From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 174 Strategic Significance and First Draft Promotion

Zhou Yi looked at the plump Yuan Zhen and said:

"Biepi, go to your office quickly. I want to see Academician Cao and try to resolve this project as soon as possible."

Yuan Zhen said:

"Hey, I drove the guide's car out, no need to take a taxi, just look at my driving skills."


Not long after, Zhou Yi got into a car with an unknown license plate, and thanks to Yuan Zhen and his poor driving skills, he finally arrived at the campus of Dongda University.

When he arrived at the office, everyone was waiting for him.

The mathematical model of the last power grid is still fresh in their minds, and now the arrival of Zhou Yi will undoubtedly give them a shot in the arm.

Cao Jin said:

"Haha, welcome Professor Zhou, we have been waiting eagerly for your arrival."

Everyone stood up and applauded to welcome Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi was a little embarrassed and said:

"We are all old acquaintances, why are we doing this? I didn't talk much about this on the phone. Pack up the documents, previous mathematical models, and various data for me."

Cao Jin said:

"Okay, I'll ask Lu Zhonghua to make a backup copy for you later, and Yuan Zhen will transfer it to you as his assistant."

Lu Zhonghua said:

"This time our time is not as heavy as last time, so we can take our time."

Cao Jin also said to Zhouyi:

"Have you eaten, Professor Zhou? Can I go and cleanse you first?"

Zhouyi said:

"You're really too polite. No, I'll just go to the cafeteria. Should I go back to the dormitory where I rest first?"

Zhou Yi saw that it would be impossible to give him all the information for a while, so he made this suggestion and let Yuan Zhen carry all the big and small bags.

Cao Jin said:

"Haha, let's go, I'll go with Zhou Shen, let's chat by the way."

Zhou Yi wondered, this old man Cao had something to say to him.

After a while, Zhou Yi and Cao Jin were walking on the road to Dongda University. Yuan Zhen was far away, for fear that his mentor would stare at him.

Cao Jin said:

"Isn't it strange why you are asked to participate in this project first? Wouldn't it be better to do other projects? Or directly follow up on military projects, etc."

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"Indeed, the application form of Hilbert's 18th question has huge applications for military use, information and the transmission of information, etc.

I also asked Teacher Qiu to beat around the bush and ask me to participate in this project. It’s not like Shuimu University didn’t have other projects. Participating in any of them would be a big project, so I didn’t think clearly about it. "

Cao Jin said:

"Fortunately, you participated. This is a long-term strategic goal."

Zhou Yi stopped, found a deserted lawn and sat down, and said:

"There is no one here, Academician Cao can speak out."

Academician Cao said:

"Ordinary people's view is that cars burn oil, and the distance is too long and the fuel cost is not worth it. But once our tram technology matures and can travel thousands of kilometers, the value of this asphalt road will be reflected."

Zhou Yi was confused and said:

"Wait, domestic or foreign?"

Academician Cao showed a meaningful smile and said:

"Yes. By then, our external output capabilities will be greatly improved by trains, trains, trams and other means of transportation, and the cost will also be greatly reduced.

But the premise is to open up transportation. There are one or even several such roads. If you want to get rich, you must first build roads. This is the principle. "

Zhou Yi was surprised and said:

"These chess pieces are played one after another. Road construction is to prepare for the long-distance tram that may come out in the future, or to expand our influence. Otherwise, we will wait until our influence in various aspects is raised before building roads. , I’m afraid many Western media have started to hype it up again.”

Academician Cao glanced at Zhouyi in surprise and said:

"The political consciousness is still very high. That's the reason. It is best to build this road directly to Europe. It is not a big deal to connect the entire Asia. Our idea is to connect Eurasia together, so the life span of the road must be very high. height of."

Zhou Yi glanced at Academician Cao, I am afraid it is not just a tram traveling a long distance.

This layout is simply one link after another, making it impossible to see any plan.

Because tram battery technology is currently a huge problem, planning it so early may fall short.

But if the life of the asphalt road is long enough, with a lifespan of 40 years and low maintenance costs, then it is completely affordable.

Moreover, the transportation routes from Pakistan also need to be maintained and updated. Improving this technology will not only benefit the country, but also have a huge impact on national strategic needs.

In both the short and long term, this project needs to be solved urgently.

Zhou Yi didn't say these words. Now that he's here, he can just do his own thing with peace of mind.

"Okay! But we only cover the content of the mathematics section? We don't have to worry about the physics, chemistry, and materials science involved?"

