From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 119 Meritorious Achievement Award

After all parties reached an agreement, the medical device laboratory progressed in an orderly manner.

According to the results of discussions between Zhonghu University and a number of medical device companies.

Most of the researchers in the medical device laboratory are researchers recruited from other universities, and a small number are teachers and students of Zhonghu University.

Mainly teachers and students from the School of Mathematics, School of Biology and School of Physics.

This made countless teachers and students very excited and surprised.

Office of the Dean of the School of Biology!

The dean sighed: "Ye Fei from the School of Mathematics has already brought two laboratories to Zhonghu University. These people must be fools. They sent laboratories to Ye Fei one by one."

The deputy dean sitting aside said: "Dean, you can't say that these people are fools. Look at what Ye Fei did. Is that something a human can do?"

“First we developed lasers, and then we developed medical devices.”

"Lasers are in the physical category, and medical devices are in the medical category."

"And he is engaged in mathematics. Physics and medicine are not his main profession."

Hearing this, the dean's heart trembled.

The side business is so good, isn’t the main business even more powerful?

The deputy dean asked curiously: "How far do you think Ye Fei's mathematics research has gone?"

"Who knows!" The dean shook his head: "But it must be very powerful."

"Hey..." The dean sighed and said, "Why don't we have people like Ye Fei in our college!"

"How old is he? There are endless possibilities in the future. If we bring in two laboratories now, we will definitely bring in more laboratories in the future, and maybe we can bring in a research institute."

There is an essential difference between a laboratory and a research institute.

A research institute has multiple laboratories, and a research institute is composed of multiple laboratories.

A laboratory conducts certain research, while a research institute conducts certain types of research.

"If we bring in a research institute, the School of Mathematics will become more developed." The deputy dean said in shock, "But it should be difficult to bring in!"

The investment in the research laboratory is not large, but the investment in the institute is very large.

Ordinary companies or countries will not invest easily.

Unless the research being conducted is very important.

The dean looked at the vice dean and said quietly: "With Ye Fei's current ability, how many years do you think it will take for him to be able to come to the institute?"

"Uh..." the vice dean hesitated, "it should take another ten years!"

"Ten years?" The dean shook his head: "You underestimate Ye Fei too much. I think it will take five years."

"Five years..." The vice dean was shocked.

Ye Fei is twenty-four now and will be twenty-nine in five years.

Coming to the institute at the age of twenty-nine means that the ability of a twenty-nine-year-old is equivalent to that of a second-level professor.

He is still a very awesome second-level professor.


Five-star hotel near Zhonghu University, room 506!


Kevin slammed the glass cup in his hand to the ground and roared: "Zhonghu University is really bullying people. It won't cooperate with my company. Why didn't you tell me and let me spend so long here?"

He had been at the Dunes for nearly two months.

Ever since Ye Fei treated him poorly last time, he had been trying to figure out how to get Ye Fei to agree to go to Beili Country and join the Jersey Medical Equipment Company.

But unexpectedly, a month later, he received news that the top ten medical device companies in Xia State and Zhonghu University had jointly established a medical device laboratory, and the manager was Ye Fei.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Ye Fei no longer cooperates with other medical device companies.

Instead, they chose to cooperate with the top ten medical device companies in Xia State.

The young man beside him said: "Mr. Kevin, please calm down."

"How can I calm down?" Kevin's eyes widened with a ferocious look on his face: "Zhonghu University is playing tricks on me, and I will not let them go."

Seeing Kevin barking, the young man felt helpless and said, "What do you want to do?"

"I..." Kevin said hesitantly, "I want to hire a lawyer to sue Zhonghu University and Ye Fei."

The young man shook his head in his mind, thinking that he was in Beili Country, but this was Xia Country.

In Beili Country, money can bring about connections.

But in Xia Kingdom, having money may not necessarily bring you connections.

It doesn't matter and you are not justified in hiring a lawyer. On what grounds do you sue Ye Fei and Zhonghu University?

The young man said: "Mr. Kevin, I support you."

The young man knew that Kevin was arrogant in Beili Country and knew that opposing him would only arouse his anger, so it was better to support him.

