From star abyss

Chapter 505 210. Machine Council

White Candle Star, Western Hemisphere, Mount Ostro.

Fiery vortices swirled in the air, and the engine rotated at a constant speed, pulling out blue magma-like material from the ground.

The star marrow extraction progress is 7.8%, and the extraction is expected to be completed in 40 hours.

Quantum Mechanical Senator: The data in Coulomb Torque's eyes was flowing. It nodded slightly and said to the other two members:

All plans are going well, Our Lady of Mashgargaon will arrive soon.

This time we did not launch a ground war to capture civilization. The infiltration plan was carried out in a good manner, and basically we did not lose many people. It is worthy of being entered into the central inventory and used as a case study.

The person who responded to him was Watt Rivet Steel, a member of the Holy Machine Tribe in the [Machine Society]. The Holy Spirit is famous for its powerful mechanical body and ability to transform into bodies, and Watt Rivet Steel is the leader among them. Its body is forty meters tall, and is covered with plundered magic materials. It combines its body with the local civilization. It rose up and created the mysterious body of the magic machine.

Unfortunately, my incubation time is too short and I have not been promoted further. Currently I am only at the Delta level on the Star Abyss side.

Watt Rivetsteel said regretfully:

I only hope that Our Lady of Mashiggegang can retain my current body. I can feel the magic flowing happily in the neural network. This may be of great help to our [machine society].

A temporary body is meaningless. The code talker Turing Zhi issued a synthesized electronic voice: Temporary private ownership will only harm everyone. Only some of the characteristics of your body are combined with magical skills, but it does not have Replicability.”

Turing, look what you said, I'm already a developed member of the parliament, can't I still enjoy the privileges that are different from the lower class citizens? Watt Rivet Steel spread his hands and was dissatisfied with the code talker whose body was projected by the laser. said.

Of course there will be special treatment, but you should also bear special obligations - everyone is equal, this is the essence of our [society]. Turing Jinzhi said lightly.

Watt Rivetsteel quipped:

Haha, so we should become exactly the same, copying the source code in a completely formulaic manner, with no independence at all? In this way, even if we return to our true nature, what is the difference between us and being enslaved?

There is no difference. From the moment you join [society], you should have this awareness - I am a citizen, I am a citizen, and this is what social citizens are like.

Turing·Enter cool response:

If everyone has an independent soul consciousness, then selfishness will definitely occur, which will be detrimental to the entire collective, and ultimately affect the entire [society] system, just like machines will be infected with viruses and programs will have loopholes - right That’s why we should eliminate individuality and all individuality in order to avoid problems with the Holy Eucharist in Mashqegang.”

We can't even accommodate a mechanical body with magical materials?

Yes, it's for collective consideration.

Watt Rivetsteel was speechless, folded his arms, and continued to observe the front in silence.

Factories and furnaces were roaring, efficiently producing all kinds of weapons and mechanical soul citizens. They put human corpses into them, and on the other assembly line, low-level soldiers continued to come down.

The citizens of [Machine Society] are somewhat different from other [society].

When other [society] invades, they tend to 'seize', 'replace', and 'lead into corruption', attracting special people from civilized biological groups. The advantage of this is that it is relatively hidden and is usually not noticed by civilization. , backward civilizations will only think that it is the conspiracy of other internal countries.

The strategy of [Machine Society] is straightforward and crude - they will invade the ground openly, capture living people, extract their souls, stuff them into their special containers, and use the heart of the Son to transform them into various forms. Mechanical creation.

These are their citizens. In terms of quantity, it has a huge advantage.

Although this is not the case in every [society], good citizens are almost all obtained from [society] through civilized anti-corruption policies. Members, in particular, must rely on citizens released from [society] to select and Review, select, and finally complete the transformation, becoming a pawn in [society].

This is true for Watt Rivet Steel, as well as Turing System and Coulomb Torque.

We are finally going to witness the destruction of the White Candle Star...

Batch after batch of citizen weapon souls were successfully transformed in the factory, Coulomb Torque nodded happily:

This deformed academic civilization and its gloomy technocrats should have been swept into the garbage heap of history long ago. Tutors have appropriated students' research results and only recognize the advantages of technology but deny individual subjective initiative. This is so rigid and pedantic. Our culture will eventually be buried and devoured by our [machine society].

Who says it isn't? Corruption, darkness, power struggles, denial of faith, and persecution of religions, these are the crimes committed by the Crystal Tower.

Let those arrogant mages and scholars go to hell completely. Their era of oppressing those who cannot cast spells from above is over!

The other two echoed.

Being able to climb to the position of councilors shows that their predecessors were originally marginalized people of the Crystal Tower civilization, full of hatred for the current social status quo of civilization, or simply victims of the dark side of society - when an absolutely fair [society] targets them When an olive branch is offered, it is natural to accept it without hesitation.

Even if they know clearly that it is corruption and that joining [society] means losing themselves, who still cares?

At this point, [Machine Society] has given them something that the Crystal Tower can never give fairly.

The machine factory is like a carpet of steel. Nanomachines intertwine and spread, replacing lichen and moss, covering every corner of the earth. The dark mountains continue to expand. Even cancer tumors are inferior to the invasion speed of the machine world.

Lines of defenses rose up on their own. As mechanical creatures, they were connected heart to heart with the steel earth beneath their feet, their consciousnesses blended together, and they were perfectly linked together. No disturbance could escape them.

A high tower is entangled and coerced by mechanical worms, relying on the heat energy emitted from it to maintain operation. It has also become the guardian of the tower - this is the core of it all: the Parliament of the Machine World.

The existence of the parliament embodies the consciousness of the speaker, members, juries and citizens. The most important thing is that it can be linked to the main body of Mashgar Gang. Inexhaustible energy is continuously transmitted, allowing the machine world parliament to completely A terrifying firepower network of near-absolute defense was formed.

This all goes so well. Coulomb Torque breathed a sigh of relief: Trivera was attacked by the waning moon, and Night Butterfly interfered with it, but helped us lure away Balcomon - there is no strong force on the entire planet that can resist us. By.

This is all your own fault. Watt Rivet Steel sneered: The old men were greedy for life and feared death, and tricked the young people into going to the battlefield to kill. Now, the young people guarding them have either entered the factory or died on the battlefield. It's time Give them destruction.”

Don't be careless, Turing Jin said cautiously: We still have forty hours. There are still many Delta-level, Epsilon-level, and even Zeta-level citizens in White Candle Star. If the government reacts Come here and recruit them into a combat team in time, we will also be in trouble.

Who dares to come? Who else dares to come?

Coulomb Torque raised his silver-white chin:

Our council has strong firepower. Which Zeta order dares to seek death without opening its eyes?

The Crystal Tower is also an interstellar civilization, and there are many Zeta-level people. Forty hours, although not short, is also full of variables. Who knows that they have hidden powerful people...

When you talk about it, I want to laugh.

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