From the Apocalypse

Chapter 754 Scared to pee!

Living in remote areas, or places where public security is not good, when conditions permit, they usually raise some dogs.

With dogs, they will bark at night to remind their owners to pay attention to safety, so that they can be prepared in advance. At the same time, the barking of dogs can also deter some criminals.

The most famous example is the American Empire.

Why does the U.S. Empire have so many dogs in families?

Even consider them as a member of the family?

Some people say they are very caring.

Hehe, I like dogs, and raising a dog with love may be one aspect, but this is a reason, not important, and optional.

More of the reasons are environmental issues, which many people have overlooked.

According to statistics, the U.S. Empire’s population accounts for 4% of the world’s population and owns over 40% of the world’s guns.As many as 500 shootings were recorded in a given year, and in each case, at least five people were killed.

If you count shooting cases of different sizes, there are nearly 2,500.

A country with a proliferation of guns, such a country, has a high annual crime rate. Counting those non-gunfire cases, one can imagine the law and order.

The people of other countries don’t know the danger. The locals know and know how to protect themselves. After they enter the night, people who can’t go out try their best not to go out. Even if they go out, they try not to go out alone or drive a car , Try not to go to unsafe places.

If people from a safe place come to this country, or a similar neighboring country, Canada, they don’t pay attention to this, and attacks often happen.

Even at home, sometimes it will not be safe, because a thief broke in with a gun and it happened. I don't know how many unguarded people were murdered because of this reason.

The people in the house can be safe, and the sound of the dog's alarm is indispensable.

The barking of the dog aroused the vigilance of the owner of the house, and he was prepared to use a gun to resist, even without a gun. Those intruders would give up after hearing the barking of the dog.

If there is no dog, the consequences can be imagined after being broken in.

There are many smart people. Knowing this, they will naturally respond. Therefore, the American empires who have the conditions here will raise a dog.

In this world, in this chaotic era, public security is even more worrying. Not to mention the county town. Even outside the county town, there are many people with dogs. Even if there is not enough food, dogs are indispensable.

The hearing of dogs is higher than that of humans, some say it is 16 times higher than that of humans, and others say it is four times higher.

However, whether it is sixteen times or four times higher than humans, there is no doubt that they are higher than humans, especially in this quiet night, narrow county town, the messy footsteps spread out, humans can not hear, they can not hear To.

They may not be courageous or fierce, but at night, calling them out is enough.

Shen Guang's group of people are mostly reckless, and it is impossible for them to speak softly, even if they deliberately reduce their voices, they can't avoid the dogs raised in the county.

The worst thing is that the barking of dogs seems to be contagious. If a dog barks, all nearby dogs will bark, and the whole county will be alarmed.

And a few days ago, the whole county in Shen Guangnong knew about it, and that's why.

Now that the same cry appeared, no matter how dull other people were, they realized the problem.

On Shen Guang's side, a group of younger brothers changed their faces one by one, looking at Shen Guang anxiously.

"What a panic! Follow me!"

Shen Guang yelled, and continued to rush past with unabated speed.

He hadn't seen any scenes, and the small county town couldn't shake him at the moment, not to mention that he had already inquired about the details of this place, so naturally he was not afraid of anything.

The others didn't waver at the sight of Shen Guang's backbone, and suddenly no longer worried, and followed Shen Guang to the patrol room.

The small county is not big, so they stormed over.


At this time, the barking of dogs has resounded throughout the town, and it has been reflected in the patrol room.

Patrol room.

"Hurry up!"

One by one shouted, and then one by one the heads of the investigation team with guns ran out of the bed and sleeper.

These head-catching shirts came out without putting on them properly, and then came to ambush at the predetermined location according to the pre-arrangement, and then shot.

The efficiency of the patrol room is naturally impossible to be so high. Before, the security team had an accident, but these people were scared. They were afraid of repeating the same mistakes. Now they dare not go home to live, and do not dare to send their subordinates home to rest. So high efficiency comes.

Those who have been living in the patrol room for a few days have not dared to relax in the slightest, and after training, if there is any trouble, they will move, holding the guy on guard.

When Shen Guang and the others rushed over, they saw that sandbags had been piled up outside the patrol room, and some were defending, and there were still people on the surrounding walls with guns aiming here.

Around, a faint encirclement was formed.


Shen Guang reflected that it was too fast, and immediately stopped the whole team, without bringing anyone into the encirclement.

brush!The scene became solemn, and the barking dogs around also stopped.

"The opposite brother is that part! Come out and answer!"

Seeing that Shen Guang and the others did not enter the trap here, some people in the patrol room regretted, but some people still shouted here with a megaphone made of iron sheet.

In the dark, a clear voice came, not only the people on the street could hear it, but also the residents nearby.

These households, afraid of getting into trouble, closed their homes tightly and did not dare to come out.

boom!Shen Guang ignored it at all and shot it over.

Cang!The tin horn fell on the brick, and a sound of gold and iron came out from a long distance.

The person who had just shouted suddenly lost his voice, and at the moment he sat down on the ground, looking at the tin horn with a bullet hole in front of him, and sweating.

He was afraid that he would be hit just now, so he deliberately hid behind the wall carefully, just sticking out the tin horn, if he just stretched out his head to speak...Fortunately, he didn't stick his head out.

The person's scared hands and feet were weak, cold sweat broke out, and he was grateful.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person sweated again.

This kind of marksmanship, is that person trying to kill him?If you are stared at by such a person, it is not safe to go out in the future.

The sound of gunshots, when the clank, the tin horn fell off, and the people around were dumbfounded, especially in the dark, although torches had been lit around, they still couldn’t see clearly. At this time they thought the person holding the horn was shot and killed. Up.


These people didn't react for a while, and when they reacted, they went forward in shock.

"Quick! Cover! Cover me! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

With someone coming, this person screamed in horror. It seemed to be frightened. The voice was a bit sharp, like a rooster crowing.

This bureau was originally a son of a local squire. Relying on the relationship between the family and getting such a position, he usually bullied and bullied the ordinary people, and he was accustomed to being dignified. He had experienced such a life and death crisis there. At this moment, he was frightened. .

The two confidants who came forward found that there was a sorrow from the seat body, and there were water stains ticking.

It turned out to be scared to wet his pants.

The two pretended not to see it, almost dragging them into the house!

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