When he hits the wall, he'll face the truth.


Zhonghu University, Ye Fei's office.

All the team members sat on stools and looked seriously at Ye Fei who was standing in front of the whiteboard.

Ye Fei wrote a set of formulas on the whiteboard.


Ye Feidao: "From the indefinite equation of elliptic curve, we can know..."

He talked for an hour before he stopped and said, "Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded.

After more than a month of study, they had already thoroughly understood Riemann's research, so it was easy for them to understand Ye Fei's explanation.

Ye Feidao: "Okay, our next research direction is to use the congruence property and elementary number theory to prove elliptic curves."

"Okay, team leader!" everyone said in unison.

After such a long time, they were able to think from the beginning, but now they don't think, and they fell into trouble in a short period of time.

Just follow Ye Fei's ideas, they don't think about anything else.

You must have the awareness to hug your thighs, and never have the right to speak.

You only need to do one thing as a hugger, be obedient.

Whatever the person holding your thigh says, you do.

Don't think about other things, don't say them.

Ye Fei looked at Amata and said, "Amata, do you have anything to say?"

"No!" Amata shook his head and said, "Your decision is correct. Just do what you said."

Ye Fei looked at Balaz again.

Balazs quickly shook his head and said: "Me neither, I will just do as you say."

After working with Ye Fei for so long, the two of them were completely conquered by Ye Fei.

The mentality of the two of them now is that if they listen to Ye Fei and listen to him, the final research must be correct.

Don't have any objections, no, you can't have any objections.

Anyway, Ye Fei must be right.

Ye Feidao: "Okay, then let's start researching!"

Immediately, everyone started to get busy.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

In this half month, one-third of the research on elliptic curves has been completed.

It will take at most another month and a half to complete the research on elliptic curves.

"Ye Fei!"

Ye Fei was busy working when someone suddenly called him.

"Huh?" He looked up and said with a smile, "Director, why are you here?"

The director looked around and said, "I have something to tell you. Come here."

"What's up?"

With that said, Ye Fei and the director walked outside together.

After walking out of the office, the two stood in the corridor.

The director said: "Ye Fei, let me tell you two things, one happy and one sad. Which one do you want to hear?"

Ye Fei was surprised: "I haven't done anything recently, so how come something bad happened?"

"Haha..." The director chuckled and said, "Haven't you heard a saying? There are many famous people."

"So I'm popular?" Ye Fei chuckled and said, "There's right and wrong?"

The director said: "That's understandable."

Ye Fei said helplessly: "The world is getting worse, so let's talk about the bad things first!"

"Don't you want to hear something happy first?"

"No." Ye Fei shook his head: "Listen to the bad things first. After I get in a bad mood, the happy things can help me adjust my mood. Otherwise, I won't be in a good mood for the rest of the day and I won't have the energy to work."

"Okay, let's talk about the bad things first."

"The bad thing is, you're being sued by Jersey Medical Devices and the school is being sued."

"Jersey Medical Equipment Company?" Ye Fei felt that the name was familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

He asked: "What company is this?"

"This is one of the top ten medical device companies in the world. It is a very famous medical device company in Beili. It is also one of the many medical device companies that wants to invite you."

Ye Fei remembered that two months ago, there seemed to be a man named Kevin who claimed to be from Jersey Medical Equipment Company in Beili Country.

Ye Feidao: "For what reason did they sue me and Zhonghu University?"

He asked himself, did he not have any grudge against this Kevin?

So why sue yourself.


"Fraud?" Ye Fei said in surprise: "What did I commit fraud? Did Jersey Medical Equipment Company suffer any property losses?"

The director sneered: "Where is the fraud? Jersey Medical Equipment Company did not have any property damage."

"We asked where the fraud was, and the people in Jersey said they were defrauding their time. They thought they could cooperate with you, but instead they took advantage of them. This is fraud."

"People in Jersey let schools foster their loss."

"You tell me whether this is funny or not."

Ye Fei asked: "What happened next?"

