It was too late, it was fast, Ye Shen first a “Teleportation Technique”, swept away the [Earth Battle Sword], and then another “Teleportation Technique”, came to the sky, but the whole process was not even a second.

Even, until this time, the NPCs and players in the auction hall had not reacted.

However, Ye Shen didn’t care about those people’s reactions.

Although the [Earth Battle Sword] has arrived, he will not miss the treasures in the treasure tower.

Under Teleportation, Ye Shen’s speed was faster than lightning. It was just a movement in his heart, and in the next moment, his body was already blocked in front of that blood-colored rainbow light.

However, under this look, Ye Shen was instantly stunned.

Because the thing in the red rainbow light was exactly the same as the “Divine Blood Crystal” he had seen before.

“Is it really a magical blood crystal? Wouldn’t be so lucky. ”

Ye Shen stretched out his hand, accurately grasped the thing in the red rainbow light, and just glanced at it, Ye Shen’s body was already shaking, and he gasped for air.

“Hey, it’s really a magical blood crystal?”

[Divine Blood Crystal: Super Fire Collection…]

The specific attributes, Ye Shen did not look at it again, but quickly put away the “Divine Power Blood Crystal”, and then cast the “Teleportation Technique” again, blocking towards another blood-colored rainbow light in the distance.

At this time, it is natural to grab the treasure as much as possible, as for the treasure attribute, then you can wait for the treasure to be caught, and then study.

In a flash of thought, Ye Shen had already grasped the treasure in the second blood-colored rainbow light, but unfortunately, it was not a divine blood crystal,

Next, Ye Shen kept casting the Teleportation Technique, and frequently shot out.

With Teleportation in his body, Ye Shen’s speed is much faster even than NPCs.

In just a few seconds, Ye Shen had already grabbed more than ten treasures.

At this time, the treasure light that was still in the sky was already getting less and less, most of them had already fallen to the ground, and the few remaining treasure lights were also the targets of many NPCs.

Ye Shen glanced at those rainbow lights, and just as he was about to teleport towards a blue rainbow light, a golden light suddenly shot out from the direction of the palace in the distance.

The speed of that golden light was simply incredibly fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already arrived near the royal auction house.

“It’s not good, it’s a master!”

After seeing the speed of how many shots came, Ye Shen’s heart was awe-inspiring, and he immediately cast the Earth Escape Technique without hesitation.

He knew that whether it was fishing in mixed water, or robbing while it was hot, it was absolutely not allowed by the royal auction house. Moreover, the royal auction house itself is in the holy city, and when a change appears, it will definitely attract real masters.

The time left for them to fish in the water and rob while it is hot is definitely not long.

Therefore, when Ye Shen found that a master was coming, he immediately performed the Earth Escape Technique without hesitation.

In fact, Ye Shen’s reaction was right.

Because, just after he retreated into the ground more than 2,300 meters deep, the golden light had already appeared above the auction hall, and then turned into a middle-aged man in a brocade robe.

At the same time, with the center of the royal auction act, everything within a radius of tens of miles was all still.

Whether on the ground, in the air, NPCs, or players, everything is still.


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