From star abyss

Chapter 561 The Eve of 265 Expedition

Chapter 561 265. The Eve of the Expedition

The supply of the power furnace of the spacecraft needs to be divided into four times. When entering the star field, it can rely on gravity to accelerate, which can reduce consumption by 30%. It can also produce materials by relying on the sun, but repair and maintenance... there is still a lack of skilled workers.

Just when Li Ozi was busy with the expedition plan, a message suddenly popped up on the system panel:

[You triggered an emergency event——Establish Prestige]

[Type]: event

[Period]: 72 hours

[Task Difficulty]: D


You have your own views on the vast star abyss, but this is not your project alone. As a new president, you cannot leave until you win the trust of the people.

[Settlement conditions]:

A. The new official takes office - the laws of the past are no longer suitable for the current situation. You need to change some outdated laws to let the people have confidence in you;

Reward: The White Candle Autonomous State gains the [Legal Innovation] buff, the judicial efficiency increases by 10%, and the scale of financial crimes decreases.

B. Eliminating Hidden Danger - You are taking over an area that is full of waste and there are risks of thunderstorms everywhere. Solve these hidden dangers as much as possible within 72 hours to clear the way for your expedition plan.

Reward: White Candle Autonomous State's recruitment rate +2.5% (permanent)



Li Ozi was surprised:

It can actually trigger events? The potential of White Candle Star is quite good.

Event missions can be triggered, which basically means that there must be some important main or side missions on the road ahead.

Li Ozi's target star field is called 'Qijuzi-331', which is located on the edge of the Milky Way Eye. However, only Li Ozi knows that there are many unexplored planets in this star field.

Qijuzi-331 I remember that my previous life was explored by an adventurer named Jialantu Yundai.

That is a magical area, and in a sense it does not belong to Xingyuan's sphere of influence.

The Qijuzi-331 star field is not small, and it is related to the main plot of version 4.0. Li Ozi still needs a lot of help if he wants to advance.

After being supplemented by Azure Star players, Li Ozi's strength was unprecedentedly strong, but the players' equipment and space warfare experience were not enough, so they took this opportunity to practice their troops.

Give the players some intensity in advance. They have been training with weights for a long time and will feel more relaxed when version 4.0 arrives.

Events have emerged this time. It seems that there will be many interesting places on the expedition.

Of course, Li Ozi did not search simply to explore and open the map.

On the one hand, he wanted to help Bai Zhuxing get out of trouble, but on the other hand, he also had his own selfish motives.

Li Ozi wants to change his profession to [Yuexian Bishop] next, which requires the sequence arcana of [Weak Force].

And this arcane energy needs to be provided by the ‘Quality Direction’, one of the original species of Star Origin.

Zhixiang and Entropy Lord are on the same level. Although Li Ozi is familiar with the strategy, the universe is changing rapidly, and being fully prepared is better than anything else.

In my last life, Qi Xiang appeared in Qijuzi-331. I wonder if it will be the same this time.

Li Aozi was not sure about the traces of Qi Xiang, so he could only search for information and go to Qijuzi to test it out.

Then, let me see what other problems Bai Zhuxing has on hand...


How are those students doing?

Second-level Superintendent Du Bolan rubbed his head and came to the cordon with a box of lunch and coffee. While passing out the food in his hand, he asked his colleagues on the front line.

Thank you - I don't know the specific situation. They are still on hunger strike. We call out once an hour and send familiars to patrol around. At the moment, we are just ensuring their personal safety.

A policeman shook his head:

Really...what do these people think? It's just that they can't continue to be mages. It's not like they can't find a job.

There is no way. At first they thought they were connecting with the Crystal Tower Civilization. Who would have thought that not long after they entered school, the Crystal Tower Civilization would completely abandon them. Du Bolan explained.

Then shouldn't they look for the Crystal Tower civilization? We are all independent, so what's the use of them being anxious now. A young police officer muttered. No matter how much they protest now, it is impossible to provide them with cross-civilization adjustments. What are these young people thinking?

Du Bolan didn't know what to say for a moment.

Fortunately, the new police officer spoke openly and revealed the secret:

Crystal Civilization...don't want them.

Du Bolan looked in the direction of the campus. Even though the security tape was pulled up at the door, he could still see young people sitting cross-legged and holding banners high in protest.

President Leos must give us an explanation!

Our youth cannot be wasted!

I was originally a mage, but education ruined me!

White Candle Comprehensive University was formerly known as White Candle Interstellar University, which was saved from the disaster during the Waning Moon Incident. It merged with a number of colleges and universities. The teaching level has already taken a big step back, and the teaching team is also approaching retirement. The old antique that stepped into the coffin was of worrying quality, and the equipment was also very rudimentary.

Whether these students can really become Zeta-level mages is originally unknown. Taxpayers are still providing for them to go to college and have supported them for five full years. They have done their best.

Who knows, even if they are already in such a state of decline, the Crystal Tower Civilization will still withdraw the last of its teachers, making the already poor educational environment even worse.

This is a man-made disaster, a purely man-made disaster.

Du Bolan sighed.

In fact, protests at this juncture are quite detrimental to the new regime.

Because of the white candle star that had just fallen into Leo's hands, the internal affairs were extremely chaotic.

How chaotic is it?

Government civil servants like Du Bolan still enjoy the subsidies of the former Crystal Tower civilization. Because Dina is the exclusive currency of the Crystal Tower and can only be printed by the Crystal Tower civilization, their wages are simply paid by the Crystal Tower.

This led to a strange phenomenon: the high-level mages and upper-class people of the Crystal Tower used ammonium gold to settle, allowing Leoz to buy a planet with a GDP of only 70 million ammonium gold, while the civil servants who had already left the country were actually Since the staffing system has not been changed, per capita income is two thousand times higher than per capita GDP.

At the same time, because the ammonium gold in Leoz's hands has decreased significantly, it is not enough to support the White Candle Autonomous State to print its own currency.

Government officials now debated whether to return to the gold standard.

To sum up: Government personnel in an independent country, including violent institutions such as the police, need the former suzerain civilization to be responsible for paying salaries and providing incentives and allowances.

It sounds outrageous, and it is indeed outrageous.

And in fact, this situation has lasted for five full years. Many people still prefer the Crystal Tower Civilization in their hearts and miss the original era as an interstellar civilization.

It is understandable to yearn for a better life, but Bai Zhuxing's current poor situation is like a princess falling into the world, which is enough to make people cry out the depression of human civilization, life will get sweeter, and Hey, night butterfly.

Ninety percent of political problems are ultimately rooted in economic problems.

After the students continued fasting for 37 hours, the police officers of the White Candle Autonomous Prefecture were at their wits end.

There is nothing we can do, just report it to the police. Du Bolan said with a headache.

The frontline police officers were confused:

To whom should we report? The Ministry of Education of our Baizhu Autonomous Prefecture has not yet been established! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs? But the Ministry of Foreign Affairs doesn't care about this, right?

Then we can only report it to the President.

Dubran pressed his hat.

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