"After?" The director sneered: "Jersey Medical Equipment Company still thought that Xia Guo was from more than seventy years ago, so he took care of it at will!"

"Of course the school will fight back. They can hire lawyers to sue, and we can also hire lawyers to fight back."

"This matter has been going on for more than half a month and has only ended in the past few days."

"What do you think the outcome will be?"

"Did we win?" Ye Fei asked, "Did Jersey lose?"

"You were only half right. We won and Jersey lost, but the final result was that the boss of Jersey came and took his son away in person."

"His son is the leader of the Jersey team this time. The boss of Jersey personally apologized to our school and you, and gave some monetary compensation."

Ye Fei shook his head: "What is this? It started with people from Jersey, but it ended with people from Jersey."

"What's the happy thing?"

The director smiled and said: "The happy thing is that you have won another award, but this time it is not a mathematics award. Guess what award it is?"

"Medical device award?"

The only thing Ye Fei could think of besides winning in mathematics was the medical device award.

"You guessed it too accurately." The director shook his head and said, "I was thinking you could guess wrong a few more times so that I could tease you."

"Haha..." Ye Fei smiled and said, "Then you may never have a chance in this life. Tell me, what kind of award is it?"

"Meritorious Achievement Award!"

"What kind of award is this?" Ye Fei asked.

The director said: "The Meritorious Achievement Award has never appeared before. It was jointly created by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology."

“In the field of medical devices, individuals who have made outstanding contributions can receive meritorious achievement awards.”

“It is also the first meritorious achievement award to be given.”

“And only one is awarded each year.”

"So, you are the only person in the country to receive a Meritorious Achievement Award."

Ye Fei smiled and said: "What a surprise!"

"Yes!" the director said, "The award ceremony will be held on the 15th half a month later, in Pengcheng."

"okay, I get it."

October 14, 2025, afternoon!

Ye Fei flew to Pengcheng and checked into a hotel near the award ceremony.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, he took a car to the award ceremony hotel.

At this time, there was a red carpet at the door of a large private room on the second floor of the hotel. There were two doormen standing at the door. Many people showed the invitation letters in their hands to the doorman and then walked inside.

Ye Fei was about to hand the invitation letter to the doorman and walked inside.

Suddenly someone called him: "Professor Ye!"

Ye Fei looked back doubtfully.

I saw Fan Changguo walking quickly with Fan Siyu.

After walking in front of Ye Fei, Fan Changguo smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Professor Ye."

"Hello, Professor Ye!" Fan Siyu said.

"Hello!" Ye Fei shook hands with them.

Fan Changguo smiled and said: "I didn't expect to see Professor Ye here. Professor Ye, are you here to attend the summit?"

Ye Feidao: "Yes, so do you, let's go in together!"

Yes, this award ceremony is actually a summit.


Immediately, they walked inside together.

"Professor Ye, aren't you a mathematician?" Fan Siyu asked, "Why did you come to attend the summit in the field of medical devices?"

Fan Changguo said: "Professor Ye is engaged in mathematics and medical equipment. It is not surprising that he comes here!"

"That's right." Fan Siyu nodded: "Professor Ye, what award did you win this time?"

"How do you know I won the award?" Ye Fei said funnyly: "Can't I come and see?"

Fan Siyu shook her head and said: "It's impossible. As far as I know, Professor Ye will win every time you attend the award ceremony."

"So, I presume that you won't come to an award ceremony if you don't win."

"Okay, you guessed it right." Ye Fei said helplessly: "I did win the prize."

"What prize?" Fan Zhi looked at Ye Fei expectantly.

"I can't tell you this. If I tell you now, the award ceremony will lose its mystery."

Fan Siyu pursed her lips and said nothing.

While talking, they found everyone's location.

Ye Fei's position is different from that of Fan Changguo.

Their positions are relatively forward, but they are on the east and west sides.

They separated and sat in their respective seats.

At eight o'clock sharp, the summit begins!

According to the regular order, the leader came to the stage to speak.

After about an hour, the host came on stage and said: "Welcome to the National High-Performance Medical Device Innovation Ecological Summit."

