From star abyss

Chapter 541 245. The return of the giant god

[Society] is just a beast, and you and I are just the most insignificant red blood cell in the beast. You can't change the world, just like as a cell, you can never decide what your mind thinks.

You were released by this beast called [Society] as a plague virus to infect other living people and turn them into cells like you. It is called a relief - but in reality? You just created more cells and made more people suffer like you! You are worse than slaves, because slaves still know how to resist!

“We destroy our own world, and then are taught to trample on other people’s homes, only to make the [society] behind us even more gluttonous.”

Horst and Baisha looked at each other, each noticing the funny look in the other's eyes.

You're right, maybe, well, maybe in this world, only [society] is like this. Baisha suppressed a smile, grabbed Igor Matthew's hair, and said with a cruel smile: Since you have already ironed out Liao Xin thinks we are a scourge, but we scourges are still very tolerant of our own people - let me give you a choice.

His fingertips dug into his scalp, and the armor cracked, revealing sharp shark teeth:

Tell us, where did you send the councilor [tailor] that Horst worked so hard to dig out?

Igolay Matthew's scalp oozed pale etheric blood. He glanced at the white shark and said lightly:

Sent to heaven.

How dare you kill the congressman! Bai Shark was instantly furious: You rebellious traitor, are you going to rebel? The [Emperor] Speaker will never forgive you!

Haha, don't get excited, I'm just joking. Igolay Matthew grinned, showing a happy smile: How could I hurt a defenseless girl?

Igor Matthew, this is no joke. Horst slowly raised his hand, and an hourglass appeared in the void in his palm: As a [Bell Ringer], I have the ability to resurrect my compatriots who have died recently. As long as I don't For more than 10 years, I was able to reverse her life. She wanted to see her alive, and she wanted to see her body when she died.

What if I don't know where the girl is?

That's okay. Horst smiled slightly: White Shark.

White Shark raised his hand and took out a cane made from a girl's spine and head from his arm:

Come on, sister Zonia, give this gentleman a face to face.

Igolay Matthew's pupils shrank and he cursed:

Beast, you actually turned such a young child into an institution...

It's just a temporary semi-finished product. Only [Engineers], MPs and [Scholars] have the ability to make a complete mechanism - I know, Mr. Igolay Matthew, you are a tough guy who is not afraid of death and advocates justice. Facing [Scholars] ]'s olive branch, you angrily refused because of your inner principles and integrity, and fled the [Secret Society], preferring to wander in the Star Abyss rather than become a distinguished jury.

Horst held the hourglass and said with a smile:

But, you have lived on this planet for decades, so you must have some friends.

what you up to--

Forty years is enough time for my friends to get married and start a business, right? Then they should all have sons and granddaughters, and they should be more loving and caring people, right?

Asshole, you poison-blooded monster, even your soul has been eaten up by Gaia and wiped clean!

Whatever you say, you have to know that as citizens of [society], we have no weaknesses.

He lifted the hourglass and turned to look at the shivering survivors wearing gas masks. His eyes especially fell on a baby lying on his mother's body.

The latter was covered with a special mask by his father. It must be said that the father reacted very quickly and immediately recognized the spread of ether poisonous blood. The mother was also very strong. Even if she was going to die in an instant, her body was still tight. Hold the child tightly in your arms to form a safe triangle space.

Igolay Matthew's pupils tightened and he struggled violently:

——Stop! [Bell Ringer], if you have any problems, come to me. Don't attack innocent people! You beast, bastard, turd, you attack children, who the hell are you!

I am nothing in the first place. Everything I have now: identity and career, are all given by the [Secret Society].

Horst raised the hourglass in his hand, pointed it at the baby, and asked Igor Matthew with a smile:

“Guess what kind of institution I’m going to turn this into?”

You're going to turn it into something that doesn't matter.

A rough voice suddenly sounded.

Dang, Dang, Dang...

The iron boots trampled on the ice and snow, making a thunderous sound along with the red and black sky outside.

The important thing is that I will turn you into meat and irrigate this wasteland with the poisonous blood in your body.

Isaac Maxim's figure slowly stepped out of the night, covered with armor of dragon scales, metal and mountains. He opened his hands, flames and ice danced wantonly, mixed with flashes of lightning, and the shield of gravity was He blocks out the wind and snow. Pure physical power tramples the earth wantonly, and through the true silver eyes, their fateful trajectory is indifferently glimpsed.

Igolay Matthew quickly sensed the biological frequency band of the visitor. Years of living on the Blue Star had already trained him to be sensitive to the path class.

Initially, he was overjoyed when he saw someone coming to rescue him, but when he really felt the breath, his expression immediately changed and he shouted eagerly:

The breath of Alpha level - mortals, run! They are not human beings, they are monsters with poisonous blood - ugh!


White Shark threw Igolay Matthew away, stepped on his head with one foot, held the sword blade in one hand, and said contemptuously:

What the hell are you, a mere Alpha-level trash fish and stinky shrimp—


The white shark's head was instantly struck and exploded.


Then, a huge fist penetrated the white shark's head.


The remaining brain matter was splattered in all directions, and even the spine was violently impacted by kinetic energy. It was dragged out completely, including the skin and flesh, and fell to the ground.

[White Knight] Uhelai, death.

Combat time: 0.22 seconds.

Such a rapid change did not allow [Sailor] Igor Matthew, whose vision was blurred by brains and blood, to react. Horst on the side had no choice but to put down the hourglass and sway in the air twice:

[The Evening Bell Calls for Funerals].

The white shark's body reversed in an instant, and its time and space quickly flowed backwards. The flying brain, blood, water, and bones were like a video tape played backwards, quickly regressing and returning to their original level.

I see, you were the one who resurrected this beast.

Li Ozi shook his head. He had recruited so many arcane powers that Isaac even started complaining to him about the poor performance.

But even so, Isaac's body can still sustain so much arcane energy. As a [Martial Artist], his talent is a bit too good. Even if Li Ozi doesn't recruit him, he is probably still a martial artist on the Blue Star. The level of a holy master.

He looked at the [White Knight] who was resurrected in front of him, with a frightened and surprised look on his face, and the [Bell Ringer] who was frowning and thinking, and shrugged.

Forget it, if you have any information, kill it and eat it later.

As he spoke, he raised his hand.


[Physical Strengthening·Omega Level]

All 24 [Physical Body Enhancement] arcane energies fell on Li Ozi in an instant, and his figure instantly broke through the shackles of the fortress and turned into a huge and ferocious giant, emitting a monstrous heat wave.

The Titan of Destruction—Dum King Kong!

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