From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 250 Zhouyi: I know the questions about

In the next few days, Zhou Yi also went to every report meeting.

The number of people present at the reporting meeting became smaller and smaller as we went to the back.

Zhou Yi bid farewell to the big guys from various industries one by one.

The helicopter from Chongqing High Court played a big role.

Its level of intelligence has surprised many people.

Zhou Yi is thinking that it might be better if we further innovate chips based on the best chips in the world today.

But it’s enough for the moment.

This is not an issue that Zhou Yi needs to consider.

With the college entrance examination over, the popularity of Chongqing High School is still maintained.

During the several days of report meetings, many reporters and media, as well as the official media of the Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies, were present.

So the heat is maintained very high.

From time to time, video clips from it are released.

In particular, the video specially recorded by Zhou Yi made many passionate young people aged 18 feel excited.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Yi. Congratulations to all candidates for successfully completing the college entrance examination. Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies welcomes your application.

It’s a well-known fact: basic scientific research is often painstaking, rigorous, and slow;

But don’t forget that it is also shocking, revolutionary and catalytic.

Without basic science, the best ideas cannot be improved and ‘innovation’ can only be tinkering.

Only when basic science advances can society progress.

Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study focuses on the research of basic disciplines and the combination of theory and practice.

Mathematical conjectures, CEPC, new batteries, artificial intelligence, 6G, geodynamics, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the world's top mathematics professors who have won the Fields Medal, Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies is at the forefront of the world.

By choosing Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study, you are already halfway there! "

At this critical time for enrollment,

This video of Zhou Yi is undoubtedly widely publicized on the Internet.

The marketing of Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies is nothing short of far ahead.

At least the top students across the country can be encouraged to consider Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study.

It made many colleges and universities crazy and anxious.

Beijing University and Shuimu University may not be in a hurry, because their status in the country cannot be shaken at all.

But second-tier universities such as the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Jiaotong University in Shanghai are starting to get anxious.

And it's crazy anxious.

After being screened out by Shangjing University and Shuimu University, the student pool was not as good as them. Now a senior researcher from Yuzhou appears.

Who can't be in a hurry.

The key is, there is nothing you can do about it with the Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study.

Chongqing High School has five majors, three at world-class level and two at domestic top level.

From a mathematical point of view, in addition to the Yau Shing-tung Mathematical Science Center of Shuimu University, which can compete with the Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study,

The mathematics department of any domestic university must be the younger brother in front of Chongqing High School.

It made Zhou Yi unhappy, and the school’s mathematics department no longer even needed to be opened.

Zhou Yi directly went to recruit people. With Zhou Yi’s current mathematical status and the generous scientific research funds of Chongqing High School,

Few would say no.

The School of Computer and Artificial Intelligence is also at the top level in the world. There is no domestic university that can compare with it.

Shuimu University is inferior to Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study.

As for geodynamics, Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies is the birthplace of this discipline, and even multiple academicians have joined it, which shows its gold content.

Physics and chemistry, although slightly inferior, still have academicians in charge.

Moreover, CEPC’s scientific research center is at the Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies, so there will be no surprises in the future.

The Institute of Physics of Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies will also become the world's top theoretical and applied physics center.

As for chemistry, a veteran academician is in charge, and the subject evaluation can directly give an A. If any super battery is really developed,

It is probably also a behemoth.

Although Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies has few departments, there is no doubt about the value of each department.

Therefore, many second-tier universities such as Huashan University and Huashan University are anxious.

They are all sparing no effort to expand their influence and promote themselves.

The purpose is to win the final victory in this war to snatch the source of life.

As for Zhou Yi, he has been working tirelessly on the tasks given by the system these days.

On June 10th, a Douyin Feng Shui master posted a video in Douyin,

It’s a video about the bad feng shui of the Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies.

Zhou Yi also saw the videos forwarded to him by many people and clicked on them to take a look.

[Hello everyone, I am Teacher Ma, a descendant of a certain Shu Daoshan Celestial Master. I am proficient in various traditional cultures such as the Book of Changes and Feng Shui.

It is difficult to evaluate the strength of the Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies, but its feng shui is indeed not good.

There is a bad omen!

Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies is located in the southwest, which has always been a place of rebellion. Although Mudan County once belonged to Zhongzhou and had Qin Liangyu's luck in suppressing it,

But after that, more thieves appeared, and they experienced various wars, and their evil spirit was unstoppable.

Chongqing High Court is located in the West Mountain, facing the east. There are not all mountains, but there are high mountains.

Guo Pu's "Burial Sutra" says: "Those who do not hang down the Xuanwu will reject the corpse."

Note: "The main mountain is high and the head does not bow down, just like refusing to accept someone's burial."

From here, we can find that the place where the Chongqing High Court is located has always been filled with mass graves and is an ominous place.

