From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 514: : Undefeated in the East

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Dawn, the rising sun.


Ye Han sat up from the ground, stretched his waist long, and exhaled with a lazy look, "It's cool."

After moving his body for a while, he turned his head, then stared at the empty barbecue grill, his face was cloudy for a while, and then he watched the eyelashes tremble slightly, but he was pretending to be calm, pretending to sleep in black clothes, the corners of his mouth Can not help but slightly upturned.

"You woman, say, did you steal my barbecue?" Ye Han appeared beside Xuanyi in a flash, grabbed her collar and pulled her up, angrily.

"You, what nonsense are you talking about, don't wrong people." Xuanyi opened his eyes and said in shock and anger.

"There's only you and me here, who else would it be if you didn't eat it?" Ye Han said.

"Do you know who I am? I am one of the three giants of the Danta, and I have a distinguished status, so I won't eat your lowly barbecued meat?" Xuanyi said stubbornly.

"No?" Ye Han turned his eyes, then lowered his head and looked down, his Adam's apple rolled slightly.

Men's clothes are somewhat inappropriate for women. Ye Han grabbed Xuanyi's collar and pulled it. He looked down and saw everything.

And this scene naturally did not escape Xuanyi's magic eye.

"Bastard, where are your eyes? Let go of your dog's paws." Xuanyi cursed angrily, holding down his collar in a hurry.

"Cut! It's not like I haven't seen it, I have touched it!" Ye Han pushed the Xuanyi away with a look of disdain, and then, a piece of barbecue the size of a palm slipped out of her clothes.

Obviously, this is the ration that Xuanyi prepared for himself in case of emergency.

But at this moment, the two of them stared at each other, and Xuanyi's pretty face became a seductive blush at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Cough cough! ~

Ye Han looked up at the sky, whistled, stood up, and said that he didn't see anything.

Xuanyi felt guilty for a while and did not dare to look at Ye Han.

It took a while for him to react. Facing this **** in front of him, he felt so guilty.

This beast treats him like that, and he doesn't have the ability to kill him now. What's wrong with stealing something from him? Besides, does this **** really know that he is stealing something?


With a cold snort, Xuan Yi stood up and walked straight ahead.

"This way."

The corner of Ye Han's mouth was slightly upturned, he opened his mouth to remind, then turned around and walked in the other direction.

Xuanyi's body froze slightly when he heard the words, he turned to look at Ye Han, and chopped his feet involuntarily, but looking at the back that was walking away, he heard a vague climb not far away. With the voice, his face couldn't help changing, and he could only chase after Ye Han's distant figure.

She doesn't want to die yet, at least she can't die so suffocated, and she has to create a little trouble for Ye Han...

half a month later.

Soul Clan Emperor Hun Tian returned to the family scoldingly and looked at the ancient world carefully built by countless experts of the Soul Clan. The once beautiful landscape, once magnificent and magnificent, turned into an endless broken limb in just two months. The mountain range that once towered into the clouds collapsed, and the buildings where the Soul Clan lived turned into the remains of the ruins. At this moment, even if the Soul Clan did not pay much attention, the Soul Heaven Emperor's eyes were a little red.

"Who can tell me? What the **** is going on with this special code?" The Emperor Huntian roared up to the sky, his voice moved, and the ancient world, which was already broken, shivered under his roar, and almost collapsed.


At this moment, an explosion sounded from the depths of the ancient soul clan.

Soul Heavenly Emperor's eyes narrowed, his sword brows stood up, and murderous aura erupted in his eyes, and his body moved directly towards the direction of the explosion.

Bang bang bang! ~

The five figures fell to the ground in embarrassment, were blasted away by a huge force, and fell to the ground like a broken sack.

These are the five most powerful elders of the soul clan.

The Soul Clan's Dou Sheng is obviously not only the Soul Heaven Emperor, but from the beginning to the end, only the Soul Heaven Emperor appeared when they competed for the medicine pill, and the Soul Heaven Emperor faintly discovered that something was wrong.

