"Uh...Which indy you are talking about? There are so many indies in the world."

"Either one is fine, have you seen the real Indi? If you have, can you take me to see it?" With this, the girl noticed the viciousness on Su Hao's back, looked over and asked: "Your daughter?"

"How is it possible!" At most it is brother, daughter or something, this role is definitely not good!

"The ship mother?"

"Don't you see it?"


"Of course not."

No, the girl suddenly lost interest, but her vicious appearance made her realize something.

"Hey, are you the commander of humans? You just said Indi, you must have seen the real Indy, right? You tell me where is it, OK? I can give you money, give you money to buy this news. "

The impatience in the girl’s words is not a pretense. The more she is like this, Su Hao will be more surprised. Where can anyone be so persistent to find a ship girl, and as long as the ship girl looks like what she looks like. .

Although Cleveland also has the idea of ​​looking for his own sisters, it won't be so crazy, unless...

Su Hao stared at her and hesitated: "Are you Portland?"

"Huh? How did you know?" Girl, Portland frowned, "Do you know me?"

"Ah no, just guessed."


Can you guess who you are?

Although the commander looked at the ship's mother very accurately, he knew that it was a human or a ship's mother. There were so many ship's mothers in the world, how could it be possible to guess who the other party was all at once.

Too fake.

But Portland didn't have any impression of Su Hao. She was recalling in her heart that she had seen all the commanders, but it seemed that no one was so young.

After thinking for a while, she gave up.

"Hey, have you seen Indi?"

Su Hao twitched his mouth. Portland gave him the feeling that nothing in the world was important, no matter who you guessed that I was Portland, anyway, I only need to know the news of Indy.

Shouldn't it be Porter Choi?

Sister control ah sister control.

I don't know if it's a free ship mother.

At this time he thought for a while and said, "I have seen it, but it's not my ship's wife. I only remember what she looks like and what her personality is like."

Portland's eyes lit up: "Really? Do you have a picture of her, please tell me? Tell me where she is and I'll find her!"

"No, I just happened to meet one person while traveling. She didn't specify where she was staying. Are you a free ship mother?"

"Huh? Yeah."

"Then you must be more aware that like your free ship mothers, you can just leave, how can you find someone in such a big world?"

"Then did you ask her to call? Do you want to contact her by email?"



Portland is so sorry, so sorry.

"But I remember what she looks like, so I can draw it for you if you want to see it."

Hmm, it's worthwhile to review the painting skills before, compare Su Hao and feel that these book painters are really bad.

Where is the ship mother of the second element?

"Can you paint?"

Portland is not an idiot, she is just a pure sister-in-law, a commander told her that she would paint India, how could this kind of thing...

It's okay to refuse!

"Do you really know how to paint? Can you paint Indy-chan? It is to paint the Indy that you have seen before, and that really exists in this world! I just want the one you have seen, I don’t want the one I bought, you paint it for Me, I can pay as much money!"

"Okay, okay, don't get excited, I can paint but I can't be here, right?" Su Hao looked helpless, please look around, girl, many people have already paid attention to us, do you know?

To be reasonable, a man and a woman are standing next to the book booth and making noise. Who doesn't doubt it?

Didn't you see that the stall owner was stunned?

Someone stood upright in front of him and discussed the book?


It’s a girl, it’s a girl, so envious, ┭┮﹏┭┮

Portland has also noticed that it is better to keep a low profile as a ship girl anyway. She knows it well, otherwise she won't wear sunglasses.

"Let's go, let's go."

With that said, I didn't forget to buy the Indian book by the way when I left.

The two walked towards Rodney, and Su Hao motioned to Portland to hide the notebook so as not to be misunderstood.

Then he heard a fluttering sound from his back into his ears.

"Commander, you want to buy a notebook, I saw it."

Su Hao staggered.

"What's the matter?" Portland wondered.

"No, nothing, not standing firm, okay, okay."

Su Hao stood up and whispered.

Nima's, the viciousness actually woke up!

No, has this guy really fallen asleep?

Thinking like this, he spoke viciously.

"Commander, I want to buy the game console over there, that is, we are passing by the shop, naval battle games."

"I will give you a terminal simulation battle for the commander, okay?"

"I want to buy that naval battle game."

"I'll buy you a few more game cards. Was the game you played last night fun?"

"I wanted to buy a naval battle game last night."