Secondly, Master Miao Xiyong said in "The Burial Sutra Wing·Acupoint Disease Chapter": "Those who refuse corpses in Xuanwu will have no chance of falling."

This sentence means nothing more than:

Xuanwu holds his head high, indicating that the dragon's veins have not been exhausted and are not a place to form a hole, so it is ominous to be buried.

Here, it is once again stated that the location of the Chongqing High Court has poor feng shui and its future is unclear or even worrying.

Another "Burial Sutra" says: "When your Qi travels in your land, its movement depends on the situation of the ground, and its gathering depends on the situation of the situation."

I went to Mudan Town, Mudan County, Yuzhou to investigate for myself,

Its momentum is so high that it does not stop. Even if the pulse has expired, the person is high-spirited and has no supporting attitude, and rejects the person but does not want to accept it, it is also a serious disaster.

Also, when the Xuanwu Mountain comes, if it does not tend to fall down, but suddenly breaks off, and the head of the Xuanwu is not visible, it is called the head of the Xuanwu, which is also unlucky.

Therefore, students who want to choose Chongqing High School should consider it carefully. The feng shui there is really not good.

Zhouyi Feng Shui and traditional culture, pay attention to Teacher Ma to avoid getting lost. The next issue will explain the Feng Shui topography of Beijing University.

The descendants of Shudaoshan are worthy of your trust. 】

After Zhou Yi read it, he realized that the number of likes on this post was quite high, with millions of likes.

Moreover, the bad feng shui of Chongqing High Court has become a hot search topic.

Because this Teacher Ma really seems to be good at Feng Shui and has been shown to many dignitaries and wealthy people.

Zhou Yi opened the comments, and there were almost all comments.

[Professor Zhou Yi, I didn’t lose in mathematics, physics, chemistry, artificial intelligence, and geodynamics. I only lost because I didn’t understand the Zhouyi. 】

[The Book of Changes never understands the Book of Changes. Otherwise, how could the site selection of the Chongqing High Court not conform to the layout of the Book of Changes? 】

[This "Book of Changes" is not the other Zhou Yi. This incident happened while filling in the application form. Professor Zhou fainted in the toilet from crying. 】

[One thing to say is that the location of the Chongqing High Court is really not very good. It is far away from the urban area. How many people are willing to endure the hardship?

Who doesn’t want to spend the best years of his life in a big city? So there is really a problem with Feng Shui. 】

Zhou Yi couldn't help but closed the comments, then frowned and clicked on Ma Daishi's personal homepage.

[One destiny, two luck, three feng shui, four accumulation of Yin virtue and five reading; proficient in Zhouyi, Bagua, feng shui, fortune telling and luck reading. Contact number 10000. Number of followers: 5 million]

Zhou Yi was very angry. After marketing and building momentum for so long, Cheng Yaojin actually appeared in the middle.

Now I don’t know how many colleges and universities want to come out and watch the joke.

I'm afraid everyone is laughing so hard behind their backs.

A Feng Shui master questioned that the Feng Shui was not good and it was not a good place. It must be said that it greatly affected the enrollment.

At this moment, many people are already following Zhouyi.

This Master Ma not only posted this video on Douyin, Bibo and other places, but also posted this video on scientific research assistants.

Mr. Li from the Yuzhou government, as well as Academician Zhang Tiande, the vice president of the Chongqing Higher Academy of Sciences, and others have all arrived at Zhou Yi's office.

I'm going to have a good discussion with Zhou Yi about what to do.

"Professor Zhou, this is a big deal. Public opinion seems to be changing for the worse, which will greatly affect this year's enrollment."

Mr. Li from the Yuzhou Education Yamen was very anxious.

The importance of the issue of student origin is self-evident.

Not many people are willing to look for gold among the gravel. They all want to look for bricks among the gold.

Academician Zhang also said:

"Although the difference between 20 and 30 points is very small, it is actually very big. To break through this 30-point gap depends not only on hard work to a certain extent, but also on talent, habits and thinking."

Zhang Tiandeqian also means to talk about the importance of students.

Xu Chengyang, Sun Song and others also talked non-stop.

“Many talented competition students have been poached by Shuimu University, Shangjing University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China and other universities.

Compared with those colleges and universities, our retraining is not only slower, but also more difficult.

Learning mathematics at the top requires not only consistent hard work, but also top talent. "

Xu Chengyang said.

Sun Song also said:

"Professor Zhou, I was born in the youth class, and I know very clearly the thinking and height of people trained by competition.

Now if the student base falls behind again, it is not just one or two points behind. "

Zhou Yi touched his forehead and said:

"It's rare that you two have the same opinion. Don't worry about this matter now. I'll think about it, and you guys will also think about what to do."

