锐 Chen Rui stood still, and his right hand suddenly grasped the sides of the viper's vigor as fast as lightning, and then caught the back of the snake with his left hand.

Chen Rui turned his head and said to everyone, "It's a sharp-kissed cricket, which is called a five-step snake here. Its toxicity is even greater than that of cobras. According to folk exaggeration, after it is bitten, it must be poisonous within 5 steps The death rate shows that it is very toxic. It is reported that the statistical death rate of a five-step snake bite is 24%, and that of a severely injured person is more than 70%. "

Everyone looked at the sharp kiss that twisted the body in Chen Rui's hands. Everyone felt a little numb in their hearts, and they were afraid.

Because, the sharp-kissed owl is entangled in the bushes that everyone is going through.

Before the event, everyone didn't notice the existence of the sharp-kissed cricket, who would be very troublesome if they passed through the bush and got a bite.

Because everyone did n’t have the anti-venom serum of Agkistrodon acutus, this anti-serum was discontinued long ago. After being bitten, the anti-serum was not injected in time, and it would die within a few hours.

At this point, everyone was very impressed by Chen Rui's sincerity.

As far as half a meter away from the poisonous snake, his shooting speed is very fast, his movements are almost invisible to the naked eye, the movement is very sharp, no muddy water, and very accurate, pinch the poisonous snake's head and neck accurately before the poisonous snake does not respond This is not something an ordinary person can do.

I also have Chen Rui's ability to perceive potential dangers in the wild, very keen.

It is not unreasonable for Chen Rui to survive in the world's most dangerous Amazon jungle for several months.

锐 Chen Rui threw his arm and threw the poisonous snake a dozen meters away, and everyone continued to hurry.


Everyone walked in Daqingshan for a day.

In the sky, the sun is about to set.

锐 Chen Rui stood in an open place and raised a hand to the sun so that the sun was above his fingers.

Then each finger is 15 minutes from the horizon, and four fingers are an hour.

锐 Chen Rui compares, the sun is 7 fingers away from the horizon, which means that the sun goes down in less than 2 hours.

Chen Rui chose an empty, sheltered place to stop, turned around, and said to everyone, "Come here today. The lighting time left to us is less than 2 hours. Everyone hurry up to build a tent, pick up Some firewood. "

Everyone nodded and said, "Okay."

Everyone put down the backpack.

Some people stayed to set up tents and set up camps.

Several young men in the inspection team went to the nearby woods to pick up some dead branches and leaves.

锐 Chen Rui looked at them with ease and leisure, laughing and joking along the way, didn't seem to realize the danger of this jungle.

锐 Chen Rui had to speak to remind him, "Everyone, I have to remind everyone again!

It's already in the depths of Daqingshan. There are few people and poisonous insects and fierce beasts appear. It is very dangerous.

In addition, you may have heard some horror legends about some ghost spirits in the depths of Daqingshan in the village. Why such legends are spread is not without foundation.

There are a lot of mysterious and unexplainable things in this mountain forest, and they may be dead before you even notice it. Therefore, I remind you not to be cautious here, but to always be vigilant. "

I heard Chen Rui's warning.

Everyone could not help but shivered, and felt a little hairy.

"There are bears haunting the Daqingshan circulating in the village, is it true?" A young man carrying a video camera with pockmarks on his face asked Chen Rui.

Wu Wenyan said, Chen Rui nodded and said, "I do have a bear. My grandfather was a forest ranger. He once saw a bear in this mountain forest, and then he told me.

The bears he has seen weigh more than 800+ kilograms, can climb trees and swim, and are extremely powerful. One person's thick old tree can be picked up when he talks about it. The posture is human-like, and the **** is strong.

Even the hunters in the mountains do not dare to provoke 'human bears'. "

"Don't the hunter have a gun? Use a gun." Someone asked.

Chen Rui shook his head and said, "You think too simple. The fierce beast like 'Human Bear' is fat and strong, and the skin is thick and thick. Even if the bullet pierces through the abdomen and the blood flows out of the intestine, it can dig the soil and turpentine Hold the wound. Shooting with a gun will only irritate it. An angry bear is very terrible and will chase those who hurt it. "

At this point, Chen Rui paused, looked up at the setting sun that was about to go down the mountain, and said to everyone, "Okay, the sun is going down. There is not much sunshine left for us. Everyone hurry up and tent up. Put them up. Some people will pick up some firewood and make a pile of fire in the evening. Don't go too far. Don't go away with partners. Don't panic if you are in danger. I'll get us some food for dinner. "

"it is good."

Everyone went to work separately.

Some people put up their tents and set up the camp.

Some people went to pick up dry wood and dead leaves and set fire on.

Chen Rui plans to find some food for everyone's dinner.

Chen Rui collected some mushrooms and wild vegetables in the jungle.

I found a stream not far from the camp.

Tong Xiaoxi is shallow and crystal clear.

锐 Chen Rui can see some fish swimming in the stream.

Catfish are relatively small, about the size of two fingers.

锐 Chen Rui cut a branch from the tree with a dagger and cut it into a cross, with four pointed ends, to make a simple harpoon.

锐 Chen Rui took off her shoes and went into the stream with her socks.

The water in Xiongxi is very cold and cold.

Take a fish and swim to Chen Rui's feet.

锐 Chen Rui's eyes were ill and his hands were fast, and the hand holding the harpoon trembled.

Scoop a fish on the harpoon.

The cormorant threw the fish ashore and continued to fork the fish.

锐 Chen Rui has been busy in the stream for more than an hour ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seeing that the last rays of the sunset have left, the sky is about to darken.

Chen Rui walked ashore.

Within an hour, Chen Rui harvested more than 20 fish.

鱼 These fish live in mountain stream for a long time. They are nourished by the springs and streams in the mountains. They have no fishy smell and the meat is tender and smooth.

Ravioli is cooked in a pot, not fish sauce, it is a pot of delicious fish soup.

There are more than 20 fishes. Each fish has two big fingers, and it is cooked into a pot of soup, plus dried food such as dried meat and biscuits brought by everyone, enough for everyone to eat.

More than 20 fish went to the gills and viscera in the stream, washed them, treated them briefly, and returned to the camp.

In less than an hour, more than 20 fish were caught, wild vegetables and mushrooms.

More than 20 fish, as well as the high protein and high energy provided by wild vegetables and mushrooms are enough for more than a dozen to survive in the wild for a day.

锐 Chen Rui once again let everyone see the super wild survivability of an adventurer who once lived in the most dangerous place in the world.


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