Chapter 57 Yakushi Kabuto this: I’m good at it! (Please order first)

is the day.

Fire country.

Inside Konoha Village.

in the forest of death.

Looking at Yamazaki Mayo falling from the sky in front of me,

A wry smile appeared on Yakushi Kabuto’s face.

Although he knew early on that Yamazaki Mayo was strong,

There are many kinds of ninjutsu and secret arts, too many to list.


Yakushi Kabuto did not expect,

This guy Yamazaki Mayo can even know the secret art of flying.

To know,

Even looking at the entire ninja world,

There are also very few ninjas who can use flying ninjutsu or secret arts.


The most famous are the characters,

It’s two days when Iwagakure’s Third Tsuchikage called Ohnogi.

It is also by virtue of this one-handed flying secret technique and dust-skill, which is the ultimate ninja world,

Third Tsuchikage Onogi was considered to be the strongest of the current Five Shadows for two days.


It is such a treasured flight secret,

Yamazaki Mayo this guy actually can!

How can this not shock Yakushi Kabuto!

after all,

This is a secret technique that even the Orochimaru-sama whom he admires the most cannot know!

Just when Yakushi Kabuto was shocked,

Yamazaki Mayo on the other side was a little dissatisfied.

Quickly putting aside the shy Uzumaki,

Yamazaki Mayo then said to Yakushi Kabuto condescendingly:

“What’s the matter, Yakushi Kabuto, you don’t seem very happy to see me?”

“Lord Mayo, you are joking.”

Seeing that Yamazaki Mayo’s face was a little ugly,

Yakushi Kabuto’s heart suddenly lit up,

Then he whispered to Yamazaki Mayo with a slight smile:

“I was just taken aback by the way you appeared, Lord Mayo.


those flattering words,

You’d better say less. ”

For Yakushi these Kabuto flattery words,

Yamazaki Mayo is already immune here,

When even going straight to the subject, he said softly to him:

Yakushi “Kabuto, I just ask you, would you like to be my apostle?”

hear this,

Yakushi Kabuto couldn’t help but be slightly taken aback

Immediately, he asked Yamazaki Mayo tentatively in a soft voice:

“I dare to ask Lord Mayo, what is this “Apostle” you speak of?”

Yamazaki Mayo said,

He just glanced at Yakushi Kabuto on the opposite side, and said softly:

“It’s very simple, just join my command and do things for me.

After listening to Yamazaki Mayo’s explanation,

Yakushi Kabuto’s eyes jumped subconsciously.

Yamazaki Mayo is the ninja of Sand Shinobi Village,

And he is ostensibly the ninja of Konoha Village,

What does Yamazaki Mayo mean by suddenly wooing him?

Want to take this opportunity to place a Sand Shinobi Village spy in Konoha Village?


someone else does this,

Yakushi Kabuto also feels quite normal.


Yamazaki Mayo does this kind of thing,

That leaves Yakushi a little bit Kabuto confused.

after all,

Yamazaki Mayo is not Sand Shinobi Village,

The leader or high-level person who is specially responsible for managing intelligence,

How could he be recruited to spy on Konoha Village?


His apparent identity is nothing but a Genin,

And what kind of classified information about Konoha Village can be obtained?

no matter how you think,

Yakushi Kabuto all feel,

Yamazaki Mayo’s real purpose should not be this.


Since Yamazaki Mayo has asked this now,

Then Yakushi Kabuto naturally did not dare to refute him face to face.


For Yakushi Kabuto, who has been a double agent for several times,

This request from Yamazaki Mayo is exactly what he is good at!

Under such circumstances,

He can take this opportunity to be a double agent here.


Then slowly gain the trust of Yamazaki Mayo,

Then he obtained some information he wanted from Yamazaki Mayo.

thinking about this,

A smile appeared on Yakushi Kabuto’s face,

When even said to Yamazaki Mayo in a very sincere tone:

“It’s my honor to be an apostle and serve Mayo-sama~”!”

“very good!

Looking at the smiling Yakushi Kabuto across from him,

Yamazaki Mayo nodded lightly and said softly:

“Then, next, it’s time for you to show your loyalty.

After the voice fell,

Yamazaki Mayo’s figure suddenly flickered,

Immediately, he appeared directly in front of Yakushi Kabuto.

Seeing Yamazaki Mayo suddenly disappear from his eyes,

Yakushi Kabuto suddenly felt a chill in his heart,

Guess whether Yamazaki Mayo is going to do it himself.


Yakushi Kabuto immediately denied his speculation,

I feel that my guess is somewhat wrong.

after all,

After all,

There is also no conflict between him and Yamazaki Mayo.

So that the two sides have to fight to the extent of seeing each other for life.


He has not rejected Yamazaki Mayo’s solicitation before,

Logically speaking,

Yamazaki Mayo shouldn’t have killed him either.

Recalling what Yamazaki Mayo said before,

Yakushi Kabuto to be sure,

Yamazaki Mayo should be testing him this time.

After having this idea,

Yakushi Kabuto simply closed his eyes,

He will use his own actions to win the trust of Yamazaki Mayo.

