From the Island Owner to the King

: 144 Xia Shi Exists in Yiqi's Plate

Chen Rui must write this academic thesis, think carefully, think about it, and consider whether there are any errors or omissions in the sentence.

Every argument that Chen Rui wrote in this academic paper has sufficient and sufficient physical evidence to support it.

Chen Rui does not lack physical evidence.

This is a very reliable and credible academic paper that can be widely recognized by the international academic community.

Of course, this academic paper is definitely questionable, and there is no shortage of people in the academic world who pick bones in eggs.

It is enough for Chen Rui's academic paper to be generally recognized by the international academic community.

It took Chen Rui more than half a month to write this academic thesis, during which he continued to delete, add, and think carefully.

Chen Rui mailed the academic paper to the Journal of World History.

The World History Magazine is sponsored by the American World History Association. The journal was founded in 1990 and has been widely recognized by the academic community since its publication.

It is a very influential historical journal all over the world.


Special reviewer of World History Magazine, Liu Zhenhe, postdoctoral supervisor of Yanjing Normal University Institute of History, received a manuscript of historical academic papers from abroad.

Liu Zhenhe sat at his desk and made a pot of tea.

The tea is overflowing.

Liu Zhenhe opened the mail and took out the manuscript.

The manuscript is quite thick.

Hundreds of thick sheets of paper, each with multiple clear pictures.

Contributors are more attentive and meticulous.

Liu Zhenhe first looked at the contributor's name. Chen Rui.

It's a very strange name, and it is not known in history research in China.

Liu Zhenhe immediately looked at the title of the thesis.

‘To examine the existence of the Xia Dynasty, the Xia Dynasty has entered the threshold of civilization and the pedigree of the Xia Dynasty. ’

See this title. Liu Zhenhe suddenly felt shocked and became interested.

He also participated in the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynastic Project, and was one of more than 200 experts and scholars.

Unfortunately, due to the limited records and information about the Xia Dynasty in the Chinese classics, there are very few Xia Dynasty city ruins and artifacts found in China.

Therefore, the conclusion of the Xia Dynasty in the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties Project. Has not been generally recognized by the international academic community.

The international academic community believes that China's civilization began in the Shang Dynasty and only 3500 years ago.

Both Liu Zhen and historians and scholars in China are angry.

because. Through limited literature, records and archeological discoveries about the Xia Dynasty, they were very sure of the existence of the Xia Dynasty, and the Xia Dynasty had entered the threshold of civilization.

It is just that no more physical evidence can be used to prove this, so that the Chinese text is clear for 400 years.

Many domestic historians and scholars are very aggrieved for this.

A very simple example. "Historical Records" include "Xia Benji", "Yin Benji".

Looking at the ancient history system centered on Sima Qian's "Historical Records", the history of commerce and the history of Xia are belief history.

The scholar Wang Guowei once read the Oracle inscriptions. He proved that the word "yin" does exist in the Oracle inscriptions, and compared the predecessor and princes in the Oracle inscriptions with the records of the Shang dynasty in the Historical Records. Consistent conclusions.

It proves the authenticity of "Yin Benji" recorded in Sima Qian's "Historical Records".

From the fact that the Yin Zhou lineage is true, it is inferred that the Xiahou lineage is true.

This is the source of power for scholars to explore Xia culture.

This paper has aroused great interest from Liu Zhen.

‘Xia Dynasty exists, and I have no doubt about that. The Xia Dynasty has entered the threshold of civilization, and I am very sure of this. ’

At the beginning of the thesis, Mingzong affirmed that Xia Dynasty existed. Xia Dynasty has entered the threshold of civilization.

Although Chen Rui's argument in the name of opening the case directly hit Liu Zhenhe's heart, Liu Zhenhe's favor for Chen Rui increased greatly. However, academics are very rigorous and objective.

Anyone can tell a lie. The key is to use real, credible physical examples to justify your argument.

Otherwise, no matter what you are talking about, it ’s still a lie. If it ’s useless, it ’s a useless dissertation. Such a dissertation cannot pass his review.

The thesis points out at the beginning. ‘Xia Dynasty exists. Xia Dynasty has entered the threshold of civilization. ’

The following content is like the essay composition for middle school students.

First, point out the central theme of the composition. However, the argument is centered around this central theme.

Chen Rui didn't have any nonsense in his thesis.

After pointing out the point, directly above the picture, the picture is very clear.

The picture is a bronze plate with a round, shallow belly, ears attached, and high-circle feet. The belly is decorated with 夔 pattern, the circle foot is decorated with animal face pattern, the thunder pattern fills the ground, and the circle foot has hems. The insole is cast with 24 lines of inscriptions.

This is ‘Iqipan’.

There are three pictures of the 'Iqi Pan' posted on the paper, which are taken from three angles of the front, bottom and inner wall of the 'Iqi Pan'.

Among the thousands of bronzes unearthed from the Daqingshan Xiacheng site, the inscription on the 'Iqi plate' extols Yu, Qi, Taikang, Zhongkang, Xiang, Shaokang, Dong, Huai, and Mangjiu. Achievements.

The most representative and most demonstrable question is whether the Xia Dynasty exists and whether it has entered the threshold of civilization.

The moment Liu Zhenhe saw the inscription on the inner wall of the third picture ‘Iqipan’, the entire person was stunned like an electric shock, and the expression on his face was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Zhenhe's face twitched and fell into surprise.

"This is Xia Yuan."

"Xia Xun" is the official text of the Xia Dynasty.

As for 'Xia Xie', it is recorded in Zhou Xuan Wang Taishi's 15 chapters of "Da Xie".

Although 'Xia Xie' has been recorded in the literature, from the current archeological realities, no exact and reliable Xia Dynasty script has been found.

At this time, I was able to see the historical documents recorded in this academic paper, but I did n’t have the "Xia Xun" handed down, so I was really lucky.

Liu Zhenhe obsessedly looked at the "Xia Yi" text on the inner wall of 'Iqipan' ~ ~ The font was very standard, neat, round and symmetrical, and it was a ‘pleasant look’, which was simply a treat.

Liu Zhenhe studies history and is also proficient in ancient writing.

Combining Oracle, inscriptions, and hieroglyphics, Liu Zhenhe read a part of the inscription on the inner wall of 'Iqipan'.

At this point, Liu Zhenhe's inner mood can no longer be described simply by excitement.

Liu Zhen and the whole man fell into ecstasy.

The inscription on the inner wall of Yiqi Pan shocked him greatly.

There is always a very controversial issue in the international and domestic academic circles, 'whether the Xia Dynasty exists and whether it has entered civilization'.

To resolve this controversial issue, one 'Iqipan' is enough.

Xia Shi is in the 'Iqi Pan'. (To be continued)

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