“System tip: You killed the Prairie Wolf King, gained a lot of experience, your level has increased to level 5, your physique +10, intelligence +10, spirit +10.”

“Finally level 5! Hey? Bronze chest? Ye Shen suddenly found that next to the corpse of the Steppe Wolf King, there was a bronze-colored treasure chest lying quietly, and suddenly, Ye Shen’s eyes couldn’t help but light up.

The drops of the “God and Demon Genesis” game, from low to high, are whiteboard treasure chest, bronze treasure chest, silver treasure chest, gold treasure chest, dark gold treasure chest, legendary treasure chest, holy step treasure chest, god step treasure chest, etc.

Each treasure chest has a high chance of opening equipment of the same level, like the treasure chest in front of Ye Shen, there is a great chance to open bronze equipment.

“Finally got it, I didn’t expect that I singled out and killed a bronze boss!”

“This guy, I’m afraid he also has at least 4,000 blood, it’s simply a super blood cow!”

Ye Shen sighed while walking towards the treasure chest.

In this battle, don’t look at Ye Shen did not shed a little blood from beginning to end, but the psychological pressure during it was as heavy as the sea and the abyss.

Because Ye Shen knew that as long as he made a mistake, the result would be death.

During the whole process, he needs to always pay attention to the sudden attack of the steppe wolf king, need to always pay attention to the amount of his mana, and more importantly, carefully find opportunities to guide meditation.

Although the process of guided meditation takes less than 1 second, once forgotten, or caught by the steppe wolf king, the ending is likely to be rewritten.

Fortunately, although he made a mistake in the middle, in the end, he still won!

“Hurry up, if you don’t hurry, then the steppe wolf king will hang!” Just as Ye Shen bent down to pick up the treasure chest, an anxious voice suddenly came from a distance.

“Not good, already hanged!”

“Damn, that’s a bronze chest!”

“Stop, leave the treasure chest!”

The four players shouted arrogantly while rushing quickly, and it was 4 level 0 warriors.

However, Ye Shen did not say “stop”, he “stopped”, but picked up the bronze treasure chest with his own care.

“System prompt: You get the Wolf King Vestment, Wolf King Hat, Wolf King Tooth, Wolf King Skin, you get 1 gold coin, you get 400 prestige!”

“The harvest is not bad!” Ye Shen looked at the backpack with satisfaction.

Wolf King Vestment: Level 5 equippable, Bronze, Defense +25, Life +50, Spirit +5.

Wolf King Hat: Level 5 equippable, Bronze, Defense +25, Health +50, Intelligence +5.

“Good stuff!” After glancing at it, Ye Shen chose the equipment without hesitation.

Suddenly, he felt a force lingering around him, making him greatly increase his strength.

Let’s look at the properties again:

Player: Hand of God

Occupation: Apprentice mage

Level: Level 5

Power: 10 (1 strength = 5 physical attacks).

Agility: 10 (affects attack speed, movement speed, hits, dodges, critical hits).

Constitution: 50 (1 constitution = 2 defense = 10 HP points).

Intelligence: 55 (1 intelligence = 5 spell attacks).

Spirit: 55 (1 spirit = 10 mana or 10 fighting qi).

Physical attack: 50

Spell Attack: 280

Full defense: 150

Life: 500

Mana: 550

Basic Meditation: Level 0, long-term meditation increases mana, and the maximum mana that your mental power can control is spirit*20.

Small Fireball: Level 1, deals 105% spell attack damage to the target, adds 10% mana damage, and consumes 20 mana.


“This attribute, compared to before, is much stronger, sure enough, upgrading and fighting equipment is king!” Looking at his attributes, Ye Shen nodded with satisfaction.

“Boy, tell you to stop, why don’t you stop?”

“Honestly take out the equipment that just burst out, otherwise, Lao Tzu will make you unable to mix in the whole game!”


At this moment, four level 0 trainee warriors finally rushed over and surrounded Ye Shen, shouting angrily and arrogantly.

“What if I say no?” Ye Shen said lightly, a few level 0 little guys, I don’t know who gave them the courage to dare to rob a level 5 trainee mage.

“You want to refuse? Do you know who we are? A warrior smiled, revealing the name “Eternal Warrior” on his head.

“Yes, do you know that what the boss drops, if someone kills within five minutes, it will fall 100%!” Another warrior cooperated and revealed the name “Eternal Relentless” on his head.

“Eternal world?” Ye Shen recalled the content on the forum and said tentatively.

“Just know, honestly take out something, we will remember you!”

“It turns out to be the eternal world, just know who my enemy is!” Ye Shen nodded lightly, turned around and left without hesitation.

“Want to leave without handing over something?”

“Kill him!”

“Heroic strike!”

When several warriors saw Ye Shen’s movements, they suddenly became furious, and the big sword in their hands slashed towards Ye Shen without hesitation.

However, when their attack fell on Ye Shen’s body, it only rippled in a circle of invisible ripples, and in the end, even Ye Shen’s defense was not broken.

“How is it possible, you can’t break the defense?” Seeing this scene, several warriors almost glared out of their eyes.

It was at this time that they knew that Ye Shen’s level and equipment were probably much higher than they thought, but unfortunately, it was too late at this time.

Ye Shen’s magic staff waved, and suddenly, four small fireballs flew out in succession.

“Bang bang bang!”

“-329! -329! -329! -329! ”

As the four up to more than three hundred injuries floated up, the bodies of the four trainee warriors lay scorched to the ground, and there was no longer the slightest sound.

At the same time, there is also an additional white treasure chest on the ground.

“Hey, I actually returned something, is it a new weapon that was dropped?”

Ye Shen reached out and grabbed it, and the treasure chest suddenly arrived in his hand.

“System prompt: You have obtained the magical rosewood staff!”

Magical Sandalwood Staff: Equipment level none, special items, cannot be traded, cannot be discarded, spell attack +100, mana +100, intelligence +10.

“I lean on, Fortune Boy!”

After seeing the attribute of the “Magical Rosewood Staff”, Ye Shen was almost happy.

This staff is definitely the best of novice village leveling.

Those little guys still want to rob him, and if they know that they dropped this staff, they will definitely regret it and cry.

Ye Shen excitedly equipped the staff, and suddenly, his attributes were greatly improved.

“Haha, with these equipment, next, you can safely go to a more advanced place to level up!” Ye Shen excitedly spun the magic staff in his hand and strode towards the novice village.

He decided to hand in the task first, and after handing over the task, he would change the map to level up.


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