Chapter 8 and Kakashi five or five (for flowers)

That night.

country of wind.

Inside Sand Shinobi Village.

After looking at his current character data,

Yamazaki Mayo couldn’t help but feel more at ease here.


With Yamazaki Mayo’s Jōnin-level strength at this time,

In addition to various secret techniques,

Even meeting Hatake Kakashi,

That kind of Elite Jōnin level ninja is also capable of fighting.


I can’t say that Yamazaki Mayo still has some chances here,

Have a 55 with Hatake Kakashi, the Elite Jōnin.

Under such circumstances,

Yamazaki Mayo consciously,

As long as this time in the joint Chūnin exam,

As long as there are no special circumstances,

There should be nothing that could threaten his life.

After having this idea,

Yamazaki Mayo returned to his home unhurriedly,

It was as if he didn’t notice the Anbu ninja who was spying on him.

During the next three days,

Yamazaki Mayo lived a very peaceful life here.

He just eats and drinks every day,

Occasionally practice taijutsu and ninjutsu,

Prepare for the upcoming joint Chūnin exam with ease.

Compared to Yamazaki Mayo’s easy preparation,

Sand Shinobi Village started to be held in full swing in the village,

Two full days of tryouts for the elite Genin squad.

In accordance with Fourth Kazekage Luosha’s request,

This time Sand Shinobi Village will send a total of four Genin teams,

On behalf of Sand Shinobi Village to the Land of Fire,

Participated in this joint Chūnin exam hosted by Konoha Village.


Yamazaki Mayo and Gaara and Temari three of them,

This team was formed by Fourth Kazekage Luo Xia,

Naturally, there is no need to participate in the spontaneous open audition competition in Sand Shinobi Village.

As for the remaining three Genin teams,

That is naturally the Genin team that is about to graduate in the past two years,

It was a fair and open ring selection.


After two consecutive days of trials,

Sand Shinobi Village has finally selected three other elite Genin teams.

The three selected elite Genin teams,

They are two Genin teams from family ninjas,

A Genin squad from civilian ninjas.


It consists of three people, Yamazaki Mayo, Gaara and Temari.

The Genin squads belonging to the Kazekage faction consist of four squads in total.

In this way, a total of twelve representatives from Sand Shinobi Village,

The candidates for the Chūnin exam held by Konoha this time have gathered.


Sand Shinobi Village Jōnin, who presides over this,

Then the report of these four elite Genin squads,

After informing the Fourth Kazekage of Luo Sha’s final ruling,

Even if all preparations are completely settled.

Don’t make people wait too long,

Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha glanced over a little,

After the list of contestants submitted by Jōnin in the village,

It is very refreshing to agree.

The whole process is so fast,

Surprisingly smooth,

It’s as if Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha doesn’t care much at all,

Who is going to participate this time?

It’s like the joint Chūnin exam organized by Konoha Village.

To know,

In previous years, this kind of thing happened in the village,

The forces of the major clan factions in it all have to wrestle for a while.

after all,

Like this kind of representative Sand Shinobi Village going abroad to other ninja villages,

Take this arms race-like joint Chūnin exam,

The people who go there need to go through a certain amount of negotiation and ruling.

But it doesn’t have to be powerful.


This incident also involved Sand Shinobi’s international image and face,

As well as the subsequent resource allocation and inclination within the village, it is really not sloppy.

It is precisely because of this,

This time Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha agreed so happily,

After they submitted the entries here,

This made everyone ready to meet Luo Sha early in the morning,

The family representatives who had been wrangling for a while were somewhat unclear.


Representatives of some family forces feel that,

Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha is already dismissed,

Its original centralized style has always been pursued,

I plan to make concessions and negotiate with them.

In such a strange atmosphere,

This time I participated in Konoha Village on behalf of Sand Shinobi Village,

The list of participants for the joint Chūnin exam was thus determined.


Yamazaki Mayo and the others just have to wait another day,

Then the team was led by Elite Jōnin Baki in the village,

Go to Konoha Village, the Land of Fire, to take this joint Chūnin exam.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………


Newcomers and new books are just the time when everyone’s attention and love are needed, so everyone, flowers, collections, evaluation tickets, etc., all go! ! ! *

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