From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 223 CEPC site selection and apprentice topic selection

“The complete proof process of Polignac conjecture is on the scientific research assistant, which is the Mathematics Journal of Chongqing High School.

I've sorted it out. The peer review should soon produce a concrete result. "

Zhou Yi thought of something and said slowly.

Chen Danqi on the side seemed to have thought of something and said:

"Shen Zhou, I also have an idea. Since we are the first to usher in the 6G era and the artificial intelligence era,

Our papers are not published in foreign journals. We directly start a journal ourselves.

Moreover, this journal is published in Chinese and only accepts papers in Chinese. "

Zhou Yi looked at Chen Danqi with some surprise. He didn't expect this woman to be so cruel.

Zhou Yi changed his mind and said:

"Indeed, we are already far ahead. There is no need to coddle them. If you want to know the direction of the frontier, you have to look at Chinese.

However, the translation function of the scientific research assistant is so powerful that it can only be said that artificial intelligence will gradually replace the status of English. "

Chen Danqi saw Zhou Yi understood and said:

"Professor Zhou has a great opinion. Maybe they will be disdainful at first, but when our results are changing the world,

It will be too late for them to look back. One step at a time, one step at a time. "

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"This journal of artificial intelligence will be run by the seven of you. Just give me a report when you're done."

In the field of artificial intelligence, in addition to the four core top conferences AAAI, IJCAI, ICML and NeurIPS that are most familiar to ordinary people, as well as the two major academic conferences CVPR and ACL represented by computer vision and natural language,

There are also many ‘rising stars’ emerging,

For example, ICLR, which was founded only six years ago but is known as the "uncrowned king" of the top deep learning conference, and EMNLP, the top natural language processing conference founded in 1996, has great potential to catch up with ACL.

The rise of these "rising star conferences" has made conferences in the field of AI show a bright and multi-faceted situation.

But these will all be in the past, and the top journals in the future will definitely belong to Daxia.

Chen Danqi asked:

"Professor Zhou, what is the name of our journal?"

Zhou Yi thought for a while and said:

"It's called "Artificial Intelligence Magazine of Chongqing High School." I'm also planning to name the mathematics magazine that way.

"Journal of Mathematics of Chongqing High School". "

Chen Danqi and the other seven people had cold sweats on their faces. They were really straight men.

However, simplicity and clarity are also a major feature, Chen Danqi said:

"Okay, Professor Zhou."

Zhou Yi thought of something and said:

"By the way, take good care of your people, and also strengthen the study of basic mathematics. Don't let the chain slip when the time comes.

I'll call the person above later. "

Chen Danqi and others’ team totals about twenty people.

Zhou Yi should emphasize it repeatedly to avoid making big mistakes.


Chen Danqi and others said.

"Well, let's break up the meeting."

Zhou Yi said lightly.

After a while, everyone left, and Zhou Yi directly called the people above.

"Hey, Professor Zhou, you're such a rare visitor, he actually called us."

The person on the other end of the phone said excitedly,

Apparently Zhou Yi called them and they were very happy.

Zhou Yi said calmly:

"I'm ready to start what you asked me to do last time. It should be officially started after the Spring Festival."

The person on the phone said in surprise:

"I thought Professor Zhou had almost forgotten about it. You have made so many big noises during this period.

There are smart home appliances, various world-class papers, and the Nobel Prize. I originally wanted to remind you after the year. "

Zhouyi said:

"The main thing is that I want to do something big,"

The person on the phone said in surprise:

"What's the big deal?"

Zhou Yi said in a deep voice:

"That's right, the job is huge, so in addition to our team, we also need your help."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while. They knew that Zhou Yi was not a person who liked to talk big words. Since he said he wanted to do something big, it must be ground-breaking.

After a while, the person on the phone said:

"I just asked for instructions from the higher ups. If Professor Zhou has any needs, just ask him. Also, do we know how big the ticket is?"

Zhou Yi slowly spit out two words and said:



Zhou Yi clearly heard the sound of broken porcelain on the other end of the phone. He was obviously too excited to hold the porcelain cup in his hand.

Zhou Yi said very calmly at this moment:

"6G, by the way, it solves some of the problems in aerospace that you mentioned before."

The middle-aged and elderly people on the other end of the phone looked excited and their breathing was a little disordered. After taking a few deep breaths, they calmed down.


"What do you need us to do?"

Zhouyi said:

"We need some people who will not leak secrets. I will invite some people from Shuimu University. You'd better sign a confidentiality agreement for everyone involved."

