From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 185 The pressure is on Maynard’s side

A few articles and candid photos made many sunspots go into a carnival.

[I haven’t become a great mathematician yet, but I’m already thinking about flirting with girls. Is Zhouyi worthy of being called the light of domestic mathematics? laugh! 】

[The speech upstairs is certainly s13, but Zhou Yi and this girl are really well matched. They are talented and beautiful, talented and beautiful. 】

[Speaking upstairs, I’m certainly a lover, but Professor Zhou is accompanying a girl on a spring outing at such a critical time. It doesn’t matter if it’s S13 or not. Professor Zhou, although I’m not as good as you in mathematics, but when it comes to relationships and sophistication, I can be your teacher. ,

Remember, with your current status, there are countless women who want to get close to you, but none of them are sincere. 】

[I got to the point upstairs. When you are poor in the busy city, no one cares about you. When you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives. Professor Zhou should understand this truth early. These academic masters remind me of the postdoctoral girl from Beijing Institute of Technology. Professor Zhou quoted Take it as a warning, you still have a bright future. 】

Many people on various platforms thought that Zhou Yi, as mentioned in a few articles on the Internet, was a hero who had a hard time being a beauty, so they all gave words of advice.

Some brothers guessed that the stupid fans were even more violent and scolded Xia Xue directly:

[This Xia Xue is a purely academic Daji. I read her resume and relied on Professor Zhou Yi. Now she is directly enrolled in Shuimu University in her sophomore year. It’s really disgusting. Even if she is an academic Daji, at this critical time, can you not look for her? Professor Zhou, do you know the meaning of my guess? 】

[Women are the trouble, and Xia Xue is the trouble among the troubles. Even if Professor Zhou Yi proposes to enjoy flowers, as a girlfriend, you must consider the future of your boyfriend, rather than seeking temporary pleasure. 】

[If it weren’t for Professor Zhou Yi’s sake, I would have scolded those two. 】

[On the tragedy of losing the glory of domestic mathematics in the hands of a woman, Professor Zhou might as well find a girl who can help his career. I think this girl is really unworthy except for being good-looking. 】

Zhou Yi and Xia Xue definitely didn't know about the news that suddenly became popular on the Internet, and neither did Xia Huanian and others. After all, they have to write books every day to make money to support their lives.

But academicians such as Qiu Chengtong, E Weinan, and Wang Shicheng in Beijing will definitely know.

It is rare for many professors from Shuimu University to get together with many professors from the School of Mathematics at Beijing University.

Everyone is discussing the correctness of Zhou Yi's paper. Zhou Yi has not made a statement about this paper, and other mathematicians have not made a statement either, so they can only read it together and discuss it together to try to get an accurate result as soon as possible.

Then the correctness of the Zhouyi thesis was announced in the official name of the Daxia International Mathematics Center.

By then, Zhou Yi's three leading teachers are expected to support Zhou Yi.

Professor Zong Ming, who has always focused on number theory, said:

"One thing to say, I haven't seen any errors in Zhou Yi's paper so far. Zhou Yifa's papers have always been accurate and almost impeccable, let alone any fatal errors."

A professor from Shandong University who focuses on analytic number theory also said:

"It is indeed no problem. It is a new mathematical method. Based on the circle method and the sieve method, it is combined with Zhou's analytical method to further innovate. If nothing unexpected happens, there will soon be people in the international academic community to support Zhou Yi. "

Bill Carr, the 2018 Philippines Award winner, also said:

"I also think it's okay. Let's wait for the follow-up results from our international counterparts."

Qiu Chengtong said:

"Princeton and Harvard University immediately organized many experts to review Zhou Yi's paper, and a preliminary result should be given soon."

The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton was convened by Milnor and Deligne using their influence, while Harvard University was convened by Yau Shing Tong using his influence.

Just when the big guys were having a meeting to discuss,

A student had already rushed into their office in a hurry.

"Teacher, Mr. Qiu, Academician Wang, professors, it's bad, there are negative remarks about Professor Zhou's blockbuster on the Internet."

One of Academician E Weinan's apprentices gasped.

"What's going on, please tell me slowly."

When E Weinan saw his apprentice in such a panic, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed on his face. There are so many people here, can't you be more careful? You are still a Ph.D. from Beijing University, and you are going to lose all your face.

"You can find out the news on the Internet by just checking it on your mobile phone."

The doctoral student said quickly.

Not long after, everyone saw the photos of Zhou Yi and Xia Xue playing together. As for the marketing account's articles, they, who had always been extremely well-educated, were also furious.

"It's pure nonsense. You don't know the reason at all, and you still dare to talk nonsense. It's simply abominable."

Qiu Chengtong immediately cursed.

