From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 323 Proving the BSD conjecture!

It wasn't just Wiles who put down his work and started reading Xiao Wanyi's thesis.

Zhang Yitang and Tao Zhexuan, who are very accomplished in this direction, also began to read Xiao Wanyi's papers.

The paper by the master who proved the Jacobi conjecture is worthy of their careful reading.

As for Zhou Yi's current work, they may have to wait for news from Zhou Yi.

They may have the idea of ​​​​competing with Zhou Yiyi, but the temptation is obviously not as great as Landau Siegel's zero-point conjecture.

It would be interesting if that zero point really existed.

I don’t know how many hypotheses related to it will be immediately cooled.

The premise for the establishment of many theories is that the generalized Riemann Hypothesis is correct.

Once the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis is disproven, everything these people do will be meaningless.

Terence Tao said with a wry smile to Peter Sarnak, the 2014 Wolf Prize winner, at Princeton:

"Are you going to continue competing with Zhou Yi or read this paper on zero-point conjecture?"

Peter Sarnak said:

"Old man, he is no match for young people. I will send a statement to Zhou Yi in the research assistant's personal account later to study Xiao Wanyi's paper."

Tao Zhexuan said with a serious face:

"I'll go there later, so I won't compete with Zhou Yi. I'll let him go this time. I'll crush him next time."

After saying this, Terence Tao blushed and felt guilty when Peter Sarnak saw him.

Who doesn't know how to talk loudly? Zhou Yi is not here anyway.

Sanak finally smiled, said nothing, and then read the paper by himself.

Schulz of the University of Bonn also gave up studying the BSD conjecture.

After researching for several days, I still can't find the door.

It seemed that the idea had come out, but there were more details than he thought.

After careful study of what mathematical tools were used and what the idea was, I found that it was unexpectedly simple.

It is better to read Xiao Wanyi's thesis and see which universe you live in.

University of California, Santa Barbara, Zhang Yitang looked sad.

He has the best say on this issue.

When he saw the method Xiao Wanyi used, he had a strong hunch that it might be right.


You have to look carefully to see whether it is correct or not.

I just don’t know if there will be a press conference.

Chongqing High Court,

Since Zhou Yi's ideas became smoother, the subsequent process became faster and faster.

Zhou's analytical method already involves the circle method.

Coupled with Iwasawa's theory, Zhou Yi felt that the road was at his feet.

In mid-May, the mountains are covered with colorful flowers in Yugao Yuan.

The warm breeze is gentle and the fragrance of flowers is everywhere.

In the evening, Maynard came to Zhou Yi's yard again.

"Professor Zhou, what's the situation? It's really about to be finalized. IMU has been urging us."

"The contents of the report really need to be reported. There are only two months left before the start of the conference."

Zhou Yi saw the anxious Maynard and said:

"Don't worry, it's no problem. It can take as long as one month or as short as half a month, and we will give you a result.

Even if there is no result, Goldfeld's conjecture can still be used as the subject of a report. "

Maynard still said with an anxious tone:

"Then let me report Goldfeld's conjecture first?"

Zhou Yi shook his head and said:

"No, just report BSD conjecture."

Maynard sighed and said:

"Professor Zhou, you don't know that your senior sister Xiao Wanyi has posted the paper proving Landau-Siegel's zero-point conjecture.

The attention of everyone in number theory all over the world is focused here.

Maybe she will report Landau-Siegel's zero-point conjecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians. "

When Zhou Yi heard this, he did not expect Xiao Wanyi to publish this paper.

A long time ago, Zhou Yi heard Qiu Chengtong saying that Xiao Wanyi was studying this conjecture.

I didn’t expect that Xiao Wanyi would really prove it in about a year.

Although I don’t know right or wrong yet.

Zhouyi said:

"What do you think about those number theories? What does Mr. Zhang say? What do you think?"

Maynard is also an expert in number theory, and his speech is very valuable.

"No one has commented yet. I'm still reading the paper. I won't know the specific results until I read it."

Maynard did not hide anything and said directly.

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"Okay, just hold off for now, there's no way you can stop me from giving the report, right?

Then the gold content of this conference will be the lowest in history. "

Maynard: .

You are the boss, you have the final say, and they really have to spoil you.

After Maynard left with Zhou Yi's good news, Zhou Yi sighed at Xiao Wanyi's rapid growth.

Although I have a lot of credit for this.

But this talent is still very good.

Zhou's analytical method is a very good tool in number theory.