The person on the phone took a heavy breath and said:

"Okay. I wonder which direction Professor Zhou is researching 6G?"

Industry Information Technology B released a long time ago the top ten potential key technologies facing 6G.

The ten key technologies include: endogenous intelligent new air interface and new network architecture, enhanced wireless air interface technology, new physical dimension wireless transmission technology, new spectrum usage technology, communication perception integration technology and other new wireless technologies, distributed network architecture, New network technologies such as computing power-aware networks, deterministic networks, satellite-ground integrated networking, and network endogenous security.

Zhouyi said:

"New wireless technology in the field of communication and perception integration technology."

"Okay Professor Zhou, our people will hand over to you as soon as possible, and academicians from the Academy of Engineering will also come to cooperate with you."

The person on the phone said very solemnly.

6G needs to do too much work, and it is impossible for Zhou Yi to do everything with one team.

But there is no problem in taking a general direction.

Or it would be no problem to work in several general directions to promote the development of 6G in the entire Daxia country.

There are ten directions, Zhou Yi feels that he can do it in several directions.

It is also a method to take Zheng Keyu and Chen Danqi to do it once and let them do the rest.

For example, the general direction of terahertz and visible light communication technology, distributed autonomous network architecture, etc.

In particular, the distributed autonomous network architecture is somewhat similar to the previous power grid.

It may take less time to pursue this direction, but the direction of integrating communication and perception technology will facilitate Zhou Yi’s subsequent layout and money-making.

These directions may not all be carried out personally by Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi was not Zhuge Wuhou, and the Shu Han had no available people, so Zhuge Wuhou did everything himself.

Moreover, with a fool like Li Yan holding him back, the first and last of several Northern Expeditions had the best chance.

Zhou Yi now has talents and is able to conduct trial and error. It is no problem to fail once or twice.

The Shu Han, which Prime Minister Zhuge worked hard to support, could not afford to lose even a big defeat.

If you lose once, you lose everything.

Zhouyi definitely doesn't care, it doesn't matter how many times it fails.

Scientific research is all about trial and error.

The country of Daxia now has a big business and can afford to lose. For the same project, many scientific research institutes and universities may be competing at the same time.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yi yawned.

Mouth said:

"It's so busy. In just four months, their math skills should be improved to a terrifying level.

When the time comes, you will be able to do other directions more easily. "

Zhou Yi stood up and thought about what he needed to do recently.

LHC equipment and construction, 6G applications, and research on the ABC conjecture.

Zhou Yi felt that if he didn't study the ABC conjecture, Mochizuki Shinichi would have to use his own Zhou analysis method to find a new idea.

From the beginning of graduate school to now having won all the major awards in mathematics, Zhou Yi felt that it was time to solve this important conjecture.

Arrangements for 6G have now been made.

In other words, the LHC matter requires Zhou Yi to pay attention to. After thinking about it carefully, there is not much.

The next time was very dull.

The people sent from above have already handed over to Zheng Keyu and Chen Danqi.

Chen Danqi's team also signed a confidentiality agreement.

Only the LHC matter gave Zhou Yi a headache.

Because the rest of the equipment can still be purchased, there are only seven detectors, and they are still being pulled.

These days, Wang Yifang has sent over many materials previously prepared by the Institute of High Energy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

What faced Zhou Yi was the problem of location.

Such a super project must have a stable and safe environment.

Zhou Yi looked at it and murmured:

"The Chinese Academy of Sciences has actually started site selection work from south to north since 2013,"

"Seven places, all look good."

These seven places are Wucheng of Hebei Province, Licheng of Qincheng, Baodi District of Jin City, Qinchuan of Shaanxi Province, Huanglian County of Yana City of Shaanxi Province, Yiyang of Yuzhou, and Pengcheng.

Zhou Yi pondered for a long time and found that these places were indeed very sophisticated and worthy of being the addresses chosen by professionals.

While Zhou Yi was thinking, Qiu Chengtong came to Zhou Yi's office.

"Teacher Zhou, Mr. Qiu is here."

Shen Yiyu said from the side.

Zhou Yi looked up, saw Qiu Chengtong, and said immediately:

"Teacher Qiu."

Qiu Chengtong nodded and said:

"Old man Yang is talking to the people over there. I didn't expect that old man Yang would be so eager.

I guess it was your 500 billion that made him feel so eager that he didn't spend the country's money. "

Zhouyi said:

"I think so too. After all, God's particles have verified the Standard Model and undoubtedly improved Mr. Yang's Standard Model.

