From star abyss

Chapter 529 233. Leoz’s Secret

【Star Falling Master】

Li Ozi's pupils shrank.

At that moment, all the previous confusions, incomprehensions, and contradictions were all connected at this moment.


It is now the year 220 of the Galaxy Era, and the public beta of version 1.0 of the Star Abyss game is the year 226 of the Galaxy Era. Even if it is the first version of the public beta, no, including the initial closed beta, it is 222 years.

In other words, I am 2 years ahead of the version, so I have enough time to prepare!

Humans on the Blue Star, their technology, souls, and knowledge are all bound to the earth by gravity. I am the only one who comes from the deepest star abyss in the universe!

This is an excellent opportunity. The extraordinary system of Azure Star in the year 220 of the Galaxy Era has just begun. I can definitely rely on my experience to make the Star Falling Master shine!


Every time I see those babies, I realize that people should have a bottom line, and life has a noble dignity. My life should not be just for profit, I should also have my own bottom line and belief……

And I only have one bottom line, and that is don't touch the baby!


Five thousand years ago, [Secret Society] Gaia broke through Haines, killed Leoz, and devoured Mephidria, which was still in its infant stage. I remember that, and every citizen of the machine world remembers that shock. scene.

Gaia... ate Mephidria? The [Master] God is actually a baby?


It's all yours. Your destiny has been predestined. Just like the protagonist of a popular novel, an invisible hand, a decadent 'writer', is manipulating your destiny. It’s the same—your destiny is being sketched out.”

But your life trajectory... from what I saw through the spirit world, it was a weird straight line. Someone had arranged everything for you.

You, Leos, Leos, Liz, this is all you.


You came here through chaos - 10752. You are the 10752nd god born today. Now, pick up your sword and die for Mephidria.


……I see.

Li Ozi raised his hand and clenched his fist. The blue light flashed in his eyes, and then was completely dispelled by his firm will:

All of this turns out to be fate.

Why was he so obsessed with reviving the [Starfall Master] once he traveled through time?

Why does he feel excited and affectionate about the baby?

Why is it that the pronunciation of ‘Leozi’ and ‘Lee Ozi’ are almost the same despite the fact that they are time-travelling bodies?

The answer is obvious.

Liz, Leos, Leos.

These three existences are essentially the same thing.

Leoz's subordinate is the [Star Falling Master], and Liz was the absolute number one [Star Falling Master] when playing games in his previous life. The relationship between the two may have been inextricably linked for a long time. It's just because of KitKat Network's awareness filter that it isolates relevant awareness.

Li Ozi from the Azure Star was valued by Li Ozi because of his suitable name and conditions. However, after his death, he was given a permanent sign and became the body to accommodate Li Ozi. His name, memory and life were also inherited by him, and he received continued.

Also, he was able to successfully enter the White Candle Interstellar University before... That was definitely not a coincidence. Now that he looks back and thinks about it carefully, he will find that his thinking is full of loopholes.

...Lee Ozzy is Leos, and Leos is Lee Ozzy.

Li Ozi thought in his heart, his eyes were blue:

Everything today is not only guided by Leozi, but also led by Li Ozi's will.

His attitude was calm.

In fact, he has been using this as a sign to fool people for a long time. The same [Domination] system, the same name, and the same path direction.

If it weren't for the fact that Lay Yuan had no reincarnation, his identity would have been discovered by many people long ago.

[ did Leoz become what I am now? What is the situation behind the game Star Abyss? How did I complete reincarnation and time travel, and how do I regain my original power? If I were Leoz, would my former enemies continue their hatred? How many enemies does Leos have...]

There are too many questions.

Li Ozi pondered for a moment, no longer wasting time thinking about these unanswerable questions.

[Don’t rush to confirm your identity first. When necessary, I might be able to save some of my reputation or avoid a crisis by severing my identity as 'Leoz'. 】

The previous promotion of the reincarnation of Leos was partly to bluff people, and partly to enhance his reputation. However, if necessary, Li Ozi would not hesitate to give up the identity of Leos.

As a master of Runxue, Li Ozi has never had a bottom line when it comes to his identity.

Profit and efficiency are the only camps worthy of allegiance.

On this basis, if you do the right thing and do not violate public order, good customs and universal values, even if you make a small mistake, people will accept and forgive themselves.

After sorting out these things, Li Ozi no longer cared about his relationship with Leozi at all.

He is not a fan of blood theory or fatalism, not to mention if the previous memory is true... Leos is probably not a noble being.

Not to mention anything else...

Think about it with your brain: How did a cannon-fodder god without even a divine name, divine power, or divine personality achieve the position of the Creator's agent, and also have a name like 'Leoz', and hold the supreme arcane power in his hand? All the gods and warriors of the Pantheon obey Him?

