Chapter 60 The Time Controller (for the first order)

is the day.

Fire country.

Inside Konoha Village.

in the forest of death.

Thoughts of Uzumaki phoenix hiding in the distance,

Yakushi Kabuto is not known here,

I just feel that Yamazaki Mayo underestimates himself too much.

Looking at the opposite Yamazaki Mayo with a slight anger,

Yakushi Kabuto suppressed the anger in his heart,

Then, for the first time, with an unprecedented cold tone,

In a cold voice, he said to Yamazaki Mayo, who was facing him:

“Lord Mayo, are you sure you’re not kidding me?”

“You’re sure you’re going to stand still for two minutes,

Then let me use any means I want to attack?”


Looking at Yakushi Kabuto with an ugly face,

The corners of Yamazaki Mayo’s lips couldn’t help but set off a confident arc,

Even if he didn’t care at all, he said softly to him:

Yakushi” Kabuto,

In the next two minutes,

As long as you can cause me once,

Even if it is a slightly effective attack,

Then this time the bet between you and me is considered to be a win for you!”

Once again confirmed in Yamazaki Mayo’s words,

After I didn’t mean to fool myself on purpose,

Yakushi Kabuto clenched his fists violently,

For the first time, I felt a strong sense of humiliation.


Yakushi Kabuto feels,

I am not a genius,

There is no such powerful gift as those so-called geniuses possess.


This does not mean that,

His Yakushi Kabuto can be looked down upon at will.

to be honest,

so far,

Yakushi Kabuto is really the first time,

By Yamazaki Mayo such a comparison since “420 his actual age,

Even a guy who is a few years younger is so blatantly underestimated,

It really made Yakushi Kabuto have a long-lost competitive spirit.

That’s right,

This guy Yamazaki Mayo is indeed Sand Shinobi’s first talent,

A body comparable to Jōnin’s strength is also very powerful.


He Yakushi Kabuto is not weak either,

With the teachings of Orochimaru, one of the “Konoha Sannin”,

He now has a Jōnin-level formidable strength.


In the entire ninja world,

The strength of the Jōnin level is only the mid-level level,



In this joint Chūnin exam,

He Yakushi Kabuto is also in addition to Yamazaki Mayo,

There are very few candidates with real Jōnin-level strength!

Say it bluntly,

He Yakushi Kabuto is on the same level as Yamazaki Mayo!

Under such circumstances,

Why does this guy Yamazaki Mayo look down on him so much!

He even uttered wild words,

What else did he say stand still and let him attack at will,

Such a maddening act must be too contempt for people!

To know,

Facing him with Jōnin-level strength,

Even Orochimaru, a Kage-level powerhouse,

Don’t dare to say whether he dares to fight back and let him attack at will!

Yamazaki Mayo this guy,

But it’s just a little bit of talent,

How dare you say such wild words in front of him,

It really feels great!


He just wants to use practical actions,

Come teach this guy Yamazaki Mayo a lesson,

let him know,

In fact, those so-called geniuses in people’s mouths,

It’s just a normal ninja with a little more power,

They are not completely invincible existences!!!

With this thought in mind,

Yakushi Kabuto’s face turned solemn,

Then he said to Yamazaki Mayo who was facing him in a cold tone:

“Lord Mayo,

Since you said so,

Then of course I have no opinion here!”

“I only wish Lord Mayo,

You can after I win the bet,

I can still remember the promise I made earlier,

Stop embarrassing me, let me get out of here safely. ”

hear this,

Yamazaki Mayo nodded lightly,

Then, with a serious look on his face, he said softly to Yakushi Kabuto:

“Yakushi Kabuto, you can rest assured!”

“As long as you can really win me,

Then I will naturally honor my previous promise. ”

Yamazaki Mayo is telling the truth,

If Yakushi Kabuto can really win him,

He did put Yakushi Kabuto,

The best heir to this Orochimaru estate left.

after all,

There are many more in Yamazaki Mayo’s mission system,

What about the follow-up advanced quests for this guy Yakushi Kabuto!

