From the Apocalypse

Chapter 766: Fight!

Outside the wilderness, there was no other noisy sound, the roar of the engine came very clearly.

Regarding the truck, except for Shen Guang, it can be said that it was the first time that everyone on the scene heard the sound of the truck, and had not really seen the truck come.All of them nervously followed the previous orders, but did not dare to look up.

Only Shen Guang used the direct gap between the sandbags and the telescopes previously found in the county to observe the enemy's situation.

He saw four trucks from a distance, driving towards here without any reduction in speed..

The plaster flag was stuck in front of the truck, waving in the wind, sweeping countless dust all the way.

However, these cars stopped before entering this Jialonggou.

Then, the devils in yellow military uniforms came down from the car. These devils formed a circle to protect the innermost devils.

The devil looked at this Jialonggou with a telescope, then waved his hand, and the attendant next to him took out a file bag and opened it.

Take out a piece of kraft paper, and there was a map on it. The map clearly marked the surrounding counties, even villages, and every road.

The devil took a look on the map and soon found Jialonggou.

At this moment, a small group of devils came down and built a wall in front of these devils.

There is no doubt that once gunfire occurs, these devils will even go up and block bullets with their bodies.

This quality alone is absolutely rare!

People in this era don't know why the devils are so difficult to fight, and they usually pay several times the price, and they may not be able to defeat the devils.

Among them are military quality and logistical support.

Military quality comes from the training and culture of these devils. Each devils has undergone a certain degree of cultural learning, and has a high penetration rate in literacy. At the same time, it has also undergone rigorous training. The training of soldiers in this land is completely out of reach.

It can be seen from the telescope that although these devils are not tall, each soldier looks stronger.

No muscles can be seen under the clothes, but the flesh and blood on his face are full, and I know at a glance that my life is very good.

If you fight in close quarters, your own recruits are really not the opponents of these devils.

The Chinese people in this era don't have enough to eat. People who are thin on their bodies can see the ribs under their skin. They are almost all illiterate. They were caught on the battlefield by grabbing strong men. The gap between the two is too big.

Even at that time, the German-style ace-equipped troops of the National Army and the German Army were beaten to lose their helmets and disarm their armor.

Among them, Guizi's military literacy does occupy a huge advantage.

As for logistical preparations, in order to invade this country, the devils had already made preparations and sent people to this country to draw military maps in the name of inspection, investment, or even exchanges.

The maps they prepared were too detailed, and the local government maps might not have detailed maps of these devils.

"It should be a squadron, about one hundred and ninety people. Although there may be some risks, the problem should not be big."

Shen Guang guessed it, guessing who the devil will come this time, try to predict as many people as possible.

After that, just wait carefully and try to wait for the prey to enter the trap.

Devil's side.

"Your Excellency, there are some risks here. If there are enemies, they will definitely be ambushed here! When the car passes here, it is easy to be ambushed!"

The squadron leader opened the map, and everyone else looked at it. They also saw Jialonggou and learned about the special terrain here.

One of the sergeant majors came up with his own opinion.

There is a book in Huaxia that is very popular in the island country, and that is the book "Three Kingdoms", in which ingenious confrontation, countless devils worship.

They even worship this book as a bible, and some obsessives even bring this book with them and read it often.

Although the person in front of him is not so obsessed, if he encounters this situation, he will automatically be brought into a certain scene.

"This is indeed a good place to ambush! However, we must move forward, so this time, we must move forward carefully!"

Without pretending to slap in the face, the squadron captain's opinion of the opponent's subordinates was fairly acceptable.

In the end, everyone got on the car again, facing this dangerous environment, everyone cheered up.

The machine gun was placed on the roof of the car, and the soldiers in the truck also took out the 38 large covers, aiming at both sides of the road to be on guard, one by one did not look tired at all, it seems that they were not the ones who were vomited by the bumps before.

The engine roared, and the car moved forward again, but the speed was too slow, and the plaster flag didn't float anymore. It looked sluggish, like an elderly person.

It's just that how slow the car was, it was still roaring, and it entered Jialonggou.


As soon as you entered here, the machine gun on the roof of the car fired on both sides of Jialonggou, and four trucks fired intensively in different directions.


The sound of bullets continued to appear with sharp sounds, and any suspicious points would be taken care of by these machine guns.

Puff puff!

Some of the shells burrowed into the soil and disappeared.

If you are not prepared enough, facing this burst of fire, you will definitely be unable to help but scream, and then be found, the ambush is naturally exposed.

A lot of fire.Before the battle started, the surrounding area was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

"Everyone bow their heads!"

Shen Guang noticed as soon as the Guizi acted, and immediately passed the order in a low voice to the people around him.

The people around him didn't need to say more about Shen Guang, all of them hid their heads behind the fortifications, and bowed their heads one by one, coming in to hide themselves to prevent being discovered.

Listening to the sudden sound of machine guns, and feeling the bullet hitting the sandbag above their heads, everyone buried their heads lower, almost buried in the soil.

Fortunately, Shen Guang had arranged it properly before. Except for a hapless person who was too curious, he stretched out his head and took a shot and hung it up. Everyone honestly followed the requirements and dropped their heads.

However, no one noticed this situation except Shen Guang, because other people had been attracted by the roar of entering the encirclement.

At this moment, there are only devils in their minds, and the order to attack them.

Shen Guang didn't give the order directly, but waited patiently, and when he saw the devil came to the middle of Jialonggou to enter the cash, he shot decisively.


A crisp sound rang, especially clear in the sudden burst.


Immediately after the crisp gunfire, there was a sound of explosion from a distance. The devils in front didn't understand, they felt that the car was shaking violently.

I saw a truck in the front, being hit by the explosive bomb, the car was uncontrollable, and hit the side according to its inertia. The car just blocked the road ahead.

The driver, as well as the person in the passenger seat, all fell down, no longer alive.



The explosion just appeared in front, followed by the gunshot, and the explosion reappeared. The roar of the explosion directly damaged the last truck and blocked the back road.

There were two explosions before and after, and the convoy was directly stunned and panicked.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

In the panic, someone shouted loudly.

The two trucks that weren't bombed in the middle were constantly getting devil soldiers coming down. These soldiers spontaneously searched for terrain and concealed them according to training and without orders.

At the same time, their guns fired toward both sides.

boom!Bang bang bang!!

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