From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 127 Countries are in uproar

After the laser weapon test, Ye Fei returned to Chang'an University of Electronic Science and Technology to continue his cryptography research.

The laser laboratory of Zhonghu University has not stopped. At this stage, it continues to research ground-based anti-satellite laser weapons and continue to optimize it.

It has been two and a half months since Ye Fei left Chang'an University of Electronic Science and Technology. Before that, he had been staying at Zhonghu University.

He walked into the research room of his team, called his researchers over, and said, "How far is the experiment?"

A team member reported: "Team leader, with the help of your formula, our research is very fast and we are almost completing the classic implementation of the SM4 algorithm S-box."

There are four major steps in the theoretical part.

The classic implementation of the SM4 algorithm S-box is the last small step of the first big step.

After completing this research, you will complete the research with preparatory knowledge.

In other words, the most basic part of the theory is about to be completed.

This part is the preparation stage of theory, so the speed is slower.

Later research will be much faster.

Ye Fei nodded slightly, he was quite satisfied with the research speed.

He asked, "Where are the rest of the groups?"

"Team leader, with the help of your formula, the other groups can research very quickly, which is almost the same as our group's research speed."

Everyone sighed that Ye Fei was single-handedly driving the entire cryptography research.

It's really too strong.

They never thought that there were people like Ye Fei in Xia Kingdom.

In the past, they felt that Academician Nan Guodong and Professor Cheng Jian, who returned from Stanford University, were very strong.

But now it seems that they are not as good as Ye Fei.

Ye Fei nodded in his mind. From now on, it seems that the preparatory stage of cryptography research is coming to an end and formal research has begun.

He thought to himself: "If everything goes well, the research may be completed by the end of this year."

He looked at his researchers and said, "If you have any questions about your research, you can ask me now."

"Team leader..." Soon, his researchers began to ask Ye Fei about research issues.

Half a day later, Ye Fei ended their questioning.

At this time, it was time to get off work, and Ye Fei walked out of the Information Resources Research Center.

"Professor Ye!" At this time, someone called him from behind.

Ye Fei turned around and saw that it was Academician Nan Guodong calling him.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Academician Nan, is there something wrong?"

Nan Guodong walked to Ye Fei and said, "When did you come back?"

"just came back."

Nan Guodong said: "I think you haven't entered the math club yet!"

"Yeah!" Ye Fei nodded: "I didn't go in."

"With your ability, you should have gone in a long time ago. Why haven't you gone in yet?"

Ye Feidao: "This is mainly because I am now an honorary member of the Number Theory Group, which is a subsidiary organization of the Mathematical Society."

"According to the regulations, when I join the Mathematics Association, I am also an individual member."

"But individual members cannot actively apply to join the Mathematical Society. They can only be invited by the Mathematical Society."

Nan Guodong said: "So that's it."

He asked doubtfully again: "The Mathematical Society has never invited you?"

"No!" Ye Fei shook his head: "I don't know what the Mathematical Society thinks. When I was at Zhonghu University, many teachers asked me why I didn't get into the Mathematical Society. I didn't know what to say every time."

After saying that, he smiled self-deprecatingly and said: "The Mathematical Society didn't invite me, so I can't lick my face and beg the Mathematical Society to invite me!"

Nan Guodong frowned and said, "I will ask the Mathematical Society for you."

Ye Fei's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Then I'll trouble Academician Nan."

"It's okay!" Academician Nan shook his head: "It's easy."

Magic City!

Yang Yonghai is a retired cadre. His biggest hobby is observing the starry sky. He uses an astronomical telescope to observe the starry sky every night.

That night, while he was observing the starry sky, he suddenly let out a startled sound.

"Huh? Meteorite?"

He saw a meteorite with a yellow tail flame, and saw that its flight direction was the earth.

"This meteorite is quite big, it should be about the size of a football!"

He shook his head with a wry smile and said: "The observatory is very busy, but we just don't know which country this meteorite will fly to."

After all, his astronomical telescope is not very accurate, it is just an astronomical telescope for amateurs.

In his eyes, the meteorite is the size of a football, but in fact it is as big as a football field.

If such a large meteorite fell to the earth, it would instantly generate the energy of an explosion of 178 million kilograms of TNT explosive, equivalent to nearly eight atomic bombs.

Wherever such a powerful energy falls, it will be destroyed instantly, and no living thing will exist.

Kyoto, observatory!

Hanging on one wall is a display screen that occupies the entire wall, showing the flight path of the meteorite.

Below are rows of computers, with many people sitting in front of them and operating quickly.

In front of the display screen stood an eighty-year-old man with white hair. He was looking at the display screen with a serious expression.

"Mr. Yu!" The assistant walked up to him and said, "Here comes Zhang Liyu, the director of the Weapons Department."

"Let him come over."


Soon, the assistant brought Li Yu over, followed by Li Yu's assistant.

