From that Korean city

Chapter 208 Taozi and Goo Hara’s joint treatment plan

"Do you think you're seriously ill?"

After Lin Yi asked this question, Goo Hara was obviously stunned for a while.

After a while, he smiled slightly.

Shake his head.

"It's okay. I think my personal condition has been adjusted very well recently. I did feel a little depressed in the past two years, but in the past year it has been significantly better, and I have fewer messy thoughts."

"Maybe it was covered because I was too busy."

Lin Yi's words made Goo Hara think deeply again, but she did not deny it.

Because Lin Yi was right, even if she has been busy with work recently, she can always stand on the most popular platform and look at the past when she is most tired, and then emo for a while before falling asleep slowly.

This is a character and emotional defect caused by the family of origin, which cannot be made up for.

All that can be done is to bury it deep in my heart, and nothing can completely fill it.

After thinking for a while, Goo Hara looked at Lin Yi and changed the topic.

"Then is the truth's recent situation still serious?"

Although I heard the essence of the story told by Lin Yi earlier, it was only a simple description. The specific symptoms were only possible content of the preliminary temporary diagnosis later, and the specific situation was not known at all.

"It's been much better recently, but only among friends and relatives."

Lin Yi responded softly.

The reason why he wanted to talk to Goo Hara about Taozi's situation straight to the point this time was not only to elicit questions from the other party, but also to let her keep in touch with Taozi.

Because two girls with cups come together to have two effects.

Either it's worse, or it's a combination of negative and positive.

In the first case, Lin Yi felt that he was watching, and with Goo Hara's seemingly petite, but actually determined temperament, it should not happen.

Then the second option is left. I and the front desk help Taozi adjust her emotions from the side, and correct some of her negative cognitions by changing some of her thoughts and involving her behavior.

It's called cognitive behavioral therapy.

Then Goo Hara attacks from the front, listening first, and then directly piercing the peach's simple shell that is already riddled with holes.

Inducing her to slowly expose her mental state of anxiety, fear, and loneliness, thereby slowly eliminating these negative emotions from the inside out.

This is called systematic desensitization.

Originally, Lin Yi planned to be the listener for the desensitization treatment, and then Lin Yuner and Li Shaoxi would take charge of the cognitive behavior.

But with Lin Yoona's sudden attack two days ago, he thought of Goo Hara, and felt that the role of the listener seemed to be more suitable for her.

So I simply changed the treatment method temporarily and let Goo Hara handle the desensitization and listen.

The reason is also very simple, that is, taking advantage of Tao Zi's situation, let Goo Hara participate in this therapy.

She thought she was a doctor, but in fact she was also one of the patients in this desensitization method.

When the time comes, he will say from the side that Goo Hara needs to deeply understand Taozi's situation and put herself in her shoes and think about what to do. Then this desensitization treatment can treat two people at once.

This is a bit like interactive sharing therapy, but with a twist.

But Lin Yi remembered what Lao Wang said, don't care about the method, you just need to look at the results.

Indeed, a great man also said this, it doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.

Therefore, Lin Yi stopped worrying about whether the treatment method was correct or not. If he could take these two cups off the coffee table, that would be a good method.

Because of this, in the following day.

The topic between Lin Yi and Goo Hara almost never left the subject.

Even in some plain sentences, she occasionally inserted a few words that made Goo Hara extremely worried about Tao Zi.

For example, getting drunk, or looking for excitement, and even more outrageous, Lin Yi even brought up the random impart.

Gu Hara was so frightened that she was stunned.

Although she also felt it was a bit outrageous, but when she thought of Taozi's character of telling others all about her kindness, even turning the table over, the trust she had just lost gained a little more.

Looking at the situation from Li Shaoxi's perspective, it was that Teacher Lin was approaching and trying to fool the new Ernie.

But in fact, Lin Yi's mental state just needs to let Goo Hara take on the role of Taozi as soon as possible. Although the stories and experiences of the two are not much different, the experiences in the past few years have diluted a lot of their childhood experiences.

What he has to do now is to evoke these sad stories as soon as possible and arouse Goo Hara's emotions from Taozi's perspective.

When treating a disease, the most important thing is that the symptoms must first appear before the right medicine can be prescribed.

What he is doing now is this step.

First, make the mermaid princess extremely emo, then throw her and Taozi together, and the two of them emo together.

