From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 363 Miniaturization of Nuclear Fusion Reactor

Xu Chengyang said:

"These two boys are not bad, although there are many people who make things difficult for them.

But all the questions were answered one by one. "

At this time, Sun Song came in from outside the door and said excitedly:

"Not only that, I saw that the faces of the entire Mathematics Department of Shangjing University were swollen by hammers.

Those old guys looked livid and almost died on the spot. "

Xu Chengyang looked a little strange, but he still said:

"Academician Sun, be careful, they are my teachers after all."

Sun Song glanced at Xu Chengyang disdainfully and said disdainfully:

"These old guys are not my teachers. I am careful what I say. In the world of mathematics, strength is respected. I am obviously better than them.

In the future, Zhang Jiahui and Jiang Guoyu will be better than them. Do you still want to deny it or make an argument about seniority? "

Xu Chengyang said with a hint of anger:

"Then you have to respect people."

Sun Song glanced disdainfully.

Madam, you are very literate and cultivated if you didn’t scold them in person.

Also respect.

In the venue, the professor from Beijing University looked livid at the moment.

I thought I wanted to teach these two young people a profound lesson, but they ended up being taught a lesson instead.

Zhang Jiahui said with a hint of disdain:

"This old professor, I suggest you read more basic articles. I don't think even the mathematics Ph.D.s at Chongqing High School can ask this kind of question."

The old professor's face turned pale and he was speechless.

You are not as good as the doctoral students here. Who are you insulting?

Just as he was about to speak, Academician Tian Zhen next to him pulled his sleeves and sat down on the chair with resentment.

The mathematics professor at Beijing University has always questioned others.

Now he was slapped in the face by someone in person, and he was still a young man who had only graduated less than two years ago.

The key is that if you can't let out this breath, you will probably suffer internal injuries from holding it in.

Originally, many people wanted to cause trouble for Zhou Yi students, but now it seems that Zhou Yi students are not so easy to handle.

I originally wanted to target Huang Shunjian and Huang Shunjian again, but in the end their reports would be flawless.

You can't find a place to target it, obviously every place is perfect.

After a press conference, many deans of mathematics departments in universities had gathered around them.

"Zhang Jiahui, come to our Shu University? This is a place with abundant resources and treasures, delicious food everywhere, a land of abundance, and many beauties. As long as you come, we will directly teach you as a full professor."

"Zhang Jiahui, come to our Jiangda University. Our Jiangda University is located in Luoji Mountain. It is so beautiful. It not only has outstanding people and many beauties, but the most important thing is that the environment is much better than that of Shu University."

"Huang Shunjian, do you want to come to our university? As long as you have some achievements, it won't be a problem to give you a count."

The deans of many mathematics departments in colleges and universities gathered around Zhou Yi's students and spoke one after another.

"Xiao Huang, Academician Zhou Yi won't let you graduate now. As long as you ask, we will go directly to Academician Zhou and tell you to graduate.

Joining us at CUHK is definitely a wise choice. "

Several people were surrounded by a group of people and said:

"Thank you for your kindness. We have no thoughts of changing jobs at the moment.

Unless we, Mr. Zhou, speak out in person, we will be born as members of the Chongqing High Court and die as the ghosts of the Chongqing High Court. "

Professor Yau Shing-Tung Mathematics Center on the side said:

"If you give me enough, the Chongqing High Court will definitely give you more, and it will give you more. Don't even think about it.

However, it is a wise choice to come to our Yau Shing Tong Mathematics Center at Shuimu University. Mr. Yau Shing Tong, the master of mathematics, is personally in charge. "

Everyone:? ? ? .

I'll leave it here waiting for you all.

After a meeting, the deans of mathematics departments in various universities did not receive the results they wanted.

None of Zhouyi's students were moved.

Really pissed me off.

Shan Peng on the side said to a professor from the Yau Shing-tung Mathematics Center of Shuimu University:

"The tutors are so awesome, and the students must be in demand. What's more, their achievements are not bad, and they are young, so it is normal for them to be unable to recruit them."

The old professor sighed and said:

"If it weren't for Xiao Wanyi supporting the younger generation, the future of our mathematics center would be in jeopardy."

Shan Peng said:

"With Wanyi here, the mathematics center will not decline in the next few decades."

The old professor sighed and said:

"When the time comes, more undergraduates and master's students from our mathematics center will come to you to take doctoral studies."