If he killed Yakushi Kabuto at this time,

Those rich mission rewards in the future,

He just can’t get it here anymore!


Like Yakushi Kabuto and Orochimaru,

The two of them have such excellent leeks,

Yamazaki Mayo naturally needs to be recycled.

after all,

Compared with the one-time catch-all approach,

Yamazaki Mayo always felt that,

Non-vegetables still have to be harvested one by one,

Only then can the benefits be maximized!

It is precisely because of this,

Yamazaki Mayo took so much effort to lay out,

And then entangled with this guy Yakushi Kabuto for so long,

The purpose is to subdue Yakushi Kabuto,

Let him be his second apostle.

As such,

Yamazaki Mayo is equivalent to,

An eyeliner was placed beside Orochimaru in advance,

Every move of Orochimaru in the future,

will not be able to escape the gaze of Yamazaki Mayo,

It is also convenient for him here,

Go and cut the non-vegetables of the two of them anytime, anywhere!


Yamazaki Mayo wants to make Yakushi Kabuto this guy,

willingly became his apostle, for his urging,

The actual operation of this is very difficult,

But it’s really low.

after all,

The necessary conditions for the success of this apostolic covenant,

It just needs the willingness of the contract signer.

It is precisely because of this,

Yamazaki Mayo had to think of a way,

Let Yakushi Kabuto convince him first,

And then voluntarily put himself under his command.

To know,

As one of the most valued talents by Orochimaru,

Yakushi Kabuto’s loyalty to Orochimaru,

Absolutely true.


Unlike other Orochimaru followers, Yakushi Kabuto,

Yakushi Kabuto here also worships Orochimaru,

One of the powerful and charismatic Sannin,

However, he also retains his own thoughts here,

Not like Kaguya Kimimaro and the others,

Only know blind obedience to Orochimaru,

It was as if he had been brainwashed.


Yakushi Kabuto worships Orochimaru,

In addition to Orochimaru’s own charisma and scientific talent,

At the same time, it is more for Orochimaru this,

One of the former “Konoha Sannin” who was once famous in the ninja world,

With a powerful strength that surpasses ordinary Kage-level and learned all ninjutsu,

And the sincere admiration and awe for the lofty goal of pursuing immortality.

after all,

If Orochimaru’s strength is not enough,

Or if he is not a ninja himself,

Relying solely on personal charm and scientific research level,

But he couldn’t make Yakushi worship him as much as he does now.

at this point,

From Yakushi Kabuto for the same as Orochimaru,

Also a mad scientist,

Also keen on human experiments,

And the same cold-blooded ruthlessness,

The strong scientific madman knows,

But it is not so obvious that it can be clearly seen.

after all,

In this ninja world where the strong are respected,

worship the strong,

It is the nature of weak people to do so.

It is precisely because I understand this,

Yamazaki Mayo then proposed a Yakushi Kabuto bet,

The purpose is to let Yakushi Kabuto see,

His overwhelming strength,

and a powerful talent that even Orochimaru cannot match,

And the infinitely possible future he has.

Yamazaki Mayo believes that,

With the vision and insight of Yakushi Kabuto,

Just after seeing this in him,

In addition to the previous bet,

He should have a greater possibility here,

The income of Yakushi Kabuto to the commander.

With this thought in mind,

Yamazaki Mayo couldn’t help looking at the opposite side,

trying to recover from his injuries,

Yakushi Kabuto, who adjusts his state at the same time,

Then he said softly to him:

“Yakushi Kabuto, how is it now?”

“With your achievements in medical ninjutsu at this time,

After a period of rest,

At this point, the state should be almost restored, right?”

Yakushi Kabuto is a very powerful medical ninja,

Its medical level is strong, far exceeding the vast majority of medical ninjas,

Second only to Tsunade, the medical master in the famous “Konoha Sannin” in the ninja world.

