From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 317 New Charity and Sixth Generation Engine Meeting Begins

After a while, Chen Danqi and Tian Yiguang walked in.

Zhou Yi looked at them and waited for them to speak.

Chen Danqi said:

“Holographic equipment in education has been done very well.

Do we want to promote it nationwide? "

Zhouyi asked:

"To what extent has it been achieved?"

Chen Danqi said:

“There is no need for such a big helmet, the cost has been reduced a lot, and the previous equipment is gradually being recycled and renovated.

Education in backward areas has made great progress. "

Zhouyi said:

"It's good to make progress, but I'm afraid of doing useless work."

Chen Danqi sighed and said:

“According to some data feedback,

In fact, some students cannot be helped no matter how much help is given. They never want to study from the beginning to the end.

This is more true in poorer areas. "

Zhouyi said:

“So artificial intelligence teachers can only play a supporting role.

After all, artificial intelligence has no emotions, but teachers do. Only teachers with emotions can awaken their sleeping hearts. "

“As top scholars, we cannot give up on students just because we don’t fully understand their self-destruction.

They are all flowers of the motherland, there is no distinction between high and low. "

After hearing this, Chen Danqi understood what Zhou Yi meant and said:

"Then we're going to continue publishing?"

Zhouyi said:

“Well, increase investment in towns and poverty-stricken areas, followed by small counties, and then promote it layer by layer.

We must strictly control it, even if this thing does not make money.

The issue of educational resources must be solved to a certain extent. "

The changes brought about by artificial intelligence must be positive.

The problem of uneven education is already serious. In addition to the lack of good teachers in backward areas,

What is still missing are the correct values ​​that lead children to be positive and study hard.

Artificial intelligence intelligence brings the former, and the latter also requires teachers to teach by words and deeds.

Therefore, holographic AI teacher glasses can only be supplied to backward areas first.

Finally there are the big cities.

Zhouyi asked:

"How long will it take for it to be fully popularized?"

Chen Danqi said:

"It will probably be fully popularized in one or two years, and by then many teachers in big cities or in the education and training industry may be unemployed."

Zhou Yi thought for a while and said:

"This group of unemployed teachers can go to backward areas, but I don't know if they will go there."

Chen Danqi said:

"When the time comes, these teachers will have no choice. At least a small number of them will go."

Zhouyi said:

"That's it. When the maglev train opens to traffic in the future, it may be much better.

You write a report on education to Mr. Sun and ask him to convey it to the superiors. "


After finishing speaking, Zhou Yi looked at Tian Yiguang again and asked:

"Old Tian, ​​what's the matter?"

Tian Yiguang said respectfully:

“Holographic gaming helmets also reduce costs.

Because its content is too large, the size of the helmet cannot be as light as that of an AI teacher with monotonous content.

Are we going to do a mass release? "

Chen Danqi also said after hearing this:

“Now that Europe has deployed 6G, our helmets can be sold there.

Moreover, the theme of the game is suitable for their culture and background, so sales should be very good. "

Tian Yiguang took the words and said:

"Professor Chen is right. We can sell a small amount first. After we have done a good job of publicity there,

You can implement hunger marketing in the early stage, then release slowly, and finally sell in large quantities.

And the price is several times more expensive than in China. "

“Secondly, as more people play games, there will be a lot more traffic for no reason.

At that time, traffic monetization can also bring great benefits.

There are a lot of big capitals in Europe. "

“In addition, our smart home appliances will also increase exports there.

Drones and unmanned vehicles will also be sold in Europe, and the sales volume is a huge number. "

Europe has a large population, between 700 and 800 million, which is a huge market.

And there are also some Asian countries, with a total of more than one billion, and the benefits contained in this are unimaginable.

Tian Yiguang said a lot, all about the development report of Spacetime Technology Company.

Intelligent voice solutions make sales stress-free.

With the European Union and upgrading fifth-generation fighter jets, 6G must be deployed there.

Only by deploying 6G can we sell products better.

Zhou Yi nodded after listening and asked:

“Can smart voice systems still make money now?”

Tian Yiguang said:

"Chou Country is doing research very quickly, and many companies have gradually canceled their contracts with us.

However, the birth of 6G and holographic technology has made up for this content.

But my idea is that we start making holographic mobile phones ourselves.