Shan Peng said:

"That's all it can do. If you can pass the exam, the choice of tutor will depend on your connections and strength."

The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray.

Ph.D. students who were admitted to Beijing University for their bachelor's and master's degrees were also received by Xu Chengyang and others.

If foreign undergraduates and master's students are admitted to Chongqing High School, there will also be corresponding tutors.

The students themselves also prefer tutors from their alma mater.

This is human nature and it is difficult to change.

Zhou Yi could not do anything about it.

This is the end of a mathematical event,

Many important conjectures in mathematics have been solved by Chongqing High School Mathematics, and a unified textbook on algebra and number theory has been compiled.

The reputation has been forged, and the next step is to use time to accumulate more foundation.

Ugly Country, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.

Feilman, dean of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and others held a large meeting.

Everyone looked heavy.

"Have you watched the annual mathematics conference of Chongqing Higher Academy of Sciences held by Zhou Yi?"

Fellman said with a serious expression.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Fellman continued:

"I suggest that we also hold a meeting, and everyone can publish the results if they have any results.

The mathematics center can be transferred to Daxia, but it cannot be transferred from our hands.

I don’t think anyone wants to be a criminal in history, right?

Even delaying the transfer speed is fine. "

Professor Shanek, winner of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, said:

“I recommend cooperation with MIT, Stanford University and many other universities.

Hold a large mathematics conference. Only in this way can the results be sufficient and the influence be great enough. "

"Okay, that's it. Do I need to send an invitation letter to the mathematicians from Rabbit Country?"

The secretary on the side hesitated and asked.

Fehrman thought for a moment and said:

"Invite, not only invite, but while we still have some power and influence, we will use our greatest ability to recruit their mathematicians, even the younger generation of mathematicians.

Especially Zhou Yi's students, if they can be poached, it's best to poach them. "


The secretary said respectfully.

Everyone discussed the meeting carefully, and the time was set for the Lantern Festival in 2029.

It will take about three months to prepare from now until the Lantern Festival next year.

The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton did not hide the news, but publicized it with great fanfare.

Its purpose is self-evident.

Chongqing High School, Office 404, Institute of Mathematics Building.

Zhou Yi also knew the news at this moment.

Many academicians from the Institute of Mathematics came to Zhouyi's office.

“Academician Zhou, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton seems to have made a lot of determination this time.

The entire American Mathematical Society seemed to have united, and many mathematics professors from Europe, island countries, and our country were invited to participate. "

Zhou Yi heard this and said:

"Have you received it?"

Everyone looked embarrassed, and Donaldson, the leader, said:

"Received, but we still plan to listen to the online report meeting. Because it is obvious that they are demonstrating against us.

And we invited them to come, but they didn't come. If we went, wouldn't we admit that our mathematics at Chongqing Higher Education Institute is not as good as them? "

Donaldson is an old guy after all, and his analysis is very accurate. Zhou Yi said:

"That's right, we can't go, otherwise everyone will be inferior. Unless you want to change jobs."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yi's tone was sharp.

Everyone said:

“When I gave up my high-paying job in Chou and chose Chongqing High Court, in addition to the salary from Chongqing High Court, I also had the kindness of Academician Zhou.

Although the Chinese mathematics community is now so skinny that a camel is bigger than a horse, in terms of potential, we will definitely be able to surpass them.

Instead of enjoying the afterglow of the setting sun, it is better to enjoy the rising sun. "

"Professor Sun Song is right. It is more exciting to build a new mathematics center than to maintain an old mathematics center."

Donaldson said sonorously.

Zhouyi said:

"Then it's decided. Let's work hard. In the near future, we will definitely be able to stand at the top of the world's mathematics."

"great, good luck."

Everyone said with great confidence.

After settling this matter, Zhou Yi began to think about the main attack route.

The generalized Riemann Hypothesis must be studied. Zhang Yitang and Xiao Wanyi have paved the way.

Whoever proves it first will make a global sensation.

Secondly, the miniaturization of nuclear fusion reactors must also be put on the agenda.

Zhou Yi believes that if the nuclear fusion reactor can be miniaturized, it will be able to travel freely to and from the moon and Mars.

Then there won't be any problems.

In fact, many countries are studying small nuclear fusion reactors for use in submarines, aircraft carriers and aviation.

There are many countries and companies engaged in this direction.

And it's very early,

As early as October 2014,

Lockheed Martin announces technological breakthrough in compact fusion reactor research,

Nearly 200 principle experiments have been completed, and it is claimed that a prototype device will be developed within five years and is expected to be operational within ten years.

