From that Korean city

Chapter 269 The real goals of street gangster Lin Yi and Tai Xiaoruan

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi turned back to look at the two people on the sofa, and Xian Enjing happened to also turn to look at him.

After seeing the expression on Lin Yi's face, he seemed to understand something, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Lin Yi did not deny it, nodded and said, "Well, you guys should rest for a while. I'll go back to the apartment to take care of some things and come back later."

In response to Lin Yi's statement, Xian Enjing shook her head, "If you have something to do, just get busy first. Playing cards is nothing, it's just a game. If you can't play it this time, just play it next time."

Then Park Xiaomin also responded, "That's right, Teacher Lin, you go and do your work first."

In fact, for Park Xiaomin, it was good that Lin Yi had no time. After the few plates of Landlords and a large can of soda, her little head and stomach were completely awake.

My rank is still a bit low, I need to hone it a bit more.

"Well, I'll give you the information later."

The reactions of Xian Eunjing and Park Hyomin also made Lin Yi smile. He turned around, picked up the can of soda and left. The remaining two people on the sofa looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, it was Park Hyomin. Made a suggestion.

"Why don't you take a break and go exercise?"


While Xian Eunjing and the two were chatting about sports, Lin Yi outside had already boarded the elevator and headed up to the floor of his apartment.

Seeing the changes in the numbers, his eyebrows tightened slightly for a moment, but as the elevator stopped and the door slowly opened, it quickly returned to its normal appearance.

Looking at the figure waiting impatiently at the elevator door, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Taeyeon, what do you mean, are you planning to deliver it to your door yourself?"

"You're thinking too much, I just have something to do with you."

The person who just called Lin Yi was not Kim Taeyeon, who had been let go by him after blocking him last time.

Today's Kim Taeyeon showed off her sweet and feminine side. After all, the warm-colored floral dress is very romantic at first glance. The appropriate tailoring kept the dress within a pair of white and smooth legs. In the middle of the calf.

This length allows some short girls to not look short in legs even if they wear long skirts, and the white space gives people a sweet and romantic feeling.

Finally, put a suit jacket on the outside, which will not lose the essence of the floral skirt, but also add a bit more of a mature woman's flavor.

It can only be said that this outfit has been what Kim Taeyeon wore all morning. When it appeared in Lin Yi's eyes, it did make him slightly stunned.

It’s not that Kim Taeyeon doesn’t have a feminine look, but she prefers refreshing and comfortable outfits on weekdays, and it wasn’t until recently that she gradually started to learn how to match them.

"What's the matter?"

When walking out of the elevator, Lin Yi still inadvertently glanced at Kim Taeyeon next to him.

In other words, looking at her V-neck neck that is exposed between her long skirt and suit jacket after her hair is tied up, her skin color is like snow, and her tenderness can be seen at a glance, as if the touch on a rainy night is slowing down again. The earth appeared in the palm of my hand.

Warm and tender, he couldn't help but tighten his palms and gently clenched his fists.

This happened to be noticed by Kim Taeyeon, and her little cherry mouth immediately curled up into a proud smile. Keep pretending, I'll see how long you can keep pretending.

Women who dress up carefully can usually get what they want. This time, Kim Taeyeon came here with this idea in mind, but she didn’t want to be in this environment, “Are you sure we stand here and talk? "

"Oh." Lin Yi muttered, turned around and walked to the door, unlocked it with his fingerprint and walked in.

Behind him, Kim Taeyeon, who was not here for the first time, also followed, and then slowly closed the door.

Only then did she look at the can of soda in Lin Yi's hand, "Where did you go to eat just now? I wanted to bring you something to eat if you didn't eat."

Lin Yi, who was walking in front, looked back at her, or at the takeout bag that Kim Taeyeon was carrying.

After thinking for a while, he said, "If you go down there and eat something, you can keep this for me. I'll have a late-night snack."


Kim Taeyeon glanced at the sky outside the balcony, "You can have dinner."

After seeing that the bait he threw was eaten, Lin Yi quickly replied, "I have a date for dinner."

Now Kim Taeyeon finally heard what he meant, and rolled her eyes directly, "Ah, you are a dog, Lin Yi."

"Sit down, do you want something to drink?"