Just when Zhou Yi saw the sun completely setting,

Academician Ma is here again.

As soon as he stepped into Academician Zhou Yi's house, Academician Ma smiled from ear to ear and said:

"Professor Zhou, good news."

Zhouyi said:

"What good news, it's here again today."

Zhou Yi saw Academician Ma's expression and guessed something.

It's nothing more than some technological breakthroughs in the sixth-generation fighter jets, but I don't know which direction it is.

Academician Ma said:

"Haha, the air-to-air missile has been successfully developed and is now being prepared to be transported to the west for experiments.

In addition, laser weapons are also in progress. It feels like there will be an explosive leap after the International Congress of Mathematicians. "

From the time Zhou Yi held a meeting on the sixth-generation fighter jet to now,

More than three months have passed, and all the results are natural.

Zhouyi said:

"You can post this news online to improve everyone's self-confidence."

"Okay, I'm mainly here to announce the good news to Professor Zhou Yi."

Academician Ma said,

"In addition, we are prepared to appoint you as the chief scientist and chief engineer of the sixth-generation fighter jet."

Zhouyi said:

"Okay, everything is fine."

"Within this year, a model machine will definitely be produced, and then faults in all aspects of the model machine will be detected and data will be collected. Mass production will be possible in the second half of next year."

Academician Ma gave a rough plan, which was quite different from the one formulated by Zhou Yi.

Zhouyi said:

"That's right. There are many failures in model aircraft. The more data we collect for improvement, the stronger our fighter jets will be.

From theory to time, they are two different worlds, and we need to treat them carefully.

This is not only a matter of pilots' life safety, but also the result of our hard work, which requires tens of billions of dollars in funding. "

"Professor Haolezhou, we will report back to you when we have more results."

Academician Ma said that the sixth-generation fighter jets can achieve today's success because of Zhou Yi's great contribution and his contribution is indelible.

Moreover, the Chongqing High Court spends more than 400 yuan every year and has invested more than 30 billion in the development of the sixth-generation aircraft. The cost can be imagined.

If the other research institutes hadn't left a lot of funds desperately, Zhou Yi's office would have started fighting long ago.

In fact, the billions of funds cannot be spent all, and there will be a lot left over every year.

At that time, it is estimated that it will be directly invested in sixth-generation fighter jets.

This is also the reason why sixth-generation fighter jets are making rapid progress.

With mature theories and technologies, sufficient funding, and policy support, there is no reason why we can’t get started quickly.

This is also the reason why we can catch up with others in one or two years and develop for decades.

After the sun completely set, Zhou Yi returned to the study and started to work in earnest.

I didn’t have time to read Xiao Wanyi’s paper Zhouyi. If the entire number theory community reads this paper, it should be no problem, and it’s not a super difficult problem.

Riemann's hypothesis is that these big problems are pretty much the same, or he might follow Mochizuki Shinichi's example and come up with a cosmology.

Just when Zhou Yi was busy, people with master's degrees in mathematics and Ph.D.s in mathematics would post on certain forums from time to time.

[Are there any brothers who are doing number theory? What is the status of the papers of Professor Zhou and Professor Xiao? 】

[Professor Zhou’s paper has already been spoken by big names in the field of number theory, mostly Fields Medal and Wolf Medal winners.

People like Wiles and Schultz thought it was okay.

However, no one is talking about Professor Xiao's paper yet, because it has only been out for a few days, so it is impossible to read it so quickly. 】

[Don’t talk about it, brother, my mentor and I are studying the BSD conjecture. My mentor persuaded me to change the direction of probability theory. He made a desperate attempt to compete with Zhou Shen to see who could prove the BSD conjecture first.

I'm so stupid now, I really want to go to the rooftop to enjoy the breeze. 】

[Brother, shouldn’t he be Professor Tian’s Ph.D. from the Chinese Academy of Sciences? ? 】

[Brother, what are you talking about? I studied Kepler’s conjectures before, and now I’m finishing my third year. I thought I wouldn’t bump into Professor Zhou even if I changed directions.

Unexpectedly, we collided again, this time with Professor Xiao. God, please let those two beasts woo woo woo soon. 】

[A moment of silence for my brothers, I feel that the direction of our research is not very stable. We should graduate early and go to artificial intelligence, or study Zhou's geometry. 】

The doctor who collided with Zhou Yi and Xiao Wanyi now wants to kill Zhou Yi twice.

The Air Force Research Institute of the Chongqing Higher Academy of Sciences also published the research results.

