From the Island Owner to the King

: 646 I Think You Will Go Back to the Surface!

Cruz Hakan's father was a young SS soldier before entering the geocentric world and had a passionate love for his country, Germany.

There are many relatives on the surface, parents, 2 older brothers, 1 younger sister, and the family is very happy. The father runs a small grocery store in his hometown to support the family. The parents loved the four siblings very much, especially the youngest brother, sister, sister, who was very entangled with him when he was little, and the two brothers also loved his brother and sister very much.

In 1943, the fourth year of the war, Cruz Hakan ’s father left his hometown, Augsburg, bid farewell to his family, joined the army, became a SS soldier, and fought for the motherland. After that, Cruz Hakan's father never returned to his hometown to visit his parents, brothers and sisters, and his hometown.

& amp;: Pig: Pig: Island: Fiction 3w.dao.onbsp; Cruise's father often talked to Cruise Hakan about this, revealing great regret in his tone, sighing constantly, and revealing endless eyes I miss my hometown, relatives, and regrets. I will never be able to return to my hometown in my lifetime. Do n’t you know if your parents are still there? How are you Are they missing themselves in a distant place, the grass and trees in their hometown, have become strangers, whether the old houses familiar with their hometown have been demolished, and whether they have been destroyed by war.

Chen Rui gave a benefit to allow them to have a video call with their loved ones on the surface. When he wanted to come, his father was very happy to hear the news. His father has no regrets in his life. Of course, he is very happy as a son.

Registration information will soon be completed.

Several sheets of paper recorded the names of people and their home addresses.

Chen Rui contacted Carlson Harry. Let Carlson Harry negotiate with Germany.

after all. This is a private matter. It's still a very troublesome and sensitive thing, and Chen Rui will not be bothered by the ambassador of Tortuga Island to Germany.

In less than two hours, Carlson Harry gave a response, the German government and government were willing to help, and thanked Chen Rui, leaving sensitive identities and other factors behind. They are all Germans, Germans who love Germany, and regard Germany as their motherland. They have also fought for Germany. From a German perspective, they are soldiers who defend Germany and fight for national interests for Germany. , It is worth the respect of the Germans.

The German government is very efficient, German folk. The Internet also spontaneously organized participation to find their hometown and loved ones for compatriots in the geocentric world-

Cruz Hakan invited Chen Rui as the most distinguished guest to visit New Berlin City. Chen Rui will receive the most solemn and warm hospitality of all the people in New Berlin City.

New Berlin was not far from the farm, and Chen Rui and Cruise Hakan took a carriage to New Berlin.

The horse pulling the cart is a unicorn that Chen Rui has seen on the plains before, with a straight posture and a strong and stable running.

Cruz Hakan told Chen Rui, "I often hear my father say that the surface transportation is a car, an iron case, plus an engine, using gasoline as the power, you can run fast on the road."

"Yes," Chen Rui said. "On the surface, not only cars, but also motorcycles, electric cars, subways, airplanes, etc."

Cruz Hakan said, "I heard my father talk about the plane, and my father jokingly told me that his biggest wish is to be a guy like Erich Hartman, G-Gehard An ace pilot like Buckhorn, flying a fighter soaring between the clouds, the whistling of the engine made the enemy frighten. In the end, he did not fulfill his wish and became a fighter pilot, but joined the SS. And become a SS soldier. "

Erich Hartman, G-Gerhard Buckhorn Chen Rui knew that Germany's ace pilots of World War II were very famous. Erich Hartman shot down 352 during his flight career. Enemy aircraft, known as the ace of the trump card, and G-Gerhard Buckhorn shot down a total of 301 enemy aircraft, only two people in the history of world air combat shot down more than 300 aircraft

But, what is the subway, is it a train that runs underground? "

Chen Rui nodded and said, "Yes, in big cities, traffic is getting more and more congested. In order to solve the problem of traffic congestion and to facilitate people's travel, humans dig tunnels under the city to build subway lines, linking the Everywhere, the average speed of the subway can reach 40 kilometers and the maximum speed can reach 80 kilometers. It takes only a few minutes to reach the next subway point from one subway point. "Chen Rui said.

"OH, mygod! This is amazing !! I really hope to go to the surface one day, take the subway in person, and ride on the underground train, it must be a very amazing experience." Cruz Hakan was surprised Said quietly.

"You will definitely have a chance to return to the surface one day." Chen Rui said.

"Really? Oh, mmygod !! This is the best news to hear. I really look forward to this day, we can go back to the surface, oh, mygod !!, oh, mygod !!" Cruz Hakan some He said incoherently, his mouth was unfavorable, his head had lost his ability to think, because he was so excited that it was difficult to restrain, but he kept repeating oh, mygod !! in his mouth.

"Yes, I think you will definitely return to the surface one day in the future." Chen Rui said.

"Thank you! The good news you brought us, we have the opportunity to return to the surface world. This is a very exciting and crazy thing.

Do you know? We have given up and returned to the surface world where our ancestors lived, looking forward to seeing the sun on the surface, the stars at night and the hometown of our ancestors.

Our history textbook records the country that our ancestors created, and we humans create great civilizations. "

Cruz Hakan grew more excited.