Su Hao was silent, and the viciousness began to act like a coquettish, "Commander~ buy it for me, the big deal is that I will go back and not tell Sister Richelieu about your book purchase, okay?"


Vicious, you are so vicious.

"I'll buy it for you, but you count it."

"Hmm, put it down, I like the commander the most!"

Su Hao was silent again. Why does this sentence sound like something wrong?

The two whispered in private, and soon returned to Rodney's side, when the latter had already bought something and stood there waiting.

As soon as he approached, Rodney turned his head and suddenly showed a surprised look, "Hey, why are you here in Portland?"

"Rodney." Portland smiled. "I'm here for shopping."

"Didn't you go to travel?"

"Come back today to participate in the comic show."

"It's really like you."

The two chatted like old acquaintances, and Su Hao was immediately stunned.

"Wait, you...know?"

Rodney smiled and said, "Well, Portland is from our Maritime Safety Administration. She went to travel some time ago, so she didn't participate in that combat operation."

"What combat action?"

"I'll know when you go back."

Portland didn't care, she was curious about Su Hao's identity.

"This is Commander Su Hao." Seeing Portland's eyes inquired, Rodney introduced, "Is it a newly recruited commander in Lingshui City Port District? Speaking of Su Hao, did your assessment pass?"

"The assessment has passed. The Maritime Safety Administration over there said that it is applying for qualification certification."

"So, I will be the official commander of our Bagui District in the future."


The newcomer brought his destroyer to the show, and bought the book. XP is really strange, but it seems to have a good relationship with Rodney, um, it’s easier to do, and let him draw the indy when I go back!

Portland was active, Rodney was smiling, only Su Hao was still a little confused.

"Didn't you just say..." He looked at Portland, "Didn't you say that you are the Liberty Lady?"

"Yes, no commander is a Liberty Mother." Portland said naturally.

There seems to be nothing wrong?

But why is the Maritime Safety Administration again?

Will you be beaten?


PS: The 4 chapters have been updated! ——Reward and continue to rush~!

PPS: I feel that my physical condition is not very good recently. It may be the reason for staying up late. I want to exercise, do you have to go hiking together? (funny)

Chapter 119 Vicious, Where Are You On The Floor?

I was lonely after shopping around Manzhan, Su Hao was very happy at first, but now very embarrassed.

To be honest, if he can get Portland back to the port area, his fleet strength will definitely rise to a notch, not to mention, now the vanguard is supported by three vicious destroyers, both Firefly and Dido It is a novice level.

Su Hao was speechless when he suddenly said that it was the ship's wife of the Maritime Safety Administration. Why did all the things he wanted to catch belonged to the Maritime Safety Administration?

It's hard for me to do it like this!

Although the ship mother of Zong Lao Maritime Safety Administration is not very good, for the development of his own port area, Su Hao decided to take a step by step.

Think about the fact that I felt quite a loss. When I met Portland, although I had the idea of ​​fishing a boat, I hadn't gotten a stroke of the character. As a result, I was the first to be threatened by viciousness. The most damning thing is that the notebook hasn't been bought yet. If I bought it for you There is no way to threaten me, but if I haven't bought it, how can I fix it.

He didn't take a shot just now, and now he is back, Rodney is even more difficult to take a shot here.

In order to avoid leaving a bad impression on others and avoid being misunderstood, Su Hao gave up his plan to buy the book, An Xin stayed with Rodney and Portland, and then they were going to find Dido and Xiao Guanghui.

Then Portland suddenly said: "I'm sorry, I just grabbed the book you were going to buy, but you really have a foresight and saw Indi, although this indy is definitely not the one you saw."

Su Hao staggered, almost throwing off the viciousness on his back.

Rodney asked with a puzzled look: "Book? What book?"

"That's it." Portland took out the last notebook he bought from his bag. Although they only met Su Hao, they felt that they should be like-minded and talkative friends. ."


Rodney immediately understood when he saw the cover, his face flushed at this moment, and he glanced at Su Hao unnaturally.

Just now Su Hao said to buy something, but I don't know what to buy. Now that I know, does Su Hao like this kind of thing?

It's over, the image...

Su Hao twitched his mouth. He thought about how to quibble, but it was a pity that any explanation was futile at this time, so he finally gave up.

As a result, the viciousness on his back suddenly said: "Actually, the commander didn't want to buy it, but the commander bought it for his friend."

"Friend?" Portland and Rodney looked over at the same time.

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