Qiu Chengtong was a troll at the beginning, trolling the entire Daxia mathematics community by himself. Now he is much older and his temper has become much calmer.

But I couldn't help seeing someone slandering Zhou Yi like this.

In particular, Qiu Chengtong also learned about Zhou Yi's past and his relationship with Xia Xue through big data, which made him even more angry.

E Weinan said:

"Mr. Qiu, there is no need to be angry. Our big data tracking is very powerful. When the time comes, they will be handed over to the Internet police for punishment and lifetime account ban. By then, their car loans, housing loans and other loans will be repaid, which will be enough for them to drink a pot.

Now let's wait for Zhou Yi's speech, and try to hold a Gecai lecture at Shuimu University when the time comes. "

Academician Wang Shicheng also said:

"Let Zhou Yi issue a statement first, and then we will punish these marketing accounts first."

The big guys always act vigorously and resolutely, and not long after, a group of math big guys started to move.

At this time, Zhou Yi and Xia Xue also knew about this.

Zhou Yi couldn't help but cursed:

"It really raises questions about our love from mathematics. Why can't these clowns stop being blocked? They always jump out every once in a while."

Xia Xue also said angrily:

"Are we going to fight them back?"

"Don't pay attention to them. The more you pay attention to them, the more enthusiastic they will become."

Zhou Yi said.

Although Zhou Yi and the others didn't reply, Zhou Yi's roommates and Xia Xue's roommates couldn't sit still.

Yang Shuai replied directly on various platforms:

[First of all, leaving aside the correctness of Professor Zhou Yi’s proof of Ge Guai’s thesis, the love story between Zhou Yi and Xia Xue, as we have witnessed with our own eyes, does not contain any flaws at all. 】

Yang Qian also showed off her Chongqing University student ID card under the Book of Changes and said:

[Xia Xue was admitted to Chongqing University with the highest score in the school, which was enough to get into the School of Liberal Arts of Beijing University, but for Zhou Yi, she still chose to come to Chongqing University;

Zhou Yi didn't even have a chance to participate in the National Mathematical Competition at the beginning. He was an ordinary existence in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Chongqing University. If Xia Xue hadn't begged Dean Bao to intercede with the leaders of the School of Mathematical Sciences, Zhou Yi would not have been able to participate in the national competition. If he didn’t get results in the national competition, Zhou Yi would not be taken seriously by the leaders of the Institute of Mathematics.

Zhou Yi may have been bullied by some people and dropped out of school.

Now let me ask you, why do you think Xia Xue cares about Zhou Yi? money? Good looks? Or is it a scholarly persona? Or is it a potential stock?

The first person in the school cares about the tenth-ranked potential stock in a class?

As for money?

Zhou Yi couldn't afford to eat at first, so Xia Xue took the initiative to pay for the meals. Zhou Yi always thought it was me treating the guests, but in fact it was all paid by Xia Xue. I just paid the registration fee.

As for Zhou Yi's appearance, he has become a lot whiter as his nutrition has kept up with him in the past few years, giving people a somewhat handsome look. As for before, it was just a little bit outstanding. In an engineering school like Yuzhou University, he would look like a person if he was thrown into it. Can't bear the waves,

Xia Xue’s good looks are obvious to all of you!

Marketing accounts don’t want xylophones just to make money?

Zhou Yi, you must have a conscience, come out and speak out for Xueer, and be a man! 】

After all, Yang Qian is a girl from Bayu, an insider, and a girl from the College of Liberal Arts. Her level of bullying is still much higher than that of Yang Shuai, a low-profile online writer.

Seeing his best friend being unfairly wronged, he became even more furious.

No matter how much achievements Zhou Yi has achieved now, just complain.

Mudan immediately told Zhou Yi about the news on the Internet, and Zhou Yi also learned about the speeches of Yang Qian and Yang Shuai.

Zhou Yi couldn't bear to tell Xia Xue because he was afraid that Xia Xue would be exposed on the Internet. However, Zhou Yi thought about it and realized that he would probably encounter this kind of situation again in the future.

So Zhou Yi finally decided to tell Xia Xue.

When Xia Xue found out, she said softly:

"Senior, I'd better make a statement."

Zhou Yi hugged Xia Xue lightly and said:

"Well, after you send it, I will send it too."

Not long after, Xia Xue posted on the social platform using her personal account:

[Hello everyone, my name is Xia Xue. I don’t want to pay attention to some rumors on the Internet.

But regarding the love between my senior and me, I just want to say,

I would be damned if I were the academic influence of Senior Tu;

If I were rich as Senior Tu, I would be damned too;

If I were a graphic scholar, I would still deserve death;

But I don’t want any of this. I just want to spend every day with my seniors.

