The meteorite is expected to land in the mid-Atlantic, 350 nautical miles in the direction of 34 degrees southeast of the Flores Islands at 7:21:12, 0:18:12, 12 minutes away from the target sea area, 30 nautical miles. This shift is within our expected range and will not affect the destruction of the nuclear bomb.

In addition, the missile bombarded the 'Little Apophis' meteorite, and the explosion produced a lot of meteorite fragments, forming a meteorite rain, is a rocky meteorite. Most of these meteorite flies in the atmosphere at high speed and friction with the air produces high temperature combustion, like Meteors, a small number of larger meteorite fragments will land in Missouri, southern Illinois, western Kentucky and other areas in about 14 minutes, causing some damage and casualties in these areas. "

On hearing that, Dave Burek nodded, "You did a good job, Larry." After that, Dave Burek turned ~ pig ~ pig ~ island ~ small ~ said ~ www ~ zuhu ~ said "Harry."

Upon hearing this, Hani turned his head and said, "Director Berek, please tell me anything."

"Notify the government and government in these areas to prepare for the meteorite debris attack. Through the Internet, broadcast early warning information to remind residents of Missouri, southern Illinois, and western Kentucky that there will be meteorite debris after 14 minutes. Attack the area and prepare the residents of these areas in advance to avoid the meteorite fragments that have landed in the sky. Also, notify the air defense forces in the area to prepare for the interception and destruction of the meteorite fragments that have fallen and ensure the safety of the people . "

"Okay." Hani nodded, turned his head, and picked up the phone on the desk.

Dave Burek continued. "Ham. Recalculate the trajectory of 'Little Apophis'. Link the data to the 'H. Henry M. Jackson' cruised in the Azores and tell me Captain David David , All Americans are waiting for their good news. "


The instructions were issued from Dave Burek's mouth, methodically, and each instruction was strictly executed-

At 4:16:42 on July 4th, there were still 90 seconds before ‘little Apophis’ hit the earth.

People in the dark can already see with their naked eyes that ‘little Apophis’ is dragging a long tail flame towards the earth, —

Central Atlantic Ocean, Azores.

In the cold and dark sea waters, the nuclear submarine ‘Henry M. Jackson’ has surfaced. The jet black hull and the huge steel flood shell are like giant monsters in the sea.

The Henry M. Jackson was commissioned in 1984, during the height of the Cold War conflict. Belongs to an Ohio-class nuclear submarine, though. Strictly speaking, it should belong to Henry Jackson.

The U.S. Navy originally planned to build 24 Ohio-class ships. However, in the second strategic arms reduction treaty signed by the United States and the Soviet Union in 1991, the Soviet Union focused on US nuclear strike forces on Ohio-class submarines. Six vessels were cancelled, leaving only 18 with 24.

In this century, the Ohio-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine has been in service for 30 years. The earlier ships that have entered service have begun to age. They cannot afford the normal strategic nuclear deterrent cruise duty. The US Navy will ship Ohio, Michigan, and Florida. Georgia, converted to a cruise missile nuclear submarine carrying conventional guided missiles.

Therefore, the Ohio-class nuclear submarine is divided into two types: cruise missile nuclear submarine and ballistic missile nuclear submarine.

For the purpose of distinction, the four ships Ohio, Michigan, Florida, and Georgia are called the Ohio class, and the last 14 are called the Henry Jackson class with the first boat,-

The Henry M. Jackson is part of the US Ballistic Missile Strategic Nuclear Submarine Fleet (SSBN) and is deployed in the Atlantic Ocean as the main nuclear deterrent in the Atlantic region.

SSBN is the main strategic nuclear force in the United States. It consists of 14 submarines carrying a total of about 1,728 warheads, accounting for nearly 38% of the total number of warheads in the US nuclear arsenal.

The Henry M. Jackson is equipped with 24 Trident submarine-launched ICBMs.

The Trident Missile is an intercontinental missile that is the core of the United States' sea-based nuclear power. The range is up to 11,000 kilometers. Such a range can enable U.S. nuclear boats to launch Trident-guided missiles in U.S. naval ports and strike any position in the northern hemisphere

The Henry M. Jackson carried eight W-76 (100,000 tons equivalent nuclear warhead) + MK-4 loading vehicles.

One or two W-76 nuclear warheads are enough to destroy the 'Little Apophis' meteorite-

The screen of the command and control room and the control room inside the Henry M. Jackson boat showed the flight track of 'Little Apophis'. The light spots on the screen represented the 'Little Apophis' meteorite. Move, presenting a parabolic flight trajectory of the meteorite. With the light spot moving once, various data are displayed next to it, the meteorite's flight speed, flight angle, and how long is it to hit the earth ~ ~ boat David David is a very good submarine captain, with a thin face, dark eyebrows, a tight mouth, and an arc in his chin. It can be seen that he is severe, rigid, serious, and meticulous. people. His eyes were sharp.

David David's eyes stared at the screen, his expression was frozen, and he stood like this for a long time without moving, like a statue, and the crew did not say anything. His eyes looked at their potential, worthy of respect. Trusted captain, waiting for his launch order.

The nuclear weapon system has been unlocked and the 'Little Apophis' meteorite has been locked. At any time, you can press the button to launch a Trident missile carrying a W-76 nuclear warhead to destroy it and bury it on the sea floor.

David David was thinking fast.

In advance, the Henry M. Jackson was deployed in the Atlantic Ocean as a nuclear deterrent for the United States in the Atlantic Ocean.

When Observing Little Apophis, Henry M. Jackson cruised in the mid-Atlantic waters, very close to the area of ​​Flores. As a matter of course, Henry M. Jackson became the destroyer of Little Apophis. The best ship of the 'Meteorite Order. (To be continued.)

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