Increase investment in quantum chips. "

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"Originally, their artificial intelligence level is not bad, and it is normal for them to catch up. We can indeed develop in the direction of mobile phones.

It will take some time for quantum chips to be applied to mobile phones. Don’t worry, you can slowly start to lay out electronic products such as mobile phones and tablets. "

Many mobile phone brands such as Apple and Warwick Mobile make so much money a year, so there is no reason not to get a share of the pie.

If others can make money, Spacetime Technology Company can also participate.

We have the strength, capital and background.

Tian Yiguang said:

“Although the intelligent voice system cannot harvest leeks, with the rise of 6G, we can make up for it in other aspects.

You can even earn more. The net profit after tax for a year is about 700 billion. Although Professor Zhou, your wealth is not as rich as that of the country,

But the GDP of some small countries is really not as much as what you earn in a year. "

Zhou Yi thought for a while, and it seemed that the same was true. The money would only increase.

Artificial intelligence has spread to various fields, including mobile phones, computers, tablets, unmanned vehicles, drones, upgraded versions of smart home appliances, military fields, asphalt, entertainment games, scientific research assistant APPs and software development of various application APPs, advanced medical care Equipment and other aspects,

Formed a super huge technology company,

In the future, there will be development of respective materials, and the money will only increase.

This is without investing in the catering industry, and Chinese patent medicines in the medical industry are basically unprofitable.

Batteries and other fields have not yet been covered, otherwise all aspects of society would be taken over by Time and Space Technology Company.

Zhou Yi didn't dare to extend his hands to various fields. He could just focus on the field of science and technology.

Games are incidental, although they can bring in tens of billions of revenue every year.

Tian Yiguang then reported on the development in various aspects,

As one of the shareholders, Chen Danqi definitely has the right to listen on the sidelines.

Zhou Yi lamented that before he was short of money to spend, but now he has so much money that he doesn’t know how to spend it.

"Yiguang, think about where else you can go for charity. There is too much money to spend."

Zhou Yi said directly.

Tian Yiguang's mouth twitched, he thought for a while and said:

"Treat the environment? Buy five insurances for sanitation workers? Or give"

Tian Yiguang said at the end, he couldn't say anything.

Because Zhou Yi has done a lot of charity and coupled with the country's efforts, many places actually don't need much help.

Zhou Yi thought for a while and said:

"Both problems have been solved. Desertification is serious in many places in our country, and 10 billion funds have been earmarked to treat the environment.

All the staff moved under the Time and Space Technology Company,

Everything must be handled by the company itself. What special fertilizers or high-tech tools need to be developed?

A company can separate a subsidiary for research. "

Tian Yiguang said:


Many of the researchers at Spacetime Technology Company have Ph.D.s from various universities.

Basically, they are all poached with high salaries. In addition, the number of PhDs is increasing now, and Spacetime Technology Company provides enough money, so it is convenient to poach them.

If master's and doctoral graduates from Chongqing High School do not enter the academic circle,

Most of them will choose Time and Space Technology Company.

Spacetime Technology Company has branches in every provincial capital city across the country.

They are all still in relatively good places.

Not long after, after the matter of Time and Space Technology Company was finished,

Zhou Yi said to Chen Danqi:

"During this period, we must study probability theory and improve our mathematical literacy. There will be breakthroughs in artificial intelligence in the future."

Chen Danqi heard this and said:

"Okay, Professor Zhou."

The first generation of artificial intelligence obviously cannot meet the needs of subsequent development.

Interstellar travel requires more intelligent artificial intelligence.

After Tian Yiguang left, he posted charity news on the official account of Scientific Research Assistant Spacetime Technology Company.

For sanitation workers in cities large and small across the country who have not purchased five insurances,

Zhou Yi takes the responsibility, but these sanitation workers need to be registered.

The number of quotas must be determined one by one, and specialized personnel will verify them one by one, and every detail will be done.

In order to avoid the situation of empty pay.

The annual cost is approximately less than 5 billion, and the number of sanitation workers nationwide is approximately 220,000.

The specific number of people still needs to be verified, and the specific number of people who have not bought five insurances also needs to be verified.

In order to prevent local officials from committing fraud and defrauding Time and Space Technology Company of its money.

Sanitation workers who are unable to do their job also need to be fired.

Spacetime Technology only buys five insurances and does not pay wages.

This incident has aroused widespread discussion, whether this kind of thing should be purchased by the government or should be used as charity?

