From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 182 Being beaten first?

When Zhou Yi's two doctoral students and postdocs were announced, they caused quite a stir on the Internet.

[Who are Professor Zhou’s four apprentices? Count their achievements in detail. 】

[The first 24-year-old girl, Chu Li, is from Aurora University. She has published two SCI area 2 papers and three SCI area 3 papers. Her strength]

Less than two hours after Zhou Yi announced it, the news about several disciples had spread all over the Internet.

An alternative unified examination for postgraduate admissions is already very popular. What's more, this unified examination was specially prepared for Zhou Yi as an exception, so the popularity will not be low.

At this time, Zhou Yi met with his four apprentices in a large lecture theater at Yu University.

The four students looked at Zhou Yi, who was younger than themselves, and were inevitably shocked in their hearts.

There is a lot of news about Zhouyi on the Internet. As for the true level of Zhouyi, only those who study mathematics know it.

Not very fierce, but very, very fierce.

Various awards have been won.

Zhouyi said:

"I'm glad you've joined my team. Now let's talk about the graduation requirements. To study for a Ph.D. under me, the minimum is 2 SCI papers in area 1, and other small papers are not counted;

To be a postdoc, you need to write three SCI papers in Zone 1. Once you graduate, Yuzhou will recruit you through talent introduction. There will be a lot of settlement allowance. The amount of the settlement allowance will depend on your achievements and how many years you will be with you. related to subsequent levels.

If you are strong enough, it will not be a problem to enter a college. My graduation requirements are not very high, but I hope you will not waste your talents and precious time in the past few years.

Instead, you should make good use of your time and produce more results.

The graduation certificate and degree certificate of your Ph.D. will be from Shuimu University. If you are good enough, I will also contact Princeton and send you to study for a 2+2 Ph.D.

If you still have any questions, you can ask now. If you can't accept it, you can quit directly without delay. "

The four of them looked at each other, how could they not accept it.

Chu Li said:

"Teacher Zhou, what will be the direction of our research? I initially studied the direction of probability theory. I read your information and it seems that it doesn't have much involvement in the direction of probability theory."

To learn mathematics, you have to be straightforward. Zhou Yi, who was secretive, still found it troublesome. If they didn't ask this, Zhou Yi would feel strange.

Zhouyi said:

"Wang Guangzhou, Bai Yuting and Chu Li, you three seem to have been working on algorithms before. I think you can work on artificial intelligence with me.

As for Zheng Keyu, I read your information and it seems that you are very keen on basic mathematics. I suggest you learn geometry from me.

If you have any opinions, you can express them directly, without having to beat around the bush. This is related to your future. If you have any ideas, be sure to tell me as soon as possible. "

Chu Li said:

"Hehe, I happen to also like to work on artificial intelligence, so it's such a happy decision."

After Chu Li finished speaking, Zhou Yi looked at the other people.

After several people pondered for a while, they said:

"Then let's follow Teacher Zhou's arrangements."

Zhou Yi's scientific research assistants are very clear about the algorithms involved, which company in the world would not covet them.

Especially complex speech recognition technology and complex graphics and text technology.

If there are further breakthroughs, it is likely to trigger a revolution in artificial intelligence.

Seeing their agreement, Zhou Yi said:

"Okay then, you will report to Shuimu University before March 10th. I have already made an agreement with Teacher Qiu.

But one thing is that we in Yuzhou are planning to establish an Institute for Advanced Study. There will then be a Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study University, similar to Hua Science Academy University. You can also choose diplomas from Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study University. "

Zhou Yi gave them a choice. If they want to choose the latter, they can choose it, but there is a high probability that they will not choose the latter.

"Okay, Teacher Zhou."

The two PhD students said immediately.

After handling these matters, Zhou Yi and Xia Xue went to the library together in the next few days, and the results of the Master's Unified Examination came out.

The ten people who finally entered the interview were all those with the highest scores in the preliminary examination.

In the two courses "Mathematical Analysis" and "Advanced Algebra", 3 out of 10 students got perfect scores, and the competition was very fierce.

One of the students with a perfect first degree was a junior college student. He went all the way up to a bachelor's degree and then took the postgraduate entrance examination. This operation directly caused Zhou Yi to feel numb.

That there are such inspiring people should not be underestimated.

But even if he passed the junior college entrance exam all the way, Zhou Yi would not give him more interview points because of these reasons.

This would be unfair to the rest of the students. If you have the ability, you have to fight your way out among so many outstanding students.

Otherwise, they should be eliminated anyway.

After going through a series of reexamination processes,

Zhou Yi asked as usual to the girl in front of him who had passed the college entrance examination:

"What are your plans for the future of mathematics?"

Shen Yiyu said very firmly:

"I will continue to study for a Ph.D. and study mathematics, without any other reason, out of love. As Mr. Qiu said, I will spend my life pursuing the truth, nothing more."

