From the Apocalypse

Chapter 798 Trap!

Shen Guang's sneak attack was impossible to guard against. For the little devil, this day was impossible.

This is done almost every day, even if the iron man can't hold it, let alone the devils of flesh and blood, if this continues, the hearts of the people will be scattered and the team will not be easy to lead.

"This threat must be pulled out!"

Looking at the jealous devil soldiers, Yamada Taro finally made up his mind to get rid of this threat, no matter what the cost, he must be killed!

If you don't get rid of it, they will really be over this time!

The sneak attacks these days have made his soldiers exhausted, surrounded by enemy troops, staring at them like wolves. Once there is a loophole, they will bite up desperately.

Under normal circumstances, he is not worried, because the elite soldiers under him are enough to withstand the surrounding attacks.

However, now, the soldiers are exhausted, their combat power is greatly reduced, and they are threatened by wolves, and there will inevitably be problems. Of course, apart from these, it is morale blows, one by one, and morale is extremely low.

Morale is invisible, but can be felt. He feels it. Now he is on the edge of a cliff and has no choice.

The surrounding devils looked at Yamada Taro with red eyes, sitting upright one by one, obeying orders at any time, not daring to be irregular.

"Do you have any suggestions?"


There was silence at the scene, everyone was very cautious, no one spoke.

If you make a suggestion, the answer is good. If the suggestion doesn't make sense, the lightest one will be reprimanded, and unfortunately will be beaten.

Yamada Taro, who has been irritated now, is now raging, and he has a high probability of being slapped in the face because of a bad answer.

"Your Excellency, maybe we can set a trap."

Someone spoke, just being very cautious, using words very carefully. When speaking, the tone was extremely humble, and people also made corresponding etiquette.

With this hand, it makes people feel very comfortable. Even if Yamada Taro, who can't vent his anger, sees him at this time, he can't help showing his appreciation.

"Okura-kun talk about the reason."

Yamada Taro gestured him encouragingly to continue.

"According to his bombings these times, I found that the other party bombed places close to the center. Obviously, they were directed at the headquarters."

Ogura gained a lot of confidence and took out the information he had collected and distributed it to Taro Yamada and the people around him.

The people around him nodded as they looked at the analytical information they believed. Being able to do this is enough to prove that he was very careful.

Just as Ogura Natsuki said, the other party was obviously preparing to beheaded, but unfortunately, they were lucky and were not at the explosion site at all, just avoiding the bombing.

After that, he was even more careful and prepared, but he was not bombed.

However, he was almost bombed several times, so he already had a guess, and now Ogura Natsuki also confirmed each other here.

"In this case, we can use this..."


at the same time.

In Xiaoshan Col, Shen Guang was resting and pointing Jiuer to learn Chinese characters while looking at the system property board.

Personal redemption energy has increased a lot recently, and it has directly increased by nearly five thousand. Looking at the data on the attribute board, there are a lot of redeem energy points. As long as you unlock another person's task, you can start the redemption.

"It seems that this task cannot be delayed!"

Looking at this, Shen Guang decided to speed up the speed that he thought was completed.

Look at Jiu'er again, writing very seriously, constantly copying on a piece of paper.

Shen Guang has high expectations of her, hoping that she can read and write, and then change herself from here.

Bang bang!

The door was knocked.

"Please come in."

Shen Guang asked people to come in, and Jiuer stopped for a while and continued to practice.

"Master, the devil is coming!"

The bald three guns that came, at this moment, besides his head is a little bald, his whole body has a more military aura than before, and the banditry has also converged.

"Oh? How many are you here? When will you arrive?"

Shen Guang thought of the devil mentioned by Tu Sanpao, that was, he had taken away a small group of devil nearby before, and then waited for the devil to send a small team to solve this group of troubles.

Now when they come here, the efficiency is much slower than expected.

Shen Guang didn't know, because of his intervention this time, the devil's morale was a little low, which caused the devil to be cautious when dispatching and delayed their speed.

"A squadron devil, they have already arrived, and they may arrive at night at the latest."

"Very well, don't wait for them to arrive at night, just kill them on the road."

"To kill them on the road, we will act now."

After Shen Guang made the decision, after deciding on the path the devil was going to take, he immediately arranged to go, and directly took the people to act, and lay in ambush on a certain section of the road.

This busy day came directly at noon, and when the arrangement was in place, the ghost appeared before long.

The machine guns and motorcycles opened the way, and the other people followed, making sure that there was no danger, so they followed and killed them.

They are already familiar with this process. Shen Guang and the others lowered their heads and hid them to ensure that they would not be swept by bullets, let go of the devil's motorcycle, and wait for a large group of troops.

Soon, Guizi's brigade finally reached the ambush.


Light machine guns and heavy machine guns popped up all of a sudden and carried out a devastating attack on the little devil.

The first squadron of devils was sneak attacked and encountered a super firepower attack. They couldn't even defend and resist, so they were sieved by dense bullets.

The motorcycle that had just opened the road found movement and drove back to rescue, but it couldn't stop it.

When the battle was over, only five minutes had passed.

This is exaggerated, but it is also true.

They are no longer the green fighters they used to be. They have all changed. The key is that the weapons in their hands have been replaced with submachine guns, heavy machine guns, light machine guns, and bullets from the previous rifles. Unrestricted, you can let go.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, even though the little devils had been very careful along the way, their faces were so full of their vigorous ambush, there was still no alternative.


This battle was just an appetizer for Shen Guang.

If he hadn't been able to gain exchange energy from battle after battle, he wouldn't need to be there in person.

Although the exchange energy is not much, but the accumulation of small amounts to more, Shen Guang is not too small.

This time the battle was over, Shen Guang drove the car by himself, moved again, and went in one direction, and a lot of grenades were installed in his car.

A grenade, which is a type of infantry artillery shell, can be fired through this type of gun.

The car drove at full speed and came directly to the Guizi camp.

Shen Guang has already inquired clearly. This is the camp where Taro Yamada is located. Today, no matter what, he will kill Yamada and complete this mission.

The car stopped in an open area not far away, Shen Guang said nothing, dragged down the infantry artillery to aim and fired.


One shot, the camp exploded!


Immediately afterwards, the damage scope of the little devil camp expanded.


Just when Shen Guang was about to continue firing shells, the alarm bells kept in his mind, making Shen Guang's scalp hairy.

"No! There is an ambush!"

The experienced Shen Guang immediately had a judgment. This time, regardless of the gun, he directly gave up the attack, then got in the car, the car started, and went directly to the Guizi camp.


The earth-shattering explosion sounded, and it was the position he left, and the place where he had just drove out was covered by artillery fire.

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