This summit is for the development of Xia Guo’s medical devices.

At the same time, the medical device CDMO platform and industrial incubation base of the National High-Performance Medical Device Innovation Center were officially launched, and the industrial fund and scientific research open fund were simultaneously opened.

Almost the best medical device experts in Xia Guo, representatives of the best medical device companies in Xia Guo and many investment elites gathered here.

If anyone has a good medical device project, someone will soon invest in it.

Many scholars came to the stage to speak, and some people's medical device projects were spotted by some companies and investment elites on the spot.

However, Ye Fei is not interested in medical devices, and there are no good medical device projects that require investment from others.

Therefore, he looked drowsy throughout the summit.

It wasn't until around three o'clock in the afternoon that the award ceremony officially entered.

The host walked onto the stage and smiled: "The following is the award ceremony. There is only one award this time, and that is the Meritorious Achievement Award."

"The Meritorious Achievement Award is awarded by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology..."

The host gave a lengthy introduction to the Meritorious Achievement Award.

Everyone was very excited when they heard this. This was the first meritorious achievement award!

It is of great significance. Whoever can win the first Meritorious Achievement Award will have a much higher value in the medical device industry.

Fan Changguo suddenly turned to Fan Siyu, licked his face and whispered: "My good daughter, I know what award Ye Fei received."

Fan Siyu gave him an idiotic look and said, "I know it too."

The host said: "The list of winners will be announced by Academician Duan Ruoyu."

A middle-aged man wearing a suit and about 1.7 meters tall walked onto the stage and said: "The recipient of the Meritorious Achievement Award is Ye Fei of Zhonghu University."

"Ye Fei..." Many people looked around in surprise.

Ye Fei has become very famous in the medical device industry recently.

He developed two of the world's best medical devices, which attracted many medical device companies to want to invite him.

I just heard that in the end, only two medical device companies invited Ye Fei there.

Later, the top ten medical device companies in Xia State jointly cooperated with Zhonghu University to establish a medical device laboratory.

Other companies are not eligible to join this laboratory.

Although Ye Fei was famous, only Fan Changguo and his daughter were present who had seen and known Ye Fei.

Even those from the top ten medical device companies in Xia State who cooperated with Ye Fei had never met Ye Fei.

Ye Fei slowly stood up and walked towards the stage.

Many people were a little surprised when they saw Ye Fei.

"He is Ye Fei, he is so young."

"To develop two of the world's best medical devices at such a young age, what a genius!"

"Those who study mathematics are perverts."

"If he can release a newly developed medical device, I will definitely invest."

“It’s hilarious that mathematicians have developed two of the best medical devices in the world.”


When Ye Fei walked onto the stage, Duan Ruoyu looked at Ye Fei with a smile and said, "Hello, Ye Fei, you have become a household name in the medical device industry recently!"

"You're flattered." Ye Fei smiled.

Duan Ruoyu chuckled and said, "It's not a reward at all. I think almost everyone here knows you."

"You developed two of the world's best medical devices and shocked the entire medical device industry."

"Our Xia country needs talents like you. Are you interested in coming to my research institute?"

"Uh..." Ye Fei hesitated, then smiled dryly and said: "Academician Duan, your research institute studies medical devices, right?"


Ye Fei shook his head and said, "Sorry, I study mathematics."

Duan Ruoyu looked at Ye Feida expectantly: "If you don't think about it, with your talent, you have a bright future in the field of medical devices."

Ye Feidao: "Forget it, I still prefer mathematics."

"Hey..." Duan Ruoyu sighed helplessly and said: "Okay, then I won't force anyone to do anything, but my research institute will open the door for you at any time."

"Okay, thank you!" Ye Fei smiled.

Afterwards, Duan Ruoyu presented Ye Fei with a certificate and medal, and finally the two stood together for a photo.

In this way, the award ceremony is over.

There was originally a party in the evening, but Ye Fei considered that he studied mathematics and was not the same person as those who studied medical devices, so he did not go to the party.

Many people wanted to get to know Ye Fei at the party, but they felt very sorry when they found out that Ye Fei didn't come.

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