From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 556: : golden rain

Qian Renxue's eyes showed the feeling of longing. At this moment, her originally cold and glamorous face had a soft color that could not be concealed because of her longing, which was extremely moving.

However, for Zhang San, the beauty in front of him was long gone.

The goddess is married, and the groom is not me.

Zhang San felt ashes in an instant, feeling that he would never fall in love again.

"Get out of here, or you will definitely die." Qian Renxue quickly calmed down, her flawless fair face turned cold again, looking at Zhang Sandao.

When Zhang San heard the words, he came back to his senses and stared blankly at Qian Renxue, his eyes flickering, suddenly a little excited, "Goddess, are you caring about me?"

When Qian Renxue heard this, she rolled her eyes and said she was speechless at this guy's thick skin.

My own words have said this, this guy is still like a dog-skin plaster, is it really necessary to cut him with a sword to get out of the way?

Qian Renxue was speechless and turned away.

Having said all this, I am not related to him and not related to him. I have been able to do so much, and I have done so much. His life and death have nothing to do with him.

Qian Renxue moved forward at a very high speed, but who knew that Zhang San actually followed directly.

"You really don't know what to do." Qian Renxue said coldly.


Zhang San smiled slightly, with two rows of white teeth showing on his blackened face, looking a little disgusted.

"Goddess, I'm not stupid. If it wasn't for the goddess to save me just now, I'm afraid I'd be dead now. If I leave now, it's better to follow you safely." Zhang Santian said shamelessly.

Qian Renxue "..."

Looking at Zhang San indifferently, Qian Renxue stopped talking and turned away.

She has also discovered now that this is a person who can open a dyeing room by giving him three points of color, so ignoring him is the real solution.

The purple thunder shone, building a deep channel, and I don't know where it spreads, giving people a sense of boundlessness, as if it would never end.

The purple thunder is the main body, and the golden thunder fox jumps during the period. At the same time, it is also accompanied by the flashing of the blood-colored thunder, giving people a strange and depressing feeling.

Originally, this was a restricted area for living beings, but because of Qian Renxue, Zhang San was fortunate enough to break into this place.

Different from Qian Renxue, after Zhang San stepped into this place, he only felt endless pressure, as if he could kill him if he was not careful.

He was a little regretful at this time. He really shouldn't be hot-headed. He was suddenly overwhelmed by the so-called love. Now, the goddess belongs to someone else, but he is in a dilemma. Frightened.

"Goddess, which race are you from?"

Zhang San opened his mouth, trying to relieve the pressure in his heart.

Unfortunately, Qian Renxue ignored him at this time.

"Goddess, you are so beautiful, do you have a younger sister or sister?"

Zhang San chattered endlessly, but Qian Renxue never said a word. Finally, in this boundless passage, it seemed that he had experienced endless time and space, and finally something was different.

It was an extremely strong energy fluctuation, as if... someone was fighting here.

Qian Renxue stopped, her expression a little stunned for a while.

"Goddess, have you figured it out, there's nothing to see here, why don't we get out of here!" Zhang San said immediately after realizing that Qian Renxue had stopped.

Along the way, he has been chattering and persuading, wanting to make Qian Renxue turn back, but unfortunately, Qian Renxue ignored him at all.

At this moment, Qian Renxue heard his words again, and finally turned to look at him and said, "Did you feel the strong energy fluctuations ahead?"

"Goddess, you finally talked to me. What did you say? Yes, energy fluctuations are everywhere! Look at this thunder, he is big and thick, look at this space storm, he is everywhere..." Zhang San Open your mouth.

Qian Renxue was speechless and rushed forward.

I knew earlier that I couldn't talk to this dog-skin plaster, so why did I forget about it all of a sudden?

"Oh! Goddess, wait for me!" Zhang San was startled. At this moment, how could he not know that the reason why he was able to come here unharmed was entirely because of Qian Renxue. If he left her 100 meters away , I am afraid that I will die without a whole corpse in an instant.

"It's him."

After walking for a certain distance again, Qian Renxue's beautiful eyes flashed slightly, revealing a color of surprise that could not be concealed, and she was extremely excited.

At this moment, she finally felt that the energy fluctuation was too familiar. It was him, her husband, and the person she had been looking for for more than a year... Ye Han.

"Sure enough, it is someone's energy fluctuations, there are strong people fighting people here, wow, goddess, your senses are too sensitive, many times stronger than me, but what kind of pervert is this place, you can actually fight people here. , It's terrible, goddess, I think we should hurry up! In case that pervert sees you, with your appearance, goddess, I'm worried that he will be detrimental to you... oh goddess, I haven't finished my words yet? Wait for me, don't leave me!"

Just halfway through Zhang San's words of exhortation, he found that Qian Renxue suddenly accelerated and continued to fly towards the end of the endless passage. The speed was so fast that Zhang San was startled, and he couldn't care less about being blind. Chase forward.

The mysterious place of Ye Han's fighting power is full, burning indestructible primordial spirit, more than a dozen worlds in his body bloom with infinite might, making his combat power soar to a terrifying level.

The unparalleled battle spear is sharp and indestructible, and the unparalleled battle armor is indestructible, both of which are in one, Ye Han fights the sky and fights the earth, killing him to madness.

He doesn't know how many so-called Dou Di powerhouses he has killed, but there is no end in sight, as if these existences will never be killed.

And the fact is indeed the case. The way of heaven is transformed into life, and the way of Tao creates all kinds of laws. It has endless changes. It is not easy to go against the sky with only human power.

Fight, fight! ~

Kill kill kill! ~

The energy far beyond the understanding of ordinary people is flooded in this void, and the terrifying fluctuations leaked out one by one, which can penetrate the planet and kill the eight or nine-star fighting saint powerhouse. This is Ye Han's combat power at this time.

However, the Dao of Dou Break the World is immortal, and it is possible to produce Dou Di-level powerhouses forever to participate in the war.

"How can man be able to beat the sky, and the ants are still not in control?" The heavens roared, making a deafening sound, disturbing Ye Han's mind.

"There is a saying that people can conquer the sky, but you don't understand it." Ye Han said, his voice was so strong and powerful that this void space trembled for it.

Ye Han was wearing a sky blue unparalleled battle armor with golden patterns on it shining brightly. He held a sharp spear, and on top of the spear was a tall figure.

The arm shook slightly, and the spear generated a shocking force in an instant, which directly shattered the figure hanging on it, causing a golden rain to fall in this empty space.

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