The good deed of Time and Space Technology Company has definitely been recognized and praised, but the things behind it need people to explore more.

In addition, Spacetime Technology’s investment of 10 billion to control desertification in Daxia has also been recognized by the general public.

The environment is closely related to everyone. This is not just a matter of the court.

It is also a matter for every citizen of Daxia.

Every year, Spacetime Technology invests hundreds of billions in charity.

This number was also announced by Tian Yiguang, and the specific details and costs were also documented.

Anyone can download and view it.

The hundreds of billions of charity funds and scholarship funds were not funded by Zhou Yi alone.

Instead, all shareholders will reinvest in proportion.

Chen Danqi, Zheng Keyu, and Chu Li have some shares, but not many.

But the money they make is enough to last them ten lifetimes.

What's more, their food, clothing, housing and transportation are all taken care of by the imperial court. In addition, they have been engaged in scientific research for a long time.

Basically no money spent.

It may be more valuable to do something meaningful to society.

As for the establishment of chaebols and academies, etc.

Spacetime Technology Company is the largest chaebol, and the Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies is the largest academic powerhouse in the future.

Only fools go out and do it alone.

You can't go wrong by following Zhouyi.

Public opinions on the Internet basically praise Spacetime Technology Company.

10%+ of annual income is used for charity. No company has such courage.

Looking around the world, there is only Chongqing High Court.

The investment of hundreds of billions is higher than the funding of the Chongqing High Court.

After dealing with things all morning, Zhou Yi went to the canteen to have a quick bite.

Just took a lunch break.

In the afternoon, I have to work hard on the research and development of adaptive variable cycle engines.

See the respective content of ceramic matrix composites.

Fortunately, the levels of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science in Zhouyi are high enough.

Reading documents is very fast and without any obstacles.

Every day brings something new.

As the Spring Festival approaches, various scientific research studies at Chongqing High School have also slowed down.

Except for the confidential personnel, most of the other personnel have returned to their hometowns for vacation.

Zhou Yi also gave himself a seven-day holiday and had a good rest at home from New Year's Eve to the sixth day of the first lunar month.

After a busy year, I need to take a good rest.

It takes time to burn incense and other things during the Chinese New Year every year.

But what makes Zhou Yi a little regretful is that the town at the foot of the mountain has completely changed.

In the past, there were small vendors selling rice krispie treats, popcorn, marshmallows, etc.

Nowadays, with the construction of high-rise buildings, the smell of fireworks in the world is getting less and less.

It can only be said that there are gains and losses.

There is no perfect solution in this world.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye, and most of the professors from Chongqing High School also returned one after another.

If you want to be ahead of the world, there is no other way than involution.

Every direction is researched by some of the smartest people in the world.

Everyone has similar talents, except for the elusive inspiration.

All you have to do is work hard.

Regarding the research issues of engine materials, Zhou Yi also has some ideas.

It's time for a big meeting.

Of course, the problem with the engine is not only the material, but also many other problems.

Research on the development of the sixth generation launch.

In the past, various departments were somewhat scattered in terms of generating power.

Zhou Yi decided to hold this meeting after he sorted out his thoughts.

The materials can be produced if you have money. The key is the theory and technology, which is the difficulty.

The mathematical theory required to develop ceramic matrix composite materials is the key point.

After the materials are developed, there are still various difficulties in the engine that need to be overcome.

Whoever does these tasks must be assigned clearly.

It can be seen from the working principle of a certain type of engine that its cycle mode conversion is completed through the control of various variable cycle characteristics and in conjunction with other regulating mechanisms of the engine.

The adjustment mechanism includes high- and low-pressure inlet guide vanes, low-pressure turbine guides, tail nozzles, etc.

There are many aspects of technology that need to be overcome.

Use principles and combine with artificial intelligence.

Outside the lecture hall, officers and soldiers were standing guard to prevent anyone from suddenly breaking in.

The entire conference room was even required to be online, and every expert and professor’s cell phone was confiscated.

No electronic products are allowed.

The only thing you can bring is a pen and scratch paper.

The sixth generation machine country's important weapon cannot tolerate any mistakes.

With the advent of this fighter jet, the missile may not even be able to catch up with the aircraft.

You can imagine how powerful it is.

Not long after, the entire conference room was filled with people.

Everyone looked at Zhou Yi in unison.

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