Faced with Jin Taeyeon's anger, Lin Yi turned around and walked to the water dispenser and asked.

Then Kim Taeyeon looked at the water dispenser that was already dispensing water, and said speechlessly again, "You are already filling water for me, so why bother asking this question."

"You still have to be polite."

Lin Yi, who was holding a glass of warm water, handed it to Kim Taeyeon and sat on the single sofa next to her. "Tell me, why are you looking for me? I asked you to come directly to my door."

"I have been invited to sing Chinese songs. Although I have been studying recently, I still feel a little inappropriate in some aspects of speaking and intonation, so I plan to ask you about it. I heard from Yoona that you are a top student who graduated from a key university. , help me."

After taking a sip of water, Kim Taeyeon told her the main problem of coming here without beating around the bush. After all, the other party was very straightforward with her at the beginning.

"Chinese songs? What kind of activity?"

Lin Yike didn't have Lin Xiaolu's photographic memory. Although he knew a lot of information about Tai Xiaoruan in front of him, he really couldn't remember anything when he mentioned it all at once.

"Singing the theme song of a movie, "The Great Ming Dynasty" co-produced by the two countries." Kim Taeyeon replied.

After listening to the answer, Lin Yi finally remembered this situation. As the other party's first Chinese song, it also caused a lot of turmoil in the domestic fan circle. Unfortunately, because the song was too low, the turmoil could not be lifted. The waves started and soon subsided.

However, Lin Yi frowned slightly when he thought of this, because in his memory, this situation seemed to have happened during the summer vacation. At that time, he happened to return to China to attend a relative's wedding, and he remembered it quite clearly.

It’s the National Day holiday now, is the timeline messed up?

But he and Lin Xiaolu have not guided the domestic situation at all. If there is chaos, it should be on the peninsula. How could the butterfly effect storm be blown to the other side of the country?

The more he thought about it, the more clueless Lin Yi became, so he simply stopped thinking about it and suppressed it for the time being, waiting for Bambi to have a good talk with her when he came back.

Then he looked up at the little guy next to him, "That's a good idea, but hasn't your company found a qualified Chinese teacher for you?"

When Lin Yi mentioned this, Kim Taeyeon immediately covered her forehead in embarrassment and complained a little helplessly, "I found a local Chinese translator in Seoul who can teach me, but the accent is too strong."

Lin Yi laughed when he heard this. He didn't expect that such interesting things could happen in a company like S.M.

"Why don't you want to find someone from our side? Besides, your company should have a lot of trainees from China. It would be better to find anyone than a local Chinese translator."

"This question has been raised many times. The company is already recruiting people, but they haven't arrived yet."

After hearing this answer, Lin Yi nodded, and then said a little funny, "I understand, but if you ask me, I probably can't help you much. Because my major is art, not language, so if you want If you want to speak authentic Chinese, I can only say my best."

As a southerner, Lin Yi can only say that he has no local accent and has a normal level of Mandarin.

But he really couldn't learn some tongue-rolling words no matter how hard he learned them.

Kim Taeyeon also understood this, "It's okay, just speak normally. It doesn't need to be professional, as long as the accent is not too strong."

"It's OK if you think it's OK. In fact, Victoria in your company is very good. If you find her, her Chinese skills will be better than mine." Lin Yi suddenly thought of someone, so he looked at Tai Xiaoruan next to him.

The other person asked him back speechlessly, "Don't you need a schedule? You said she is Victoria. She is not a Chinese teacher, so how can she have time to teach me."

"What you mean is that the other party is very busy, and I am just a street kid."

"do not you?"

Kim Taeyeon looked at Lin Yi with a smile and said softly.

However, when she said this, she did not mean to tease or make fun of the other party. Instead, her beautiful eyes, which were originally a little annoyed, slowly revealed a trace of gentleness and recognition when she said this.

Although the two met and got to know each other in the middle of the year, it was just a casual encounter at that time, and they rarely saw each other again.

I got some information from Lin Yoona's chats with Jessica and Sunny.

It wasn't until that rainy night when she went abroad alone to Zurich that the spiritual communication was completed.

After returning to Seoul, he began to secretly collect and organize Lin Yi's information.