"Mr. Yu!" Li Yu lowered his head and said respectfully.

Mr. Yu is the treasure of Xia Kingdom and one of the founders of modern astrophysics in Xia Kingdom.

"Li Yu, a meteorite the size of a football field is about to hit the earth. If it falls on Xia Country, I want you to take action at the right time and blast it into pieces the size of your index finger."

"Meteorite the size of a football field?" Li Yu raised his head and asked in shock.

He had only seen meteorites the size of football fields in movies. There was once a movie called Escape from Doomsday, in which a meteorite the size of a football field hit the earth and the entire city was destroyed.

Li Yu asked again: "Such a big meteorite exploded into the size of an index finger?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Mr. Yu said, "I'm not discussing with you, I'm ordering you. This is a crisis. If it's not handled well, many people will die."

"This..." Li Yu was very embarrassed.

They also destroyed meteorites in the past, but the largest ones were only four or five meters long and wide.

It is easy to destroy such a meteorite. Once it enters the earth's atmosphere, it can be done with a single cannonball.

Let alone blast it to the size of your index finger, blast it directly into powder.

But it is almost impossible to blast a meteorite the size of a football field into fragments the size of an index finger.

The larger the volume, the harder it is to blast it into pieces.

Furthermore, meteorites themselves carry very powerful energy, and the larger they are, the greater the energy they carry.

The energy carried by such a large meteorite is the energy of eight atomic bombs.

Therefore, the thing that hits it must be something with more energy than it.

When the two sides collide, they will generate very powerful energy.

Therefore, the bombing must be carried out over no man's land.

Even so, in the moment of confrontation, it is easy to produce football-sized debris.

If debris the size of a football deviates from the flight path and flies towards a place with people, it will be a disaster.

"Li Yu!" Mr. Yu said, "Is there any problem?"

Li Yu took a deep breath and said, "I'll try my best."

He felt bitter in his heart, and he didn't know how to do it.

"Mr. Yu!" At this time, a person sitting in front of the computer suddenly stood up and shouted: "The data is out."

"Report!" Mr. Yu said.

"The meteorite is currently 3,664,605 ​​kilometers away from the Earth, flying at a speed of 35 kilometers per second, and will fly into the Earth's atmosphere in 29 hours, 5 minutes and 3 seconds."

"Will you come to Xia Kingdom?" Mr. Yu asked.


Mr. Yu clenched his fists tightly. This was the answer he least wanted to hear.

If you come to Xia Kingdom, then Xia Kingdom will face this crisis.

"Where did it fall?"

"Magic City!"

"What?" Mr. Yu staggered back two steps, and his whole body instantly became haggard.

"Mr. Yu!" Li Yu quickly stepped forward to support Mr. Yu.

Mr. Yu broke away from Li Yu, waved his hand and said, "I'm fine."

The Magic City is the financial center of Xia Kingdom. If a meteorite falls into the Magic City, it will have a huge impact on the Magic City.

If the Magic City is affected, the national economy will also be affected.

He did not want any of the major central cities in Xia to be affected by this disaster.

Mr. Yu looked at Li Yu seriously and said: "Li Yu, I am not asking you to blast the meteorite into the size of your index finger, but to blast it into powder, and blast it without any impact on the devil." into powder.”

"This..." Li Yu felt bitter in his heart.

How is this possible!

It is difficult to blast it into the size of an index finger, let alone into powder.

Moreover, the meteorite carries such a powerful energy, and the bombardment from both sides will definitely produce powerful energy.

It's even more impossible if it doesn't have an impact on the Magic City.

Mr. Yu said: "I know it's difficult, but I still say the same thing. I'm not informing you, I'm ordering you to do it."

"do you understand?"

Li Yu said bitterly: "Mr. Yu, I want to do it too, but I really can't do it!"

Mr. Yu said: "You have to do it even if you can't do it. Think of a way and see what weapons can do it."

"No weapon can do it!" Li Yu shook his head helplessly.

If such a weapon existed, it would be unscientific and metaphysical.

How could there be such a weapon in the world!

The assistant next to him said: "Mr. Li, have you forgotten the newly developed weapons?"

"The latest developed weapon?" Li Yu looked at him doubtfully and asked, "What weapon?"

Although he is Director Zhang of the Weapons Department, there are too many weapons developed across the country every year, and it is impossible for him to understand all the weapons.

There were many weapons, he just glanced at the names and then forgot about them.

"Ground-based anti-satellite laser weapons!"

"Ground-based anti-satellite laser weapon?" A hint of surprise flashed in Li Yu's eyes. He knew this weapon.

When this weapon appeared, it caused a great sensation in the entire Arms Department.

In terms of energy, four quadrillion energy can be emitted in one microsecond, which is equivalent to 9.5 TNT atomic bombs with an equivalent of one thousand tons.

