From the Island Owner to the King

: Section 96 Meteorites Global Broadcasting (II)

In order for everyone to see more clearly.

The staff placed a projector beside it, and a canvas was hung in the middle of the booth.

The staff turned on the projector.

The beam of the projector is projected on the meteorite, projecting the marine fossils on the meteorite's falling surface onto the canvas.

The image of the salamander is very clear, even the tiny scales of the fish fossil, the burr of the sea insect fossil, and the texture on the shell fossil can be seen very clearly and revealingly.

Everyone really saw the fossils on the Martian meteorite.

Four types of fossils, 12 fossils, three fish fossils, four shell fossils, four seaweed fossils, and one sea insect fossil. These fossils have been sealed in the rocks for a long time without being damaged by seawater and the surrounding environment. Very well preserved and lifelike.

Under the booth, the audience boiled.

The reporters went crazy like a gun and a cannon at the meteorite, and the flash of the camera shone.

Truly transfer the images on the booth to the televisions and computers of more than half of the world's audiences who are watching fossils on Mars meteorites.

人类 For humans, this is a moment of great significance and it is worth remembering forever, just like the moment when Armstrong's footsteps stepped on the moon, leaving a footprint on the surface of the moon.

At this time, more than half of the people in the world watched the fossils on the Martian meteorite very clearly in real time.

Moscow, Kremlin.

In a luxurious room, Pu Di looked at the fossils on the Martian meteorite in the TV picture without blinking. This picture stayed for 10 seconds. He was expressionless and pressed his left hand on the back of his head. The fossils on the Martian meteorite did not cause him much excitement. But his left hand was on the table, and his fingers knocked on the table like a wind without knowing it, revealing that he was already in a stormy sea.

Mars, as one of the eight major planets of the solar system, is the closest planet to the earth in natural conditions: it is about half the diameter of the earth and has a thin atmosphere above it. Its rotation cycle is similar to that of the earth, 24 hours and 37 minutes. Four seasons, therefore, Mars has another name-'Pocket Earth. ’

It took half a century for major powers to spend billions of dollars to explore Mars. What do humans get?

Pluto Mars may bring inestimable value to humanity.

Now that it is the only planet in the solar system that may have signs of life, and has so many similarities with the earth, is it possible for humans to make it a 'second earth'? Can humans migrate to Mars in the future.

Alas, it seems that the answer can be found on the Martian meteorite that appears in the TV picture.

吉 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

A young man with a deep nose and high nose, wearing a white robe, and of God origin.

He sat in front of the computer with his head almost on the computer screen, and stared blankly at the fossils on the Martian meteorite appearing on the computer screen. Next to it was a glass of overturned Coke, which was dripping down his pants along the computer table He didn't notice it.

"It's shocking. Mars really has life."

United States, Times Square.

A group of people looked up at the huge screen installed on the building. When they saw the fossils on the Martian meteorite appearing in the picture, the audience was shocked and everyone cheered.

Is there water on Mars? Is there a marine environment suitable for the birth of life on Mars? Is there any other life on Mars? Whether the birth of our earth's life comes from the universe, ...

Human beings have stopped exploring Mars ...

Alas these ..., a meteorite from Mars tells humans all these answers.

Is there water on Mars?


Is there a marine environment suitable for the birth of life on Mars?


Is there any other life on Mars?


On the TV screen, Chen Rui only said one sentence, "Humansarenotalone, humans are not alone."


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