From star abyss

Chapter 578 282 Cuckoo

Chapter 578 282. Cuckoo

It has been 40 days since I arrived at Purple Star.

Although not much time has actually passed for the white candle star due to differences in gravity and physical rules, the caramel snail's feelings gradually changed.

Li Ozi said that he had found clues to his target, and then walked all the way towards Suluo City. His beauty worked well everywhere, as if God was blessing him. The weather was always good when he traveled, and he needed to rest. If you happen to encounter trees, they will drop fruit, and there won’t even be a bug in them.

As for the caramelized snails?

Along the way, he was basically responsible for the tasks of bodyguard and manager. When he needed to make money, Caramel Snail would take over the tasks issued by Li Ozi and go find hotels, restaurants, and theaters to negotiate for remuneration.

Does Li Ozi need a job?


He didn't need to move, as long as he sat there quietly eating in full view of everyone, it was enough to become the focus of everything.

Women would send flowers to Li Aozi, and men would send money to Li Aozi. Even a passing monk would feel uneasy after seeing the young man's beautiful face.

Even for churches that strictly abide by the rules and precepts, they know that Li Ozi's charm is too powerful and will shake people's hearts, but every priest of the church is reluctant to leave Li Ozi from the bottom of his heart.

From that moment on, Caramel Snail realized that the [Domination] system was truly powerful.

It became clearer, the source of Li Ozi’s confidence without weapons or arcane powers.

Good looks are not a rare resource, but this kind of attraction that brings disaster to the country and people is definitely the scarcest resource in the universe.

[Charm] After this attribute reaches a certain level, it itself is an extraordinary ability to influence objective reality.

Humans are social animals. As long as they live in a group, they cannot avoid dealing with others. Li Ozi's charm of killing regardless of species, gender, age, occupation, or life and death can be said to be a special attack on intelligent creatures. .

Caramel Snail also received a lot of light because of its high charm and close relationship with Li Ozi.

The Violet Star is not a planet with a high upper limit. The number of gamma levels is only a few million, and most people are between the beta and alpha levels.

As for its upper limit, according to the church, it is estimated that it will not reach the Zeta level.

Since there are no safety concerns, Caramel Snails naturally relaxes their mind.

Basically, every day I walked around, checked for news, ate and drank with Li Ozi, and climbed mountains and downhills.

Life is almost like traveling.

Gradually, Caramel Snail has adapted to this leisurely and natural life.

In the finals, he faced Long Yuqiong's strong sense of oppression, which left a deep psychological shadow on him. For a long time, Caramel Snail did not dare to open an arena to challenge anyone.

As long as you close your eyes, you will see that impeccable movement, almost no delayed reactions, normal attacks and skills, and at the same time, you can activate the prosthetic body by sticking nodes.

To put it mildly, if Long Yuqiong was not a good character, Caramel Snail felt that this battle would have shattered his career, and he would have to live with Long Yuqiong's PTSD for the rest of his life.

But following Li Ozi's leisurely wandering all the way, Caramel Snail gradually calmed down. He forgot about competitions and competitions, and began to devote himself wholeheartedly to enjoying the local customs and culture.

In order to collect information about 'Rock', he spent his experience and specially learned the dialects of various places. In every city he went to, he would ask passers-by for information. Since his [Charisma] attribute is not low, he can often trigger some side tasks.

For example, when he went to Suluo City to look for clues about rock music, the local church reluctantly gave him a piece of news for Li Ozi's sake:

Fifty years ago, for some unknown reason, an anti-social and dangerous man named Igor Choi suddenly decided to spread a kind of music called rock and roll. People who listened to his music would become rebellious and manic, in order to pursue what they wanted in their hearts. Rock and roll, even if you cut off contact with your family.”

An old [Psychic Medium] sighed:

The older generation of churches really cannot agree with this concept, because small families are the basis of church believers. The more traditional a family is, the easier it is for rock music to rob their children. They believe that the church controls people's thoughts and people have no freedom. , Igor preached: The purpose of the church is to constantly take away people’s basic rights so that people are ultimately not allowed to violate the church’s practices or even question the existence of God himself.”

Well, it sounds like...

Caramel Snail nodded inwardly, but always felt that something was wrong.

Because in the star abyss, gods really exist. Not only do they exist, there are many...

But you have also seen that God has never deceived us. We have been living according to God's will for so many years. They accused us of blocking technology, but if we immediately increase the speed of technology, the population will inevitably increase dramatically - —Purple Star only has so much land for people to survive. If the population explodes, it will inevitably lead to war!

