From the Apocalypse

Chapter 791 Take it away!

XS Airport.

It is the airport built by the devil here, and the plane dedicated to the devil stops here.

Looking around, there are nearly 31 airplanes parked at the airport—it doesn't look like many, but there are already many.

The devil’s background was insufficient. The aggression mainly relied on cruelly trained infantry. The aircraft was relatively few, but even with the infantry, it was enough to crush the under-trained and undernourished national army.

Moreover, at present, the production of Guizi aircraft has not reached its peak, and naturally there are not many aircraft. At this time period, aircraft are not mainstream, and there are already a lot of these aircrafts here.

Although there are few airplanes, the devils attach great importance to it.

Not only are people assigned to strictly protect these aircraft, they are also under strict supervision. Anyone approaching these aircraft will be investigated.

As for the pilots, they are even rarer. Every pilot enjoys the extra-standard treatment of ordinary soldiers.

The protection here is even tighter.

Throughout the airport, a layer of barbed wire was pulled outside, and artillery buildings were built around it. Outside the airport is a blank space without grass to ensure that there is no cover when the enemy sneaks in.

There are headlights on the gun tower. Whether it is day or night, it is almost impossible to break into the airport from here.

The patrolling devils, one by one, strictly guard their duties, and they never stop patrolling.

Among them, wolf dogs are also cultivated. These wolf dogs appear frequently, and not just one.

Shen Guang looked at them, and then went out one by one, slowly wandering around the airport.

Of course, they just watched it with a telescope from a distance, and they had to be hidden and not exposed. If exposed, the plan would be ruined.

Turned around, silently remembering the surrounding terrain.


Shen Guang did not act rashly, but secretly observed and recorded the law of the devil's actions.

These devils are not comparable to the puppet army. They are heavily guarded and have almost no loopholes. Although everyone is tired, they do not compromise when performing tasks.

Unlike the puppet army, if this is a puppet army, each and every puppet army is estimated to have yawned for a long time, and the execution of tasks is also greatly reduced.

Under such circumstances, Shen Guang had to spend some time studying the law of Devil's actions.

One day, two days, three days...

For three days, Shen Guang led the people to stay here to guard, remembering the devil's activity rules, eating dry food when he was hungry, drinking cold and boiled food when he was thirsty, and his life was quite hard.

Since gaining extraordinary power, Shen Guang has rarely done this, but now in order to complete the task and to let these subordinates live as much as possible, he still does it.

Three days later.

During the day, the sky is slightly overcast.

"Take a good night's sleep and work at night!"

Shen Guang ordered everyone to follow suit and rested for a day. After they woke up, they served them with delicious and delicious drinks. They were all very energetic, and they were eager to try, without the tension before the war.

After the meal, after some digestion, they started their action. By this time, it was already more than eight o'clock in the evening.

At night, it is a bit cloudy, the light is very dark, and the visibility is extremely low.

The airport was brightly lit, like the day, blocking the infiltration.

Outside the airport, in the darkness, all the squads gathered, and then divided into four directions and sneaked into the airport.

The dive started.

In the darkness, they each took a piece of cloth that was the same as the ground and covered themselves, although they were lying on the ground and ran gently towards the devil in front.

The big searchlight illuminates, the passage is swept away, time is rush, watching the steps like the ground, usually ignoring the past, how can they find their disguise.

Everyone is moving forward in tension.

One meter, two meters...Although it was very slow, the victory was persevering, careful and safe, and went all the way without being noticed.

Time passed slowly, and the temperature got lower and lower, as if it had entered a severe winter.

Time has entered Ling Chen, the temperature outside is very low, and a layer of ice has formed on the ground-the cold spring has not passed yet.

Soon, we are approaching the entrance of the airport.


When he was about to sneak in, the person in one of the directions was in trouble, and a wolfdog barked desperately.


Its barking caused the barking of other wolfhounds, which made the surrounding devils nervous.

The dog's barking immediately caused the searchlight to shine, and the headlights kept sweeping the open ground. The devils also looked down, and the gun was ready to be launched.

The searchlight swept past... There seemed to be nothing, but the devil didn't mean to leave.

The devils believed in their wolfhounds, and they searched seriously one by one. According to the devils, they were prepared, but they didn't find any suspicious enemies. Even if they were prepared, they didn't know where to aim their guns.

The devils are a little at a loss.


The wolf dog actually reacted fiercely, constantly struggling with the chain, barking at the place where it sneaked in, and the devil pulled the dog rope with some effort.

The departed searchlight heard this sound and was controlled to shine again. This time it stopped at the place where the wolfdog was barking, and it was no longer swept away.

On the ground, nothing seems unusual... Wait!

Damn~'s bad luck!

The people under the cloth cursed in their hearts, feeling the light coming through the steps, and when they stopped, they knew they were going to be exposed, and they no longer lurked, so they immediately lifted off the cloth on their bodies and picked up the submachine gun they had prepared. .

Da Da Da!!

The submachine gun in his hand shot at the devil in front, especially the barking wolfhound, which attracted enough hatred and was directly killed.

The devil next to him was caught off guard and was killed.


It was a few steps away from the door, and these soldiers stopped sneaking anymore, and all chose to break through.

More than forty people, each charged with a submachine gun, and the bullets swept wildly. Although the devils were already very vigilant, how could the manual 38 cover compare to a submachine gun?

The 38 large cover can be loaded with no bullets at one time. It is a manual rifle. For a shot, you need to pull the bolt, load the bullet, shoot a shot, and pull it again.

The Thomson submachine gun can hold up to 100 rounds of ammunition. As soon as the shuttle passes, it can fire ten bullets, and it can fire 700 rounds in one minute.

In normal times, the 38 large cover looks very sharp, but encountering these submachine guns now, it is simply vulnerable.

Especially in the short-range situation, the first shot, these ghost bullets were killed without being shot.

Some people immediately took out the grenade, pulled the string and threw it in, and some of them threw it into the mouth of the nearest gun tower.



Oh oh oh!——

Amid the explosion, the devil's alarm sounded.


A shell directly blasted off a gun tower, and the gun tower was destroyed, and the headlight on it went out.

It was like a signal. Then, Guizi’s gun towers were destroyed one by one, Guizi Airport, without these headlights, immediately plunged into darkness.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

At the airport, the devils yelled and rushed out one by one, carrying their rifles on the bayonet, preparing to fight the bayonet to kill the intruder.

There are also devils, heading directly to a heavy machine gun.

Da Da Da!

But, facing the sweep of the submachine gun, these devils were killed in one face.

The devils, like wheat, were killed by a submachine gun.

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