It was quite satisfactory, similar to the answers given by the other people, with no highlights.

The scores obtained were exactly the same as the previous nine people.

In the end, Zhou Yi decided on two undergraduate students to study as graduate students with him, namely Zhang Dugang and Shen Yiyu.

Among them, Zhang Dugang came from Shuimu University, and Shen Yiyu, a girl, had her first degree from a junior college and her second bachelor's degree from a non-mathematics department.

Shen Yiyu, a girl, was killed out of all the famous college students.

The solid foundation made the professors from Chongqing University who participated in the re-examination take a high look.

If Zhou Yi doesn't want her, they even plan to let Shen Yiyu take the exam at Yuzhou University the next year.

Finally, the grand ceremony of the unified examination was completely over. Zhou Yi followed the volunteers from all walks of life to take photos with the teachers and expressed his gratitude. Then he treated the guests to a meal at the hotel at noon to express his gratitude.

The volunteers and participating teachers have been busy for about a month, and Zhou Yi must have something to express.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yi still met with the two master apprentices and said:

"Are you two still in school, or have you graduated?"

Zhang Dugan said:

"I am still in my senior year and will graduate this year, but I have nothing to do next semester. I can do scientific research with Teacher Zhou at any time."

Shen Yiyu's face on the side looked a little ugly, and he said in a somewhat unconfident tone:

"Teacher Zhou Zhou, I still have to write my graduation thesis. I may not be able to report to Shuimu University until I finish my undergraduate defense in May."

Zhouyi said:

"Well, it's okay. Your basics are enough. It doesn't matter if you stay for two months at night. I will send you the books you should read in advance.

Write your undergraduate thesis well. You can also refer to my undergraduate thesis.

As for Zhang Dugan, read the book I sent you first and get started as soon as possible. "

After Zhou Yi finished speaking, he left.

It’s really tiring to lead an apprentice.

Damn mission four, I don’t know when it will be completed.

After Zhou Yijian finished handling various matters in Yuzhou, he said goodbye to Xia Xue and people from all walks of life in Yuzhou.

Before leaving, Principal Zhang said to Zhou Yi at the airport:

"The address of Yuzhou Institute of Advanced Studies has been selected."

Zhouyi said:

"Oh? Where did you choose the address?"

Principal Zhang said:

"Keep it secret. I'll tell you when the time comes."

Zhou Yi said speechlessly:

"It's still so mysterious."

Principal Zhang said:

"The Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study and the Yuzhou Institute for Advanced Study will cover a large area, and the facilities and equipment will be the most advanced. It may take 2-3 years to be completely completed."

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"Okay, I came back around that time and just put it into use."

Not long after, as the plane took off, Principal Zhang also sighed and murmured:

"I hope the Institute for Advanced Study can be successfully brought up by Zhou Yi. By then, it will change the pattern of universities in Daxia."

As the plane landed, Zhou Yi arrived at Shuimu University safely.

Zhou Yi’s office is right next door to where he was when he was a graduate student.

Just when Zhou Yi put down his salute, Qiu Chengtong's phone call came.

"Hello Zhou Yi? I'm Qiu Chengtong."

A strong voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

Zhou Yi picked up the phone and said:

"It's me, Teacher Qiu."

"Well, Shuimu University has arranged an undergraduate teaching subject for you, which is advanced algebra. Originally, I didn't want you to take this course, because learning well and teaching well are two different things, but considering your mathematics competition I won the national championship and found out that you had taken classes at an educational institution, so I arranged a class for you."

Qiu Chengtong said.

"Uh, okay."

Zhou Yi said helplessly, there is no way, it seems that university professors have to attend classes.

In the next few days, while studying Goldbach's conjecture, Zhou Yi asked the newly recruited Ph.D.s and postdocs to study Zhou's geometry.

Especially Zheng Keyu, if he wants to go in the direction of pure numbers, he must be proficient in Zhou's analytic method and Zhou's complex analytic method in order to go further.

The two master's students, at their current level, still cannot understand the basics of Zhou's geometry, so they can only look at functional analysis first.

As for the people at Jun Gong, they seemed to have forgotten Zhou Yi and had not contacted him. This made Zhou Yi very embarrassed.

The application task is only one-third complete.

Fortunately, the system is more user-friendly and allows Zhou Yi to submit it first.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 30,000 math experience, 10,000 physics experience, 30,000 chemistry experience, and 8,000 materials science experience. Three draws and 500 points."

Zhou Yi directly opened the character attribute panel.

[Host: Zhouyi.

Mathematics: LV5, 10W/30W; (Mathematics level reaches LV5, why not get some applications? You will find that the whole world is yours!)

