From star abyss

Chapter 553 257. Who turned you into this, Star Abyss?

Master Andifa has good taste.

Wendy Destis smiled, held the wine glass, and congratulated the noble young master Andifa Molodia who was sitting opposite:

It only cost five million ammonium gold to win the Huayu Star with great potential. Is it true that the Morodia family is really good at it?

Thank you, Senior Sister Destis. This is the decision-making effort of all employees of our Ruzhou shipping workshop.

Andifa smiled and did not hide his pride.

Haha, those kind of beautiful words can be used to perfunctory employees. Those low-level working dogs will never see the real full picture of business war in their lifetime.

Wendy Destis took a sip of wine and then said:

Open up the joints and obtain the information of all buyers from the Planetary Resources Agency of the Crystal Tower. It is not a small expense. It can also explore the resource characteristics of each planet and dig out the true value. It can be said that the workshop's assistance ability ——As for the judgment you make after obtaining this information, it is a reflection of your personal ability.

That's what you said - Senior Sister Wendy, you did the same thing. There is still a huge gap between us and the Destis family. You are flattering me by saying this.

Andifa said this, but his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, and even seemed to vaguely take the initiative.

Yes, of course he has the upper hand.

Wendy lowered her eyebrows and rolled her eyes, glancing at the petite, cute girl next to him, with long green hair and tapered dragon horns. She was not interested in the conversation between the two, and was just minding her own business while eating desserts. While trading stocks out of boredom.

If anyone observes carefully, they will find that the stocks she trades are often priced in tens of millions of ammonium gold. Many times, she sells them at will based on her personal preferences to determine the fate of a certain company or civilization.

There is a reason why Andifa, as a disciple of a third-rate civilization like the Crystal Tower, can rise to the top and be compared with agents of a narrative-level civilization like Wendy.

This was entirely due to the little dragonborn girl beside him.

No, calling it a girl is a bit exaggerated... A 79-year-old dragon is still far away from being a girl.

However, as the 209th scion of the Verazzi Company, her identity and status are of great importance. She is backed by the financial empire, especially the Verazzi Company, which is constantly rising in the United Group.

Nalia Verazzi, she took a fancy to Andifa's talent and handsome appearance, but the most important thing is the wealth management ability of him and the family behind him. Rufang Shipping is very suitable as a marriage partner and can be used to open up connections. Velazi is in the Crystal Tower, and even the entire Galaxy's Edge market.

If you think she is cute and delicate just because she is young, you are absolutely wrong.

It is said that Naliya was originally ranked 219th when she was born, but as her mother's side continued to control the equity, the 10 brothers and sisters in front of her all quietly 'retired'.

To put it bluntly, this dragon-born capitalist girl is a cold-blooded monster who can even kill her sister who was raised by the same mother.

If it weren't for the long growth cycle of the dragon race, she wouldn't still be at the Epsilon level (5).

United Group only values ​​strength and capital.

Andrew Verazzi, who is currently in the limelight, is only 120 years old. He holds the titles of 'Red King Blesser', 'Verazi Security Chief', and 'Zeta Powerhouse'. He can become The absolute prince, although Naliya is not as good as Andrew, it is said that the two have a good relationship in private, and they officially met and communicated not long ago.

That's enough to warrant attention.

Opposite him, Andifa kept talking about his experience, citing scriptures, and his words fully demonstrated the knowledge and experience he had gained from the narrative-level civilization.

Wendy's mood was a little complicated.

Obviously, his family was the first to make good friends with the narrative-level civilization and won the development agency job of the Fairy Planet Belt in one fell swoop. However, now, as a junior, Andifa suddenly took off overnight and joined forces with Vera, a star company in the narrative-level civilization. Qi hooked up.

Moreover, unlike her who works for the empire, the descendants of these two people must also be narrative-level citizens, and they are still a group with quite good status.

What concept does this correspond to?

One works for the capital, and the other hooks up with the daughter of a real estate tycoon in the capital.

This is no longer about jealousy. Wendy knows very well that whether she likes it or not, the other person will be the one she looks up to from now on.

She glanced at Nalia next to her, who had no interest in their communication, and didn't even take a second look at her fiancé. She was as beautiful as money, but the only thing she could hold in her eyes seemed to be money. .

She doesn't care about her marriage, she is purely driven by money...

This indifferent attitude frightened Wendy.

That can no longer simply be described as worshiping money and material things... Most people worship money, and idealists are very few.

However, this may sound a bit strange.

Nalia seems to be a devout believer, the kind of Puritan who eliminates material interference and devotes herself to God.

Why is she so obsessed with making money? Perhaps in her view, making money is a process of worshiping gods, praying to the God of Capital, and singing praises to the Goddess of Gold.

Are these people from the United Group...

As if aware of her gaze, Nalia raised her head slightly and glanced at her.

The green-gold vertical pupils showed her proud lineage as a dragonborn, but her eyes were very peaceful.

Wendy said a friendly hello: Hey, Miss Nalia...

Then, Wendy saw the dragon-born girl open her mouth and make a sweet and sweet voice:

653, 231.66, 565...

Her eyes fell on Wendy, from her eyes to her nails, from her limbs to her skin, and even through her flesh, looking straight into her organs and soul.

According to legend, the God of Destiny pulls the strings of people's fate with his hands, but Wendy felt that Nalia had already planned it for her with her eyes.

You'll get a good price.

She didn't say that, but her eyes and expression seemed to clarify her consciousness.