He agreed that most of them were based on application considerations rather than new theories. If new theories did not appear, the significance of this collider could only be applications. "

Zhou Yi's words also have a profound meaning, that is, it is impossible to deliberately search for supersymmetric particles to verify the correctness of string theory.

Whether string theory is correct or not, in Zhou Yi's view, is probably a reflection of the moon in the mirror.

Unless a supersymmetric particle is really knocked out, it can only stay at the current height.

Mr. Qiu said nonchalantly:

"When the time comes, you don't have to search for it deliberately, just analyze the data, just like the unpacked Higgs boson you discovered this year."

Zhou Yi nodded, let's establish it first and talk about it later.

Mr. Qiu continued:

"I came to you mainly to ask about site selection. Wang Yifang seems to have given you a lot of information. I want to ask your opinion."

Zhouyi said:

"Shaanxi Province and Qin City are both good places, but our Chongqing High Court is about to be completed.

In the future, most talents will definitely be in Yuzhou, so I want to establish it in Yuzhou. "

Qiu Chengtong said with some surprise:

"Yuzhou? That's not a good place. It's a mountainous area and has very high technical requirements. It may not meet the conditions for building CEPC."

Zhouyi said:

"After checking the address first, I think it would be good to build it in our hometown county. As for the technical problems, they can definitely be overcome."

If you are not satisfied, Zhou Yi is ready to exchange points for it.

The location of CEPC is too far from the Chongqing High Court, and it would be too troublesome to go back and forth. Moreover, the foreign talents who will gather there are also too far from the Chongqing High Court, making it not suitable for exchanges (K) and exchanges (Z).

Since Zhou Yi decided to pour everything into Yuzhou, he would fight for it.

Mr. Qiu said:

"Okay, it's your money anyway, you have the final say on what to do with it. I'll ask Wang Yifang to ask someone to check it."

Zhouyi said:


One can imagine how much economic development a project worth hundreds of billions can drive.

Rather than letting others make money, it is better to keep the money from outsiders and let people in Yuzhou make money.

Rather than letting those self-righteous natives in Yuzhou make money, it would be better to let the people in Zhou Yi's own hometown make money.

Just die in Yuzhou, Zhouyi's final bottom line.

Mr. Qiu said:

"In fact, my country's 'Super Collider' project has been preparing step by step, and what is missing is just an opportunity.

You are the one who enters this opportunity. "

Zhouyi said:

"I'd better trouble Teacher Qiu to worry more about the equipment."

Qiu Chengtong said:

"Okay, don't worry, I definitely hope it will be built."

After determining the location problem, Zhou Yi began to look at the mathematical community's views on the proof of Polignac's conjecture.

More than half a month has passed since the proof.

It's already November, and many authoritative number theory experts in this field have given their opinions.

Fields Medal winners Maynard and Terence Tao both felt that the Zhouyi paper was fine.

Mr. Zhang Yitang also felt that there was no problem with the paper, and Professor Will Savin, who worked with Zhou Yi to prove the twin prime conjecture,

The scientific research assistant also stated that Zhou Yi’s proof of Polignac’s conjecture was unproblematic.

Just when Zhou Yi was going through this for a few days, Zhou Yi's two apprentices, Shen Yiyu and Zhang Dugang, came to find Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi found that the two of them had something to say, so he took the initiative to ask:

"What's wrong? Is something wrong? I've been out of shape all day today."

Shen Yiyu took the initiative and said:

"Teacher Zhou, from February to now, we have been studying Zhou's basic geometry and Zhou's analytical method for 9 months.

I wonder if we can try to do scientific research? "

Zhouyi said:

"Are you so sure?"

Zhang Dugan said:

"Well, our understanding of Zhou's analytical method seems to be no weaker than that of ordinary people.

In the first few months, we supplemented the basic courses for graduate students. In the next four months, we focused on studying Zhou's analytical method.

We also often discuss with several senior fellow students and the top bosses at Shing-tung Yau Mathematics Center, so we feel that we are somewhat enthusiastic. "

Zhou Yi thought for a while and said:

"Indeed, for nine months, I have seen your hard work. You went out early and came back late, basically like 007.

Let me ask you some questions about Zhou's analytical method. If you can answer them, I can give you a general direction. "

Zhou Yi also felt that it was time to let these two apprentices work on projects.

You can also make the ABC conjecture on your own first.

After asking for a while, Zhou Yi was also a little surprised.

"I underestimated your efforts and talents. How about this? I am currently working on the ABC conjecture problem. Will you work on this project with me?"