Physics: LV2, 1.05W/2W;

Geodynamics: LV0, 500/1000;

Chemistry: LV3, 1W/5W;

Materials Science: LV4, 4W/10W;

Atmospheric Science: LV1, 0/5000;

Marine Science: LV1, 0/5000;

Informatics: LV2, 5100/20000;

Artificial intelligence: LV2, 7400/20000; (The fourth technological revolution, is it artificial intelligence or energy? How about you upgrade to the extreme to feel it?)

Points: 6140, enhanced version of Focus Capsule*20, a chance to realize the initial inspiration, eye protection liquid*1, health potion*1. Lucky draw chance*8. 】

Zhou Yi still decided to save up and not draw the lottery.

The days that followed were very peaceful, studying Gecai, mentoring apprentices, and giving lectures.

Zhou Yi was writing and drawing on scrap paper in the office. Looking at the pieces of scrap paper, Zhou Yi was very satisfied and was about to prove it.

In as little as three days and as long as a week, Zhou Yi will hold a press conference.

Then there will be a conference on the proof of Goldbach's conjecture in April.

Just when Zhou Yi was secretly happy, an earthquake hit the mathematical world!

Maynard, the 2022 Fields Medal winner, and Harold Hoofgot, the prover of the weak Goldbach conjecture in 2013, announced at Oxford University,

They proved Goldbach's conjecture and prepared to post the manuscript on arXiv three days later.

This shocked the entire analytic number theory community.

After Qiu Chengtong got the news, he went directly to Zhou Yi's office and gasped:

"Zhou Yi, how far have you reached in your research on Goldbach's conjecture? That young man from Maynard announced that he has proved his conjecture."

Qiu Chengtong and several students of Zhou Yi looked at Zhou Yi.

Zhouyi said:

"It's almost here, about three days. We have reached the final step and sorted out the previous work."

Qiu Chengtong said eagerly:

"Oh, those are Maynard and Harold Hoofgot. Both of them are king-level figures in analytic number theory. Since they claim to have proved it, it is probably true. You are too slow!"

Qiu Chengtong was very anxious.

It is unimaginable for Daxia people to prove the significance of Ge Guai in China.

Someone actually got there first, how could this make Qiu Chengtong not anxious.

At this moment, Zhou Yi's cell phone also rang. It was Dean Miao Lai's call. No need to guess, it was definitely something he wanted to ask his brother about.

This makes people not anxious.

The process arrived at by the two kings of analytic number theory must be flawless.

Zhouyi said:

"Don't worry, what if it's wrong? We haven't even read the paper, and it still needs to be peer-reviewed. I will also send a message announcing that Goldbach's conjecture has been proved. Anyway, some finishing work only takes two or three days. Three days. I will also post the manuscript later.”

Not long after, Zhou Yi updated his Twitter, scientific research assistant and other platforms.

[Coincidentally, I have also proved Goldbach’s conjecture and attached the manuscript to arXiv three days later. 】

With Zhouyi's unremitting promotion and the expansion of the Hundred Schools Alliance, the number of registered users of Scientific Research Assistant has exceeded one million.

The number of members alone has exceeded 100,000, and there are tens of thousands of foreign users.

So the news of Zhouyi spread at an extremely fast speed.

When Zhou Yi finished speaking, he said:

"In the next three days, I will be in seclusion for three days, and my two doctoral students will temporarily help with class matters."

After Zhou Yi finished speaking, he took his computer and returned to his residence regardless of online public opinion or foreign public opinion.

Originally Zhou Yi didn't want to get angry, but in this situation he could only deal with speed.

Maynard and Harold Hoefgot did not put the manuscript up immediately because it was not yet complete and they were still making preparations.

When Maynard learned the news, he said to Harold Hoofgot:

"Hey, man, Mr. Zhou also announced that he has proved Goldbach's conjecture. It seems that we and he are going to collide. This is really unfortunate news. The key is that our proof has not been completely written, and it will take three days to write. Otherwise, I really want to attach the manuscript to arxiv, at least to ensure that we can take the lead when the ideas are consistent."

Harold Hoofgot said:

"We haven't slept these two days to perfect our manuscript. In addition, we will release the manuscript according to the agreed time. This is our only chance to defeat Zhou Yi. We should defeat him head-on, right?"

Maynard said:

"That's right! His talent is so amazing. If it weren't for Zhou's analytical method, we wouldn't be able to win the crown of number theory head-on.

Then we will see if our ideas are the same, or if one of our two papers has errors. If it is really the three of us who come forward at the same time, at least this conjecture will bear the names of the three of us, which is not a loss. "

It has to be said that Zhou Yi gave them a higher sense of urgency than they gave Zhou Yi.

After all, it is the name of the human shadow tree, and that is the mathematical genius Zhou Yi who is rare to see in a hundred years!

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