The county seat has changed.

The big figures who were invincible before have all stayed in jail, and although the county town has been violently attacked here, the others are safe.

It’s now confirmed that they are safe, and it relieved everyone else

Of course, it was inevitable that they would be frightened this night, but now that they are all right, they are happily ignored.

The happiest thing is the suspects who were arrested before. These people have been arrested because they have not had time to pay the ransom. Now people will be released. If money is saved, people can also come out. The money saved for half a lifetime is finally saved.

The group of people in the county seat will be tried and convicted based on their crimes-this is absurd to some people, because the trial is very illegal and the procedures seem extremely ridiculous.

But in addition to the unreality that most ordinary people feel like dreamlike, regardless of whether these are legal or not, they seem to be gratifying-normal channels cannot judge these people. Since ancient times, officials have protected each other, and normal channels have been indefinitely.

Now one by one completely ignores the legitimacy of the announcements, and when they are dubious, they are secretly excited, expecting such things to happen.

These people on trial belonged to the local emperors and minions. They had all fished and fleshed out the local people, and they had done things that were angry and grieving. The local people dared not speak.

Now that someone is finally helping them out of their anger, they are naturally very happy, and they can't wait to see these people immediately.

They were just happy, they were still holding a wait-and-see attitude before they were really sure whether the national salvation volunteers were trustworthy.

"Look! This volunteer army is starting to recruit people!"

"They still take care of the food!"

These people waited and watched, and some others became very interested in recruiting volunteers.

In these years, not only wars threaten people on this land, but drought and famine also threaten people on this land.

The land of the Central Plains and the land of Sichuan and Shu have already appeared. I don't know how many starve to death, and even "people markets" appear. They are just concealed from above, and few people know it, but the gossip still came.

As for the local area, although it has improved a lot, most people are still on the verge of this danger. The influence of any factor may make their whole family hungry and go bankrupt with nothing.

Now if they have a place to eat, they are willing to fill their stomachs.

It's just that they still have doubts, fighting will kill you!

In order to eat a bite of rice, it is worth the arrangement to do this?

Also, will the volunteers just lie to them like other people, in fact, they also catch the strong?

The capture of strong men has continued to appear these years, especially since the Japanese invaders have suffered great losses from various troops and horses. In order to supplement the sources of troops of various troops, there is a policy of recruiting troops.

At that time, in order to complete the recruitment targets, and at the same time, the governments of various provinces and regions tried their best.

Men up to fifty years old, and teenagers down to twelve or thirteen years old, may be a target for them.

This kind of thing happened almost all over the country. It’s not that the local people went out and got caught in other places to become strong men. It’s not that it never happened. Those who were caught are basically useless to come back alive.

Being able to come back is basically disabled, and only then can I have a chance to come back alive.

It is said that when a strong man, they can't even eat food, they can only drink water, even water is useless.Their rations were deducted, and in the end they trained hungry for half a month, and had to go to the battlefield to die. The strong man could still be able to eat, but he stretched out his hands and could really reach the strong man’s hands. Not much anymore.

The equipment is useless, others are good, and the training is not enough, so going to the battlefield is almost dead, and everyone doesn't want to die so confused.


While the people in the county were talking about it, a horse came quickly along the street towards the outside of the city.

Step on!

The sound of horseshoes was not rushed, but it was clearly heard by everyone on the roadside.

When the people on the street saw him, they all shuddered and gave way. Those with children grabbed their curious children, and then secretly looked at him.

The man is tall and big, sitting on horseback, moving forward steadily, like a gun, straight, handsome face with fortitude, which makes people feel good.

Although riding a horse, but the speed is not fast, obviously pays attention to the surrounding situation, when someone reacts slowly without urging, he will pull the reins.

Slowly for a few minutes, the people around saw him go away before speaking.

"Who is this? You dare to ride a horse at this time?"

"He still had a gun at his waist, and he hung it up immediately!"

"A person who can be like this! It must be a volunteer from the army!"

"Volunteer man? He is strangely tall! He is also strangely handsome!"

"Looks good like a decent person."

This world is the world of looking at the face. The value of the face may be exaggerated, but it is indisputable that the value of the face can be appreciated by others more easily.

Shen Guang didn't know, he just passed by in such a hurry, and he received a wave of goodwill.

At this moment, he was already far away from the county seat, and was speeding up and urging the horse towards Shibalipo.

Before, he had promised Jiu'er that he would pick up people today. Now that the time is up, he naturally won't break his promise, just come and pick up people.

Away from the county seat, I came to the open field again, listening to the calls of insects and birds, my mood improved as well as the beautiful weather.

Nothing happened all the way, and Shen Guang soon arrived at Shibalipo.

Ta Ta Ta!

The sound of taming horseshoes came here early through the open wilderness, making the people of the wine shop come out to look at this aspect.

"Oh! Who is this? Shen, is this Brother Shen Guang?"

When they saw Shen Guang approaching Shen Guang riding a horse, all of them were shocked. The boss with an open mouth stuttered.

"Haha, it's me, how is it, how are these few days?"

When he came closer, Shen Guang was very happy to see his acquaintances, and he got off his horse and started chatting with these people.

"Not so good. On the second day of the old shopkeeper's marriage, he was taken away. Look at us, and now he is free."

"Yeah! The conscience of those dog thieves has been eaten by dogs! Come to catch for blackmail!"

"Today, Uncle Luohan, I went to pick up the old shopkeeper without knowing the sky! I haven't come back yet, alas! I hope the old shopkeeper can come back safely!"

Shibalipo is still some distance from the county seat and the transportation is inconvenient. It takes four or five hours for ordinary people to walk. There are bullock carts in the wine shop, but the bullock carts also take more than three hours, which is the time spent in the middle of a round trip. , Not just these.

Before Luohan came back, things in the county hadn't spread here, and they didn't know that the county had changed.

The guys in the store have a great resentment towards those people in the county, and they are scolding them at the moment.

Shen Guang didn't rush to pick up people, so he just chatted with them.

"Is this your horse? Do you still have a gun?"

When they noticed Shen Guang's horse and spear, these people were a little cautious.

Horses and guns, in this era, only people with identities can have them, and people without identities have these, and identities make people wonder.

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