"Although the geocentric world is good. It has fertile land. Farming on fertile land. You do n’t need to work too hard to get enough food for us. On the plains, there are many wild animals and we can get enough meat. Food, we are very satisfied on this land.

But we all know that the surface world is our hometown. Our roots, the surface world has our family, our compatriots, we are a group of displaced people, we want to return to the surface world all the time, dreaming of returning to the surface world.

We gave up from the end, we made a lot of attempts, tried to get back to the surface through the underground passage. But all failed. There is a distance of nearly 3,000 kilometers from the surface. This distance makes us feel hopeless. We do n’t see any hope for returning to the surface. If I tell others what you told me, all of us will be crazy. . "

"I think all Germans, your loved ones, are looking forward to you and welcome you home." Chen Rui said.

"Go home." This is a word that can make tears, especially the first group of old people who have come to the earth's heart, and now they are already old, they are even crying.

"We look forward to this day! We can return to the surface world. If there is one day, I will return to the surface. I will touch the Brandenburg Gate recorded in the history book with my hand, and I will visit Frederick. I am going to present a flower in front of Bismarck ’s tomb, the statue of Emperor William. They make Germany great and strong. I am going to read all the books in the library. This is the crystallization of human wisdom. I am going to the music hall. Listening to the beautiful music here moved my soul. I want to go to the distant eastern country that my ancestors talked about, to visit the Great Wall, and to feel the mystery of the East. "————

The carriage drove into New Berlin.

In the image of Chen Rui, the New Berlin City is like a city in the early 20th century, with rows of European-style houses, a road, a carriage driving on the road, a row of shops, bakeries, and blacksmith shops on the road. Butcher shops, shoe stores, food shops, and so on. In the center of the city is a wide square. In the center of the square stands a fountain. The town hall is located near the square.

Cruz Hakan was very popular in the city, and people kept stopping on the road to make way for Cruz Hakan's carriage and rude.

Kelu Hakan also told Chen Rui about them, what made Chen Rui most interested was how they came to the geocentric world.

Cruz Hakan said, "In 1945, the defeat of Germany was a foregone conclusion. At that time, my father was a SS soldier. The SS was the most loyal guard to the head of state and was deeply trusted by the head of state. ,, one day, my father received a secret mission, code-named 'Seesaw Plan', and 'Seesaw Plan' is very secret, "

The "Seesaw Plan" is probably the "Earth Axis Plan" of modern declassification.

In World War II, Nazi Germany discovered an underground passage to the geocentric world. The Nazis believed that the geocentric world was the 'axis of the earth' that could control the world, and created an 'immortal' through the infinite power of the axis of the earth. The Legion ', reversing the' Axis of the Earth ', brought Germany back to 1939, corrected the mistakes it had made, and relaunched the war.

The "seesaw plan", literally meaning of the seesaw, means to reverse, meaning to reverse the situation. The Nazis hope to reverse the situation through the "seesaw plan" and change the situation in Germany through the "axis of the earth" with infinite power.

Kelu Hakan continued, "Everyone who has been assigned a task has been password-protected from revealing any word, and many people have no time to say goodbye to their families.

My father and other soldiers took a locked train in Berlin and reached the port of Kiel. After staying in the port for about a day, my father boarded a submarine and left the port of Kiel. Know where the submarine is heading.

I don't know how long I stayed in the submarine. Everyone was crowded in the narrow submarine. No one talked with interest. There was no concept of time in the submarine. I didn't know how long it had passed.

When coming out of the submarine, I have found that I have reached a land covered with snow and ice. This is the South Pole! My father quickly knew that this was Antarctica. The people who came out of the submarine were not only their SS soldiers, but also other people, scientists, ordinary civilians, and a lot of supplies.

My father lived in a camp near the Antarctic coast, stayed in the camp for about a week, received orders from his superiors, and started to set off. At this time, my father found that the team was very large, with more than 2,000 people. The team walked on the Antarctic ice sheet.

On the way, people kept falling, dying in Antarctica, and turning into ice sculptures on the Antarctic continent. I do n’t know how long they have walked in Antarctica. UU Kanshu finally reached its destination and appeared on the land exposed by Antarctica. A huge cave, everyone entered the cave and walked along the cave.

There are some weird creatures in the cave. This requires soldiers to clear the road. My father and other soldiers walked at the front and used submachine guns and artillery shells to clear out a weird creature on the road.

I don't know how long I walked in the dark cave, and finally saw the light in front of the cave.

Everyone reached the geocentric world, but hundreds of people were already missing in the team, all died in the cave, and there was not much food and supplies. At this time, a greater disaster greeted everyone, the indigenous people of the geocentric world. In the jungles of the geocentric world, there are many indigenous tribes who are very brutal and brutal and very hostile to outsiders.

Arrows, poison darts, javelins, and continuous sneak attacks from the jungle, because everyone is not familiar with the terrain environment of the jungle, and under the crazy attacks of the indigenous people, casualties continue to occur, killed by the indigenous people, and some people are indigenous people Grabbed it and found only a pile of skeletons with tooth marks and hollow skulls.

My father, they not only have to face the attacks of indigenous people in the jungle, the worst situation they face is because they are not convinced by soil and water, but they are infected with diseases, and the casualties are very large. (To be continued.)

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