The old [spiritual medium] complained:

Those rock fans never understand this about us. They are always too idealistic, as if they are thinking about things a thousand years in the future - but the reality is that if we don't follow the will of [The Lord of Ghosts], we will have to Bear human errors. As for the orders of the church, they will not question the decisions of God, but as for mortal rulers, they will inflict all errors on mortals.

Caramel Snail asked curiously: You mean... God doesn't make mistakes?

This question is very straightforward, but the old [spiritual medium]’s answer is very sophisticated:

Of course God does not make mistakes. The Lord's will and wisdom surpass mortals. Even if He makes mistakes, it is only the mistakes that God would make. For mortals, that is not something we can judge - ants will care about an adult not brushing his teeth. Wash your face? No, ants can’t even understand what ‘brushing your teeth and washing your face’ means.”

The caramel snail fell silent.

After collecting some clues, they said goodbye to Suluo City, and Li Ozi and his journey continued.

Along the way, they passed by a city that was destroyed by the deserted sea. The church thoughtfully warned people from a distance to pay attention to their safety. Bandits, evil beasts and demon spirits may appear in the ruined city.

However, those enemies were really vulnerable to the gamma-level Caramel Snail. He pulled out the Shadow Blade and easily killed hundreds of gangsters and several monsters with teeth and claws.

Then no one came to disturb them again.

But people like them are obviously very few in this kind of world.

On the road through the city, traces of robbery and rape can be seen everywhere, lonely and crying wandering souls under the eaves, and the sandy land withered with vitality.

They also encountered a bunch of Redemption Army from the church: a group of mobile troops composed of skilled combat [shamans], specially designed to eliminate all kinds of monsters.

Although most places on Purple Star have been civilized and some areas have entered the industrial age, there are still many cunning barbarians who refuse to accept the guidance of the correct path and stick to those evil paths, such as [Master] , [Destruction] Demonic Belief, hey, there is really nothing we can do against them...

If possible, we don't want to be enemies with them, but the resources of this planet are not suitable for their development. If they want to truly live a good life, they can only follow the [Weird] system. This is obviously a fact, why do they Don’t you want to believe it?”

You mean the starry sky? Well, how can you step into the star realm? The gods are still fighting there! Their war will never end. Isn't it good to stay here? Why do you have to go to the star realm to participate in the war between the gods and the gods? What about the monster battle?”

Li Ozi drank and chatted with them. These warriors who abided by the doctrine drank tea instead of wine and chatted with them all night. Later, they received an urgent mission to rescue a certain hostage kidnapped by the heretics, so they had to leave and they parted.

Caramel Snail is particularly fond of one of the girls with short hair and bell earrings.

She was a small female shaman. She wore light leather armor, a revolver and a fire sickle sword. She told jokes one after another, which made Caramel Snail, a serious sociopath, very fond of her.

Seven days later, Li Ozi and Caramel Snail saw rows of wooden stakes on the roadside with the heads of Redemption Army soldiers stuck on them.

Among them was a head with short hair, a bloody face, and a bell earring in his only left ear.

They passed by a muddy wetland. Li Ozi picked up the camera and clicked the shutter while watching the egrets rising and falling in the distance. The caramel snail was in a trance.

You look a little confused?

Suddenly, Li Ozi asked.


Caramel Snail pondered for a moment and said:

At the beginning, I thought the church should be the kind of big bad guy who is unforgiving and evil, confining people's thoughts and hindering progress. They must be very backward.

It turns out that not only are these people very rational, but they are also very clear about their actions and purposes, right?

Li Ozi captured a pink pelican taking off and said at the same time:

Do you feel separated?

The cities are so closed... because of the dangers of the deserted sea, so the church came out to protect people. In order to prevent people from being harmed by evil spirits, they strictly restricted activities.

Caramel snail said complexly:

Technology is so underdeveloped... Because this planet has limited resources, it cannot develop too much technology to avoid a population explosion.

Only [Weird] is ruled by the church - it is also because of the special nature of this planet, so if more resources are concentrated on one road, production will be balanced and pollution can be easily controlled. Those barbarians are also because of the road resources It’s not enough, it’s gone astray, and distortion has occurred…”

Forbidding people to discuss the stars and refusing to develop aerospace technology - this is actually because they know that in the star abyss, people fight for the road, fight to the death for civilization and hegemony, and [society] exists secretly.

Furthermore, haven't you noticed that there is no war at all on this planet? There are no capitalists, no bureaucrats, and even the landlords are gone. And due to the existence of divine power, the behavior of church personnel is also very restrained, and the level of corruption is very low, no, corrupt Not even the church, but those mortals...

Caramel Snail looked at Li Ozi blankly:

Li Ozi...why, no matter how I look at it, I feel that none of these things are wrong?

Li Ozi looked into the distance with his camera.

Obviously the church is protecting people, right?

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