From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 210 The idea of ​​building a collider

The twin prime conjecture has been around for 174 years. Although Will Savin and his colleagues published a copy of the paper proof on arxiv, they have never produced a formal proof.

Everyone in the mathematical community thought that it would take a long, long time before results would be produced. Unexpectedly, Will Savin and Zhou Yi announced that they had proved the twin prime conjecture.

Not only Zhou Yi promoted it on this platform, but the two of them also promoted it on their own media accounts.

And it is publicly stated that any major results in the future will be published in the "Mathematics Journal of Yuzhou High School" first.

What makes many mathematicians angry is that neither Zhou Yi nor Will Savin publicly gave a special report, nor did they invite well-known number theory experts to review the manuscript.

It was published so hastily.

And what the hell is "Journal of Mathematics of Yuzhou High School"?

Will the new journal be included in SCI?

If papers are published without peer review, will the new journal appear less authoritative and less rigorous?

However, these two papers have frustrated countless number theory experts.

Who should I watch first?

One is Zhou Yi, the number theorist who specializes in number theory, and the other two are also veteran mathematicians who study the twin prime number conjecture.

This time, it was confusing.

Wiles from Cambridge University looked at the two papers sent by his assistant, and finally sighed, and one person murmured:

"Let's read Zhou Yi first. From the time he debuted until now, at least he hasn't been missed."

Maynard from Oxford University also held two papers, smiled bitterly, and said:

"It's so scary, I might as well be."

Then I put down Will Savin's paper and immediately read Zhou Yi's paper.

Schulz from the University of Bonn in Germany looked at the paper in Zhou Yi's hand and couldn't help but fall silent.

I thought that I would be the strongest and youngest mathematical genius in the world of mathematics, but in the end, a Zhou Yi came out of the ancient Eastern country.

After he proved Kepler's conjecture, it took more than a year to create Zhou's geometry and Zhou's analytical method.

Among them, Zhou's geometry is applied in all directions, and Zhou's analytical method is a sharp sword that attacks number theory.

The future is not as good as unexpected. Any conjecture related to number theory will more or less refer to Zhou's analytical method.

Schultz thought for a moment, then picked up Zhou Yi's paper and started reading it.

Many of the world's top mathematics departments, including the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, have begun to study the papers of Zhou Yi and others.

No one will ignore Zhou Yi's current achievements and strength, and his talent is undoubted.

For more than a year, all award-winning organizations have been eager to put medals in Zhou Yi's hands.

The Scientific Breakthrough Award was even more exaggerated. Two awards were given to Zhou Yi in one go. In order for Zhou Yi to accept them, he went directly to Shuimu University to present the awards in person.

As for the Internet, there was even more uproar.

[If you don’t understand, just ask, is this "Mathematics Journal of Yuzhou High School" founded by Professor Zhou? 】

[Why is Professor Zhou not holding a press conference this time and not allowing peer review? Is he so confident that he is not afraid of capsizing in the gutter? 】

[I am a brainless fan, and I have no brains to support Professor Zhou. Professor Zhou is awesome! 】

[Although I am not very clear about the value of mathematical conjectures in mathematics, I think the mathematicians who can prove Goldbach's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture must be very great mathematicians! 】

[What Mr. Zhang Yitang failed to do was actually proved by Professor Zhou Yi, Professor Zhou Yi’s chosen son of mathematics. 】

[When will Professor Zhou come out to interact? I really miss the time when Professor Zhou Yi interacted with us. 】

At this moment, Zhou Yi's cell phone was buzzing with calls from all directions.

Zhou Yi answered the phone while dealing with Qiu Chengtong in his office.

"Mr. Milno, why don't you take a look at my paper first."

Zhou Yi said while holding the phone.

Milnor said on the other end of the phone:

"You launched your magazine so suddenly, and even published your own articles in your own magazine. What's the difference between you and Mochizuki Shinichi?

Isn’t it good to publish a mathematics annual journal? "

Zhou Yi respectfully replied:

"Teacher Milnor, don't get excited. I am absolutely sure that my thesis is correct. In addition, I plan to establish a research institute similar to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton in our hometown, so we must have a copy of our own." Magazines will do.

I have verified these two papers repeatedly and they are used to build my reputation. "

After talking for a while, Zhou Yi hung up the phone.

Qiu Chengtong on the side said:

"Although you are very confident in doing this, it is actually a kind of disrespect for your peers, and it is also an act of not taking your peers in the eyes. It's okay to hold a press conference, right?"

