From that Korean city

Chapter 338 A sentence that moved Sunny

On the TV, the BGM of the game seemed particularly cheerful in the apartment room at this night.

Lin Yi sat cross-legged on the carpet, leaning against the sofa, listening to Lin Xiaolu talk about some issues about plastic surgery, looking at the camera over there and gently nodding, blindly typing a message with his right hand, replying to Kim Taeyeon's little composition.

It's said to be touch typing, but you still have to take a look at it from time to time. After all, it's not your mother tongue.

If this were changed to Chinese, Lin Yizhen would be typing blindly.

A few minutes later, Lin Yoona, who had almost said it, stretched in front of the camera, "Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. I have to get up early in the morning to put on makeup and shoot. I should be able to relax a little by the end of the month. It's also the promotion period. Then you can go home and rest.”

"Yeah, let's rest and take care of yourself."

"I will. You are the one who needs to pay attention, Mr. Lin~"

Lin Yi, who was named, smiled and said, "I know, I'm not running around, so I'll be fine."

"As long as you understand. Okay, we can't talk anymore. I'm really sleepy. I'll give you information about Sunkyu Unni tomorrow. If it doesn't work, you can help me deal with it."

Lin Yi nodded at this, and then hung up the phone after a few more words.

As for the team leader who was still sending messages, Lin Yi also chose to reply: Go to sleep, I'm watching Shun Gyu's matter.

On the bed, inside the mattress.

Kim Taeyeon looked at this information with confusion and surprise in her eyes.

What does it mean that he is looking at Shun Gyu? Same as Soo-yeon's time? ?

The main point of her complaint to Lin Yi was not that she wanted the other party to intervene, but that she simply wanted to find a tree hole to talk to.

Looking at it now, it seems that the guy understood that he was troubling him to do something.

Because she didn't know the situation of Lin Yuner and Lin Yi, Kim Taeyeon, who became a little confused at this time, began to make up her mind.

So she quickly typed out a bunch of messages, which roughly meant that she didn't mean it, she just thought about it, and explained the situation.

This also caused Lin Yi, who saw the next few messages, to turn his phone around in a funny way, guessing that she was probably thinking wrong.

But he didn't explain it, instead he agreed according to the captain's words.

After that, he played the game and chatted with her until most of the night. Even after the game was cleared, the team leader still didn't want to sleep.

He even asked: Do you still have the strength for a massage at this point?

Lin Yi's forehead was filled with black lines after seeing this information. He glanced at the time and saw that it was already 3 o'clock in the morning.

Then he replied: Do you want to come over now? This is even more outrageous than staying up all night.

Looking at this reply, Kim Taeyeon pouted, stretched out her hand to rub her dry eyes, and hummed softly a few times.

In the end, he chose to sleep and rest. After all, he couldn't go to the other party's apartment, so he still had to give Yoona some face.

As for going out, running out to book a room and book a hotel in the middle of the night in the base camp of Seoul is a bit embarrassing for the bastards here.

Not to mention that guy also has a mark of refusing to stay out at night. With multiple buffs added up, he might as well sleep in the dormitory.

Thinking of this, Kim Taeyeon suppressed her sleepiness and chatted with Lin Yi for a few more words.

In the end, the phone slipped down unknowingly, and he fell asleep in a daze.

Over at the apartment, Lin Yi saw that Kim Taeyeon had not replied for more than ten minutes, and guessed that the other party must have fallen asleep, so he got up, stretched his body, and walked into the master bedroom to wash up.

As a result, when he came out of the shower, his phone received another message.

But it wasn't Tai Xiaoruan, but the little cook who was traveling far away in the country. She had just woken up and was eating the morning tea bought by the staff.

When I was happy, I took a photo and shared it with Lin Yi.

Unexpectedly, the guy was still asleep, so the two started chatting.

It was not until 5 o'clock in the morning, no, it was early morning, that Lin Yi threw his phone on the bedside, turned over and fell asleep.

My last thought before going to bed is that I finally feel like I was young.

Because he was such a wolf warrior back then. He would flirt with various girls until early in the morning every day, and then sleep for two or three hours before getting up to go to bed early in the morning. During this period, he continued to behave like a wolf warrior.

At 11 noon, inside a beauty hospital in Seoul.