For a time, public opinion in the world was about Chongqing High Court and Shuimu University.

Zhou Yi didn’t know why, but after talking with Maynard, inspiration burst out.

Looking at Professor Tian Tian's paper, for odd prime numbers p, they already have a systematic theoretical proof of the p-part of the modular form of the BSD formula for the cases of ranks 0 and 1.

However, these results still need to make some assumptions and are not as complete as the complex multiplication case.

As for the case of p=2, due to technical difficulties in Iwasawa's theory, Professor Tian's team did not make any major breakthroughs.

Currently there are only some results for certain special families.

Technical difficulties in Iwasawa's theory troubled not only Professor Tian, ​​but also professors who competed with Zhou Yi.

It looks like it can be proven, but in fact there is still a lot that needs to be dug deeper.

It is common for a person to accidentally study for a year or two, or even make no progress for a year or two.

But just tonight, after Zhou Yi made improvements, he has successfully solved the situation of P=2. As for whether to publish it or not, there is no need for it for the time being.

Zhou Yi stretched out and looked at the time.

May 19th.

“Take a break on May 20th, the rest of the work just needs to be done before the college entrance examination.

Half a month is almost enough. "

Zhou Yi washed up and went back to the room to sleep.

Heavy mental work often makes people more tired,

If it is long-term heavy mental work, the probability of a big U-turn is very high.

In the following time, while Zhou Yi was busy,

Xiao Wanyi's paper has gradually been recognized by everyone.

The Landau-Siegel zero point does not exist, and the generalized Riemann hypothesis is still correct so far.

This made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

Because too many theories are based on the existence of the generalized Riemann Hypothesis.

The method used by Xiao Wanyi is a combination of Zhou's analytical method and the reproof method used by Zhang Yitang in his previous paper.

The argumentation method used by Zhang Yitang before was the classic ‘contradiction proof method’ in mathematics.

Also known as ‘evidence by contradiction’.

Zhang Yitang assumed that the Landau-Siegel zero points existed in a weak form. After derivation, he found that this would cause other zero points in the Dirichlet L function to be arranged at very regular intervals.

But in fact, the distribution of these zero points does not have such a regularity, and the spacing between consecutive zero points is unpredictable.

Therefore, it is in turn proved that the Landau-Siegel zero point does not exist in this interval.

Although proof by contradiction is already a very classic method in mathematics, Zhang Yitang applied it to the extreme.

Therefore, a definite result was not given, only 2024.

But this is already amazing.

The difference between 2024 and 1 is quantitative, and the difference between infinity and 2024 is qualitative.

From a number that was originally unknown whether it was infinite to a finite number, Zhang Yitang can be said to have made a qualitative leap compared to past proof results to a certain extent.

And he rewrote a reference book in a certain direction of number theory.

Xiao Wanyi, on the other hand, innovates, combines Zhou's analytical method, and skillfully uses the sieve method and the circle method.

Some methods combined with Zhang Yitang were thoroughly proven.

Zhang Yitang once described the Landau-Siegel conjecture,

It is impossible to turn 2024 into 1 using traditional methods. It is only possible by adopting new methods.

The number theory community was not only shocked, but also deeply impressed.

This girl is only 24 years old, one year older than Zhou Yi. She is so talented.

There may not be a name that cannot be left behind in the history of mathematics in the future.

Qiu Chengtong accepted two good apprentices, and all the older generation of mathematicians sighed.

Daxia has already booked two Fields Medals for this year.

I just don’t know if Sun Song has achieved any great results. If so,

Perhaps Chongqing High Court can win two Fields Medals.

Just when the number theory community was amazed and impressed by Xiao Wanyi's paper,

Zhouyi's paper also entered the final moment.

All the tools are ready and there is no problem with the idea.

Zhou Yi The sun has not come out in the evenings these past few days.

Write your thesis wholeheartedly.

Just after the college entrance examination, Zhou Yi's paper on the BSD conjecture was completely formed.

After checking it several times, Zhou Yi felt that there was nothing wrong.

Zhou Yi murmured:

"Finally it was proven. This time I didn't rely on the system, I didn't use sudden inspiration, and I didn't use focus capsules.

It just took me a little more time to rely on my mathematical skills.

But it's all worth it. "

When Zhou Yi saw that Xia Xue had not returned from work at Chongqing High Court, he went to the kitchen to get a bottle of champagne, poured a glass of it, and drank it by himself.

The wine is mellow, and the results must be earth-shattering and unprecedented!

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