From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 595: : The Little Girl's Offensive

Chapter 586 The Little Girl's Offensive

One was fed seriously, the other ate sweetly, and soon, a bowl of chicken soup was wiped out.

Ye Han went to take another bowl, two bowls of chicken soup, and Qinglin's originally pale face regained a touch of ruddy.

A bowl of chicken soup is nothing but a panacea. Although it is impossible to have such an effect, it can quickly restore a seriously injured Dou Zun strong.

However, although chicken soup is not a panacea, Ye Han is!

Looking at the man in front of him with a serious expression, gentle movements, and a concerned expression, Qinglin's heart was wrapped in boundless happiness, just like eating honey.

Ye Hansheng came to the third bowl of chicken soup, but Qinglin only took a sip, and then stared at Ye Han, not opening his mouth to beg for food.

"What's wrong? Are you full?" Ye Han asked.

Qing Lin shook her head when she heard the words, and said, "Brother Ye has been busy for so long and hasn't eaten yet, right?"

"I'm not hungry!"

Ye Han directly shook his head.

But as soon as the words were said, there was a grunting sound in the stomach, which was more embarrassing.

Looking at Qinglin's half-smile eyes, Ye Han scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Pfft!" Qinglin was delighted.

But after the lesson of vomiting blood just now, this time she learned to control her emotions, and she did not cause physical discomfort because of laughter.

"Brother Ye, don't just feed me and drink it!" Qinglin said with a smile.

"Then I'll go..." Ye Han just wanted to say that he was going to serve another bowl, but he saw Qinglin opened his mouth and made an action of waiting for food.

Ye Han had no choice but to hold back what he wanted to say, picked up the spoon again, and gave her a mouthful.

"Brother Ye, drink it too." After drinking the chicken soup in her mouth, the little girl looked at Ye Han and said.

Under the girl's gaze, he hesitated for a while, Ye Han could only bite the bullet and took a sip himself with the spoon that Qingscale had used.

"It's delicious." Ye Han's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, "My craft is really getting better and better."

I don't know why, but this chicken soup is extraordinarily delicious, and it makes people unforgettable. If it wasn't for Qinglin's mouth to urge, he might have to aftertaste it for a long time.

Everything was difficult at the beginning, but everything went smoothly after that.

A bowl of chicken soup quickly bottomed out, Ye Han came to the kitchen again, looked at the tableware there, hesitated for a while, but Ye Hanquan didn't see it, he quickly filled another bowl of chicken soup and came to the bedroom...

With a little charm and an atmosphere of indescribable happiness and peace, a pot full of chicken soup was drank by the two of them unknowingly.

"Brother Ye, I, can you help me change my clothes?" After eating and drinking enough, when Ye Han wanted to let Qinglin lie down to rest, the little girl suddenly said with a bright red face.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Han's palm froze slightly, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, his eyes dodged.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Han came back to his senses and calmed down, then placed the **** the bed gently, pretending that he didn't hear her words.

The little girl's cheeks were flushed, her heart seemed to jump out of her throat, and the thumping sound was like a drum.

She didn't think when she became so bold. She was full of anxiety and shyness. She didn't dare to look at Ye Han, but she thought in her heart, what would Big Brother Ye think of me? Will he think I'm shameless and too unrestrained?

When she was thinking that there was nothing left, she suddenly found that Ye Han got up and was about to leave, as if she hadn't heard her words.

"Brother Ye, it's hard to wear dirty clothes." When Ye Han was about to leave, Qinglin hurriedly said.

"You..." Ye Han said.

"Brother Ye, I'm so tired, I can't use my strength."

The little girl's pitiful voice directly interrupted Ye Han's words, her expression was even more pitiful, and it looked very distressing.

"Okay! I'll help you."

The hero was saddened by the beauty pass, let alone Ye Han. Facing the cute and coquettish girl, Ye Han could only nod his head.

Qinglin's coat was covered in blood, and it was indeed a little dirty, and she didn't lie when she said that she was tired.

After the seriously injured girl drank the chicken soup, her body felt warm, but she couldn't bring up the slightest strength, especially when she stayed by Ye Han's side, the feeling of peace of mind made her even more lazy.

Ye Han stretched out his palm, grabbed the ribbon on the girl Xian's waist, and pulled one end of the bow.

Ye Han paused, took a deep breath, looked at his nose, nose, and heart, then stretched out his hands, grabbed the girl's skirt, and gently parted it to the sides.

The refreshing aroma strikes, stimulates people's sense of smell, makes people's adrenaline secrete unconsciously, and instantly feels dry mouth...

A small white coat embroidered with pink lotus flowers appeared in front of him, Ye Han just glanced at it, then quickly picked up the girl from the bed, and quickly removed her coat.

At this time, Ye Han maximized his speed, his hands were flexible and fast, and after finishing everything, he quickly put her down again like holding a hedgehog.

"You, you have a good rest, I'll wash this clothes for you." After hurriedly speaking, Ye Han hurriedly stepped forward, but as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by Qinglin again.

"Brother Ye, you, you just left like this?" the girl said Ye Han turned around blankly, and then the corner of his mouth twitched.

The girl took off her coat by herself. Although she was not without clothes, her crystal-like limbs were exposed to the air, and she forgot to put a quilt on her.

He quickly came to the girl and pulled up the quilt to cover her, but because he was in a hurry, the moment he pulled the quilt over the girl's body, he inadvertently touched the girl's smooth and delicate skin. Han Xinshen was shocked and almost lost his spirit.

He hurriedly walked to the door, looked back in a strange way, just in time to meet the girl's shy expression, Ye Han was even more panicked, then stumbled and crawled directly out of the door.

"Pfft! ~ Brother Y, are you alright?" The girl couldn't help laughing, and then asked with concern.

"No, it's fine." After a quick reply, Ye Han fled.

"Hehe, Brother Ye, you can't run away." The girl smiled and closed her eyes.

After only three or five breaths, the girl was already deep in sleep, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, obviously making a sweet dream.

Ye Han came to the well, holding the girl's dress in his hand, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

"Why is this happening? Could it be that the little girl treats me, no, it's impossible, how could the little girl be like me? She must have regarded me as a big brother, so she was close to me without any precautions, Ye Han, Ye Han, you are really a beast, the little girl is so innocent, you actually..."

(End of this chapter)

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