From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 358 The conspiracy of Chouguo Pharmaceutical Company

"Maybe it's a good thing not to understand."

Zhou Yi said thoughtfully.

Peony still asked cutely:

"Then master, master, are there any friends on this planet or in China who are sincere to you?"

Zhou Yi was stunned for a long time and then said:

"There should be. Teachers Qiu Chengtong, Teacher Milnor, Teacher Deligne, and the professors I met at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton,

In fact, if it were not a matter of national stance, I think we would be very good friends. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Yi's eyes showed tenderness and he said:

"The relationship between Xueer and I is an emotion without any impurities.

Maybe the whole world will not be able to understand what I do in the future, and may even oppose it, but I think Cher will definitely support it.

Just like when she begged Dean Bao to support me in participating in the national competition. "

Peony said cutely:

"Ouch, okay."

The holiday has not yet passed. After Zhou Yi finished working overtime, he returned home directly.

Wait until it's time to go to work.

Now the energy problem has been solved, and the problem of sixth-generation fighter jets has been solved.

The number of aircraft carriers owned by Rabbit has reached six.

So Zhou Yi was not in such an anxious mood.

The operation of CEPC cannot be concluded in just one or two days.

The use of electric thrust for manned spaceflight also requires technical exploration.

Whether deuterium-tritium fusion can be used in aerospace still needs to be studied.

Chou Country, headquarters of Merck Pharmaceuticals.

Gathering the top executives of the entire ugly country’s medical companies,

Huairui, Johnson \u0026 Johnson, AbbVie and many other top world-leading medical companies.

The combined value of these companies is at least trillions.

If you stomp your feet, the entire industry will tremble.

At this moment, a group of upper-level officials looked gloomy, as if someone owed them tens of billions of dollars.

"What did the pharmaceutical companies headed by Takeda Pharmaceutical say in the island country?"

Mike asked in a deep voice.

Since then, Professor Peony has given many medical manuals to the Chinese and Western Medicine Institute of Chongqing High School.

All pharmaceutical companies around the world have been affected.

The biggest impact is on a series of pharmaceutical companies in their country and a series of pharmaceutical companies in island countries.

Among the world's top 50 medical companies, China accounts for 52% and Europe accounts for 26%.

There are 4 island countries and Australia combined.

The impact they have received is unimaginable, and the stock has always been green.

If it weren't for the timely price reduction and the wide range of coverage, it would have been unsustainable.

Now peony's post makes them feel an unprecedented sense of urgency.

If the pharmaceutical factory of Chongqing High Court is really allowed to monopolize the world and sell it at such a low price,

Pharmaceutical companies around the world could go bankrupt.

Even if the net profit of Chongqing High Court is 0.1%, the total share of the entire world will be

That is also an astronomical figure.

What's more, their profits are well over 100%.

A subordinate employee on the side said:

“We have united with all the pharmaceutical companies in our camp to boycott the medicinal materials developed by the Chinese and Western Chongqing High School.

At that time, we will use the official account to speak with the scientific research assistants, saying that there is a problem with the drugs of the Institute of Chinese and Western Medicine of Chongqing High Court.

Eating it will shorten your lifespan and affect your genes. "

Mike said:

"Speaking together, the impact it will bring must be earth-shattering. In addition to the island countries, Asan and Australia,

What did the EU say? "

A subordinate employee said:

"Switzerland's Roche Pharmaceuticals, the CEO of France's Sanofi, and the UK's GlaxoSmithKline are all waiting for a price."

“If they couldn’t give a satisfactory price, they didn’t dare to take the risk of offending Zhou Yi.

And they thought it was impossible for us to win against Zhou Yi. "

Mike cursed loudly:

"Made, they just want to cut us off, but we won't take action.

None of them can escape. "

Subordinate employees are elites after all, he said:

"They can sell medical equipment to rabbits and recoup some of their losses.

Because their three-party alliance cooperates very closely, it is difficult to say what the future situation will be. Without enough benefits, it is difficult to impress them. "

Mike and other company bosses looked gloomy.

The president of Huirui Pharmaceutical Company said:

“How are the talks with the medical companies in Rabbit Country going?

Is there any chance to poison Zhou Yi's food?

Maybe they can also find an opportunity to assassinate Zhou Yi.

You know, the entire rabbit country market is now monopolized by the Chongqing High Court Zhongxi Institute. "

A subordinate employee said:

"Poisoning is difficult. I heard that the food Zhou Yi eats is grown by their own government alone without going through any other forces."

Many CEOs wanted to curse when they heard this.

Damn, isn't this too careful?

"Does Zhou Yi never eat out?"