One is from the bottom, and the other is a proud man who studied at Shuimu University for his undergraduate degree.

There is no doubt about his talent and learning methods. Coupled with 007's life-threatening efforts, it is not surprising that he can meet Zhou Yi's requirements.

Shen Yiyu and Zhang Dugan thought they would study a common conjecture.

I didn't expect that my mentor would directly use the ultimate move.

Study the ABC conjecture.

This made the two of them feel a little unsure.

Zhou Yi glanced at the two of them and said:

"Why, are you scared?"

Zhang Dugan said:

"Emmm, can we do it?"

This question was obviously a bit lacking in confidence.

Shen Yiyu also blinked, looking confused.

Zhou Yi said calmly:

"Then what direction do you want to study?"

Zhang Dugang and Shen Yiyu looked at each other, mustered up their courage and said:

"We want to continue studying number theory. Zhou's analytical method is a powerful tool for dealing with number theory, and we want to verify the results we have learned."

Zhou Yi was silent for a moment and said:

"Why don't you study the palindrome conjecture? This is an interesting conjecture, and it also tests one's ability. The two of you can cooperate.

You don’t have to cooperate. If you don’t, I will give you the content one by one. "

Shen Yiyu and Zhang Dugang looked at each other again, as if they had made up their minds.

They said together in an instant:

"We are willing to cooperate."

Zhou Yi heard this and said:

"It's okay if you are willing to cooperate. I will give you a simple reminder.

The palindrome conjecture is related to number theory. If you have a thorough understanding of Goldbach's Zhouyi theorem, the proof of twin prime numbers Zhouyi theorem, and the 3n+1 Zhouyi theorem,

I think you should be able to get a great inspiration. Your attainments in Zhou's analytical method are no less than those of some mathematicians. Why don't you give it a try? "

The two said:

"Okay! Let's study the palindrome conjecture now."

Zhouyi said:

"Well, okay, you can read the three papers I mentioned carefully. After reading them, you can tell me your ideas."

Zhang Dugan said:

"Good teacher."

After a while, Shen Yiyu and Zhang Dugan began to study again.

As for what the palindrome conjecture is, they will check the information themselves and find the most cutting-edge results and papers.

These are the basic qualities that graduate students possess.

A mature master's degree student can discover useful papers and documents on his own.

Instead of waiting for the instructor to come and feed you, or take you by the hand.

When Shen Yiyu and Zhang Dugan went to the office next door,

Zheng Keyu and others on the side looked at Zhou Yi and asked:

"Teacher Zhou, do you have such high demands on them?"

Zhouyi said:

“I have very high demands and expectations for them.

Their talents and hard work are both good. I don’t want them to be buried. In the future, the country will also need more experts in basic mathematics.

Moreover, this guess uses quite a lot of things, so it can be considered as a exercise for their abilities.

Once proven, you can skip the master's degree and graduate directly with a doctorate. It can be regarded as an explanation for themselves and an explanation for me.

You are all working on technologies that change the world, so there is no reason for them not to make some difficult number theory conjectures. "

Zheng Keyu and others are a little envious. Those who do pure mathematics are naturally superior to others.

"Teacher Zhou, how long do you think it will take them to make it?"

Chu Li on the side asked with some interest.

Zhouyi said:

"I don't know. It depends on their talent. Number theory sometimes lacks inspiration, and it may not be made up by hard work alone. Now you should get busy."

With six apprentices, Zhou Yi felt that they all had the potential to become masters.

Four are in the direction of artificial intelligence, and two are in the direction of pure numbers.

This palindrome number conjecture is definitely not difficult for Zhou Yi, but it is definitely very difficult for two young people who are just starting out.

Zhou Yi did this, firstly for the mission, and secondly, in the hope that the two of them could go further.

If you can’t even chew on this conjecture, you may turn to applications in the future.

Zhou Yi murmured:

"I hope they surprise me and don't follow my lead. Otherwise it will be difficult to become a high-level mathematician."

The four apprentices working on artificial intelligence were a little envious when they heard this.

The initial dream of every mathematician must be to become a mathematician.

Rather than becoming a top engineer.

They also came from mathematics majors and studied mathematics for their undergraduate, master's and even doctoral degrees.

But in the end, he became further and further away from his dream.

A person may make a lot of money in this life, but making money does not mean he has fulfilled his dream. Dreaming and making money are two different things.

Some people’s initial dream was to be a painter, but because their families had no money, they went to the construction site to move bricks to make a living;

Some people’s initial dream is to become a top designer, but in the end they learn computers to make a living.

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