It is because of knowing this,

Yamazaki Mayo deliberately gave Yakushi Kabuto some time,

The purpose is for Yakushi Kabuto to use to recover from his injuries and Chakra.

after all,

Only Yakushi Kabuto in its heyday,

This is how Yakushi can make Kabuto really convince him,

Willingly be his second apostle for his drive not..

“I really didn’t expect…”

Looking at Yamazaki Mayo opposite,

Yakushi Kabuto narrowed his eyes slightly,

Then he said softly and tentatively:

Lord Mayo, your news is so well-informed,

Even, I know such little things as medical ninjutsu. ”

“No surprise.”

Glancing at Yakushi Kabuto, whose face was a little dignified,

The corners of Yamazaki Mayo’s lips twitched slightly,

Then even with a confident face, he said softly:

“It’s just what I see,

those about your future inside,

It’s the most insignificant piece of information I’ve ever gotten!”

“The future?”

I repeated it softly to myself,

The word repeated in Yamazaki Mayo’s discourse,

Yakushi Kabuto’s brows furrowed imperceptibly.

to be honest,

Yakushi Kabuto always feels,

Yamazaki Mayo seems to have something to say,

And he seemed to ignore some crucial information.

While Yakushi Kabuto was thinking about this,

Yamazaki Mayo on the other side raised his eyebrows slightly.

Immediately, he interrupted his thoughts by speaking directly, and said in a deep voice:

“All right,

Yakushi Kabuto,

Now that you’ve almost recovered,

Then don’t waste my time anymore,

Let’s start right now!”

“It’s really in a hurry!”

After taking back his scattered thoughts,

The expression on Yakushi Kabuto’s face gradually became serious,

Immediately, he opened his mouth in a deep voice and said to Yamazaki Mayo, who was facing him:

“Looks like Mayo-sama next,

There really is something important to do!”

Having said that,

Yakushi Kabuto paused involuntarily,

After subconsciously pushing the glasses on the bridge of the nose,

Only then did he stare at Yamazaki Mayo opposite him,

Then he said in a deep voice:

“In this case,

Then I will not waste your time, Lord Mayo,

We’ll make a quick decision right now!”

After the voice fell,

Yakushi Kabuto suddenly jumped backwards,

people in mid-air,

Yakushi and Kabuto immediately moved his hands together,

Abruptly brought up layers of phantoms.

next moment,

Is seeing Yakushi Kabuto as fast as lightning,

Put all the darts, kunai and senbon on the body,

Almost all throwing ninja tools are quickly taken away,

Then he threw it hard at the opposite Yamazaki Mayo.


More than a dozen of them have been activated at the end of the handle,

And Kunai of the powerful detonator that started to burn.




In the sound of breaking the air one after another,

4.5 A large number of kunai and senbon and throwing tools such as darts,

Just like raindrops, it shot towards Yamazaki Mayo opposite.

Looking at the oncoming attacks of many hidden weapons,

Yamazaki Mayo shook his head slightly disappointed,

Even if he stood there with his arms folded,

Let all attacks come to you.

almost in the blink of an eye,

A large torrent of hidden weapons such as Kunai and Senbon,

That is to directly drown Yamazaki Mayo in it.

at the same time,

Dozens of sheets are tied to suffering without end,

The detonator that had been ignited in advance,

At this moment, it exploded one after another directly.




As one after another detonating talisman continued to explode,

A large number of firelights immediately lit up one after another,

The strong impact air waves continued to spread in all directions,

Just like a volcanic eruption.

just for a moment,

The fiery air wave is all around,

A small patch of woods closest to the blast center was flattened,

Even the distant trees were affected by the powerful shock wave that spread,

They were immediately cut off by the middle, and the pieces of wood and rocks were scattered.


Even Yakushi Kabuto himself who attacked from a distance,

At this time, they were also sent far away by this powerful shock wave.

ask for flowers,


Newcomers and new books are exactly the time when everyone’s attention and love are needed, so everyone, flowers, collections, evaluation tickets, etc., let’s all go!!!.

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