A CEO asked unwillingly,

"We can buy them for a lot of money."

"Zhou Yi basically doesn't eat outside. He always eats at Chongqing High Court or his own home."

The subordinate answered honestly.

"Well? Can the cafeteria of Chongqing High Court make a fuss?"

The president seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

"No, because their canteen is also contracted by the Rabbit Army. I'm just afraid that something will go wrong in this link."

The subordinate said calmly.

Everyone was silent, as if poisoning was really not possible.

"As for assassination, it is basically impossible. There are quite a few troops stationed near the Chongqing High Court.

There is also an air force station and aerospace institute, and its defense strength is comparable to that of the imperial capital. "

The president of Merck sighed and said:

"So we can only use public opinion to fight.

Or hold a press conference and invite Zhou Yi out of the Chongqing High Court, so that there is a slight chance of poisoning and assassination. "

The employee said somewhat submissively at this moment:

"With Zhou Yi's current influence, he will not go abroad.

No matter where you go to hold a press conference in China, Rabbit will take care of it, just in case something unexpected happens. "

The president of Merck let out a long sigh and said:

"Then let's start a public opinion war.

We found some poor people from various countries around the world and gave them medicine from the Institute of Chinese and Western Medicine at the Chongqing High Court, but it was ineffective and they died.

Remember, it must be from every country in the world, so that it can be convincing, and the number of people should be controlled at around a hundred. "

The subordinate said:

"Okay, let's do it now."

How much money can more than a hundred people lose?

A million US dollars per person is only a little over 100 million.

Compared with the daily losses, they pale into insignificance and are not worth mentioning at all.

The vacation time passed quickly, and Zhou Yi quickly devoted himself to new scientific research.

Manned landing on the moon is the next step Zhou Yi needs to take.

Miniaturization of nuclear fusion reactors is the way to go.

It is necessary for manned landing on the moon to search for some traces left by aliens on the moon.

As for why it's not Mars.

Because it is too far, it is very difficult to implement with current technology.

The shortest distance between Aquamarine and Mars is about 55 million kilometers, and the longest distance is more than 400 million kilometers.

Close encounters between the two occur approximately every 15 years.

The last time was 18 years ago, and the closest distance was more than 57 million kilometers.

The distance between Aquamarine and the moon is about 363,300 kilometers, the furthest is about 405,500 kilometers, and the average distance is about 384,400 kilometers.

It will be easier to go to the moon than to Mars.

If it weren't for the moon, humans on Aquamarine would want to land on alien planets.

It will be delayed for at least a hundred years, or even longer.

Just when Zhou Yi was looking at the information,

A voice sounded in Zhou Yi's ears.

[Ding, mission two is released, miniaturization of nuclear fusion.

Now that controllable nuclear fusion has been achieved, why not find a more stable way to achieve nuclear fusion, thereby miniaturizing the nuclear fusion reactor?

Requirements: Miniaturization of nuclear fusion reactors.

award:? ? ? . 】

Miniaturization of nuclear fusion reactors?

Zhou Yi murmured at the corner of his mouth,

This is exactly what Zhou Yi is currently doing.

Once the nuclear fusion reactor is miniaturized, it can be applied in many fields such as military and aerospace.

By then, the solar system will not only be on flat ground, but at least it will not be able to use chemical fuels as before.

Just when Zhou Yi thought there was no more mission, a voice sounded again.

[Ding, mission three is released, manned landing on the moon.

The moon is commonly known as the moon. In ancient times, it was also called the lunar moon and the black rabbit. It is the only natural satellite of the Aquamarine star.

Attracted many meteorite impacts.

In the future, the competition for helium-3 will inevitably be the mainstream in various countries. Implementing manned spaceflight early will not only gain the upper hand, but also affect the status of Rabbit.

Requirement: To achieve manned moon landing within three years.

award:? ? ? . 】

"A manned moon landing?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Yi's mouth. It just so happened that this was one of the directions he was going in now.

Two new tasks, plus one legacy task from before,

Zhou Yi now has a total of three tasks that need to be solved.

The three tasks are also long-term tasks and cannot be completed in a short time.

Just when Zhou Yi thought the system would no longer issue tasks,

The cold voice of the system sounded in Zhou Yi's ears again.

[Ding, release task 4, Generalized Riemann Hypothesis.

If there is a difficult problem in the world of mathematics that stuns countless geniuses, then no need to ask, it must be the Riemann Hypothesis.

This problem stumped Grothendieck, stumped Michael Atiyah, and stumped countless talented people in mathematics.

But I believe that this problem will not trouble the host.

What's more, this is just a generalized Riemann hypothesis.