Zhouyi said:

"Mr. Qiu, I was a little careless, but if you want the magazine to be famous, isn't this the road you must take? Don't many of the papers submitted to the four major journals not have a press conference?

They didn't just hire peer reviewers, they only published it after everyone was sure it was correct. As a mathematician in the field of number theory, I have this confidence. Of course, it is only this time. If there are any results in the future, I will still hold a press conference.

If my reputation reaches a certain level, I may not hold a press conference, but may choose to release it first on the scientific research assistant. "

Qiu Chengtong shook his head and said:

"You still underestimate the current mathematicians. When the British mathematician Atiya announced the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis,

Didn't you also hold a press conference? It is still a global live broadcast. Although the method of proof by contradiction is a wrong idea and the paper is an error, it shows the importance of the conference.

Atiyah is also a winner of both the Fields Medal and the Abel Prize, and his contributions to mathematics are also very significant. "

Zhou Yi sighed, knowing that these teachers had good intentions and could not lose their temper, so he had to say:

"Okay, Teacher Qiu, I will definitely hold a press conference next time."

Not long after, Qiu Chengtong left with mixed feelings.

I am happy that the talent of this strongest disciple has once again refreshed my understanding, but I am worried that Zhou Yi seems to be a little drifting now.

However, Qiu Chengtong then thought, if he was allowed to be so powerful at the age of 20, he would probably be even more rampant than Zhou Yi.

Qiu Chengtong said to Bill Carr on the side:

"Youth and frivolity seem to be the hallmark of young people. Zhou Yi has restrained himself."

Bill Carr said:

"Compared with Zhou Yi's achievements, I think his temper is the smallest. Just look at Professor Deligne's temper and you can tell.

What's more, we mathematicians already have a sense of arrogance. Zhou Yi's operation is not outrageous. As long as it is proven correct, it may still be a good story. "

Qiu Chengtong said:

"Yes, successful people are right no matter what they say. Even if losers are unlucky, they can only be judged as making excuses. In this world, strength is still respected."

In the next few days, countless people began to review Zhou Yi and Will Savin's paper.

There are great mathematicians here, as well as mathematicians who have long studied the twin prime number conjecture, and of course there are also civilian teachers.

Zhou Yi was not idle either.

Because Xiao Wanyi didn't know where she got a lot of data about LHCb.

There was so much data that Zhou Yi had no idea where to start and could only do it bit by bit.

It would be impossible to analyze this explosive data in just a few days.

However, Xiao Wanyi also included some application news about CERN.

This news made Zhou Yi very interested.

Fight cancer with light.

It sounds cool.

Zhou Yi looked at the introduction,

Nearly three decades ago, CERN contributed to hadron beam cancer irradiation by bringing carbon ion therapy for radiation-resistant tumors to the medical community, treating more than 300,000 patients to date.

New approaches aimed at improving and popularizing the treatment of this type of cancer have sprung up as various collaborations and projects have sprung up over the past few decades.

Among these methods, proton beam therapy from circular accelerators stands out as a particularly effective treatment: protons can destroy tumors and spare surrounding healthy tissue at a higher rate than conventional electron or photon therapies.

Unfortunately, current proton and ion therapy centers are very large and require very high design requirements for accelerators and guidance systems.

But new technological breakthroughs in recent years,

CERN's new cancer treatment proton accelerator is preparing to receive its first batch of patients in the UK, and Zhou Yi speculates that it may achieve very good results.

CERN's CLEAR facility has tested ultra-high-energy electron beams that can treat cancerous tumors that cannot even be cured by surgery, chemotherapy or traditional radiation therapy.

The development of drug-resistant tumors has made the disease one of the leading causes of death worldwide, but the scientific community is awash with ideas to make cancer deaths a thing of the past.

Among the latest medical and technological innovations are advances in particle therapy — the process of irradiating tumors with beams of high-energy particles produced by particle accelerators — that can treat otherwise deadly tumors.

Currently, there are more than 10,000 small linear electron accelerators (linacs) used for cancer treatment around the world. Most of these machines rely on beams of photons produced by electrons to illuminate their targets.

However, some use the electron beam itself for direct low-energy electron irradiation, although this only reaches superficial tumors. These methods differ from hadron therapy, a technology based on irradiation with proton or heavy ion beams.

This gave Zhou Yi more ideas to build a large collider.