He acted as a supervisor to direct the overall situation, promptly correcting the crooked path the two of them took in their previous lives, guiding Goo Hara to let her hold Taozi, and the two of them held hands and returned to the bright road side by side.

When Lin Yi discussed this idea with Lao Wang at noon yesterday, Lao Wang’s comments were as follows:

"Okay, kid. At first glance, your behavior sounds a bit scumbag. You make girls cry and then take advantage of it. But if you think about it carefully, it's a good idea."

The effect is also very significant.

During the shooting period at noon and afternoon, Goo Hara not only showed a professional image in front of the camera, but also looked silent and thoughtful outside the camera.

Seeing this, Lin Yi knew that the purpose of coming to Neon this time was achieved, but it was just different from what Lin Yuner thought.

So Lin Yi, who rushed back to Seoul that night, got off the plane and sat back in the car of Lin Yoona who came to pick him up. She was nagging her all the way back to the apartment.

Even when he returned to the apartment, he still looked 'in disbelief'.

"Teacher Lin~~~ I asked you to go over and meet Ha La. I didn't ask you to make her look like this."

Lin Yoona, who had been nagging her all the way, sighed depressedly again, "When I called her in the morning, she was still fine and chatting with me happily. But at night, her whole voice became direct. Wilted and weak."

"Didn't I explain the situation to you?"

Putting the luggage on the ground, Lin Yi smiled and pinched Lin Yuner's pretty face.

"Then there's no need to be so cruel. I'm going to give her strong drugs as soon as we meet. I'm afraid of irritating her."

Lin Yun'er actually didn't understand, and Lin Yi told her all the plans, but she was still worried.

After all, these are two lives.

In terms of handling here, Lin Yoona was more serious from the beginning than she was with Jessica. When Lin Yi said that he wanted to give Tao Zi a strong medicine, she stopped him in time.

She would rather take it step by step than hope that it can be solved in one step. There is still time, so there is no need to rush.

But I didn't expect that if he didn't pay close attention to Teacher Lin for a while, he would start to go crazy.

When he met Goo Hara, he took action immediately and used strong medicine, which really frightened her.

Even if Lin Yi scolded Jessica earlier, she was not that shocked.

However, Lin Yi gave her an interesting look, "Strong medicine? Yoona, your previous idea was much more cruel than mine."

Lin Yun'er, who had been killed by Lin Yi, thought of her idea and snorted with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"But my idea is a very correct shortcut."

Seeing that she still refused to give up that idea, Lin Yi simply did not continue to pester her. He turned around and walked into the master bedroom, "Okay, you can continue to think about it. I'm going to take a shower."

"Ah, Teacher Lin, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"I'm tired. I have to get up early to catch the plane tomorrow."

It's the end of the month, and it's time to set off on the trip to Magic City that I made with Taozi.

Lin Yi's words made Lin Yun'er mutter, "I have to catch a flight tomorrow."

"so what?"

"Or stay up all night."

Lin Yi, who was taking off his equipment, stumbled and seemed to have stepped on his trousers. He turned back to look at Lin Xiaolu who was leaning against the door frame, "So cruel?"

"Teacher Lin, you don't know how to..."

Lin Yuner, who was smiling, had not finished speaking when Lin Yi stepped forward and picked her up and walked into the bathroom.

"Come, let's fight!!!"

The next day, it was still dark.

In the bedroom of the apartment, Lin Yi looked at the ceiling with a vacant expression, his whole body slumped on the pillow at the head of the bed.

After a while, Lin Yuner walked out of the bathroom.

Comparing his wet hair, rosy face, and energetic face with his, it is difficult for people to doubt that the statement "caikekekeke" is just a fiction.

Looking at Lin Yi who looked like a saint, Lin Yuner asked him very funny, "Teacher Lin, why don't you take a shower?"

"Oh, just come."

After regaining consciousness, Lin Yi stood up. As soon as his slightly numb steps stepped off the carpet, he stepped on a pair of pants with only two ropes.

Lin Yoona happened to pass by to pick up skin care products at this time, and the two looked at each other.

Bambi narrowed his eyes with a smile, "There's still time."

From then on, Lin Yi walked to the bathroom without looking back, leaving only one sentence.

"I'm going to take a shower."

Lin Yuner spat at this bastard a few times in the bedroom. It wasn't until she saw Lin Yi completely walking into the bathroom that she suddenly sat down at the foot of the bed.