Academician Cao shook his head and said:

"As far as the current technology is concerned, it is still stuck in mathematics. We don't have to worry about the rest."

Zhou Yi nodded and said tentatively:

"I'm curious about physics and chemistry. Can you get me a copy?"

Academician Cao looked at Zhou Yi with some confusion and said:

"Why are you looking at those? Did you also study materials science?"

Zhouyi said:

"Just taking a look, just out of pure curiosity."

Cao Yuan didn't think much and said:

"I'll go ask you. I should be able to get one, but it's not necessarily true."

After chatting for a while, Zhou Yi, Cao Yuan, and Yuan Zhen came to his room.

"I have discussed with our President Huang and plan to hire you as our lifelong honorary professor at Dongda University, so this teacher's apartment has been specially prepared for you.

It needs to be cleaned, as no one would come to stay here normally. "

Zhou Yi was puzzled and said:

"Professor Emeritus?"

"Well, that's right. Are you willing to come? You don't have to be responsible for teaching or doing any scientific research. You just need to have a name. You can also get a salary."

Academician Cao said.

Zhouyi said:

"Okay, no problem."

You get a free salary, why not take it?

It's just a name.

Many Philippine Prize winners and Nobel Prize winners have done this.

Do you want to make money? It's not shabby. Even if Zhou Yi is worth tens of millions, he won't dislike having a lot of money.

"The annual salary is one million, after tax, not much. This is the maximum salary we can give."

Academician Cao added.

"Well, okay, thank you, Academician Cao."

Zhou Yi nodded, indicating that he knew.

Academician Cao finally said:

"Then Yuan Zhen will stay here to help you."

After saying that, Academician Cao left directly.

Compared with some powerful doctoral students, the salary of one million yuan per year is barely enough. After all, Zhou Yi has many world-class mathematics awards on his head.

Many of BAT's senior algorithm engineers have higher salaries than Zhou Yi.

Not long after, with Yuan Zhen's help, the entire room was cleaned. At this time, all the information Zhou Yi needed was sent over.

Zhouyi said:

"Let's go, put down the materials first, and accompany me to the supermarket to buy some rice, oil, salt and meat."

Yuan Zhen said doubtfully:

"Why don't you eat in the cafeteria?"

Zhouyi said:

"Not used to it."

Yuan Zhen was helpless, there was nothing he could do if the boss wanted to do this.

I had to go to the supermarket with him.

After Zhou Yi bought enough food for ten days, he scanned the code and left.

It’s January 6th, and after ten days, the Chinese New Year will be celebrated in just a few days. Zhou Yi still has to go back to celebrate the New Year.

In fact, Zhou Yi really wanted to go home right now to take care of various New Year matters, but he finally decided to familiarize himself with this project first.

There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

After returning to his room, Zhou Yi simply cooked a meal for two people and said while eating:

"Senior Brother Yuan, do you know anyone with a doctorate in classical geometry? Those who haven't returned yet. They can be students from Dongda University, Jinling University, or doctors from other universities."

Yuan Zhen asked in confusion:

"What's up, Zhou Shen, please don't call me senior brother. Just call me Xiao Yuan. I'm afraid of losing my life. In this world, except for Mr. Qiu, Professor Deligne, and Professor Mirno's disciples, who dare to be your senior brother?

Who dares to be your senior brother, and your senior brothers are just lucky enough to get started first. "


"I am planning to publish a book on Zhoutian geometry as one of the reading materials for doctoral students in mathematics. The main content is almost as follows:

Use some geometric ideas to solve some number theory problems, or do research in the direction of pure geometry. "

Zhou Yi said while eating,

"I have compiled a rough outline. I need a doctor in this field to see if they can understand it and whether it is difficult or easy."

Yuan Zhen was still very confused and said:

"Why not find a doctor from Shuimu University or a doctor from Shangjing University?"

Zhou Yi smiled and said nothing. Yuan Zhen seemed to understand something when he saw Zhou Yi's expression.


As a teaching material, it must be understandable by students of all levels.

A PhD from Shuimu University and a PhD from Shangjing University are definitely more valuable than them, and the feedback they will receive will be different.

What Zhou Shen wants to do is to allow every doctor in this field to get started quickly.

So Zhou Yi wanted to find some doctors with slightly lower levels to take a look.

"Let me contact you. They probably haven't gone back. If we don't study Zhou's geometry quickly, I'm afraid they won't be able to graduate."