Zhou Yi was also a little anxious. If this bullshit Master Ma wasn't the driving force behind some universities,

Ten thousand people in Zhouyi didn't believe it.

Or in other words, he is a stupid dog who just wants to take advantage of the popularity.

Zhou Yi felt that it was probably both.

Zhou Yi scolded:

"It's best not to let me find out that someone is behind it, otherwise I won't ruin their reputation.

Don't worry, we'll see what the leader has to say tomorrow. "

Everyone sighed. No one here seemed to understand "The Book of Changes" and could not refute it.

Master Li suddenly said:

"Why don't you find a more powerful Feng Shui master and have a good showdown with that Teacher Ma?

From a metaphysical point of view, it proves that our Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies has good feng shui. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up, and they somewhat agreed. It was very good to use barbarians to control barbarians.

Zhou Yi shook his head and said:

"No, it's too obvious. You can tell at a glance that we are behind it. And this level of dialogue lowers the standard of our Chongqing High Court."

"What should we do, Professor Zhou?"

Everyone looked at Zhou Yi with great confusion.

This direction is obviously the best method at the moment. The key is that Master Ma analyzes it from a professional perspective.

Even if you want to go to court to sue him, it will be difficult.

Is it possible to assign him a crime of superstition and spreading rumors?

Zhouyi said:

"Don't worry, let me think about it, as long as we can turn things around a few days before filling in the application form, it will be fine.

Everyone go and do your work first and come back tomorrow. "

After Zhouyi returned, I didn't know what to do for a while. If I understood "Zhouyi", I might be able to refute it from a professional perspective.

But obviously, the people in the Chongqing High Court are all scientists and unswerving materialists.

How is it possible to believe in metaphysics and theology.

Zhou Yi is not Newton, nor Einstein, nor Yang Zhenning. He does not believe in the existence of a creator at all.

The rules of this world are too perfect, and if they are just a little wrong, this world would be impossible.

Zhou Yi only believed in his own knowledge.

Zhou Yi sighed and said to the printer in the room:

"Print out the complete version of "The Book of Changes", I want to read it."

There is no way. If you want to crack down on this rumor, you can only refute it from a professional perspective. Otherwise, it will definitely make a big joke.

Master Ma has made it clear that he will not talk to you about science, but only about metaphysics.

Only by defeating him in the profession where horse trainers are most confident can he be silenced.

Thinking about the professional perspective, Zhouyi had a flash of inspiration and thought that he could start from the relationship between mathematics and "Zhouyi" and then deny their conclusion!

But what Zhou Yi didn’t expect was that,

On the second day, countless people in the metaphysics circle, in order to gain popularity, began to read from various books such as "The Book of Changes" and said that the Feng Shui of Chongqing High Court was not good.

For a time, the Internet was full of news about the bad feng shui of Chongqing High Court.

Various universities are already laughing. For example, universities such as Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Science and Technology of China, and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences are taking advantage of this opportunity to market their schools like crazy.

He also said that his school not only has good scientific research, but also has good feng shui and a good geographical environment.

Horizontal comparison, vertical comparison, metaphysical comparison, our school is the best.

The Scientific Research Bureau can lose, but in the Admissions Bureau, we win first.

Brother Zhou Yi, please hurry up and explain this issue first, otherwise it will continue to be spread among the people and even in academic circles.

And that Master Ma really promoted the Feng Shui of Beijing University the next day.

From the topography, history, location and other aspects, I said that Beijing University is good.

And Master Ma also said at the end of the video:

[The next ten days are the time for you to choose your favorite school. I will examine the Feng Shui topography of each famous university for you one by one.

Let everyone have countless good luck in college, find the other half of life, have a bright future, etc. 】

Obviously, this horse trainer wants to take advantage of the college entrance examination and gain popularity in various colleges and universities.

Zhou Yi and others were so angry when they saw the news.

A group of core senior officials from the Chongqing High Court gathered together and discussed what to do.

Zhou Yi said to them:

"Don't panic, I'm already studying "The Book of Changes", and I can explain "The Book of Changes" from a mathematical perspective, which will certify the name of our Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies!"

Everyone:? ? ? .

The omnipotent Professor Zhou?

Are you going to start studying metaphysics now?

Zhouyi said:

"I'll update it on the scientific research assistant first to avoid making a fuss."

Zhou Yi then directly announced a message on the personal account of the scientific research assistant.

["Book of Changes" and metaphysics, sorry, I know this question.

In three days, I will analyze the Feng Shui issues of Chongqing High Court from a professional perspective! 】

As soon as this news came out, countless people were surprised, countless people reposted it, and countless people were waiting to see the joke.

The omnipotent Professor Zhou?

If I had known that the monthly pass would be doubled at the end of the month, I would have been asking for more monthly passes at the beginning, woo woo woo.

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