From the Apocalypse

Chapter 551: Curse!

There are illusions!As in the magic domain.

In all kinds of fantasy, people's thoughts will be dull, intelligence will decline, and the whole person's panic will expand!

People seem to have forgotten how they came here!I forgot my identity!I have forgotten the situation he faced at this time.

The surrounding demons and monsters pounced, making it even more frightening and frightening!The more you fear, the deeper you will fall into it. When the fear overwhelms everything, these illusions will gain more power, and even directly kill those who enter the illusion.

But these are only for ordinary people, ordinary people collapse in an instant, and then turn into blood.

Shen Guang has long been no ordinary person!

There have been a lot of battles, and it is not an exaggeration to walk through the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. Through the battles, the whole human heart has become tough.

Although temporarily forgotten, although facing the monsters and ghosts, the xinxing has been tough after battles.

Although facing the illusion, there is no panic, but like watching an interesting show!Even if he can't move, he still stands still.

His mental power was already high, and without panic, the whole person resumed action.

Although some things were temporarily forgotten, the whole person was more calm and calm when he resumed his actions.

His physique is more powerful, his true energy protects his body, making this evil spirit unable to break through, and he can only attack Shen Guang with this illusion bravely.

Once Shen Guang's will is defeated, ruin will appear from the inside out, and the true Qi outside will also collapse.

The breakdown of the contact reflection will be eroded even if the physique of Shen Guang is eroded, but these are only theoretical.

At this moment, Shen Guang's powerful spirit and experience have exercised his will, making him directly immune from this phantom attack.

"Yes, it should be like this! Don't panic! Everything is an illusion! All paper tigers!"

Although temporarily forgetting himself and his current situation, Shen Guang's amazing intuition made him subconsciously follow this intuition.

The more so, the more calm Shen Guang, the more calm, Shen Guang feels that his strength seems to be greater!

In the end, golden light appeared, that was true energy, and true energy was finally unlocked by him here. As the golden true energy appeared, like a scorching sun dispelling dark clouds, Shen Guang instantly lifted the blockade of the fantasy world. The situation you are in.

I'm in the ogre camp!

Now being counterattacked by the last sacrifice of the ogre and entered into the illusion!

The poison island and the others are also facing this kind of attack!They may be in danger!

You must break the game and solve these troubles!

If you brought them out by yourself, you have an obligation to rescue them and bring them back intact!

When I woke up, I thought of myself and the situation responsibilities faced by people around me almost instantly!

Some people will collapse directly under difficult persecution, while others will become stronger and more reliable under difficult persecution, just like beating iron.

Shen Guang is the latter.

In this situation, Shen Guang's whole person is exceptionally clear, and his spirit is exceptionally thorough, and he can't help but enter the most rational state. At this time, he is not affected by the illusion, and his whole person exudes strong confidence and strength. .

It seemed that he knew that Shen Guang was about to wake up, and these illusions condensed into hideous ogres, exposing their cold and ferocious fangs, rushing towards Shen Guang one after another.

Shen Guang is stronger!True energy, will, and spirit are completely integrated, and the whole person is perfect, as if not leaking the true immortal, impeccable!


Zhenqi joins the will and spirit, and becomes more domineering!It was like a flame, igniting these things quickly-it seemed to be very restraining to this thing, and almost urged by Shen Guang, it made the ogre that the opponent pounced over.

puff!Shen Guang only heard a soft sound, and the illusion was immediately broken!

Shen Guang walked out of this illusion all at once, and people had already appeared outside.

After the big fireball exploded, it was right in front of you, and you could see dried corpses everywhere. These corpses, shrunk, looked like grains of sand, and were dispersing in the breeze.

There is still a faint cold breath and discomfort on his body.

The surrounding air still has a burnt smell!

In the previous battle, he was injured by the fireball. Before he fully recovered, he was overshadowed by this sacrifice.

Although the attack was dispelled now, Shen Guang was still affected.

However, it was not serious. Under the dangerous pressure and stimulation, this influence quickly strengthened Shen Guang's self-healing, and Shen Guang recovered within a few breaths.

When Shen Guang was recovering himself, he also directly searched for Dudao Kongzi and the others. After seeing them, Shen Guang immediately came to them.

At this moment, several people were sitting on the ground, and the situation was a little bit bad. The whole person's complexion was livid, and the pretty face looked hideous and terrifying, full of blood vessels.

The repeated appearance of evil spirits made them tremble all over, and their bodies gave off a cold breath and a peculiar smell.

If you look closely, you can see that their white and translucent skin is also dimmed, and small spots appear on the skin.

These small bits of grayish color, like pustules, and exude a faint peculiar smell, it is from this that the pustules are growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As they expanded, their vitality seemed to have been absorbed, and their entire vitality was weakening.

If no one cares about them, it seems that they will be sucked up and they will die of weakness.

As they became weak, the evil spirit in them became more and more intense.

Shen Guang was shocked when he saw this.

The strength of Dudao Kongzi and the others has long been different from what they used to be. They are further extraordinary after being separated from ordinary people. Although they are only in and out, they have the protection of true energy and exert their strength. They belong to the outstanding class at the beginning of the extraordinary stage.

They have strong physiques, and although it is a bit exaggerated that they are not invaded by cold and heat, they can withstand the cold and scorching heat, and diseases are far away from them.

It is almost unbelievable that this kind of change has occurred in the body now.

With their current strength, such a thing could happen, and most importantly, they are just the aftermath of the attack.

You can see the horror of this aftermath, but you are all right?

Is it the effect of own qi?Or... For a moment, Shen Guang made a lot of associations, but he did not hesitate to act.

Extraordinary vision!

Shen Guang immediately used his extraordinary vision to see, hear, and inquire, and diagnose them-amazing insight, it is really convenient to learn skills without forgetting. Shen Guang's art is the best among the whole team.

In just an instant, Shen Guang saw the source of the illness, it was strands of black energy entwining them.

The beam of light representing the lives of the women cast a shadow at this moment and dimmed a lot.

A wisp of air is eroding them, feel it carefully, and a malicious breath is emitted from it, which seems to make people fall into an illusion.

This is exactly the attack that Shen Guang touched before.

Seeing this, Shen Guang felt relieved.

What they can't solve, Shen Guang can just solve it.

Shen Guang's hands glowed with soft golden light. The light was just as warm as the sun, but it didn't burn them.

The light was controlled by Shen Guang, covering them all.

"Woooooo..." A whimper came from the evil spirit.


With a soft sound, wisps of gray and defeated evil spirits on the women, as if they had encountered a nemesis, were dissipated almost instantly.

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