From star abyss

Chapter 583 287 Everything goes according to plan

Chapter 583 287. Everything goes according to plan

The train stopped steadily at the platform.

We have arrived at the Holy Land, Garilinov Stone Valley.

Li Ozi said calmly, interrupting Caramel Snail's thoughts. He shook his head, stood up, picked up his weapon, and followed Li Ozi out of the train.

Ta, tap, tap, tap, tap.

When Li Ozi's feet set foot on the land here, the cold wind blowing from the sea in the distance became gentle. The love of nature was released here without reservation. Butterflies flew with every footprint, and throughout the forest valley The melodious singing of birds echoed, making Caramel Snail even suspect for a moment that he had stepped on the wrong set. It seemed that he was not logging into Star Abyss, but a movie about a fairy tale princess.

Sometimes people get upset.

As Li Ozi walked, he said to the caramel snail:

“The path of [Domination] emphasizes quality cultivation with [charm] as the core, and as a result, people think that they are a group of pretty boys who get something for nothing.”

But, Li Ozi, you have also worked hard.

“The way I work is different from other people on other paths.”

Li Ozi said calmly:

“No matter which path you take, training and learning are the accumulation.

[Destruction] attaches great importance to physical training and spiritual cultivation. There is nothing to say. Diligence can make up for weakness.

The [Fine Arts] department requires continuous study and study, and arming the mind with wisdom.

[Weird] It takes an extremely strong will to endure the intrusion of ghosts while tempering one's psychic abilities.

Those who [rob] also need to be on the verge of death many times and continue to participate in battles before they can plunder enough resources and become stronger and stronger.

The healer of [Redemption] not only needs knowledge, but also has a strong body, which means he needs to hone his body and mind.

Only the path of [Domination] requires you to become more attractive than others and compete with the entire world for favor, so that you can more effectively control arcane energy and control the authority of the universe.

Caramel Snail scratched his cheek:

Well, if you put it this way, the [Dominator] system sounds really a bit...

It's a bit like powerful ministers vying for favor in front of the emperor, right?

Li Ozi said:

Other professions are like workers, producers, or defenders. Only the [Dominator] system is born to be managers and rulers. From the perspective of other professions, rule is something that anyone can do, as long as they are strong enough. Strong, I will give in to anything.”

Caramel Snail didn't refute, because from the player's perspective, it was like this no matter how he thought about it.

Strength determines everything.

But in this universe, sometimes the stronger you are, the closer you are to destruction.

Li Ozi said calmly:

The sun burns forever, illuminating everything in the world, but it will eventually turn into a red giant and eventually dim. Even black holes will evaporate and cool down. The laws that are said to never change may change in another layer of the universe. Those who are closer to the peak of glory are only one step away from falling from the altar.

Why are you saying this all of a sudden? Caramel Snail asked curiously: It seemed like we were still talking about the road just now, right?

Because in fact, each path has its own unique rules. Everything that exists must conform to certain rational laws. Whatever conforms to the laws, it must also exist. The differences between paths are absolutely indistinguishable. This difference can be erased just by saying 'strong enough', and it is impossible to force them together and create fusion.

Li Ozi put his hands in his pockets, paused, and said:

“But strength does work — because it erases the people who make the difference.”

Ah, that's why we see people from the [Weird] path hunting the remnants of other paths on this planet.

Caramel snails understand this:

Since [the path] is too different, it can no longer be erased or integrated - then we can only erase the people on the path.

Although this process is bloody and cruel, it is the closest to civilization and the most rational method.

Li Ozi said:

But do you think this is right?

...Of course, that's not right.

Caramel Snail thought of the Redemption Army and the cannibalistic distortion [Master] he had encountered before, and was a little shaken for a moment:

Because I am not one of their compatriots, I can understand them, but... I cannot accept such a result.

From our perspective, people on both sides have problems.

In order to pursue order, the church sealed the sky, hunted other paths, took away people's rights step by step, and finally changed from a guardian to a master who slaves to others. Of course there is a problem!

The rebels trampled on morality in order to fight for freedom and massacred church believers. Even civilians would kill them. They opposed for the sake of opposition. Their behavior is not necessarily cleaner than that of the church, right?

So, Li Ozi said, Xia Beiluo chose rock and roll.

Use the language of music to talk to people on both sides, hoping to build bridges between each other, ease people's conflicts again, and find a balance between reform and tradition.

Garylinov Stone Valley, it is said that as long as you stand in the depths of the stone valley and make a loud sound at sunset in autumn, the whole world can hear it. Therefore, it is also called a holy place.

“If she sang here, the whole world would hear her singing, which is probably the purpose of her pilgrimage.”

Caramel snails suddenly come to mind.

So that's it. No wonder, she performed along the way to use music to eliminate people's conflicts and make the church compromise with the secular world. Step by step, she made people take to the streets and become more open-minded.

Caramel Snail sincerely admires:

For a girl, she is really courageous. If it were me, I would be embarrassed to death if I thought about having to speak and sing to people all over the world.

That's why people need heroes.