Yuan Zhen took a big mouthful of rice and said.

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"Well, it would be best if there are PhDs in classical geometry from all the universities in Jinling. You can contact them all."


Yuan Zhen said.

After finishing the meal and washing the dishes, Zhou Yi called Academician Miao Lai and Yang Min.

Asking them to help contact the doctor studying geometry in Bashu can be regarded as a warm-up.

As for the universities in Beijing, it is difficult to contact them. Universities such as Beijing Normal University and Beijing Normal University, headed by Beijing University, may not buy Zhou Yi's account.

It is very difficult to promote it there.

What Zhou Yi can do now is try to promote it in Jiangsu Province and Bashu, and then change the teaching materials based on feedback.

When Zhou Yi reviewed Zhou's geometry paper, he asked Mudan to write the teaching materials while reviewing the manuscript.

So when we came to Jinling, another purpose was to promote Zhou's basic geometry textbook.

After Yuan Zhen contacted him for a while, he said:

"Actually, you can ask our boss to help take the lead. It may be better than me contacting everyone one by one."

Zhou Yi slapped his forehead, it was indeed the truth.

"I'll call Academician Cao right now."

Not long after, Zhou Yi called.

After Zhou Yi 1510 made his purpose clear, Academician Cao said:

"This is no problem, but Jinling University needs to do some work. After all, we and Jinling University are old enemies. I will inform our senior management and ask them to take the lead in cooperating with you. I think there will be no problem. "

Zhou Yi sighed, he didn't expect you to have such a problem.

"Okay then, thank you, Academician Cao."

Zhou Yi said with great pity.

"Don't worry, it's a small matter, and it's an academic exchange, so it'll be fine."

Academician Cao heard Zhou Yi's sigh and comforted him,

"There will be news in a few days at most."

"Okay. Thank you very much, Academician Cao."

Zhou Yi said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yi sent the first draft to Academicians Miao Lai and Yang Min.

They said that there are no problems in Bashu and Shu, and they will promptly report to Zhou Yi if they have any feedback.

The textbook compiled by Zhou Yi is called "Fundamentals of Zhou's Geometry". It is currently only a first draft and needs to be adjusted based on feedback if it is to be completely perfected.

In fact, it is just this first draft. Zhouyi can also submit tasks to the system. However, in order to better promote Zhou's geometry, Zhouyi

That’s why it’s so troublesome.

What Zhou Yi wanted to do was to promote Zhou's geometry to master's students studying basic mathematics and make this course a research direction for master's students.

After all, Zhou's geometry is very applicable. When the time comes, studying for a Ph.D. may be an application direction, which can be regarded as a way out.

It is also equivalent to cultivating a group of application-oriented high-tech engineers for the country in disguise.

When you have a solid theory and apply it, that kind of picture is beautiful when you think about it.

After finishing the work, Zhou Yi said to Yuan Zhen:

"Brother Yuan, I'm going to rest tonight."

Looking at the information on the table, Zhou Yi prepared to read it alone. Yuan Zhen being here would affect Zhou Yi's concentration.

Yuan Zhen said immediately:

"Okay, I'll leave now. If Zhou Shen needs anything, just call me."


After Yuan Zhen left, Zhou Yi picked up the information in his hand and started to read it.

There are too many factors involved in the improvement of asphalt pavement, and mathematical models alone are too many.

Dynamic response of uneven asphalt pavement under the action of vehicle vibration model, temperature effect model on materials, mechanical model, water storage and penetration model of permeable asphalt pavement,

Structural clustering and evaluation of different road surfaces, indentation accuracy of ruts, deflection accuracy of road surfaces, and many more.

Each problem can require a team to spend a lot of time researching.

If we study the physical issues and chemical materials in detail below,

Zhou Yi was thinking that this might not be something that could be accomplished by one university. It would have to be packaged and distributed to many universities.

But if these issues are taken into consideration, it may bring about a real innovation.

At that time, it may not only extend the life of asphalt roads, but also improve the quality of materials.

Zhou Yi sighed,

"It's such a big project. Isn't this a big project worth hundreds of billions without changing its form?"

While reading, Zhou Yi asked Mu Dan to take notes. Tomorrow he would have to ask Academician Cao and the others about the progress of many model improvements.

It is definitely impossible for Zhou Yi to complete so many tasks by himself.

It's okay to be responsible for a certain direction, or a few directions, but let Zhou Yi take charge of them all. Zhou Yi said that it would be enough to wait a few months.

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