's right!" Mr. Yang nodded and said, "I also told Academician Nan that at the time."

Director Ma was very envious and said: "Hey... these top talents are all in the hands of the state. It is difficult for us to find them."

"It's a waste, it's a waste. If it were in our company, our company could develop faster."

"If we have three or four talents like Academician Nan, our company will have revolutionary development."

"Look at Director Wang, we only have this one academician, which has brought great changes to our company."

Alibaba has only one academician and is the only private company in the country with academicians.

There are academicians in Alibaba because this academician became an academician after entering Alibaba.

It was Ali who helped him become an academician.

Of course, he also made Ali a success.

"Yeah!" Mr. Yang nodded.

Ma Dong said: "Ye Fei and Cheng Jian, we want to dig them all out."

"Although I feel sorry for Academician Nan by doing this, talent is too important to the company, so I can only feel sorry for Academician Nan. I will personally come to apologize afterward."

"By the way, they are still doing research for the country!"

"Yeah!" Mr. Yang nodded.

"It doesn't matter. We'll dig them out first, and then come to our company after their experiment is over."

After that, Director Ma found the company's CHO (Chief Human Resources Officer), and he was going to let the headhunter poach people.

Although CHO is similar to headhunting, headhunting is better at poaching people.

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