Li Ozi said:

In fact, people don't worship heroes, but they worship them as representing some kind of inner thoughts. People always hesitate to move forward. At this time, someone needs to step forward.

But what makes a hero great is not his/her actions? People like heroes because of their deeds, right?

That's hard to say. Sometimes, they just regard the individual as an extension of their own spirit and as a driving force.

It's like you must be a great hero to the people of Azure Star and White Candle Star. People all admire you.

Hero is not an easy title, boy - the birth of a hero requires death.

During the conversation, they had arrived at Stone Valley, where the woodland was elegant, the stream was clear, fallen leaves and grass were kissing each other, and the air was filled with the romantic atmosphere of golden autumn, which was a kind of lonely prosperity, euphemistic and gorgeous.

Li Ozi and Caramel Snail walked side by side into the stone valley. The cliffs on both sides were as spectacular as ocean waves. As they walked in it, the thunder of their heartbeats and footsteps echoed, and the echo was extremely shocking.

At this point, we finally reached the end of our journey.


The sound of guitar strings suddenly set off a wave, causing the two of them to return their sights to the ground: at the deepest part of the field of vision, a girl was holding a silver guitar, sitting alone on a stone, coughing twice, as if she was aware of it. When she arrived, she raised her head and looked at the two people.

Hello you all.

The girl smiled and said:

There are more and more pilgrims. Many people came yesterday, but their voices don't travel far. Today is the best time. If you sing on this day, you can hear it all over the world.

Are you Xia Beiluo?

Caramel Snail stepped forward and looked at the girl:

She looks like a typical sunny girl, with a white face as cute as a doll, and long wavy golden hair hanging down to her waist. She looks extremely gorgeous. She carries various scattered trinkets and luggage. More, just a luxury mountain bike.

Are you fans of Xia Beiluo?

Girls understand:

I am Xia Beiluo.

Caramel Snail Delight:

Great, we have been looking for you, hoping that you can use the good luck in your hands——

Yes and no.

‘Xia Beiluo’ put her guitar aside and stood up. She was almost as tall as a caramel snail. She looked at the two people who arrived, nodded and said in a deep voice:

The great revivalist of rock music and the secular leader of Ziluo Star - Teacher Xia Beiluo, was born in Suluo City in 032. He was brutally murdered by church extremists in 049 at the age of 17.

After her death, fans who listened to her master tapes were awakened. We gathered together to take over her guitar and thoughts, and we must carry out 'understanding and resistance' to the end.

Xia Beiluo is dead, but we don't want her to leave - today is September 19, the 50th anniversary of her immortality.

The blonde girl said:

As the seventh generation of 'Xia Beiluo', I come here to mourn and make a pilgrimage.

After Xia Beiluo's death, her actions did not end. Her career continues. Her singing will ring forever. Xia Beiluo will live forever!

The caramel snail stood on the ground, his head almost buzzing, and he fell into a blank.

Lee Oz.

Caramel Snail looked at the boy beside him, his voice trembling:

You already knew...right?

What do you mean?

You have known for a long time that the real Xia Beiluo is dead, you have known for a long time that the little boy will be killed by me, you have known for a long time that there will be cooking oil, salt, and what foods can be eaten in that camp... From the moment you hit the ground, you know everything.”

caramel snails says:

This planet must have been frozen in time.

You're right, I know everything.

Li Ozi calmly raised his head and looked at him:

Including, the true face of this planet.

This planet? The blond 'Xia Beiluo' asked curiously: Are you still aliens?

Li Ozi and Caramel Snail ignored her and stood looking at each other.

Welcome to Violet Star.

Li Ozi opened his hands:

The full name is - Small and medium-sized parasite [Melodic Society] Melodycal.

Fifty years ago, this planet was already parasitized. A girl named 'Xia Beiluo' was copied into a meme. The entire planet has been basically invaded by the 'rock' culture, which is irreversible.

Li obviously know everything, why do you keep lying to me...

Because this is the plan. Li Aozi said: The trigger condition for the mission is two people. If you want to get the 'Soul Casino', you cannot bring force. You must sneak into civilization in a low-key manner and come into contact with memes to track the original body. , Take the Soul Casino.”

Caramel Snail looked at Li Ozi blankly:

As far as I know... there is only one way to eliminate the parasite civilization.

Niu, I told you - the master is on the path, and he is born to be a ruler.

As Li Ozi spoke, streaks of blazing iron rain flashed across the sky of Purple Star, and the game's public channel rang with cheers from players one after another.

We spent 60 days walking through every city, visiting all the gathering places, and collecting the information coordinates neatly. I just sent them to Fleet X.

Battleships appeared one after another in the orbit of the sky, aiming their gorgeous gun barrels at the earth.

Everything is going according to plan.

The caramel snail's pupils tightened and he shouted:

don't want--

Li Ozi kept his mouth shut. The body far away in White Candle Star had been transmitting information through gravitational waves. Now, it was finally time to issue an order:

Tactics two, orbital bombing!

The next moment, blazing magic light fell from the sky above every population gathering place on the Purple Star.

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