Even if you have a simple meal every day, you have to worry about food, rice, oil and salt every day, even if your material life is terrible every day, as long as the first thing you see when you wake up every day is your senior, that is the best day in the world.

It has nothing to do with future, appearance, or money, just because Senior Zhou Yi is my favorite person.

Many times, when I see senior Zhou Yi achieve such high achievements, I am surprised and worried at the same time. I am happy that the senior has a bright future, but I am worried that I am mediocre and may become a drag on the senior’s progress;

Every time my senior sends me a message or calls me, I'm afraid that I'm going to break up. I don't have enough education and I don't understand math, so I can't help my senior. I can't stop my senior from running for someone better than me. People.

So every time I was prepared for my senior to leave, and I was also prepared to spend the rest of my life with him.

As for going to Shuimu University, I went to bed at 2 a.m. and got up at 6 a.m. every day for the past two years and worked hard. Now I go to Shuimu University, first to study and second to be a senior. 】

Xia Xue was typing with tears in her eyes. After reading what Xia Xue said, Zhou Yi hugged him and said:

"Don't worry Xue'er, I will never leave you no matter what."

Later, Zhou Yi forwarded the scarf and said in various media:

[Along the way, I have experienced white eyes, depressed faces, experienced people's hearts when they are depressed, and even experienced despair for a time. However, the appearance of Xue'er is like a ray of sunlight shining into the black crack. In this life, only Xia Snow and mathematics cannot be let down.

As for accompanying Cher to enjoy peonies, that is our agreement every year. Not to mention a number theory conjecture, not even the Millennium Problem can stop Cher and I from enjoying peonies every spring.

Finally, regarding the Gechai report meeting, at the request of Teachers Qiu, Mirno, Deligne, and the majority of scientific researchers and netizens, I will hold a Gechai report at Shuimu University, and the time is scheduled for April. 15th. 】

Their statement topped the trending search in just half an hour.

Comments abound.

[I agree to this marriage, woo woo hoo, it’s so inspiring. Is this a love letter from a liberal arts student? I’m done with this piece of shit. Who in S13 came out to question their love? What a piece of shit! 】

[I don’t have time to listen to bullshit love stories now. I just want to see my brother’s guess proven by us Daxia people. 】

[Now I don’t have time to listen to any bullshit love stories. I just want to see Professor Zhou prove my guess and set a new milestone. I'm a huge fan of Zhou Shen. 】

[I object to this marriage. I am heartbroken. Woohoo, Professor Zhou is actually in love. Xia Xue, I will give you 100 million and give Professor Zhou to me. 】

[Professor Zhou, women will only affect the speed of proving your conjecture. I suggest you break up and I will chase Xia Xue. 】

[Has your rhythmic marketing account been banned? I am moved to tears by this bullshit love story. I never thought that such a materialistic society could still have such pure love. Seeing you so loving and devoted to each other, It's worse than killing me. 】

The entire Internet was focused on these two scarves, and many people were moved. However, people in academia only cared about the critical time of April 15th.

Maynard's war report was also at this time. Did Professor Zhou do it on purpose or not?

This is simply a clear fight.

Many mathematics leaders from foreign universities had different reactions when they saw the news that Zhou Yi held a report meeting.

Schulz, who was at the University of Bonn in Germany, immediately said to his assistant:

"I turned down my flight to Oxford University and went to Beijing Shuimu University in Daxia instead. Another room was booked for me. Haha, this time I want to see Zhou Yi's style. His love story is so touching."

This scene not only happened to Schulz, but at Oxford University, Wiles also said to his assistant with an embarrassed look:

"Well, you make up an excuse for me. I want to go to Daxia Shuimu University on April 15th to listen to Zhou Yi's report. As for Maynard and the others, give me the pigeon."

This scene also happens in various prestigious schools in Chou Country.

Even Professor Milnor, who is in his 90s, will go to Shuimu University to witness this historic moment for his apprentice.

No one wants to miss yet another century-spanning answer to Hilbert's eighth question.

Even if it’s just one of the questions,

However, this problem is indeed the crown jewel of number theory, Goldbach's conjecture.

The previous achievements of Zhouyi cannot be ignored at all. Zhou's geometry and Zhou's analytic method are self-created systems, and the establishment of a sect has become a reality.

When Maynard and Harold Hoofgot saw this statement, they were dumbfounded. Then their assistants told them that many of the mathematicians who had been invited had changed their routes and went to Shuimu University.

Suddenly, the pressure was on Maynard and Harold Hoofgot.

All the hotels in Beijing were almost fully booked during those days.

Thanks to a brother who comforted me yesterday. The comment area was officially closed and no one can see it. There was a very interesting comment yesterday that made me laugh to death.

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