It's a pity that because I was sneaky at the beginning, I could only deduce some information from my memory, and there was no other way to expand the amount of information.

Until a later phone call, after being caught by Sunny, Kim Taeyeon simply stopped pretending and asked the other party directly about everything about Lin Yi.

Then she realized that Lin Yi's relationship diagram turned out to be more complicated, twists and turns than she thought.

At the same time, I also learned about some of Lin Yi's admirable actions, such as the help he provided to the front desk of his studio.

After learning about Li Shaoxi's family situation from Sunny's mouth, Kim Taeyeon felt that Lin Yi's help to her was equivalent to saving a person from the middle of fire and water, and pulling him out of the bottomless abyss. ah.

There is also Shirley, although I don’t know what problems happened to Shirley before.

But the changes in the past six months can be clearly felt by everyone who knows her.

I feel brighter, more willing to interact with others, and more willing to talk to others. My whole mind is much more open.

Kim Taeyeon, who didn't understand the situation at first, thought Taozi had grown up, matured and become more sensible.

But after Sunny's explanation, I realized that there was also Lin Yi's shadow here.

In addition to these two people, there was another one that Kim Taeyeon could not imagine. If Sunny hadn't told her, she wouldn't have dared to imagine that Lin Yi was inextricably connected with several people at Tara.

In fact, when she was in Zurich, Kim Taeyeon became a little curious when she saw Ham Eunjung in the group photo.

Later I thought about asking Lin Yi what was going on, but that night I was so busy panting and moaning that I forgot to ask the question.

If Sunny hadn't explained it to her, this problem would probably have bothered her for a while.

However, even Sunny didn't know much about Lin Yi, Tara and others. She only knew from Xian Enjing's mouth that Lin Yi helped them, but specifically what and how much he helped, Sunny was too embarrassed to ask. Go down.

But looking at the relationship between the two from a superficial perspective, allowing Xian Enjing to travel alone, this affection is definitely not that light.

Finally, there is Jessica. In fact, Kim Taeyeon has discovered this a long time ago, because Lin Yoona has always raised some questions about the group openly or covertly.

As the captain of Girls' Generation, it's impossible for her not to see it, and it's impossible not to feel it.

It’s just that I was really tired in the past few days. There was a Japan tour, a world tour, some commercial performances of the team, award ceremonies, etc., plus her own personal activities, Kim Taeyeon really didn’t have time. I don’t have the energy to think too much about other people’s situations.

At that time, she thought that she would deal with Jessica's affairs later when she had time.

Unexpectedly, without realizing it, Jessica and Lim Yoona got closer together, and the group and contract situation that Lim Yoona often mentioned before was never mentioned again later.

All of this was the result of Kim Taeyeon's speculations after she spent two nights in a daze, sitting alone on the sofa and extracting cocoons from a pile of information.

After getting the guess, you can know the authenticity just by looking at the close relationship between Lin Yi and Jessica.

With Jessica's cold-on-the-outside and hot-on-the-earth personality, it's not possible for ordinary people to really get into her heart, let alone someone she's only known for less than half a year.

Thinking of this, Kim Taeyeon suddenly felt that the 'street liar' mentioned by the person in front of her did not seem to be a derogatory term.

However, she was still a little confused in her heart, so she didn't guess this time. Instead, she asked directly, "Lin Yi, I'm actually quite curious about something."


Lin Yi, who had just been tricked by him, looked at her and found that Kim Taeyeon's round eyes were staring at him with energy, and he immediately became wary.

"I heard Shunkyu talk about the situation in your studio, and I have been curious about one thing, and that is why you spent so much time helping your employee."

Lin Yi was slightly startled, "You mean Shao Xi?"

"That seems to be the name." Kim Taeyeon nodded. She had never met Li Shaoxi, she had only heard about it.

Lin Yi thought seriously for a moment, then shook his head.

"There is no reason. I can help if I want to, and it can also kill some boring time for me. Using this time to change someone's new life, I think this is a hugely profitable thing, so there is no reason to help. Purpose."

Kim Taeyeon looked at him deeply and asked again, "What about the others."

Lin Yi felt something now and looked at her, "What exactly do you want to ask?"

"you answer me first."

Kim Taeyeon said seriously, because this is her real goal.

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