Little Taiyang listened to Lin Yuner's persuasion and concern on the phone and smiled happily, "I know, I know, I'm just here to check. I don't want to use a knife, Yoona."

At this time, Little Sun's explanation to Lin Yoon-ah was still the same as what he had discussed with Kim Taeyeon, Kwon Yoo-ri and others last night.

But Lin Yoona, who knew better about the practices of those disgusting people in the company, directly expressed her concerns.

"Onie, you are just checking now. After the check-up is completed, the company and the doctor will come together to brainwash you, and you will become hesitant. Then some cases, pressure from the company, etc. will be put in front of you. You He started to waver. Finally, after being half-coaxed and half-persuaded, he entered the operating room and lay down on the hospital bed."

"What? In your mind, am I such a stupid person?"

Little Taiyang was amused by Lin Yoona's series of assumptions. She didn't even think that she would be the protagonist in that paragraph.

Cleverness can lead to mistakes, and sometimes the most obvious feature is the current appearance of the little sun.

So when Lin Yoona heard this, she immediately cut the knot. Instead of saying anything else, she asked, "Which hospital are you in now, Unnie? Is it still the same old address?"

In Peninsula, almost every brokerage company has a long-term cooperation with a beauty hospital. In addition to the convenience of confidentiality, the techniques and facial shapes are more in line with the needs of each company.

In other words, after having many experiences, there won’t be so much trouble later.

So when Lin Yoona asked this question, Little Taiyang answered without any doubt, "Well, everyone in the company comes here."

"I know, I'm busy first, Unnie, please pay attention."

"Don't worry, I'm not a child anymore, nothing will happen to me."

Lin Yuner chuckled after hanging up the phone, and dialed Lin Yi the next second.

After several busy signals, a confused voice sounded, "Hey, Yoona, what's wrong?"

"I'll send you an address. Sunkyu Unni is over there. You can see how to coax her out. If you miss this time, people who have already arranged their itinerary will fill in the vacancy, so you don't have to worry about it for a while. ”

"Are you anxious?"

"Worry, go out quickly."

After a few hurried words, Lin Yi's body, which was still lying down, stood up and walked to the door in the next second.

I just skipped washing and other things.

He grabbed the panda plush pajamas Lin Xiaolu bought for him and put them on, went out to get the car keys and left the apartment.

Set up the navigation when taking the elevator, get in the car and start it when you get to the parking lot, step on the accelerator and drive out of the parking space towards the exit.

The series of actions only took less than 5 minutes.

By the time he drove to his destination, it had been less than half an hour since Lin Xiaolu called him. In this small city of Seoul where traffic jams lasted from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., this time was really short. Soon.

Lin Yi parked the car on the side of the road and called Little Sun.

The first one didn't answer, and the second one answered just when he was about to hang up. His voice was a little urgent, "Hey, why are you calling in such a hurry."


Lin Yi tested it first, but Little Sun obviously had no intention of hiding the situation, "I'm in the hospital for a checkup."

"Hospital? What a coincidence. Which hospital are you in? I've just arrived."

"Why did you go to the hospital?"

Little Yang asked instinctively, and Lin Yi's answer was flawless, "There is a client who takes artistic photos and wants to get whitening injections. I will give them to her by the way."

After that, he casually told the location of the hospital where he was.

Hearing that position, Little Yang was immediately surprised, "What? I'm in this hospital too."

She was always smart, but she couldn't react for a moment, so she asked more, "Where are you?"

Lin Yi, who had been observing since he parked the car, had already found the blocked path at the side entrance of the hospital, so he told Little Sun the location of the north entrance. The latter was not suspicious and went to look for him.

Lin Yi smiled with satisfaction after hearing this, saving himself the step of robbing someone.

Then he slowly drove the car there, stopped at the blocked intersection, got out of the car, kicked away the ice cream cones, continued to drive inside, and turned the car around to get ready.

A few minutes later, Little Yang, wearing a black sports suit, appeared at the north gate.

The hoodie was put on her head, giving her a naughty and handsome look.

But as she smiled after seeing Lin Yi, her sunny and cute girlish aura suddenly broke through the ruffian and dark wind, and was revealed in a brilliant way.