So after getting rid of Gu Yuan's entanglement, he returned to the family for the first time, but he didn't expect the matter to be so serious that even his old nest was almost overturned.

"Who can tell me what's going on here? Also, what about nothingness?" Emperor Soul Heaven appeared beside an elder, his voice indifferent and enduring the boundless anger.

"Clan, patriarch, you've come back." An old Soul Clan Fighting Saint turned his head and burst into tears instantly after seeing the Soul Heaven Emperor, crying like a child who found his parents, "After sensing that strange medicinal fragrance , We gathered our staff and were about to leave, but something happened on the side of Elder Nether. He was blocked at the door of his house and was caught in a life-and-death battle. At first, Elder Nether seemed to want to defeat the opponent alone, but the opponent Come prepared, and the means are endless, after a period of time, the void elder will not be an opponent, when he discovers this, it will be too late, and we have lost the best opportunity to shoot."

"The fighting between the two is too fierce, and the fluctuations caused are extremely terrifying. If not all the elders joined forces to suppress the ancient world, there is probably no soul clan in this world. After we send all the clan members away, the ancient world will become It is now."

"Patriarch, you must avenge my clan!"

The old man cried like a child. It was really sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who saw it, which made people feel extremely sad.

It's a pity that Emperor Soul Heaven's eyes were no longer on him, and all his thoughts were on the figure in white that slowly appeared on the broken ground.

The white clothes are flying, the black hair is like a waterfall, and the slender figure stands peerless, like Ao Xue Hanmei, any beautiful words in the world are not enough to describe her temperament and beauty. If you have to use one word to describe it, it can only be said, Fabulous.

Emperor Huntian had abstained from **** for many years, but seeing this figure at this moment, he still couldn't help his eyes light up. Suddenly his silent heart became active, and he felt a heartbeat.

"Who are you? Why did you come to my soul clan to make trouble? What about the nihilistic elder of our soul clan?" Emperor Hun Tian asked, and threw three questions in a row to the figure in white.

The LSP attribute flared up, and when he spoke, the anger and killing intent he originally carried on his body also unknowingly decreased a lot.

"who I am?"

The figure in white looked up, looked into the distance, and there was a slight sadness in his eyes.

A feeling of tenderness that made people feel heartbroken instantly appeared on her body. The original cold frost was arrogant, like a snow-capped ice lotus. I couldn't help but feel the care and pain.

"Sunrise in the East, only I am undefeated, my name is..." The woman suddenly spoke with a sense of thought, her voice was clear and sweet, but it carried a majesty that could not be ignored.

The meaning of weakness instantly vanished, and the meaning of ruthlessness and iron blood instantly filled the weak body.

Seeing this, Emperor Huntian couldn't help showing a scorching heat in his eyes. Compared with weak women, he preferred strong and domineering women. After all, such women were more able to arouse his desire to conquer for a hero like Huntiandi.

So, Emperor Huntian opened his mouth, and followed the woman's words without thinking, "You call Dongfang Invincible, right?"

Cough cough! ~

The woman in white choked on her own saliva, with a suspicious look in her eyes, and looked at the Soul Heavenly Emperor up and down, just like Ye Han looked at her in Douluo Continent. Desire's eyes, she understands that she is thinking too much.

This guy is not like Ye Han is a soul from another time and space, but based on his own words, he has chosen a name for himself.

"However, is the East invincible?"

The corners of the woman's mouth were slightly raised, she thought for a while, and said, "Yes, from now on I will be called Dongfang Invincible."

Since he can live again, his body can be given up, and a name is nothing. Fortunately, he has given up cleanly, and he can start all over again.

"Dongfang Invincible, such a domineering name, but I am afraid that this name is the only one in this world that can be worthy of a girl." Emperor Hun Tian opened his mouth and flattered.

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