From the Apocalypse

Chapter 736 Dragon Mountain

Tang Guo.

The rain has slowed down, and the pouring rain has also turned into filaments, but the sky has become more gloomy, and Kyoto, which has just restored some light, is once again shrouded in darkness.

A tow truck has arrived at Chen Pite's house, pulled the cordon, and began to clean the scene.

Similar situations occurred in many other parts of Kyoto throughout the Tang Dynasty.

Fortunately, this heavy rain was so heavy that no one came out. Even the gunshots and the roaring grenade explosions were covered by the rain, and the terrorist impact was limited.

No matter which country it is, stability is the most important thing. To maintain stability, any country and any dynasty must do something.

For ordinary people, they can always only come into contact with the good side, and everything that is bad must be harmonized. Even if it is not harmonious, the spread will be prohibited.

Spread out, that is to spread rumors, either shut up or harmonious.

Try to deal with things in a low-key manner. Fortunately, because of the weather, when dealing with the situation here, there is not much trouble and it is easy to handle.

Soon, it was cleaned up here, and there were almost no bloodshots or bullet shells. Even the damaged things were quickly replaced by other things.

Even if someone came here, they would not have thought that there had been a terrorist battle here before.

When the battlefield was cleaned up here, the battle was not over.

On the edge of Kyoto not far from there is a mountain, Longshan.The mountain is not high, with an altitude of 1,296 meters, but it is the highest mountain in Kyoto. Because it is close to Kyoto, it is called the sacred mountain of Tang Dynasty by good people.

Longshan, this was not its name originally, it was only after the establishment of Tang Dynasty that this mountain had its name.

After that, because it was close to Kyoto and the highest mountain, it was also a mountain that the people of Tang Dynasty yearned for.

On this earth, some countries have four distinct seasons, and some have only summer, or autumn and winter, and even extreme daylight.

Tang country belongs to the tropics. There is only summer in a year. Even in the coldest time, it is not too cold. This is not used to the Tang people who come from the four seasons, and miss the seasons.

Longshan, the first mountain, has four distinct seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter appear here all year round, which just meets the conditions they miss.

In the past every year, a large number of people from Tang Dynasty would come here to play during their holidays, so that they would bring the rhythm and make many people come here to play.

In the past year, more than 50 million people came to visit.

The population of Tang is just over 30 million, with over 50 million person-times. This is equivalent to all people in Tang who come here more than once a year.

If you go out for some special people, people who come here dozens of times a year or even people who come here every day are not excluded.

No way, Tang is close to the equator and belongs to the tropics. It is not common for people living here all year round.It's pretty good to see this kind of scenery in Tang State without going abroad.

Especially in recent years after Longshan has undergone renovations, there have been great changes. Those layouts have obvious seasonal characteristics and different styles in different seasons.

As a Chinese-dominated country, some things in the bones of the Chinese will not change, such as houses.

In the minds of Tang people, houses are very important. If you can own a house in a big city, it would be great. If you own even one apartment in Kyoto, it will be invaluable and enviable. Even if you take it out to brag, you can still Take it out

But if you want to own a house in Longshan, it is almost impossible.Even those wealthy businessmen and related ministers, no matter how rich and powerful they are, no one builds houses here.

Fortunately, it has become a big park, allowing people to visit here, except for some places, there are almost no restrictions.

Those restricted places are separated by thick iron nets, and ordinary people cannot get in through the iron nets, making this place look very mysterious.

There used to be bold people who used iron tongs to break the net and prepare to enter. The guard organization who was driven over arrested these bold people and dealt with them seriously, leaving those people with unforgettable lessons.

Over time, this place has become a mysterious place and a place that has been overlooked.

But today when the rain is heavy and Kyoto is not calm, there are also a few more figures here.


In the heavy rain.


I saw a few silhouettes of people moving quickly, there was a wall in front of them, and they just stepped over directly, rushing past without hindrance.

The speed of the whole person is too fast. It is more than 20 meters in one swoop. During the halfway, there is no change at all. The rhythm is very stable and not chaotic.

In the heavy rain, these figures flashed away and quickly disappeared, hesitating the effect of heavy rain, the visibility was only four or five meters, such visibility, almost no one noticed, even if they noticed, they just saw a vague shadow That's it.

They still don't take ordinary roads, they take short cuts, and they are very fast. Even ordinary cars are not as fast as them. It only takes a quarter of an hour to reach Longshan.

They slowed down when they reached the mountain, but they were still much faster than ordinary people, and disappeared on this mountain in a blink of an eye.

They still did not take the normal mountain trails, but climbed directly from the ground without roads.

Although the front is steep and knows the obstacles of bushes, it is nothing to these figures. They shuttle fast, and move forward quickly.

Even if it rains, it can't stop them from affecting their rhythm, but as it goes up, the temperature gets lower and the rain becomes colder.

Not long after these people disappeared, someone came here soon.This is an old man, Bazin, a terrifying head-down master, and there are horrible legends of him in various Southeast Asian countries.

It's just that in the past few years, the disappearance has not appeared, so many people think that he was killed by the enemy. What people did not expect is that he appeared today and went straight to Longshan as soon as he appeared.

Bazin was a man who was nearly seventy years old. He grew up in this Nanyang. He was a native of Nanyang. According to legend, he was accepted as a disciple by a descendant master because of his talent.

In the end, they counterattacked their teachers and replaced them with decades of management, step by step, to achieve the horror of Bazin.

Of course, he has also become a guest of some people, worshipping, very detached and awesome.

Compared with the average height of the indigenous people, Bazin is tall, nearly 1.9 meters, with gray hair and a bit old-fashioned, but his muscles are bulging and his body proportions are perfect. He is better than that of professional fitness people, but he is very strong. Shuo, very powerful.

He came from a distance without any haste, at a very fast speed, and didn't seem to be any slower than those in the past, and he didn't look like a person in his seventies.

Of course, he is not the most attractive, the most attractive people are the things around him, the poison in one place.

These colorful five poisons are like an army, and the speed is not slow, they are not affected by the rain, and they cooperate with each other to keep up.

Bazin also quickly came to Longshan, and straight up along the road, as if he didn't hide anything at all.

With his arrival, those poisons took a quick step forward, unimpeded all the way.

Above Longshan, a place unknown to outsiders.

Here, there is a mansion that occupies almost half of Longshan's good place, and the scenery here is also the best in Longshan.

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