Chapter 713

At this time, the No. 1 leader of the United States stood up and said to everyone:

“Now our only way is to unite researchers from all the remaining countries in the world to build a scientific research studio.”

“Used to research the latest technology to compete with Jiang Cheng’s Jiang Group.”

“As long as each of our countries takes out the talents in the smart industry within our own country and puts them together to learn and grow. Maybe we can compete with Jiang Cheng’s ~ Jiang Group.”

“After all, there is only one person. And we represent many countries-.”

His proposal stirred everyone’s heart. Since Jiang Cheng’s artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm, various countries have increased their investment in artificial intelligence-research.

Therefore, the intelligent field of each country is much more advanced than before. In addition, many of their countries have been inspired by Jiang Cheng’s intelligent robots.

At this time, the suggestion of the US No. 1 leader undoubtedly made them see the signs of hope.

“I agree” the first leader agreed.

“I agree”

“I agree”



As long as the first person who agrees comes forward, many of the remaining people will also agree with the first person who comes forward.

So soon a secret video conference finally ended in a very clear way for everyone.

For some powerful countries, many people are powerful, and brainstorming can speed up the speed of research and development. Both sides are good.

For those weak and small countries, hugging these powerful countries at this time is their only choice not to get close to China.

And just after the leaders of many countries agreed to the alliance of this meeting, the leaders of each country began to give orders to their own scientists.

Many scientists were forced to join this alliance. Because many scientists admire Jiang Cheng very much, they are unwilling to walk on the opposite side of Jiang Cheng.

Moreover, as professors and geniuses in the field of science, they all know very well how far apart they are from Jiang Cheng. So they don’t want to have a stalemate with Jiang Cheng’s relationship.

Because they really want to follow in Jiang Cheng’s footsteps and make themselves grow more.

· ······Find flowers·········

But the scientists who have these ideas are all forced to join this alliance by the leaders of various countries.

And those scientists who really would rather die than surrender, after being executed a few times secretly by the state, the rest of them all became honest.

…… .. …

After all, no matter how good the faith is, you still have to live. In order to prevent this time from leaking the secrets of the coalition, all countries have chosen to secretly conduct this alliance.

They did not announce the plan because they were very worried that if Jiang Cheng knew about the plan, it would be secretly undermined.

Jiang Cheng did not know that they had such an alliance. But even if he knew it, he wouldn’t have any thoughts about such an alliance.

If Jiang Cheng tests and knows that what the No. 1 leader of these countries has in mind is actually afraid of him sabotage, he will definitely laugh out loud.

For no other reason, have you ever seen an adult grabbing candy from a child? It was a joke. 100 million.

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