He put his hands on his knees and started kneading them.

Don't think that Lin Yi is just like this. Moreover, Lin Yuner's legs have already become so soft that she can hardly feel the bones.

But she was just a little arrogant and didn't want Lin Yi to see her like this.

Although the words dad and master have been called countless times in the past, the situation is different.

Later, when Lin Yi came out fresh and fresh after washing, Lin Yoona had already prepared clothes for him and put all the accessories together.

Looking at Casio's new watch, Lin Yi asked while getting dressed, "Why don't you take the one you gave me? I'm used to wearing that one."

"Wear them differently. You can't wear that one all the time. Ernie has already given away so many. It's a waste to leave them alone."

Lin Yuner's answer made Lin Yi chuckle, and then gave his thoughts.

"But yours is expensive, so it's easier to pretend when you wear it..."

"Shut up."

The words that the two Lin Yis were about to blurt out reminded Lin Yun'er of their close acquaintance, and her cheeks feeling inexplicably hot as she patted her skin care products.

The psychological emotion of shyness has nothing to do with experience and identity.

Lin Yi also understood Lin Yuner's thoughts. After laughing again, he didn't say anything like that again.

After another 10 minutes, the two people who packed their luggage left the apartment and came to the parking lot together.

After helping Lin Yuner load her luggage into the car, Lin Yi also got into his little BMW.

One person in a car, they lowered their windows and said goodbye to each other before driving away.

Before Lin Xiaolu's flight, he needed to go to the dormitory to gather, and he was going to Gimpo Airport.

Although most of them are domestic routes on the peninsula, there are still international routes, but there are not as many as Incheon, and Lin Yi's destination is Incheon Airport.

From landing last night to setting off again now, 12 hours were not enough. Most of the time was spent playing poker. Lin Yi felt like he was going to die just thinking about it.

But when I think about it carefully, my poker partner is Lin Yoona, so I am much more motivated.

There were also some side effects, that is, Lin Yi yawned all the way to the airport. Fortunately, there was no car accident.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Lin Yi arrived at the airport on time, and after parking the car, he quickly passed through the gate using the electronic ticket on his mobile phone.

When passing by the coffee shop, I didn't forget to bring myself a glass of iced Americano. After all, I was going to see a theater in a while, so I couldn't be sleepy.

At 7:17, Lin Yi reached the second floor of the departure hall after raising his hand to check the time on his watch.

Then he leaned on the railing and yawned while looking at the people in the hall below, or at Taozi, who had cute short hair and a light blue denim skirt, sitting on a stool, swinging her feet in boredom, playing Holding her pair of white shoes, she waited for the program crew to record.

After seeing Tao Zi's dazed look, Lin Yi didn't hesitate and shouted directly, "Ah, Shirley, you are so beautiful. I like you so much."

This sudden shout directly scared some passers-by and fans who were also standing nearby, as well as everyone in the program team on the first floor.

But the little figure who was called suddenly raised his head, and his expression instantly changed from the daze to joy. A bright smile immediately raised at the corner of his mouth, and he raised his eyebrows to look at the second floor where the sound came from.

There, a person she hadn't seen for a few days was looking at her with a smile, their eyes colliding in the air, smiling at each other.

"Shirley, where are your fans?"

Liu Zaishi and Jiang Gary, who were also sitting next to Taozi, naturally noticed Lin Yi, so they smiled and said to the girl next to them.

Taozi nodded, "Yeah."

Then he stood up and made an official wave gesture towards Lin Yi, but only Taozi knew the excitement in it.

Maybe Lin Yi could also see it, because this was an agreement that the two of them had already made.

After Lin Yi opened his mouth, many fans also opened their throats and started to support him.

However, as Song Ji Hyo, Lee Kwang Soo and others appeared on the stage later, and the program was about to be officially recorded, the program team asked the staff to step in and stop the enthusiasm.

The initiator also became very quiet at this time.

Holding the coffee and occasionally taking a sip, she looked at the shooting below, but her eyes rarely left Tao Zi, thinking about the mermaid princess she met yesterday.

Above the plan that had already been implemented in my mind, a thought suddenly passed through my mind.

That was the idea proposed by Lin Yuner, which made him frown a little depressed, not understanding why he would think of that.

But if my plan really fails, then Lin Xiaolu’s...

Let it be the ultimate weapon.

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