This solution uses a new magnetic field design,

Plasma has good stability,

Under the same power output conditions, its size can be one-tenth that of a magnetic confinement fusion device, and the reactor structure is more compact.

Juzhouyi knows that the company’s fourth-generation research device currently has a size of 2m*2m*4m and an electric power of 100MW.

It can be transported by large trucks and is likely to be used first for aircraft carrier and submarine propulsion in the future.

These are the information given to Zhou Yi by the Intelligence Bureau.

Of course, not only this company has such cutting-edge technology, but also MIT.

August 2015,

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology in China has released a design for a small magnetic confinement fusion reactor and plans to build a prototype device and generate electricity within 10 years.

The fusion reactor has a similar structure to the ITER device and is one-eighth the volume of ITER.

Magnetic field coil made of new rare earth superconducting material (barium copper oxide),

Can produce a stronger magnetic field and better confine the plasma.

This device can increase the energy density generated by nuclear fusion by 10 times, with an electrical power of 270MW.

Energy gain is 3 (generates three times the energy required to keep it running),

After improvement, it can reach 5~6.

The magnetic field design of this new superconductor makes the reactor smaller, cheaper, and easier to build. It is also modular and has removable magnets, making it easier to maintain and replace.

Therefore, Zhou Yi is also very worried that their nuclear fusion will be realized soon, because his success has already revealed a way for them.

What Zhou Yi needs to do now is to get ahead of them and complete the miniaturization of the nuclear fusion reactor.

This is not only to complete the system's tasks, but also for the development of Rabbit Country in the coming decades and hundreds of years.

After Zhou Yi thought it through, he immediately contacted the team that had done nuclear fusion before.

"Academician Li, please contact the main person in charge of nuclear fusion and fly to the Chongqing High Court tonight. We are ready to start the next mission."

Zhou Yi said directly.

Academician Li Jiangang said:

"Haha, Academician Zhou, no problem. Is it a problem of miniaturization of the nuclear fusion reactor?"

Zhou Yi said on the phone:

"Yes, that's the problem. Come quickly! After I tell you, I will contact Academician Pan!"

After calling Academician Li Jiangang, Zhou Yi immediately called Academician Pan and others.

"Hello, Academician Pan? I'm Zhou Yi."

Zhou Yi said.

At this moment, Academician Pan is no longer in Chongqing High Court, but has chosen to return to USTC.

"Academician Zhou, what's the matter?"

Academician Pan said very enthusiastically.

"Come to the Chongqing High Court to study the miniaturization of nuclear fusion reactors? Heat dissipation issues?"

When Academician Pan heard this, his eyes lit up and he said:

"A miniaturized nuclear fusion reactor? Good guy, I know you can research it. I will fly over today and we can discuss it together tomorrow."

Zhouyi said:

"Your team is also here, as well as some previous cooperative companies and manufacturers."

Academician Pan said:

"No problem, I'll cover it!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yi continued to study the documents.

The next afternoon,

Academician Li Jiangang and Academician Pan each brought their own teams to Chongqing High Court.

Zhou Yi also went to the school gate in person to greet them.

"Long time no see, Academician Pan, Academician Li!"

Zhou Yi took the initiative to say hello.

"Academician Zhou, long time no see."

The two also said that there was a team of at least hundreds of people behind them.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to come together. This is something I didn't expect."

Zhou Yi took the two of them and walked directly to the special car.

"We contacted each other yesterday and set a time, and we arrived together at about the same time."

Academician Li Jiangang said.

Zhouyi said:

"I see."

In the car, Zhou Yi said:

"These days, I have comprehensively reviewed the situation in our country and abroad, and found that it is not easy to miniaturize nuclear fusion reactors."

"Before us, small nuclear fusion devices had a research foundation in key technical fields such as low-temperature superconducting magnets, plasma heating, nuclear fusion materials, and nuclear fusion reactor design, and some areas have reached the international advanced level."

Academician Li Jiangang said:

"We have now solved these directions. We still need to solve them from the basis of ignition science before, but now we no longer need to solve them.

Experimental verification of key technologies can also be solved,

We need to consider research on fusion reactor engineering, superconducting materials, and heat dissipation. "

PS: Did anyone else read this? Let me tell the author, how many days does it take to have a fever if you have Yang? Why do you still have a fever after three days? ? ?

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