The reason for Mr. Yang’s initial opposition was also very simple, because hundreds of billions of dollars in funding would drag down the scientific research funding of all universities in Daxia.

What will be lost then is the scientific research progress in various fields.

Once this scientific research funding is allocated to the collider, all other disciplines and all scientific research will be subject to funding restrictions, which will also greatly affect their progress.

Compared with publishing a few articles in top physics journals and winning one or two Nobel Prizes in Physics,

It may be more beneficial to use your money wisely.

Moreover, Daxia has less than 1% of the world’s scholars studying high-energy physics. After the project is completed, it is likely to become dominated by foreigners and serve as wedding dresses for others.

However, Zhou Yi also knew the opinion of his teacher Qiu Chengtong, that is, five to six thousand world-class scientists could move their families to Daxia to conduct experiments and live there for a long time.

This will have a great and far-reaching impact on Daxia's basic scientific research.

Thousands of the world's top smart minds gathered in Daxia, and Zhou Yi also felt that many important technologies and knowledge that transcended the field of physics would be produced.

This is one of the debates between conservatives and reformers.

There are also some reasons that Zhou Yi also knows. With these 20 billion magnesium sword funds, the five or six thousand Daxia scholars of Daxia can become world-class scholars.

People who are not from my race must have different minds. Zhou Yi also recognized this idea.

Zhou Yi also knows Mr. Yang’s thoughts. After the high-energy collider is established, there is a high probability that it will not be able to feed Daxia back within fifty years.

Moreover, Daxia was still in a relatively backward position in the world at that time. Schools in many mountainous and poor areas were in urgent need of improvement, and many poor families also needed help.

Mr. Yang's objection may be correct for the moment, perhaps.

After all, it was only 16 years ago, and the world's technology will undergo great changes every decade.

Ten years ago, smartphones were just emerging. Ten years later, will the convenience brought by smartphones be beyond the imagination of people ten years ago?

How technology will change in the next ten years and what huge innovations there will be are beyond the imagination of Zhou Yi and everyone now.

Zhou Yi agreed with some of the opinions of Teacher Qiu and Mr. Yang, while others disagreed with them.

Fortunately, these two top figures in mathematics and physics are now at Shuimu University in Daxia.

At least they were serving Daxia.

Zhou Yi feels that he is rich now, and may be richer in the future, so if he establishes an organization like CERN at his own expense, no one will gossip about it.

By then, everything will be under the control of Zhou Yi himself, and there will be no such thing as making wedding clothes for others.

Zhou Yi also felt that the progress of training apprentices needed to be accelerated. He had more than a dozen top mathematical physicists under his command.

The future is technological innovation, the key to changing the world.

With the huge sales of smart home appliances and the installation of mobile phone voice systems, Zhou Yi estimates that he can earn tens of billions.

Maybe 30 to 40 billion after tax.

Thirty to forty billion, when Zhou Yi thought of this number, he still lamented that the money was too little. Annual maintenance, energy supply, and various maintenance were also a huge expense.

Without a budget of 150 billion, it is impossible to achieve good results.

It seems impossible to build it within three or four years.

After reading some simple information, Zhou Yi shook his head.

Let’s deal with this pile of data first.

According to Xiao Wanyi's news, these massive amounts of data are the latest data, which is comparable to a large-scale physics experiment. My physics task may be completed.

Mathematics and physics levels will be improved soon.

After processing this batch of data, Zhou Yi is going to discuss with his teacher to see if he can use tens of billions to build some first, and just invest some money every year.

It was not the time to build it before, but now Zhou Yi feels it is time. Moreover, the collider cannot be built on the first day. Zhou Yi feels it is necessary just because of the prospect of curing cancer.

By then, you might be able to earn back just by relying on this technology.

There are so many people suffering from cancer around the world. If each person can be cured by spending 100,000 yuan, I guess there will still be people who are willing to spend the money.

Moreover, you can also use the collider to gain physics experience and improve the physics level. This alone is enough for Zhou Yi to spend money to build it.

Just when Zhou Yi was working hard on researching and analyzing data,

The mathematical community seems to have a result in proving the twin prime conjecture.

At least there is a result about Zhouyi's proof paper.

As for Will Savin's paper, many powerful mathematicians have begun to read it after reading the Zhouyi paper.

Two completely different methods have attracted many people's attention.

If they can gain some unique mathematical methods from it, it may be helpful to the topics they study.

Witnessing a great conjecture ascending to the throne is what every mathematician hopes to see, even though the person who proves it is not himself.

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