Chapter 98 Double Lotus Cang Fire Pendant (Subscribe)

is the day.

Fire country.

Inside Konoha Village.

in the forest of death.

Right here at Yamazaki Mayo,

When I secretly feel my power,

Orochimaru and Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura on the other side,

The three of them couldn’t help but begin to doubt their lives.

For Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura,

For their two Yamazaki Mayo peers,

They are unimaginable,

How can this guy Yamazaki Mayo be so strong,

It was as if they were not in the same dimension.


Let alone Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura,

Even Orochimaru was shocked at this time,

Yamazaki Mayo actually still has such a powerful Sage Mode.

As a descendant of Ryūchi Cave,

Orochimaru once naturally is also trying,

Four or five “Zero” practiced Ryūchi Cave’s Snake Sage Mode.


What Orochimaru did not expect was,

To him, who has an excellent talent for ninjutsu training,

But I don’t know anything about the practice of Sage Mode,

In the end had to fail.


After seeing the power of Sage Mode,

Orochimaru is still unwilling to give up,

A powerful secret technique like Sage Mode.


After several twists and turns,

He finally found out,

A heaven and earth mantra that can use natural energy.

be able to do this,

Orochimaru originally thought that he,

It’s also quite talented.


When meeting Yamazaki Mayo this,

The younger generation, who is only 10 years old, actually,

After mastering a Sage Mode,

Orochimaru couldn’t help but doubt his own talent again,

In front of a true genius like Yamazaki Mayo,

What should be the correct position of oneself,

Stupid or mediocrity?

Just when Orochimaru fell into self-doubt,

Yamazaki Mayo on the other side is already,

Completely adapted to his own three-jueden demeanor,

The surge of power brought by the first awakening is gone.

The golden eyes instantly locked on Orochimaru not far away,

Yamazaki Mayo immediately raised the corner of his mouth,

Then he spoke softly to Orochimaru, condescendingly:

“Sir Orochimaru,

Let me show you my strongest form today!”

Hear Yamazaki Mayo say this,

Orochimaru just looked at it and came back to his senses,

When even with a smile on his face, Yamazaki Mayo said:


I suddenly and suddenly before you

The one that said about how to say to the mortal body,

And then became interested in the transaction of the immortal..

I wonder if we can talk again now?”

“of course!”

Facing Orochimaru’s proposal,

The corners of Yamazaki Mayo’s lips lifted slightly,

Then he said softly to him with a smile on his face:


want to complete this deal with me,

But I still need Orochimaru-sama to show your abilities!

“Show competence?”

Hearing this, Orochimaru raised his brows slightly,

Then he looked at Yamazaki Mayo opposite with a serious look,

Then he asked softly:

“Aah, I don’t know Mayo-kun, how do you want me to show my abilities?”

“It’s so easy!”

After listening to Orochimaru’s question,

Yamazaki Mayo couldn’t help but slightly tickled the corner of his mouth,

Then, with a smile on his face, he said softly to Orochimaru, who was facing him:

“As long as you, Orochimaru-sama,

If I can survive my next blow,

Then, of course, I will take the initiative to find you Orochimaru-sama to complete the transaction. ”

Having said that,

Yamazaki Mayo paused involuntarily,

Even then, without giving Orochimaru a chance to speak back,

Directly stretched out his right hand and aimed at Orochimaru not far away,

Then he began to chant the mantra in a cadence:

“-kun comer!

mask of flesh,

Vientiane, fluttering wings…

O whoever takes the name of mankind!

Carved double lotuses on the wall of fire,

In the far-off firmament waiting for the abyss of fire…

this moment,

Yamazaki Mayo’s grand chant,

as if it were the chanting of the gods,

Descending from the sky through the layers of heavenly lakes,

It gives people a solemn and sacred yet slightly scary feeling.

at the same time,

light blue flames,

began to gather in the palm of Yamazaki Mayo’s right hand,

form a fireball shaped like a lotus flower,

The scorching heat spreads in all directions,

The two of them, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura who were surprised,

I couldn’t help but retreat to a farther place,

see this scene,

As the one to be attacked by Yamazaki Mayo,

The subject’s Orochimaru’s face suddenly changed wildly,

I just feel like I’m going to be in trouble at this moment,

Suddenly, involuntarily appeared in my mind,

The situation where Yamazaki Mayo used six lights to bind him.


With Orochimaru’s eyesight and insight,

discovered almost immediately,

The art that Yamazaki Mayo will perform this time,

Giving is very similar to the previous six light prisons,

It may even be aggressive!


The current Yamazaki Mayo is still in a kind of,

Similar to the peculiar state of Sage Mode,

The strength of a body is at least twice as high as before,

so that the power of this technique is so great,

Absolutely reached the s-level, which can be called the level of Forbidden Technique.

Under such circumstances,

If the frontal attack of this art cannot be avoided,

Even with the mighty power of Orochimaru Kage-level,

I dare not say that I am sure I will survive.

After having this idea,

When Orochimaru even started to mobilize the

The Chakra in his body was sealed by the imprisoning power of the six light prisons,

4.5 wanted to get away before Yamazaki Mayo’s attack really came.


Still waiting for Orochimaru’s action here,

What really effective progress has been made,

Yamazaki Mayo, who has finished singing on the other side,

It was as if the supreme god who looked down upon the common people gave divine punishment,

Condescendingly towards the location of Orochimaru, I pointed directly,

Its magnificent voice resounded between heaven and earth in an instant:

“The Seventy-Three of Hadō: Double Lotus Cang Fire Pendant!”

Ask for flowers.


Newcomers and new books are exactly the time when everyone’s attention and love are needed, so everyone, flowers, collections, evaluation tickets, etc., let’s all go!!!.

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