"Okay, just use it. The energy of the laser weapon will not have any effect on the devil."

"Have you thought of a solution?" Mr. Yu asked.

"I thought of it." Li Yu said with a smile: "Recently, the Laser Laboratory of Zhonghu University has developed a new ground-based anti-satellite laser weapon, which is very powerful."

"One microsecond can erupt with the power of 9.5 atomic bombs. If two ground-based anti-satellite laser weapons are launched at the same time, there will be no debris left on the meteorite."

Mr. Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Li Yu said: "This is what I should do."

after one day!

Li Yu looked at the display screen. In ten minutes, the meteorite would enter the earth's atmosphere.

At this time, countries around the world are paying attention to this matter.

After calculations by various countries, it seemed that Xia State was unable to deal with this crisis.

Many countries were worried about Xia Guo.

"Here we come." Mr. Yu suddenly said.

Li Yu took out the satellite intercom and said: "Get ready, aim, launch!"

A huge meteorite carrying a yellow tail flame entered the atmosphere.

But just after entering the atmosphere, a blue light flashed across.

With a bang, the meteorite disappeared.

Beili Country, Observatory!

A group of people stood in front of a large display screen, which showed the scene of a falling meteorite.

Suddenly, the meteorite disappeared.

"Where's the meteorite?" Everyone was in an uproar.

"Yeah, where's the meteorite? Why did it disappear?"

"God, did the meteorite travel through time?"

"What's the matter?"


The leading middle-aged man yelled: "Quiet!"

After everyone calmed down, the middle-aged man said: "Switch back to the scene just now and slow down ten times."

"Yes." Someone said.

Soon, the scene cuts back to the stage when the meteorite enters the atmosphere, and slows down ten times.

But they still didn't see how the meteorite disappeared.

"Slow down ten times more!"

"Slow down ten times more!"

When the scene slowed down a thousand times, they saw a blue light coming from the ground and streaking across the meteorite.

Then, there was no trace of the meteorite left in an instant.

"This..." Everyone looked horrified.

After a moment, the middle-aged man said in horror: "What is this?"

"Check, I want to know what this is."

England, Observatory!

Many people looked at the picture on the screen and shouted in horror: "Oh, God, what on earth is that blue light?"

"Check, let's see what this is?"

At this moment, every country in the world with satellites saw a blue light destroying the meteorite and leaving nothing behind.

Everyone can see that this is a very powerful weapon.

With the power of nearly eight atomic bombs, the meteorite was destroyed in an instant.

Then the power of blue light must be at least as powerful as fifteen atomic bombs.

Moreover, this weapon is very fast.

Powerful and fast.

No country in the world knows about such a powerful weapon.

Xia Kingdom, Kyoto, Observatory!

Many people stood in front of the display screen and watched the meteorite disappear instantly on the display screen.

Everyone was stunned.

Li Yu said in surprise: "Oh my god, it's so powerful."

Although he knew about ground-based anti-satellite laser weapons, he only knew the data about their power. He had not seen the specific power.

Now he knows, it is really too strong.

"This is too powerful!" Li Yu thought: "Such a powerful weapon is definitely a national weapon."

He said excitedly in his heart: "Okay, okay, with such a heavy weapon, the country's security will have another layer of protection."

"Moreover, this weapon is not like a nuclear weapon. When a nuclear weapon explodes, it will produce nuclear pollution, but this one does not at all."

"Furthermore, its own speed is very fast, and nuclear weapons also need to use aircraft to send missiles there for delivery."

"Also, it can not only hit the ground but also the sky, while nuclear weapons can only hit the ground."

Mr. Yu murmured: "Is this the end?"

He looked at Li Yu and said, "That ground-based anti-satellite laser weapon destroyed the meteorite?"

"Yes!" Mr. Yu said with a smile: "Haha... I didn't expect it to be solved so easily."

"This weapon was developed by Zhonghu University?" Mr. Yu asked.


Mr. Yu said in disbelief: "Zhonghu University seems to be just a low-level 985, but they are actually capable of developing such a powerful weapon?"

"This is about one person." Li Yu said with a smile.

"Oh!" Mr. Yu said with interest, "Who is he?"

"Ye Fei!" Li Yu said: "The mathematical genius at the School of Mathematics at Zhonghu University played a very important role in developing a ground-based anti-satellite laser weapon. If it weren't for him, such a powerful weapon would not have been developed. .”

"Ye Fei?" Mr. Yu frowned. He had never heard of Ye Fei's name.

He is from the field of astrophysics. Although he also pays attention to things in the field of mathematics, he only pays attention to it occasionally, not very much.

Moreover, the mathematicians he paid attention to were all the top mathematicians in Xia State, and all of them were academicians.

The rest of the mathematicians were not within his scope of concern.

Mr. Yu thought to himself: "I would like to pay close attention to someone who can develop such a powerful weapon."

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