"Why are you...oh, oh, oh, oh, Lin Yi, what are you doing? Put me down, you are crazy."

Before Little Sun came over and finished speaking, Lin Yi picked him up.

Yes, you read that right, he was carried.

Because when Lin Yi saw Little Yang coming in front of him, he didn't bother to say anything more. He bent down and hugged her legs, put her on his shoulders, turned around and took her towards the car.

A series of actions were very decisive, regardless of the little Taiyang struggling on his shoulders.

After carrying her to the side of the car, he quickly opened the passenger door and stuffed her in. Then he locked the car door, not giving the girl inside who was having sex crazily a chance to escape.

Take a few quick steps around the front of the car, get into the driver's seat, put it in gear, and step on the accelerator.

Finally, with the sound of burning tires, the car drove away with a swishing sound and entered the main road.

In the passenger seat, Little Yang looked at this act that looked like kidnapping, and his face turned red with fright, "Wow, ah, Dafa, Lin Yi, what are you doing?"

"You're welcome to take you out to play."

Lin Yi stared straight ahead, turned in at an intersection, then took the elevated road uphill and drove towards the highway intersection.

If Little Taiyang hadn't reacted before, she finally came to her senses now and asked a little funny, "Yooner is looking for you?"

"Yeah." Lin Yi did not deny it. After all, there was nothing to hide.

At this time, Little Taiyang couldn't help but laugh, "As for that, I really don't plan to use the knife, and even if the knife is used, it won't abduct me. Now that's good, people from the company will definitely tell me." "

"That's a problem between you and Yoona. I'm only responsible for the actions. I don't admit to taking the blame."

"Haha, based on your behavior just now, if someone from the company called the police and reported that I was kidnapped, no one would suspect it."

Facing Little Sun's statement, Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "Then how much kidnapping ransom do you think I should ask your company for? As for the members of Girls' Generation and Li Xiuman's niece, it's not an exaggeration to ask for shares. .”

"How dare you."

"Don't dare."

Lin Yi smiled and said that he was not really kidnapped, so he wanted a ransom.

Besides, I won’t be short of money in a few months.

"You're such a bastard."

Little Sun glared at this guy. The bastard's behavior just now really scared her, so she thought something was going on.

After glaring at him, he asked again, "You really can't send me back."

"If you can't give it away, why do you need to use a knife? It looks quite cute now. Once or twice is an adjustment, and more than a few times is a toss-up, so let's leave it like that."

"Yeah, Lin Yi, don't you think you and Yoona have crossed the line a little this time? Are you really afraid that I will be angry or think that you are meddling in your own business? After all, my own body and my own choices should not be my own decisions. What?"

Lying on the seat, Little Taiyang had quietly fastened his seat belt and said this sentence.

"I know, so my choice has always been to let go of helping others and respect the fate of others. This way I can avoid being moved."

Listening to Lin Yi's words, Little Sun's willow-leaf eyes squinted and he smiled, "Then you still do it, it's not like what you said at all."

"I can't help it, Yoona spoke."

A simple sentence, but it made Little Yang extremely moved.

Because it can be seen that even when Lin Yi has his own style of life, he can put down his figure for Yoona and carry out it without hesitation.

After getting along with each other these days, Little Yang knew very well that although this man seemed very humorous and gentle.

But the pride in the bones, like the captain and second sister of the family, belongs to the temperament of preferring to take the straight from the straight rather than from the tune.

But even such a proud man can actually put down his body as much as possible to help his woman for a request. What does this mean?

Apart from love, Little Sun couldn't think of any other reason for the time being.

The joke of murder evidence seemed particularly glaring at this time, even a little insulting to this man, and it was not suitable to appear.

So after being moved, Little Yang resignedly kicked off his shoes, found a comfortable position, and lay down on the seat.

"I know, just listen to what you say. But just take me back to the dormitory. There is no need to run out again. I will definitely not break my promise if I obey."

"That's not okay. Your promise has no weight with me."


I was slightly moved by this guy just now, but why did it disappear all of a sudden? The irritation popped up again.

"Yeah, you guy, please stop talking."

Looking at Lin Yi, Little Taiyang smiled bitterly and depressedly.

Really, it's nice to be mute.

Give me back my touch, asshole.

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