Requirement: Prove or disprove the generalized Riemann Hypothesis.

award:? ? ? . 】

"Generalized Riemann Hypothesis? This is a big problem. Senior Sister Xiao has been studying it for so long without success. The degree of difficulty is very disappointing."

Xiao Wanyi is only 25 years old now, the youngest female Fields Medal winner.

His attainments in the field of number theory are extremely advanced, and he is only better than the old mathematicians who do number theory.

Zhou Yi didn’t know what step Xiao Wanyi had achieved.

If it wasn't the same direction, Zhou Yi could have asked.

But now that he has decided to go in the same direction, Zhou Yi will not ask.

It's hard to say who is faster or slower.

When you reach this state, inspiration comes all of a sudden and you can't stop it.

If the inspiration never comes, it will be very difficult based on the current level of mathematics.

The longer it will take.

Therefore, it is crucial for inspiration to reach the top of mathematics.

Because when we reach the highest mountain of mathematics,

Everyone’s mathematics level is about the same, and their knowledge of mathematics is also similar.

Whoever can make it first depends on inspiration.

Of the four tasks, the best and easiest ones are manned moon landing and nuclear fusion reactor miniaturization.

This is what Rabbit Country urgently needs now.

Rabbits are firmly among the top three in the world in the field of aerospace. If manned landings on the moon can be successful,

It must be able to keep pace with the ugly country.

If the miniaturization of nuclear fusion reactors is successful, then the space carrier will no longer exist in science fiction.

By then, going to the moon and Mars will become very easy.

After Zhou Yi thought for a while, he continued to read the documents in his hands.

And Merck and other companies are taking action right now.

On Twitter, a certain big V started to break the news:

[Shocked, the proprietary Chinese medicines sold by the Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Chinese Medicine in Rabbit Country turned out to be fake.

A patient in my country is now suffering from uremia because of taking Chinese patent medicines from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Institute of Chongqing High School! 】

The people at Merck are very good at marketing, and they don’t have big influencers from multiple countries joining them.

But waiting for this matter to ferment,

After the fermentation reaches a certain level, big Vs from various countries will come out one after another to talk about patients in their own countries.

Only in this way can a crushing force be formed directly.

Otherwise, the Chinese Medicine Clinic of Chongqing High Court will find excuses.

And now it’s only Chinese medicine, not Western medicine.

When the time comes for a full-scale attack, everyone will be involved.

In the end, even if the reputation of the Chinese and Western Institute of Chongqing High Court cannot be ruined in one fell swoop,

At least in the minds of ordinary people, it can form a bad impression of the Chinese and Western Institute of Chongqing High Court.

And it can also be used to criticize peony's authority.

Peony is now a huge mountain in the medical field. If they want to get over it, they have to try their best to hack him.

Otherwise, its authority cannot be shaken at all.

Driven by the capital behind it, this news suddenly hit the Internet and even spread to the country.

Many netizens commented and replied below the big V.

[WTF is it true or false? That was the Institute of Chinese and Western Studies at the Chongqing High Court. The books Mr. Peony gave to them personally, how could they be wrong? 】

[Same question, my mother just took the Chinese patent medicine from Chongqing High Court. How come nothing happened? 】

[We also took the proprietary Chinese medicine from Chongqing High Court and there was nothing wrong with it, and there was nothing wrong with it. 】

[Did Professor Peony overturn? After all, he is just an internet celebrity medical professor,

It’s not certain whether those proprietary Chinese medicines have been tested or not. I guess there will be big trouble later. 】

[Professor Peony, get out of here quickly. My old man also suffered liver damage after taking Chinese patent medicines.

You are quacks who care nothing about human life. 】

[Professor Peony must have colluded with Zhou Yi and wanted to make money, so he was so careless about human life. It is recommended to block the pharmaceutical industry of the Chinese and Western Institute of Chongqing High Court.

Let the World Health Organization investigate and let our country's health organization conduct a three-year experiment on the drug! 】

[Our island country must also conduct experiments and investigations on drugs to prevent these unfounded drugs from poisoning the people of our island country. We believe in Academician Zhou Yi, but we do not believe in Professor Peony, who is just trying to gain fame and reputation. 】

Zhouyi Office of Chongqing High Court,

At this moment, a group of professors from the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine arrived here.

"Academician Zhou, something bad has happened!"

Zhou Yi put down the information in his hand, looked at a group of professors from the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and said:

"I already know. They should have methods later, and the prescriptions in hand are ready."

Zhou Yi also has a headache now. It seems that someone is targeting him. How could the prescription taken out by the system cause uremia.

Or Chinese patent medicine.

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