Chapter 550

A little bit of crimson blood was scattered over the nine days, and the screams were continuous.

Qian Renxue's eyes were cold and her face was extremely calm, and she was not shaken by these screams.

With one blow, all the enemies were repulsed, and there was also a trace of sinuous red blood on the corner of her mouth involuntarily.

Obviously, blocking the enemy this time was not easy for her.

Looking around, Qian Renxue waved eighteen wings behind her, and her body rushed in one direction in an instant.

Her family knows her family affairs, she is in a bad state, she must leave this place as soon as possible to find a place to heal her injuries, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Where is the witch running?"

Seeing this, those who were injured by Qian Renxue's counterattack roared angrily, and then tried their best to chase after Qian Renxue, who was fleeing.

Originally, some of these people came with the mentality of making friends with good intentions, but at this moment, they have simply forgotten everything, and they were all caused by Qian Renxue's attack.

Seven or eight figures followed one after another, full of anger, completely forgetting that what they had just done was the culprit that caused their injury.

A group of people shouted and cursed, venting the anger in their hearts, chasing after Qian Renxue aggressively.

Hearing the various insults coming from her ears, Qian Renxue pursed her red lips, and hurriedly looked back, a trace of anger flashed on her cold cheeks.

If it wasn't for her own body, she really wanted to rush over here, splitting the **** in half with one sword, each with the same mouth as eating feces, it stinks too much.

A group of people took Qian Renxue as an arrow, passing under the vast sky like a shooting star, attracting the attention of countless people.

Perhaps it was because of the will of God that Qian Renxue fled in the east.

And in this direction, there are two figures standing and watching this direction at this time.

These are two women, about the same age, both looking to be in their twenties. One woman is wearing a long cyan dress.

The other woman was dressed in white, and her whole body was filled with a sense of indifference. Her fair face was calm and unwavering, elegant and indifferent, as if there was nothing in this world that could interest her.

"Teacher, what happened to the fluctuation just now? It's terrifying. Even with my current strength, I have a feeling that if I get hit, I'm afraid I will die instantly." The woman in blue looked at the woman in white with a lingering fear road.

"It's terrifying, but it's still a long way from us, let's go!" The woman in white smiled lightly.

The bright smile made the girl next to her stunned for a while, and she couldn't help but let out a sincere sigh, "It's so beautiful."

Seeing this indifferent but beautiful smile, the sadness in the woman's heart in Tsing Yi seemed to have been diluted a lot.

Then she reacted, she looked at the woman in white and said, "Teacher, can't we go and have a look?"

Hearing the words, the woman in white did not show any kindness that did not match her age. She stretched out her long jade-like palm and gently stroked the girl's head.

When the girl in Tsing Yi heard the words of the woman in white clothes, her **** and white eyes turned slightly red, and she instantly felt the urge to cry.

"Thank you, teacher." The girl stepped forward and gently hugged the waist of the woman in white, her elegant little face was full of emotion, she looked up at the woman and said.

"Fool, what else can I say thank you!" The woman in white looked like she was in her twenties, but at the moment she had a kind look on her face that didn't match her age, and said, "Tell me, where do you want to go? I'll accompany you. where to go."

"Then why don't we go there to see?" The girl thought about it and said so.

The woman in white smiled and nodded.

She can't guess the girl's thoughts. I'm afraid she doesn't know in her heart whether she can be firm in her mind when she really faces that person, and her will to kill is as firm as ever. At this moment, she needs to be calm and calm.

The woman in white stepped forward, her graceful figure was slender and moving, and her black hair was like ink dyed, which looked smart and elegant.

The woman in Tsing Yi stepped forward quickly and hugged the arm of the woman in white clothes, like a naughty child, with a touching smile on her face, glanced at the woman in white clothes, and then hung on the other side like a koala. His body was full of attachment.

The woman in white smiled slightly, but didn't care.

The two of them are strong, and their speed is naturally not slow. One step is ten million meters, which is no slower than opening a time-space tunnel.

In an instant, a distance of thousands of miles slipped past the feet of the two of them.

The sound of battle was faintly heard from the front of the two of them, and the sound of the collision of swords and soldiers was faintly mixed with the sound of the rumbling explosion.

"Demon girl, if you don't tell your origin today, you won't want to leave." A group of people surrounded Qian Renxue, who was wearing a long dress in a golden palace dress, with wide-eyed and murderous eyes.

After Qian Renxue's self-explained shock, the physical injury is one aspect, and the most important thing is the psychological shock. Even if he is surrounded by a heavy siege, he still looks absent-minded. The whole person's combat strength is due to both physical and psychological reasons , At this time, it is not bad to be able to play 60%, and it didn't take long for everyone to escape.

In the face of the heavy siege, Qian Renxue was too lazy to say a word. The golden angel sword shot The sword was brilliant like the sky. And the Dou Sheng who broke through to eight or nine stars is not false at all.

The so-called trapped beasts are still fighting, let alone people.

Thinking of Ye Han's death, Qian Renxue felt heartache, but at this moment, she could only turn her grief into strength, and a powerful battle force was forcibly unleashed at this moment.

The dazzling golden sword light is noble and majestic, majestic and cold, full of ruthlessness.

A sword is swung out and there are thousands of sword lights, and these sword lights carry not only sharp energy, but also the power of violent thunder and the holy light that purifies everything.

A group of people came aggressively, but one person was beheaded in the blink of an eye, and their bodies were purified by the holy light, and they fell completely.

A group of people lost their voices for a moment, and then there was a moment of silence, then all of them were stern and introverted, and began to shout again, but no one dared to step forward.

"Get out or die." Qian Renxue pointed the angel's sword straight at the person in front of him, and finally spoke.

The cold voice was extremely pleasant, but when it fell into the ears of these strong men, it made their faces burn and felt extremely harsh.

A group of people chased after him, but now they are pointed at the nose and scolded, but no one dares to speak out and be that early bird, which is a bit funny.

Ren Shan was deceived by others, Qian Renxue beheaded one person forcefully, showing his thunderous means, directly shocking everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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