Li Ozi narrowed his eyes.

I'm afraid Leoz's methods are not very clean either...

Elite is not an identity, but a state. Instead of believing that Leos was born to be an elite and a chosen one, I believe that Leos used some inconvenient means to grow up.

In any case, Lee Devedens and Sofia Marin both mentioned that Leoz is not actually welcomed by everyone, and there are many gods who dislike or simply hate Leotz.

If you really want to take over Leos' inheritance, you may have to face your former enemies - after all, you have to inherit the inheritance along with the debts.

Unfortunately, Leos really doesn't know what material legacy Leos has. In his previous life in the game, the description of Leos was just a character on the background board, which was useless and had no related tasks.

Li Ozi thought for a moment and realized that he could continue to play the 'Leozi' card.

According to his rich anchoring experience, if many virtual anchors experience a decline in popularity after being reincarnated, they can rely on bits and pieces of information to explain their connection with the previous account to stimulate fans' curiosity and start searching for relevant information in large quantities. Wait until they When it is confirmed that 'XX anchor is the same person as the previous XXX', there is a high probability that the former fans will be reactivated and the traffic will be reunited.

Li Ozi didn't get much of the material legacy left by Leozi, but the gold content of the name Leozi... can still be played with.

If he really encounters Leoz's enemy, the worst case scenario is to cut him off. There is no reincarnation mechanism in Layer Abyss. Who can prove that he is Lioz?

Li Ozi then asked the remaining two questions, but the answers he received were very vague. Even Sophia Marin, who had personally experienced the Li Ozi era, was not clear about these things.

For example, when he asked ‘What did Leoz do?’, Sofia Marin’s answer was just some stories and rumors.

Leoz... It is said that Leoz established the Pantheon, canonized tens of thousands of gods, and formed an unprecedented army of gods. Even the Pantheon itself is an extremely powerful artifact. It is said that the Pantheon can connect history. , allowing the gods to step into a timeline at any time to fight against [society], or to eliminate the rebellious evil gods.

In Haines, the only time Leos descended to earth, he destroyed our local dragon civilization. In the following hundreds of thousands of years, the [Star Descendants] launched a vigorous 'Dragon Extermination Movement', and most of the [Stars] The descendants all have a tradition of wearing weapons or accessories made of dragons. They spread the word among the people that 'dragons are the most evil creatures'. Because of their actions, the extremely powerful dragon clan was annihilated by Leoz.

In addition, there was once the most powerful Titan who tried to challenge Leoz's dictatorship, but was ruthlessly defeated by Leoz, and was slaughtered together with the entire race by the [Starborne Division]. This also provided a good foundation for Leoz in Haines has gained a lot of notoriety, and many scholars believe that no matter how much the Titans challenge authority, they will not be completely exterminated.

In Haines, there are matriarchal creatures called the Tekniks who exist in the world. They are the embodiment of rationality. The Tekniks have powerful technology and research and development capabilities, and everything can be used by them with the magic called 'science' They once planned to build a wonder to understand the secrets of the gods - however, Leoz launched a ruthless liquidation against them. They used the primitive structure of matriarchal society to rush in He entered the star realm and luckily escaped the destruction of Leoz.

Even for us Haines remnants, Leoz has no clear record of descending to earth. The person who guides the lives of our mortals there is [Goddess of Truth] Salgenia - there are rumors, just rumors, that she Survived the Haines Battlefield, and if you want to know more, try to find His whereabouts.

No matter how you sound, this sounds like a tyrant...

Li Ozi twitched the corner of his mouth.

The civilization of the Dragon Clan is relatively mysterious in the Star Abyss, but it is generally regarded as a noble and terrifying existence with a lot of say. On Leoz's side, it was simply destroyed...

Titans are recognized as powerful warriors in the Star Abyss. They are warlike and brave, and like to challenge the strong everywhere. Just because they refused to obey the rule, Leoz completely annihilated them...

The Teknik tribe sounds very similar to some scholar civilizations, and what they do is similar to the Life Commune - Leoz actually directly persecutes people and exiles them...

The gods outside the abyss are really fierce in their folk customs. These actions will definitely cause public anger and controversy in the star abyss.

Xingyuan doesn't know about these rumors, right? Li Ozi couldn't help but ask.

I don't know, maybe. Sofia Marin thought for a moment and shook her head: Actually, there are not many survivors from the Mephidrian universe. The exiled gods are afraid of being hunted by [society] and generally hide, but If you want to use the banner of Leoz's reincarnation, let's not mention that Layer Abyss has not been reincarnated, Leoz's notoriety must also be weighed... You can take charge of it yourself.

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