Naliya's eyes are so clear and pure, and paired with her little face with a little baby fat, she looks so cute.

It's so cute that it even scares Wendy.

Haha, Naliya is a person from a narrative-level civilization after all, which is different from those from a third-rate civilization like ours. They don't bother to hide their opinions and will speak their minds frankly.

Andifa laughed heartily, not giving any face to Wendy.

Yes, yes... Narrative-level civilized people are indeed extraordinary. They never hide anything, and they speak straightforwardly. Unlike the little pink quartz in the Crystal Tower, they win, win, win at every turn. What awaits them in the end is inevitable. Only lose light.

Wendy grinned and immediately greeted him with a smile.

Actually, narrative-level civilization is just like that. I'll show you later and you'll know.

Andifa was also laughing, but the two of them were laughing at completely different things.

Of course he knew that Naliya was counting the value of the stranger's body. When they first met, he was also shocked. Her pure and flawless eyes were like a god's, treating everyone equally, clearly marking everything, just waiting to be sold.

But once you get used to it, you will find that this logic is very consistent with human nature. The more he listens to Nalia telling their grand narrative, the more Andifa becomes obsessed with this set of thinking of pricing everything.

If man is the measure of all things, then the meaning of man's existence is to prepare a good price for all things, and to use money to price and comment on all existence fairly and justly.

There is no doubt that this is fair. Nothing can better measure the value of a person, a world, and an idea than money.

Only money achieves absolute fairness. Anyone who tries to discredit the concept of money equality is an enemy of mankind and a demon monster that destroys fairness and freedom.

But having said that, the Emperor of Heroes that Wendy came into contact with did not seem to have such a progressive understanding.

The empire was loose and free, with no restrictions on its citizens and no unified beliefs. This made Andifa despise it, but he did not dare to say it out.

When they met again, the senior sister who used to be domineering in the school had to toast him respectfully to show her goodwill. The reversal of this gesture made Andifa feel comfortable from his scalp to his toes.

It's an all-around win.

Not only did his life, status, and power far surpass those of his predecessors, but the path he took, the ideas he pursued, the values ​​he pursued, and his grand narrative all completely succeeded in overshadowing his predecessors.

This feeling made him feel very comfortable. Soon he began to give pointers to each other, mixed with various feelings of superiority, and began to comment on various behaviors of the senior sister.

Naliya didn't look at them. She jumped out of her seat and didn't even bother to say hello. She walked out of the door casually and walked a few steps in the starry sky corridor. After confirming that the environment was good, she turned on a special communicator.

The projection opened up an independent space and enveloped her there. It soon materialized into a warm and comfortable castle interior, with a burning fire in the fireplace, snow falling in the rain outside the window, and the aurora rendering, which was extremely gorgeous.

Nalia sat down quietly on a seat and waited.

Not long after, the door of the castle was pushed open, and a young dragon-born man with dark green skin and handsome face strode over and sat down at the master's seat.

Long time no see, sister Nalia.

he said calmly.

Your Excellency, brother.

Along with him, there is a female guard with silver hair, purple eyes, peacock green eyeshadow and a delicate and cold face. Her body is almost in perfect proportions, and her exquisite armor is wrapped with slender black snakes. .


The guard stood behind him, his eyes as cruel and cold as a crocodile, attracting Nalia's attention.

Don't worry, Nefes is a trustworthy person. She was trained by Gabros. Not only that, she has just completed a complete set of training from the 'Purgatory Camp'.

I trust brother.

Nalia nodded and said:

It's not my intention to bother my brother, but I have important information to report here.

tell me the story.

Andrew Verazzi showed no hesitation or politeness at all. There was no greeting between the two of them as blood relatives, only a pure exchange of interests.

They do not appear as brother and sister, but as the successors of the company, bound together as an interest group.

I was participating in a planetary auction organized by the Crystal Tower Civilization. It just so happened that my marriage partner got the customer information.

Naliya did not hesitate and said straightforwardly:

Leozi, who you have been looking for for five years, participated in this auction, and it is shown here that he already holds 120 million ammonium gold in cash.

Good news. Very important. Help me continue to monitor.

Andrew's eyes lit up, but he was seemingly indifferent.

As the crown prince of the group, he naturally keeps his emotions and angers to himself and focuses on money.

The two of them tacitly did not mention the damage and economic losses that Leoz had caused in the Vanrenkov Autonomous State, not because they were afraid of ruining their relationship - just because they had both calculated and recruited Leos. The benefits of coming here are really not small.

I will find time for Nefes to go there.

Andrew made a decision immediately:

You should watch Leos carefully and pay attention to what he wants to buy. If you can, you'd better help him. Then find him afterwards to express your intention to come.

Leoz may not agree with our grand narrative. I plan to ask you to ask a few light-gold priests to help me complete the task. They are good at preaching and taming. If Leo doesn't agree, let Nefes beat him up and arrest him. Come back and preach – but don’t brainwash, what we need is a Leoz who is self-aware but loyal to money and capital.”

Naliya had a clear mind and immediately helped her brother fill in some of the questions.

If necessary, I will be there in person. Andrew pondered for a moment: No, I can't. I can't get away from the things at hand recently. I must listen to His Majesty Red King's teachings - so be it, this I will give you full responsibility for this matter, and be sure not to let me down.

I will, brother. Naliya said lightly: Capital comes first.

Andrew said piously:

Capital is on top, long live money. May material and consumption always guide the people.

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