From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 510: : Back to Carbine

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

The time-space tunnel leading to nowhere disappeared, and along with it, Xuanyi's tall and slender figure disappeared from Ye Han's eyes.

Shaking his head, Ye Han raised his hand and looked at the space ring on his hand, with a warm smile on his face...

But the next moment, he involuntarily let out a muffled groan, his face suddenly turned pale as paper, and there was a trace of bright and dazzling blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Killing the three five-star fighting saints in a row made him suffer a lot of injuries, and then the non-stop brewing of alchemy took a lot of energy...

After the mind relaxed at this moment, after procrastinating for several days, the injury that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out in full force.

Looking at the sky, Ye Han raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then took a step forward. A time-space tunnel naturally appeared in front of him and engulfed his body.

As soon as Ye Han left his front feet, someone appeared on his back feet, and there were far more than one person...

"You can't run."

Someone sneered, and opened up a time-space tunnel to catch up instantly.

Due to the assistance of the four people just now, very few people knew that Ye Han was alchemy here, and most of them were attracted by the last thundercloud.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late.

Of course, there were also a few people who knew that Ye Han was concocting pills here. Unfortunately, although these people were powerful, they also restrained each other, which gave Ye Han an opportunity.

At this moment, the space tunnels opened, and everyone stopped delaying. One after another, powerful figures chased Ye Han directly.

Not long after the group left, a space tunnel appeared silently in the air, and a tall figure in white stepped out, it was Ye Han.

After going back and forth, after traveling through time and space many times, he killed a carbine and returned to the place he just left.

"Should be able to buy me some time!" Ye Han stumbled to the ground, and then he didn't care about anything else, he directly found a valley, concealed his own breath, took out three Nether Blood Pills, and swallowed them directly.

If Xuanyi saw this scene, he would be stunned again.

This guy just said that the Netherworld Blood Pill can't be taken directly, but in a blink of an eye, he directly took three?

The words were divided into two parts, but they said Xuanyi, the woman's eyebrows frowned slightly, and her face was blue and white as she stepped out of the time-space tunnel.

Ye Han's words before parting made her angry.

As Ye Han said, although she was out of trouble for a while, as long as Ye Han didn't die, I'm afraid she would not be at peace. There will always be people who want to capture her and use herself for benefits.

After Ye Han appeared, Danta's status was directly trampled underfoot, and those who used to respect them were long gone.

Now, I am afraid that many people regret not taking action on themselves earlier.

Thinking that in the future, I might be like a mouse, hiding everywhere, Xuanyi became discouraged, the anger in his heart rose, and he gnashed his teeth for Ye Han...

"You bastard, it's all your fault." Xuanyi cursed angrily.

Although he was released by Ye Han, the hatred for him in his heart increased instead of decreasing.

If you provoked someone to provoke someone, didn't you just go to see the fun? How did things turn out like this?


With a sound of incompetent fury, Xuanyi felt upset, and immediately became a little discouraged.

The elixir that Ye Han refined this time involved too many saint-level powerhouses. The nine-star peak Dou Zun might have been able to be prominent and become an overlord in the past, but it was still not enough in this game, her strength was too weak .

Suddenly, the dejected Xuanyi's eyes lit up slightly.

"He, it seems, seems, maybe, injured." Xuanyi couldn't help thinking of the scene after Ye Han took him through the time and space tunnel.

His body staggered obviously, standing unsteadily, and most importantly, he let himself go.

Are you not pretty enough?

Are you not attractive enough?

Or do you despise your own beauty?


Xuanyi muttered to himself, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

She felt that it should be because her strength was able to threaten him who was seriously injured, so he had to let him go.

"Hahaha, bastard, your time to die has come."

With a mad laugh, Xuanyi turned around, opened a time-space tunnel between his waves, stepped into it with high spirits, and when he appeared, he had already arrived at the mountain range he had just left.

"have they gone?"

The surrounding space-time power is too chaotic, apparently many time-space tunnels appeared not long ago, and did not find Ye Han immediately, so Xuanyi couldn't help frowning, but it was only for a moment, the next moment she smiled. , this smile is like a peony in full bloom, full of confidence and pride.

Xuanyi has had an extremely outstanding talent since she was a child, that is, the sense of smell. With this talent, she is much smoother than others when it comes to refining pharmacists.

After years of practice, she has developed this talent into her own unique supernatural power.

With a confident smile, she squeezed the seal in her hand, and sniffed with her upturned nose. An invisible scent was instantly captured by her. The scent was familiar to Xuanyi, because it was her own breath.

Because Ye Han had intimate contact with her, he pursued this breath, and then...

"The cunning guy actually resorted to the trick of returning the carbine. Unfortunately, he met his aunt, and you are doomed."

Xuanyi's beautiful eyes gleamed, the seal in his hand was put away, and his eyes were looking at a valley not far away.

With a whisper, she was approaching the past while pinching her hands and feet.

The effect of the Nether Blood Pill is indeed extremely overbearing. Ye Han took three pills at a time, and all the meridians in the body were destroyed in an instant. However, this was what Ye Han had expected.

At the moment when the meridians were destroyed, the Taixuan Jing was instantly activated, and the mysterious power communicated with all the cells in the body, twisted into a rope, and began to guide the power of the medicine pill.

The powerful power of destruction often represents a new life in the future. The manic power of the Nether Blood Pill was suppressed, and the medicinal effect became mild, releasing a strong power of creation, repairing Ye Han's broken meridians...

If it weren't for the urgency of time, Ye Han would not have chosen such a domineering way.

But now it seems that this solution is not a coup.

Judging from the current situation, he would be able to return to normal in a few moments.

However, seeing that he was about to be done, Ye Han's tightly closed brows could not help but slightly raise, and a completely unexpected person suddenly appeared not far from him.

"Xuanyi, how could this woman suddenly kill me with a carbine?" Ye Han was full of puzzlement, never thinking that his own moves against others would be used by this woman against himself.

"Haha! As I Xuanyi's palms pressed against his pounding heart, looking at Ye Han with his eyes closed and his face as pale as paper, he couldn't help but let out a loud laugh. In the other palm, a flaming long sword condensed.

Thinking of what happened to him in this period of time, Xuanyi gritted his teeth with hatred, and the culprit behind all this was right in front of him.

Now as long as he is killed, those things on his body can definitely allow him to break through and have enough self-protection power. If he hides for a while, when this gust of wind passes, everything will return to the right track...

Thinking of this, Xuanyi's anger rose from his heart, and his hatred turned to his guts. He raised his sword and stabbed Ye Han's chest directly, so that he could feel what it means to be cold in the heart...

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