Just as Yakushi Kabuto was thinking about this,

Yamazaki Mayo has already appeared in front of Yakushi Kabuto.

looks very interesting,

Yakushi Kabuto with no intention of rebelling against himself,

A look of satisfaction appeared on Yamazaki Mayo’s face.

next moment,

When I saw Yamazaki Mayo stretch out his right hand,

Then he pointed to Yakushi Kabuto on the opposite side.

just for a moment,

Yamazaki Mayo’s index finger is already on Yakushi Kabuto’s eyebrow.

at the same time,

A chakra immediately gushed out of his body,

Then it was introduced into the body of Yakushi Kabuto on the opposite side.

next moment,

Just above the eyebrows of Yakushi Kabuto,

Suddenly a golden hexagram symbol appeared.


in the next breath,

But seeing the golden six-pointed star symbol suddenly collapsed.

see this scene,

A sneer appeared on Yamazaki Mayo’s face,

Immediately, Yakushi Kabuto opened his mouth in a cold voice and said with his eyes closed in front of him:



If some people don’t teach him some lessons,

He won’t do things for you sincerely!”

hear this,

Yakushi Kabuto, who had his eyes closed, opened his eyes involuntarily.

Looking at the opposite Yamazaki Mayo with a little doubt,

Yakushi Kabuto involuntarily asked softly and tentatively:

“Lord Mayo, what do you mean by these words?

“It’s simple.”

Looking at Yakushi Kabuto, who was still pretending to be stupid,

The sneer on Yamazaki Mayo’s face suddenly became even worse, and he said coldly:

“My apostle contract requires the willingness of the subject to perform the spell successfully,

However, just now, when I performed the spell on you, it failed directly…

Yakushi Kabuto, you are so smart, tell me, what do you say this proves?”

After listening to Yamazaki Mayo’s remarks,

The expression on Yakushi Kabuto’s face could not help but change.

to be honest,

He did not expect,

Yamazaki Mayo actually has this kind of secret technique in his hands,

In this way, it is impossible for him to deceive Yamazaki Mayo!

Just as Yakushi Kabuto was thinking about this,

Yamazaki Mayo on the other side was already impatient.

Looking coldly at Yakushi Kabuto opposite,

A cold smile suddenly appeared on Yamazaki Mayo’s face:

“It seems that,

Do not come up with some means today,

You won’t really surrender to me!”

Having said that,

Yamazaki Mayo paused involuntarily,

After glancing at Yakushi, whose face was a little ugly,

Then he continued to speak coldly:


fair enough,

I happen to have a new technique in my hand,

Need to use a person as experimental material,

Now I suddenly have Yakushi Kabuto and you are a good candidate!

“Then, let’s let you experience its power for yourself!”

Hear Yamazaki Mayo say this,

Yakushi Kabuto’s heart sank suddenly,

Then the whole person subconsciously flashed behind him.

For this move by Yakushi Kabuto,

Yamazaki Mayo didn’t care at all.


Looking at Yakushi Kabuto, who was in a defensive stance,

Yamazaki Mayo couldn’t help but slightly tickled the corner of his mouth,

Then he said to him in a cold voice:

“Yakushi Kabuto,

Do you think,

With your little strength,

Will you be able to compete with me?”

“If that’s the case, then you are too arrogant!

After the voice fell,

Yamazaki Mayo stretched out his right hand,

The index and middle fingers are brought together,

Just one point to the opposite Yakushi Kabuto,

The Chakra in his body surged out, and then he shouted coldly:

“Fang Wai, set the foundation!”

As Yamazaki Mayo’s voice fell,

Immediately, I saw Yakushi Kabuto as the center,

A blue square border instantly appeared on the ground,

He directly surrounded Yakushi Kabuto, who was holding a kunai in a defensive stance.

Seeing my own feet,

Inexplicably, the square box suddenly appeared,

Yakushi Kabuto’s face suddenly changed involuntarily,

There was an unprecedented strong warning sign in my heart.

without any hesitation,

Yakushi Kabuto just threw away the Kunai,

Then, the hands quickly formed the seal and began to perform the Body Replacement Technique. (whoops)

Just when Yakushi Kabuto performed the Body Replacement Technique here,

Yamazaki Mayo on the other side pulled his two fingers up and shouted coldly:


As Yamazaki Mayo’s voice fell,

It was when I saw the square frame on the ground suddenly flashing light.

at the same time,

Four light blue light curtains rise from the square frame,

next moment,

Just seeing these four light blue light curtains,

Immediately it started to close quickly.


Just as the light blue light curtains on all sides were about to close,

Yakushi Kabuto, who was in it, finally successfully displayed the Body Replacement Technique.


A puff of smoke burst out,

Yakushi Kabuto’s body instantly turned into a waist-thick piece of wood,

Appeared in his original location, replacing the location of his body.

Right at this moment,

The four light blue light curtains also closed at the same time,

Then a translucent light blue cube with a height of two meters was formed,

After applying the Body Replacement Technique directly to Yakushi Kabuto,

The wood left in place was sealed in it.

at the same time,

Yamazaki Mayo’s icy voice came from a distance:


. ask for flowers,



Newcomers and new books are exactly the time when everyone’s attention and love are needed, so everyone, flowers, collections, evaluation tickets, etc., let’s all go!!!.

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